48 research outputs found

    Strategi Komunikasi Instruksional Guru Terhadap Siswa dalam Pembentukan perilaku Mandiri di SMA Selamat Pagi Indonesia (Studi Kualittatif Terhadap Guru pada Pembentukan perilaku Mandiri di SMA Selamat Pagi Indonesia)

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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh sebuah model komunikasi instruksional yang dilakukan oleh guru dalam membentuk perilaku mandiri para siswa di SMA Selamat Pagi Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis strategi komunikasi instruksional yang digunakan guru kepada siswa dalam membentuk perilaku mandiri para siswa di SMA Selamat Pagi Indonesia. Peneliti menggunakan metode kualitatif, teknik pengumpulan data dengan melakukan wawancara untuk mendapatkan informasi data penelitian yang dibutuhkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa yang pertama metode yang digunakan guru dalam pembentukan perilaku mandiri di SMA Selamat Pagi Indonesia menawarkan keunikan tersendiri, yaitu guru menggunakan metod pemberian tanggung jawab kepada murid, dengan melakukan praktek serta dengan memberikan teladan. Yang kedua temuan dalam penelitian ini ialah menggunakan dua perspektif komunikasi instruksional, yang pertama menggunkan komunikasi verbal berupa guyonan dan yang kedua menggunakan komunikasi non verbal berupa tatap muka. Kedua hal tersebut bertujuan untuk menciptakan kedekatan antara guru dan murid sehingga memperlancar metode komunikasi instruksional dalam pembentukan perilaku mandiri


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    Abstrak Pelatihan bertujuan agar peserta dapat memahami dan berperilaku pentingnya K3, mengidentifkasi potensi bahaya di tempat kerja, melakukan pencegahan kecelakaan kerja, mengelola bahan-bahan beracun berbahaya dan penanggulangannya, menggunakan alat pelindung diri, melakukan pencegahan dan pemadaman kebakaran serta menyusun program pengendalian Keselamatan dan Kesehatan kerja di sekolah. Manfaat pelatihan adalah supaya peserta memiliki wawasan, pemahaman dan sikap bekerja yang selamat dan sehat, yang meliputi: Pengertian dan Tujuan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja; Identifikasi Potensi Bahaya di Tempat Kerja; Faktor-faktor Penyebab Kecelakaaan Kerja; Zat dan Bahan Berbahaya; Pencegahan dan Pemadaman Kebakaran; dan Penyusunan Program Pengendalian K3 dalam upaya peningkatan produktifitas kerja. Peserta juga mampu menyusun rencana kerja berupa makalah pengendalian bahaya di bengkel kerja masing-masing

    EFL learners' difficulties in the structure and written expression section of TOEFL test in an Indonesian university

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    This study examined the English for Foreign Language (EFL) learners’ difficult topics in the structure and written expression section of the TOEFL Prediction Test, and reasons why they consider that these topics were difficult. A mixed-method research design was used in this study. Fifteen participants were selected through a purposive sampling mechanism from the seventh-semester students of the Department of English Language Education, Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry who have participated in the TOEFL Prediction Test to identify the difficult topics they encountered. Then, the semi-structured interviews were conducted with six underachieving student’s participants with the most recorded errors made in the test to know the reasons behind their difficulties. Findings indicated that students encountered difficulties mostly when dealing with determiners, conjunctions, adjective clauses, apposition phrases, and reduced clauses in the structure section. Meanwhile, adverb connectors, subject-verb agreement, and clause of concession, relative clause, and quantifier are the difficulties they encountered in the written expression section of the test. Thus, the findings also revealed several factors identified as the reasons behind those difficulties, namely lack of practice, grammar incompetence, vocabulary shortage, time management, and low self-confidence. Given the significant impact of this study, we suggested that the lectures and English departments should address these difficulties. It is crucial that the focus of the courses related to grammar and EFL proficiency tests be incorporated into the syllabus

    EFL learners' Difficulties In the Structure and Written Expression Section of TOEFL Test In An Indonesian University

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    This study examined the English for Foreign Language (EFL) learners’ difficult topics in the structure and written expression section of the TOEFL Prediction Test, and reasons why they consider that these topics were difficult. A mixed-method research design was used in this study. Fifteen participants were selected through a purposive sampling mechanism from the seventh-semester students of the Department of English Language Education, Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry who have participated in the TOEFL Prediction Test to identify the difficult topics they encountered. Then, the semi-structured interviews were conducted with six underachieving student’s participants with the most recorded errors made in the test to know the reasons behind their difficulties. Findings indicated that students encountered difficulties mostly when dealing with determiners, conjunctions, adjective clauses, apposition phrases, and reduced clauses in the structure section. Meanwhile, adverb connectors, subject-verb agreement, and clause of concession, relative clause, and quantifier are the difficulties they encountered in the written expression section of the test. Thus, the findings also revealed several factors identified as the reasons behind those difficulties, namely lack of practice, grammar incompetence, vocabulary shortage, time management, and low self-confidence. Given the significant impact of this study, we suggested that the lectures and English departments should address these difficulties. It is crucial that the focus of the courses related to grammar and EFL proficiency tests be incorporated into the syllabus

    Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Pengguna (Rokok Elejtrik) Pada Mahasiswa

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    Vape or it can be called as Vapor does appear as an alternative to conventional cigarettes (tobacco), only used by former smokers. According to research from Ernst & Young (2016: 6), the growing or increasing number of vape users are not only those who used to smoke but there are also those who are not smokers or even have never smoked. The research method uses literature review searches research journals in several databases using keywords and certain criteria in the last 5 to 10 years. The search results obtained 25 journals about vavor (e-cigarette) users. 10 articles about e-cigarette users in adolescents and students 5 journals that meet the inclusion criteria, 5 journals were selected based on cross-sectional research, samples were taken based on the characteristics of respondents' knowledge and attitudes. Scientific journals / health journals indexed by Sinta or journals with ISSN, google schoolar, and Garuda. The results of the literature review show that the results of knowledge about the health effects of vavor users show that the overall health effects are not good or do not know the impact that will occur if used continuously. Based on the attitude of the respondents to vavor (e-cigarette) users, it shows that 2 out of 3 show a negative attitude while 1 and 4 show a positive attitude. Related factors, most of the environment is active smokers, the influence of friends makes someone follow what their peers do, the lifestyle can be reached by respondents besides that there are already many online shops specializing in e-cigarette


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    The widespread and prolonged violent conflict in Aceh has passed down negative legacy within a vulnerable communities. One of the most-exposed  the social capital elements is the mutual trust or the excessive manifestation of hate. Although suspicion often provides a sense of security in violent conflict, yet when peace is present, the inherent feeling of distrust can disrupt the construction of community coexistence towards reconciliation. However, with the development of a fairly massive coffee culture, promising opportunities to construct coexistence in post-conflict societies in Aceh emerged. Therefore, this study uses a narrative approach in describing the potentials of coffee culture in constructing the coexistence of post-conflict communities in Aceh

    Kerentanan Bycatch Tuna Dari Perikanan Handline di Selatan Samdera Hindia: Pencatatan Pelabuhan Sendang Biru-Malang

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    Bycatch tuna merupakan komoditas ikan komersial penting dalam perikanan tuna Samudera Hindia. Aktivitas penangkapan bycatch tuna juga berdampak pada penurunan stok sehingga menjadi rentan dan potensial tidak berkelanjutan.  Penelitian ini dilakukan di Sendangbiru Malang pada Bulan Juli 2013.  Analisis kerentanan dengan pendekatan jarak Euclidean dengan data produkitivitas dan susceptabilitas menggunakan software PSA NOAA.  Hasil tangkap bycacth tuna adalah ikan cakalang (Katsuwonus pelamis), Ikan lemadang (Coryphaena hippurus), baby tuna (Thunnus albacores).  Hasil kerentana menunjukan tingkat kerentanan yang diperoleh sebesar 1,66 untuk baby tuna, 1,27 untuk lemadang dan 1,42 untuk cakalang.  Secara keseluruhan nilai indek kerentanan masih rendah dari 1,8 dimana stok tergolong rentan rendah dan potensi ikan bycatch tuna masih berpotensi berkelanjutan di Sendang Biru

    Kiprah Kerajaan Islam Dalam Penyebaran Islam di Indonesia

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    The role of Islamic kingdoms before the colonial era significantly influenced the spread of Islam in Indonesia. They succeeded in forming and developing an Islamic education system different from the Dutch colonial education system. This research conducted a qualitative analysis of various historical and literary sources to explore the contribution of Islamic kingdoms to the spread of Islam in Indonesia. The results showed that Islamic kingdoms played a crucial role in Dakwah activities and in forming Islamic educational institutions such as pesantren. They also contributed to the development of Islamic culture through arts, literature, architecture, and so on. Therefore, understanding the history of Islamic kingdoms in Indonesia is crucial in comprehending the country's development of religion, culture, and education

    Allometry relationship of mangrove horseshoe crab, Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda from the West Coast of Peninsular Malaysia

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    Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda is mangrove horseshoe crab that inhabit in mudflats ecosystem. The values information on morphometric variability of C. rotundicauda is still limited especially along west coast of Peninsular Malaysia. A total of 148 samples of C. rotundicauda were collected randomly from Merlimau, Melaka and Pendas, Johor characterized by different environmental conditions in order to study the intraspecific variations using allometry relationship. Body weight for male C. rotundicauda was 80.02±21.71 g and female was 141.17±54.56 g in Merlimau while in Pendas, the mean for body weight in male was 110.78±39.27 g and female was 177.05±70.98 g. All morphometric parameter were converted into logarithmic value as allometric growth analysis. An isometric allometry growth (b=3) was recorded in the relationship between length-weight for female in Pendas and width-weight for female in Merlimau population. The length/width-length relationships were recorded as an isometric growth (b=1) except for width-length and length-length relationships of male in both population. Overall performance showed that increment in all body parts of female C. rotundicauda showed better growth than males. Follow up study on the relationship of horseshoe crab population growth are needed in developing strategies on monitoring, conservation and breeding of horseshoe crab