188 research outputs found

    Ocupaciones humanas en Andacollo (Norte Semiárido de Chile): una propuesta interpretativa

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    This paper presents an analysis of the archaeological evidence of Andacollo county, (Region of Coquimbo), in the interior of the Semiarid North of Chile. The typological identification of the material remains collected superficially by neighbors of the locality and that are currently in the Sala Museográfica Yahuín, added to the documentation of the archaeological antecedents of the region of the Semiarid North of Chile, and the information of the main characteristics of the zone and its structure of resources, allows to distinguish with certain validity to the different cultural groups that would have settled in this place, and to know which were the factors that would have conditioned to this territory like settlement for these human populations. The data presented here make it possible to make a synthetic proposal of the Andacollo human occupation, which dates to the earliest moments of the Early Holocene, with the settlement of hunter-gatherer groups to the low-scale historical mining and pastoral occupations.En este trabajo se presenta un análisis de la evidencia arqueológica de la comuna de Andacollo, (Región de Coquimbo), interior del Norte Semiárido de Chile. La identificación tipológica de los restos materiales recolectados superficialmente por vecinos de la localidad y que se encuentran actualmente en la Sala Museográfica Yahuín, sumado a la documentación de los antecedentes arqueológicos de la región del Norte Semiárido de Chile y la información de las características principales de la zona y su estructura de recursos, permite distinguir con cierta validez a los diferentes grupos culturales que se habrían asentado en este lugar, y conocer cuáles fueron los factores que habrían condicionado a este territorio como asentamiento para dichas poblaciones humanas. Los datos aquí expuestos posibilitan efectuar una propuesta sintética de la ocupación humana de Andacollo, la cual se remontaría a los primeros momentos del Holoceno Temprano con el asentamiento de grupos de cazadores-recolectores hasta las ocupaciones históricas minero-pastoriles a baja escala

    Re-imagining the past, negotiating the present: the lived diasporic experience in S.J. Naudé and Jaco van Schalkwyk's fiction

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    S.J. Naudé's collection of short stories, The Alphabet of Birds, foregrounds the diasporic experiences of its marginalised, transnational subjects. The stories unearth profound grief and a deep sense of loss and displacement. The title of the collection suggests that the content grapples with issues that are central to the discourse of diaspora: movement, freedom, borders, home, dwelling, meaning, and identity. Jaco van Schalkwyk's debut novel, The Alibi Club, is structured around the story of a young man's efforts to build a new life in an unfamiliar country. Although very different in style, tone, and form, Naudé and Van Schalkwyk both ask questions about the nature of belonging, pain and loss associated with the diasporic experience: How does one come to terms with one's past?; How does one navigate oneself in an increasingly estranging global world?; Is it possible to re-imagine the past, to rewrite the stories one tells about oneself? Naudé and Van Schalkwyk are not the first South Africans to give thought to these questions; in fact, our country has a rich history of pre- and post-apartheid diasporic writings. What I find compelling, however, is how a new generation of authors - a group of writers that faces unique challenges - draws on the literary form to engage with and relate to the past and present, their country of birth, and their language. I consider in what ways the literary form allows these two authors to articulate and re-imagine the lived diasporic experiences of their Afrikaans-speaking, contemporary transnational subjects who inhabit multiple identities

    La significación del Medialab en Iberoamérica

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    Este trabajo examina un modelo de contexto no formal de intercambio del conocimiento, donde acontecen prácticas de trabajo artístico multidisciplinar. El modelo medialab funciona dentro del sistema de intersección de Arte, Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad, (ACTS). Además, se consideran algunas de las transformaciones ocurridas en el ámbito del arte de los nuevos medios, con el cual se relaciona. Se revisa el contexto Iberoamericano y específicamente el centro Medialab-Prado de Madrid, enfatizando los vínculos que ha desarrollado con países de Latinoamérica, centro prototipo que ofrece algunas claves con referencia a la creación cooperativa, multidisciplinaria y la interacción en el contexto arte/ciencia.This work aims to examine a non-formal knowledge exchange context model where multidisciplinary artistic practices take place. The Medialab model works between the Art, Science, Technology and Society system (ASTS). Furthermore, we consider some of the transformations that have taken place in the scope of new media of Art. From this framework, the Ibero-American state of the art has been reviewed, focusing the analysis on the Medialab-Prado Center of Madrid. We have focused on the bonds that they have developed with the Latino-American countries as a prototype center that offers some keys for the cooperative and multidisciplinary creation, as well as for the interaction in the Art- Science context

    Significación e historicidad en el paisaje campesino del valle Calchaquí Norte (provincia de Salta, Argentina)

