162 research outputs found

    Constructs of Process Change Management in ERP Context: A Focus on SAP R/3

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    This paper explores the ERP phenomenon from a process change management (PCM) perspective. A framework is used to highlight the various PCM constructs in the context of SAP R/3 implementation. Evidence on how these constructs are operationalized in practice is drawn from a large collection of R/3 case studies representing various organizational experiences. The paper provides foundation and recommends several ideas for future research and investigation

    Knowledge and best practice management through benchmarking: A global survey

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    Developing best practice through benchmarking features as a critical activity in the business world as it is a vital approach for sharing and transferring knowledge.Companies across the globe have embraced these concepts but have done so with a varied level of success.Some have managed to create huge market place advantages whilst others have fared less favourably.The purpose of this research is to establish the level of benchmarking activity and application globally.The information gathered included both the hard and soft issues associated with benchmarking and following analysis,attempted to evaluate the level of benchmarking maturity reached across different industry fields and size of operation.This global survey helps understand what leads to effective benchmarking and development of best practices

    Enterprise Resource Planning of Business Process Systems

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    In ERP implementation, customization should usually be undertaken to ensure a fit between business process systems and current organizational processes. This paper focuses on the issues associated with ERP customization and how large organizations deal with them. Information presented in this paper was gathered from reviewing related literature and interviews with implementation and consulting teams of a major ERP vendor. Customization issues addressed in this paper are organizational information needs or requirements, cost, technical complications, and lack of knowledge and experience within the implementation team. These factors, if not considered adequately, may lead to ERP implementation failure

    Enhancing Private Health Sector Preparedness in Oman: An Evaluation of Effective Public-Private Partnerships in Healthcare Disaster Management.

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    The continuous increase in frequency of disasters, their overwhelming impact on public healthcare systems worldwide, and the resultant increasing demand to integrate the private sector into healthcare disaster management efforts, together demonstrate the importance of building effective Public Private Partnerships (PPPs). PPPs – largely developed in the West – provide a framework for integration and achievement of mutual benefits for both sectors. In addition, the Sendai framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030, international organisations, and advocates for PPP, prioritise its adoption and recognise it as a promising future agenda. The extensive proliferation of PPP projects in developed countries, and PPP’s increasing popularity in developing countries, highlights the growing need to investigate the various aspects of their operation in order to ensure the achievement of their target outcomes. The thesis argues that existing literature to date does not sufficiently elucidate inter- organisational relationships (IORs) within PPPs and contends that understanding the relational alongside the structural and economic aspects of PPPs is key to managing them effectively. This thesis, a path-finding study in terms of Oman, addresses the gap in the literature by creating an analytical baseline for Oman, as a non-Western Middle East country, it employs a case study methodology with an exploratory qualitative approach to critically investigate the current situation of PPPs between public and for-profit private healthcare sectors, their underlying IORs, and the factors and challenges that can shape them. The broad aim of this research is to extend the research on PPPs in the healthcare DM in Oman and to examine whether the promise of PPPs, implied in theory and supported by literature, is relevant in the Omani context. Furthermore, this thesis proposes an integrative framework, derived from well-established literature, to guide data collection and analysis. The research finds that the organisational, contextual and motivational factors within a specific context could play a significant role in influencing PPPs and shaping their underlying IORs. Understanding the country context is essential for managing these factors and predicting the most effective PPP framework, with the best synergistic outcomes, for that specific context. Moreover, the thesis highlights the limitations of the current PPP situation in Oman. It stresses the importance of building a comprehensive framework that sets up the infrastructure for effective PPPs, and that mitigates limitations such as the lack of regulatory and financial frameworks, and deficiencies in preparedness within the private sector. The empirical findings of this research predict that effective PPPs could be attained for the Omani context, within its hierarchical governance structure setting, with contractual IORs, their asymmetrical balance and a repetitive cyclical flow of process. The thesis calls for attention to the categorisation and classification of PPP arrangements in order to provide greater understanding into alternative types of PPPs. Finally, it provides empirical evidence on the applicability of PPPs to the developing country context, and therefore contributes to extending the spectrum of PPP research

    القواعد الفقهية المنظمة لأحكام ثبوت الحق وإثباته وتطبيقاتها في كتاب الذخيرة للإمام القرافي Fiqh Rules Establishing and Proving Islamic Rights and their Applications in Al-Thakhira Book by Imam Al-Qarafi

