1,009 research outputs found

    Determination of the gravitational field of the moon by the motion of the AMS Luna-10

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    LUNIK X orbit studied to determine lunar gravitational field, taking into account effect of other planet

    Respon Indonesia Terhadap Putusan World Trade Organization dalam Kasus Pelarangan Ekspor Nikel

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    Organisasi internasional merujuk pada fungsi dan perannya yaitu untuk mengatur dan menjadi pihak yang berperan dalam menyikapi perdebatan global. Sebagai organisasi perdagangan global, world trade organization (WTO) memainkan peran penting dalam menentukan perdebatan perdagangan global. Pembentukan Panel, Prosedur Panel, Adopsi Laporan Panel, Review Banding, dan Implementasi adalah semua tahapan proses WTO yang dapat digunakan untuk menyelesaikan sengketa perdagangan internasional. Artikel ini akan mengkaji tugas WTO dalam menyelesaikan masalah sengketa perdagangan antara Indonesia dan Uni Eropa sehubungan dengan pelarangan ekspor nikel. Artikel ini akan membahas fenomena tersebut dan memberikan penjelasan tentang proses dan fenomena tersebut dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Studi ini mengungkapkan bahwa WTO sebagai organisasi perdagangan internasional belum berhasil menyelesaikan sengketa pelarangan ekspor nikel antara Indonesia dan Uni Eropa. Sementara Indonesia dengan tegas menyatakan penolakan dan mengajukan banding ke badan banding WTO atas dasar putusan yang dikeluarkan oleh WTO

    Indonesian Commercial Diplomacy to Japan through the Indonesian Trade Promotion Center (ITPC) In The Development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia

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    Indonesia and Japan have a natural relationship (natural partner) where diplomatic relations have been going on since 1958, and Japan is one of Indonesia's trading partners and investors. The Indonesian government through the Director General of National Export Development of the Ministry of Trade opened a Trade Promotion office, namely the Indonesian Trade Promotion Center (ITPC) Osaka. The purpose of this study is to find out how to implement Indonesian commercial diplomacy towards Japan through the Indonesian Trade Promotion Center Osaka in increasing the export value of MSMEs in Indonesia. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach with a literature study as a data collection technique. The analysis of this paper will use the theory of commercial diplomacy. This theory is quite comprehensive in explaining various commercial diplomacy activities which include trade, investment, business advocacy and tourism promotion activities. Through the process of data analysis and interpretation, the results of this study are that Indonesian Commercial Diplomacy through ITPC Osaka in increasing the Export Value of Indonesian MSMEs has increased the export value in the last 3 (three) years starting from 2019, but it is still not optimal, because there are several factors including the existence of trade promotions that are still limited to exporters and the requirements for export eligibility in Japan are quite difficult

    Indonesia-US Trade Barrier: A Study on the Halal Certification of Imported Chicken Leg Quarters

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    This study discussed the background of Indonesia's non-tariff trade barrier implementation against imports of chicken legs from the United States (US) through halal certification. As WTO members, the two countries are bound by the rules and agreements of the WTO, one of which is trade liberalization related to the elimination of various kinds of trade barrier including non-tariff trade barrier such as halal certification. The application of halal certification by Indonesia to imports of chicken legs has prevented imported chicken legs from the US from entering the Indonesian market, even though they have a lower price. This study uses a mercantilism approach in the global political economy, namely the theory of non-tariff trade barrier from Thomas Oatley. The method used by the researcher was a qualitative research method with the type of case study and data collection techniques are carried out through literature study and interviews with related informants. This study concludes that there were two considerations behind the implementation of non-tariff trade barrier by Indonesia to the import of chicken legs from the US through halal certification, namely the consideration of a society-centered approach to protect public confidence, protect producers, and domestic livestock workers and considerations that are state-centered in the context of handling the economic crisis in the livestock sector and saving the state's foreign exchange expenditure

    Deutsches Fest 2015 sebagai Sarana Diplomasi Publik Baru Goethe Institut di Indonesia

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    ABSTRACT The new public diplomacy is about building relationships with civil society actors residing abroad and facilitating networking between foreign non-governmental parties. The emergence of new actors in new public diplomacy allows the direct involvement of the public in the diplomatic process. Deutsches Fest is a new practice of public diplomacy. This research aims to see the collaboration between Germany and Indonesia through several projects that are part of the Deutsches Fest with reference to the new theory of public diplomacy. The formulation of the problem in this research is 'what are the characteristics of the new public diplomacy in the implementation of the Deutsches Fest?'. This research explains some of the characteristics of new public diplomacy from the study of international relations found in the implementation of the Deutsches Fest. In examining this problem, researchers use qualitative methods through literature studies and online searches. This research shows that there are several characteristics of new public diplomacy through the implementation of the Deutsches Fest. Not only are there new actors in its implementation, the Goethe Institute is also building a nation brand, new ways of delivering communication, and collaborative relationships with the public in Indonesia. Keywords: New Public Diplomacy, Deutsches Fest, Non-State Actors, New Communicatio

    Associação Salvador : social impact bond feasibility study

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    Cerca de 75% das pessoas com deficiência estão desempregadas em Portugal. Este problema está muitas vezes associado à falta de formação e de competências. A Associação Salvador é uma organização de utilidade pública que capacita as pessoas com deficiência a encontrar emprego através do programa “O Talento não tem Limites”, que inclui campanhas de sensibilização, formações e eventos que envolvem conjuntamente pessoas com deficiência físicas e empregadores. Esta tese faz parte do SIB Research Program e tem como objetivo avaliar a viabilidade de financiar o programa "Talento não tem Limites" da Associação Salvador através dum Título de Impacto Social. Uma proposta específica para este Título de Impacto Social é desenvolvido com base em dados do Programa e modelação em Excel.About 75% people with disabilities are unemployed in Portugal which often is associated with inferior training and lack of skills. Associação Salvador is a non-profit organization that empowers people with disabilities to find employment through “Talent has No Limits” program which includes awareness campaigns, trainings and recruiting events that connect people with physical disabilities and employers. This thesis is a part of the SIB Research program and is designed to evaluate the feasibility of financing Associação Salvador’s “Talent has no Limits” program through a Social Impact Bond or Payment-for-Success instrument that works only in case of success. Based on analysis of the program data and modelling using Excel a business case was developed

    Deutsches Fest 2015 sebagai Sarana Diplomasi Publik Baru Goethe Institut di Indonesia

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    ABSTRACT The new public diplomacy is about building relationships with civil society actors residing abroad and facilitating networking between foreign non-governmental parties. The emergence of new actors in new public diplomacy allows the direct involvement of the public in the diplomatic process. Deutsches Fest is a new practice of public diplomacy. This research aims to see the collaboration between Germany and Indonesia through several projects that are part of the Deutsches Fest with reference to the new theory of public diplomacy. The formulation of the problem in this research is 'what are the characteristics of the new public diplomacy in the implementation of the Deutsches Fest?'. This research explains some of the characteristics of new public diplomacy from the study of international relations found in the implementation of the Deutsches Fest. In examining this problem, researchers use qualitative methods through literature studies and online searches. This research shows that there are several characteristics of new public diplomacy through the implementation of the Deutsches Fest. Not only are there new actors in its implementation, the Goethe Institute is also building a nation brand, new ways of delivering communication, and collaborative relationships with the public in Indonesia. Keywords: New Public Diplomacy, Deutsches Fest, Non-State Actors, New Communicatio