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    In Andean peasant communities, ritual practices play a central role in the reproduction of the group. Ethno historical records show the existence of material elements in the pre-hispanic landscape that suggest they were constructed in order to promote the fertility of the fields and protect seeding. These stone structures, called huancas, have been located in the midst of agricultural fields. Their presence in the current landscape of the North Calchaqui Valley indicates that part of the ritual meaning they had for previous generations is preserved by modern peasants, and reinterpreted in a new social and cultural context based on the existence of pre-hispanic huancas in an Andean community of the province of Salta (Argentina), this article reflects on these issues through the correlation of archaeological and ethnographic records.En las comunidades campesinas andinas, las prácticas rituales tienen un rol protagónico en la reproducción del grupo. Ya los registros etnohistóricos dan cuenta de la existencia de elementos materiales en el paisaje prehispánico instalados con el fin de favorecer la fecundidad de los campos y proteger la siembra. Estas estructuras de piedra fueron denominadas huancas, y estaban dispuestas en medio de los campos de cultivo. Su permanencia en el paisaje actual del Valle Calchaquí Norte indica que al menos parte del significado ritual otorgado y reproducido a través de la práctica por parte de las generaciones anteriores, se conserva en los actuales campesinos aunque significadas bajo un nuevo contexto social y cultural. En este trabajo nos proponemos indagar estas cuestiones a partir de la materialidad de las huancas prehispánicas halladas en una comunidad andina de Salta (Argentina), a través de la correlación entre el registro arqueológico y el registro etnográfic

    Honest capitalism as an efficent tool in the figth against poverty.

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    The fight against poverty has traditionally started from the question of the causes of poverty, with the understanding that the solution is of a purely economic nature. However, the authors understand that in a globalized world, the correct question is that of the causes of wealth, that the solution is born of justice, and that people are the starting point, not poverty itself. By rethinking classic contributions in terms of the new global environment of poverty, it can be concluded that the process of sustainable development of people and countries requires a virtuous cycle dynamic between two co-principles: economic development and development of the common good. This process takes place in a new environment, with new elements such as generative justice, and new types of poverty such as anthropological poverty. Fighting poverty in the world is absolutely necessary for the sake of justice and the survival of the global economic and cultural system, but this fight will only be effective if the private sector invests in countries where poverty is the greatest. Therefore, a fund with the subsidiary and voluntary tax contributions of taxpayers, companies and individuals from the richest countries is proposed. Identification of funding sources, operational guidelines for the fund, an analysis of its effective reach in terms of countries and populations that may be its beneficiaries, and some guidelines for its governance precede the final conclusions of this paper.Universidad Francisco de Vitoriapre-print977 K

    Sphingolipid metabolism products: potential new players in the pathogenesis of bortezomib-induced neuropathic pain

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    Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neurotoxicity (CIPN) is one of the major dose-limiting adverse events of widely used drugs in both the oncologic and hematologic setting (1). Among its cardinal symptoms, neuropathic pain is frequently present (2). In particular, the incidence of bortezomib-induced peripheral neurotoxicity (BIPN) and neuropathic pain ranges from 14–45% and 5–39%, respectively, in myeloma multiple patients. BIPN is more frequently developed in pretreated patients, compared to those being chemotherapy-naïve (3,4), and this difference mostly accounts for the wide variability in the observed incidence rates. Bortezomib is the first proteasome inhibitor introduced in clinical practice. The mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of peripheral neurotoxicity in bortezomib- treated patients are, yet, not fully elucidated (3,4)

    El compostatge de fangs d'estacions depuradores d'aigües residuals urbanes i les emissions gasoses associades : caracterització d'olors i gasos d'efecte hivernacle

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    Aquest treball, realitzat en col·laboració amb investigadors del Centre Tecnològic BETA de la Universitat de Vic (UVic - UCC), pretén abordar més a fons les característiques de les emissions odoríferes i de gasos d'efecte hivernacle generades durant el procés de compostatge de fangs d'estacions depuradores d'aigües residuals (EDARs). La intenció de la investigació és extreure informació valuosa i útil per tal d'aplicar mesures eficients de mitigació de les afectacions socials (males olors) i mediambientals (escalfament global) associades a aquest procés.Este trabajo, realizado en colaboración con investigadores del Centre Tecnològic BETA de la Universitat de Vic (UVic - UCC), pretende abordar más a fondo las características de las emisiones odoríferas y de gases de efecto invernadero generadas durante el proceso de compostaje de lodos de estaciones depuradoras de aguas residuales (EDARs). La intención de la investigación es aportar información valiosa y útil para aplicar medidas eficientes de mitigación de las afectaciones sociales (malos olores) y medioambientales (calentamiento global) asociadas a este proceso.The present work, done in collaboration with researchers from the Centre Tecnològic BETA of the Universitat de Vic (UVic - UCC), aims to go deeper into the characteristics of the odorous and greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions generated during the sewage sludge composting process. The intention of this investigation is to acquire valuable and useful information that can be used for the application of efficient strategies to reduce social (odour) and environmental (global warming) concerns associated to the sewage sludge composting process

    Rethinking the business organization: contributions from vitoria to the current business model.

