7 research outputs found

    Study the effect of coloration diet on Broiler Performance

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    The Effect of coloration feed on body weight & feed intake of broiler chickens. The objective of the study was to investigate the colcration of the feed by uses four colours feed (red,yellow,green and blue) on the body weight & feed intake of broiler chickens A total of 50 chicks of one-day fawbro broiler chicks as hatched were divided in to 5 equal group & equal in sex and added one of colour feed in to feed of the one of group and leave tee last group as acontrol group (given anormal feed not coloration).    The mean body weight of red feed group was increase (286.3) gm comparative with the mean body weight of control group & (107.9) gm between red feed group and blue food group beside red feed group , (165.8)gm between red feed group and green feed group beside red food group ,(188.1) gm between red feed group and yellow feed group beside red feed group .     The mean of feed intake was increas significantly in group of red feeds over control group in all weeks of test & on colour group in more weeks of test