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    هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى بيان القواعد الفقهية المنظمة لأحكام ثبوت الحق وإثباته من كتاب الذخيرة للإمام القرافي، وبيان بعض تطبيقاتها الفقهية في أبواب الفقه المختلفة، ولتحقيق هدف الدراسة اتبع المنهج الاستقرائي الذي يعتمد على استقراء القواعد الفقهية المنظمة لأحكام الحقوق والواجبات من كتاب الذخيرة، ثم استخدام المنهج الوصفي لبيان مفهوم هذه القواعد وشرحها وكذلك بيان القواعد ذات الصلة، وذكر بعض تطبيقاتها الفقهية، ومعرفة مدى فاعلية هذه القواعد في ضبط أحكام ثبوت الحق وإثباته. وقد أظهرت الدراسة أن هنالك العديد من القواعد الفقهية المنظمة لأحكام الحقوق والواجبات في كتاب الذخيرة للقرافي، وأن هذا الكتاب موسوعة علمية وفقهية كبيرة تحتوي على كم هائل من القواعد الفقهية والتي ما زالت تحتاج لمزيد من البحث والدراسة. الكلمات المفتاحية: الإمام القرافي، القواعد الفقهية، كتاب الذخيرة، الحقوق، ثبوت الحق. This study aims to clarify the Fiqh rules establishing and proving Islamic rights from Al-Qarafi’s book entitled Al-Thakhira, focusing on Fiqh applications from various Fiqh fields. To achieve the objectives of the study, the inductive method was adopted to extract these Fiqh rules which prove Islamic rights and duties from Al-Thakhira book. The descriptive method was also adopted to clarify and explain the concepts of these Fiqh rules and other relevant rules, mention some of its Fiqh applications, and know the effectiveness of these rules in regulating and proving Islamic rights. The present study shows that there are many Fiqh rules regulating Islamic rights and duties in Al-Thakhira book. However, this book can be considered a Fiqh encyclopedia that contains a large number of Fiqh rules that still need further research and study. Keywords: Imam Al-Qarafi, Jurisprudence Rules, Al-Thakhira, rights, Establishing the truth

    The internet of things in manufacturing innovation processes: development and application of a conceptual framework

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    Purpose: This study aims to contribute and enrich the scientific debate about the phenomenon called the Internet of Things (IoT) from a managerial perspective. Through the lenses of management and innovation literature, we investigate the main facts that characterize the IoT and developed a conceptual framework to interpret its evolution. The framework has then been applied to the case of a three-dimensional (3D) printing technology used for additive manufacturing. Design/methodology/approach: A theoretical analysis of the phenomenon of the IoT and its main elements has been performed to construct a conceptual framework in a managerial fashion able to describe the evolutionary impacts of the phenomenon on the manufacturing industry. Findings: Through consequential steps, namely radical, modular, architectural and incremental innovation, and by adopting and integrating the Henderson and Clark model, we explain the cornerstones of the evolutionary impact of the IoT on the manufacturing industry. Finally, we apply our framework to the case of additive manufacturing and 3D printing. Practical implications: Our framework’s practical value is related to its employability in interpreting and possibly forecasting the evolution of manufacturing industries thanks to the advent of the IoT, allowing managers to capture value arising from technological changes. Originality/value: This study offers a clear and simple model to interpret the impacts of the IoT. Such a goal has been obtained by systematizing the disconnected research on the topic and arranging such contributions into solid paradigms of the managerial literature

    Using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) in SAP Fiori

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    This article presents a case study that was carried out in two companies that have implemented SAP Fiori. The As-Is and To-Be description of the process in which SAP Fiori was implemented was performed. The advantages and disadvantages of using SAP Fiori were also identified. The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) has been used in order to understand the aspects that most influence users to consider SAP Fiori as an added value, and how it optimizes the tasks of users. TAM has two variables that will influence the acceptance of a technology, which are: perceived ease of use and perceived utility.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Understanding business process management: implications for theory and practice

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    Draft version published as a discussion paper. Final version published in British Journal of Management © British Academy of Management. Available online at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/This paper presents an empirically validated framework of business process management (BPM) to enable the pursuit of BPM theory. Phase 1 of the research focused on the development of an initial framework of BPM, derived from a synthesis of current literature. This comprised five key themes, subsequently categorized as 'application components' of BPM. The empirical validation of the framework was approached through case-based research, utilizing semi-structured interviews with managers of a large financial services organization, to explore the dimensions of the framework. The results suggest that, in addition to confirming the five 'application components' of the initial framework, three additional 'conceptual components' are important. These concepts differentiate BPM from other process management activities, and suggest that developing a prerequisite 'process mindset' is a fundamental component of a BPM approach