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    La dificultad creciente de las teorías de la empresa para explicar las distintas facetas de la sociedad natural que es la empresa refleja el agotamiento de la racionalidad subyacente a todas ellas, caracterizada, en última instancia, por no considerar integralmente al hombre. También es posible, siguiendo en particular a Francisco de Vitoria, una concepción integral del hombre. Aplicando el pensamiento de este autor de la Escuela de Salamanca a la empresa, en lo que en este trabajo se expresa como racionalidad humanista, se resuelve la fragmentación de las distintas teorías de la empresa gracias a la visión unitaria de las distintas facetas de la organización empresarial que exige dicha racionalidad, resultado que es totalmente coherente con la realidad de las empresas del siglo XXI.The increasing difficulty of the theories of the firm to explain the various facets of the “natural society” that the firm is reflects the exhaustion of the rationality that underlies them all, ultimately characterized in not fully considering the human being. A comprehensive conception of man is also possible if one follows, in particular, Francisco de Vitoria. Applying the thought of this School of Salamanca author to the firm, which in this article is expressed as Humanist Rationality, the fragmentation of the different theories of the firm is overcome, thanks to the unitary view of the distinct facets of the organization which is mandatory according to this rationality. Said results are fully coherent with the results of the business world of the 21st century.pre-print149 K

    A systematic study on the VOCs characterization and odour emissions in a full-scale sewage sludge composting plant

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    Sewage sludge management is known to cause odour impact over the environment. However, an information gap exists about odour emissions quantification from different treatment strategies. In the present work, odorous emissions generated in a full-scale sewage sludge composting plant were characterized, aiming at providing specific odour emission factors (OEF) and to determine their variability depending on the composting time. Additionally, characterization of VOCs emitted during the process was conducted through TD-GC/MS analyses. Odour emission and VOCs characterization considered both (1) a first stage where a raw sludge and vegetal fraction mixture were actively composted in dynamic windrows and (2) a second curing stage in static piles. After increasing the composting time, a reduction of 40% of the maximum odour concentration referred to the dynamic windrow stage was estimated, whereas a reduction of 89% of the maximum odour concentration was achieved after turning of curing piles. However, global OEF increased from 4.42E + 06 to 5.97E + 06 ou·Mg−1 RS - VF when the composting time increased. Finally, different VOCs such as isovaleraldehyde, indole, skatole, butyric acid, dimethyl sulphide and dimethyl disulphide were identified as main potential odour contributors. Results obtained are a valuable resource for plant management to choose an appropriate sewage sludge composting strategy to mitigate odour emissions

    Colisión de derechos en pandemia. Derecho a la salud y límites a la acción estatal

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    In contexts of epidemics/pandemics, health is a fundamental right and is understood as a core right that functions as an articulating axis from and towards which the actions of government bodies, primarily, and of other public and private actors, secondarily, are directed. The power of the State to legitimately invoke the protection of collective health as a ground for restricting certain rights and freedoms will inevitably produce a conflict in the exercise of other fundamental rights. In the light of this scenario, the aim of this paper is to analyze these collision dynamics. For this purpose, a bibliographic review of national and international sources, an exhaustive and articulated analysis and identification of the applicable international regulations, the scope of the relevant legal principles and the minimum non-derogable contents of the essential rights and freedoms was carried out that may be in dispute due to the preponderance of some over others, using the documentary method and a qualitative approach as a basis. The conclusion is that in the development of an epidemic/pandemic, the greater the threat to collective health and other closely related rights, the greater the role of the state in fulfilling its obligations as manifested in its political decisions and public policies. The state —as guarantor and servant of the respect and realization of fundamental rights and freedoms— should harmonize those which are in conflict along with a short, medium and long-term view and always guided by the principle of proportionality, in accordance with constitutional and conventional limits.En contextos de epidemias/pandemias, la salud es un derecho fundamental y es entendido como derecho-núcleo que funciona como eje articulador desde y hacia dónde se dirigen las acciones de los órganos de gobierno, primariamente, y de los demás actores públicos y privados, secundariamente. La potestad del Estado de invocar legítimamente la protección de la salud colectiva como causa de restricción de ciertos derechos y libertades producirá inevitablemente un conflicto en el ejercicio de otros derechos fundamentales. Así, el objetivo del presente trabajo busca analizar estas dinámicas de colisión. Con este propósito, se realizó una revisión bibliográfica de diversas fuentes, un exhaustivo análisis e identificación de la normativa internacional aplicable, así como del alcance de los principios jurídicos relevantes y de los contenidos mínimos inderogables de los derechos y libertades que puedan presentarse en disputa ante la preponderancia de unos sobre otros, utilizando de base el método documental con un enfoque cualitativo. Se concluye, que en el desarrollo de una epidemia/pandemia, cuanto más amenazada se encuentra la salud colectiva y los demás derechos estrechamente vinculados, mayor será el rol del Estado en la consecución de sus obligaciones de hacer manifestadas en sus decisiones políticas y políticas públicas. El Estado —en tanto ente garante y servidor del respeto y realización de los derechos y libertades fundamentales— deberá armonizar aquellos que estén en conflicto con una mirada a corto, mediano y largo plazo y siempre direccionado por el principio de proporcionalidad, en consonancia con los límites constitucionales y convencionales