27 research outputs found

    Immunity of Surface Layer Protein of Aeromonas ‎hydrophila in Rabbits

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    تم في هذه الدراسة استخلاص الطبقة السطحية البروتنية من بكتريا   Aeromonas hydrophilaوقد تم التحري عن الاستجابة المناعية الخلوية المحفزة بواسطة بروتين الطبقة السطحية لوحده او كمساعد مناعي باستخدام 16 ارنب قسمت الى اربعة مجاميع كل مجموعه تضمت 4 ارانب ,حيث تم حقن المجموعة الاولى ببروتين الطبقة السطحية فقط, اما المجموعة الثانية فقد حقنت بالمستضد المقتول للبكتريا  S. typhi فقط ,والمجموعة الثالثة فقد حقنت بالمستضد المدمج المكون من بروتين الطبقة السطحية والمستضد المقتول ,اما المجموعة الرابعة فقد حقنت بالمحلول الملحي الفسلجي واعتبرت كسيطرة, و تم استخدام المستضد المقتول لتقيم كفاءة بروتين الطبقة السطحية كمساعد مناع., وبعد انتهاء مده التمنيع تم التحري عن الاستجابة المناعية الخلطية من خلال عدة فحوصات, التلازن المباشر بالأنابيب والتلازن الدموي المنفعل لتقدير عيارية الاضداد. وقدتم استخدام طريقة بايوريت لتقدير تركيز البروتين الكلي في عينات المصل وتركيز البروتين الكلي للكلوبيولين المناعي الافرازي المستخلص من عينات الزائدة. بالإضافة الى ذالك فقد تم استخدام طريقة الانتشار المناعي لتقدير تركيز الكلوبيولين المناعي IgG في المصل, وايضا تم استخدام تقنية الامتزاز المناعي المرتبط بالأنزيم لتقدير تركيزCD4 في المصل, وقد بينت النتائج لكل الفحوصات ان كل من بروتين الطبقة السطحية فقط , المستضد المقتول للبكتريا  S. typhi فقط والمستضد المدمج قد اعطت زيادة معنوية بالمقارنة مع مجموعة السيطرة وعلى مستوى احتمالية P<0.05فقد كان تركيز    IgGبمعدل (2365.5, 3505mg/dl (2916,على التوالي بينما مجموعة السيطرة بمعدل 1662)) mg/dl ,وقد كان تركيز  CD4بمعدل)9.377,11.7 17.36,) ng/ml بينما مجموعة السيطرة بمعدل6.91) ng/ml) وقد اظهرت النتائج ايضا ان هذه المستضدات الثلاثة قد حفزت الاستجابة المناعية الخلطيةIn this study the Surface layer (S-layer) protein was extracted from Aeromonas hydrophila bacteria ,the humoral immune response that induced by S-layer protein only or as adjuvant was investigated  by using 16 males New Zealand rabbits and divided into four groups, each group contained four rabbits, the first group was immunized with  S-layer protein only, the second group was immunized with heated killed antigen(HKA)of Sallmonella typhi only, the third group was immunized with mixed antigens (S-layer+ HKA),while the fourth group considered as control group and immunized with normal saline. The HKA of S. typhi  was used to evaluate the efficiency of S-layer protein as adjuvant. After the immunization period, the humoral immune response was investigated by several tests include, tube agglutination test and passive agglutination test that used to detect the antibody titer. Biuret method was used to determine the total protein concentration in serum  samples and total protein concentration of secretory immunoglobulin that extracted form appendix samples. In addition the Radical Immunodiffution (RID)  method was used to detect the concentration level of the IgG in serum samples. Moreover the concentration level of the CD4 in the serum samples was determined by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method .In all these tests the result revealed, both of S-layer protein only , HKA of only and mixed antigens(S-layer+ HKA) were given significantly increased in comparison with control group at P<0.05. The result showed that the  concentration level of IgG with mean values (2365.5 , 3505 and 2916) mg/dl respectively  while the control group with mean value (1662)mg/dl. In addition the concentration  level of CD4 molecule with mean values (9.37, 11.77 and 17.36) ng/ml respectively while the control group with mean value (6.91) ng/ml .The results showed that these three types of antigens induced the humoral immune respons

    Hybrid effect of basalt fiber textile and macro polypropylene fiber on flexural load-bearing capacity and toughness of two-way concrete slabs

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    This paper presents an experimental study on the two-way concrete slabs with steel-free reinforcements. These include basalt fiber textile, macro polypropylene (PP) fiber and a combination of both. The plain concrete (PC) slab and steel reinforced concrete (RC) slab are studied as references. Furthermore, a comparative analysis on load bearing capacity, toughness and failure pattern of the slabs is performed. The test results indicate that the incorporation of basalt fiber textile and macro PP fibers can significantly improve load bearing capacity and toughness, and there is a positive synergetic effect between basalt fiber textile and macro PP fiber in the hybrid system. Similar to PC slab, the concrete slab reinforced with only 1-layer basalt fiber textile (BTRC1) demonstrates clearly brittle behavior. The addition of macro PP fibers may enhance the load bearing capacity in the post-peak region and convert the brittle failure pattern into a ductile one. In addition, BTRC1 slab with 8 kg/m3 macro PP fibers shows higher flexural capacity than those of RC slab with a steel ratio of 0.31%, and this implies that the combination of basalt fiber textile and macro PP fiber can be used to replace the steel mesh as a new type of durable reinforcement in structural members.National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51578109

    Immunological Study of Silver Nanoparticles Produced from Proteus mirabilis in Rabbit

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    Silver nanoparticles that produced by clinical Proteus mirabilis, were used in immunization rabbits and found effect on immunological parameters, The effect of AgNPs on some immunological parameters were studies in laboratory animals(rabbits). For Nitrobluetetrazolium (NBT) dye reduction test the result significant increase in mean of rabbits immunized with AgNPs(50μg/kg) were compared with control. Skin test of rabbits immunized with AgNPs revealed erythema ,pus cell, induration and necrosis in 72hr. The mitosis of bone marrow cells in animals injected with sliver nanoparticles(AgNPs) antigen  at dose of (50μg/kg ) significant increase in mean in (61.935%) compared with control group injected with normal saline (25.087%) .    Animals immunized with (AgNPs) antigen gave systemic antigenimia with average 1280 and the same animals gave local antigenimia with average 256 . Show differences as comparison with conthrol animals which gave systemic antigenimia with average 10 and the same animals gave local antigenimia with average 1 .Systemic CD4,CD8 mean value showed significant difference between rabbits group which immunized with normal saline and those with AgNPs and the mean value were       (55.42224±25.05434,17.84535±7.27828)for CD4and(25.688874±4.50713, 22.64304± 2.991371) for CD8 respectively, at (P˂ 0.05). the conclusion of this study appeared that AgNPs  produced from Proteus mirabilis induced immune response in rabbit.