97 research outputs found


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    The Final Year Project course is designed for students to perform research; design and development work in each discipline, to produce practical solutions. It provides opportunity for students to use the tools and techniques of problem-solving by engagement of the project. Under proper guidance of supervisor, the students will shape the direction in the field of interest as a preparation for approaching their desired career path in the near future, as well as gain better understanding of the responsibilities they have to shoulder when they undertake future projects. The objective ofthis project is to produce a storage/delivery autonomous robot which will operate ina production plant. The Scope of Study will cover areas of research done to fulfill design requirements ofproject with objective and its functionality. The areas of design requirements will include movement mechanism, electronic circuits, and programming. These subareas are developed and integrated for implementation ofthe workable robot. The project is divided into two phases; 1) intensive design research and 2) implementation and construction. Methodology and Project Work of this project is done by implementing a lot of research not only on the Internet but also literature review on scholars that have completed similar robotic design. The weekly Log Book and Progress Report is also compiled and summarized to present the author's progress so far. Consultation with supervisor and other FYP students had also aid in objective of completing the author's FYP. The author has also included flow chart ofactivities planned throughout the semester to ensure maximum progress ofher FYP. The research taken with the methodology mentioned allows the author to fulfill progress of design requirements planned in completion of the robot with reference to the scope of study for the project. Progress and modification made throughout project are discussed in detail, to reflect objective of project. Future improvisation and recommendations are also suggested atthe end for further research

    Pelatihan produksi ekado ikan bandeng pada inkubator bisnis Kabupaten Pangkajene dan Kepulauan

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    Kabupaten Pangkajene dan Kepulauan memiliki potensi sumberdaya perikanan bandeng cukup tinggi yang berasal dari hasil perikanan budidaya. Hasil budidaya perikanan bandeng ini masih rendah diversifikasi dalam bentuk produk olahan. Ikan bandeng di daerah ini lebih banyak dikonsumsi dalam bentuk segar dan utuh. Kegiatan Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan memberikan pelatihan diversifikasi olahan ikan bandeng kepada UMKM dan Kelompok Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan yang berada di bawah binaan Inkubator Bisnis Balitbangda Kabupaten Pangkajene dan Kepulauan. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah pelatihan dengan teknik pembelajaran partisipatif dan pendampingan. Proses pelatihan dan pendampingan dimulai dari tahap pemilihan bahan baku produk ekado ikan bandeng, penyusunan formulasi, pengolahan ekado, cara penyajian, serta pemberian informasi terkait gizi ikan bandeng. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat berupa pelatihan dan pendampingan dalam mengolah ikan bandeng adalah produk ekado ikan bandeng. Ekado ikan bandeng yang dihasilkan disajikan kepada para peserta dalam keadaan siap saji dilengkapi dengan sambel sebagai penambah nikmat produk ekado. Testimoni peserta pelatihan menyampaikan bahwa produk olahan ekado ikan bandeng rasanya sangat enak, kenampakan menarik, aroma khas gorengan, dan tekstur yang renya, cocok dijadikan sebagai makanan cemilan, dan bagus dikonsumsi saat kondisinya masih hangat. Kesimpulan dari kegiatan ini adalah peserta dapat memahami pentingnya menciptakan inovasi baru dalam mengolah makanan agar dapat merebut dan memenangkan persaingan bisnis kuliner dan memiliki keterampilan dalam mengolah olahan ikan hasil budi daya menjadi produk olahan kekinian

    Pengembangan Model Pengukuran Iklim Ergonomi dalam Manajemen Keselamatan Perusahaan

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    Abstrak. Ergonomi bertujuan untuk meningkatkan aspek kesehatan dan kenyamanan kerja. Keluhan otot rangka dan stres akibat pekerjaan merupakan dua masalah yang saat ini banyak ditemui di dalam perusahaan yang diakibatkan oleh lemahnya iklim ergonomi di perusahaan. Referensi terkait iklim ergonomi masih terbatas. Salah satu paper terbaru mengukur iklim ergonomic terbatas hanya atas komitmen manajemen, keterlibatan pekerja, analisis bahaya pekerjaan, dan pelatihan dan pengetahuan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan model pengukuran iklim ergonomi untuk digunakan di suatu perusahaan sebagai umpan balik perbaikan dalam meminimasi keluhan otot rangka dan stress kerja. Pengembangan model melibatkan sebanyak 265 responden karyawan perusahaan manufaktur pesawat. Hasil penelitian ini merekomendasikan delapan dimensi iklim ergonomi, yaitu komitmen dan keterlibatan manajemen, manajemen pengetahuan dan pelatihan, keterlibatan pekerja, sistem komunikasi dan identifikasi bahaya, sistem pelaporan bahaya dan tindak lanjut, kebijakan dan prosedur, manajemen sumber daya, dan manajemen perencanan dan prioritas. Instrumen yang telah dihasilkan kemudian diujicoba dengan melibatkan 120 responden karyawan perusahaan kontraktor pertambangan. Hasil ujicoba menunjukkan bahwa iklim ergonomi berkorelasi dengan iklim keselamatan kerja dan memiliki hubungan negatif terhadap keluhan otot rangka dan stres akibat pekerjaan.Kata kunci: iklim ergonomi, manajemen keselamatan kerja, keluhan otot rangka, stresAbstract. Ergonomics is aimed to improved health and comfort at work. Musculoskeletal complaints and work-related stress are two problems that are commonly found in companies due to lack of ergonomics climate. Little references are available on the concept of ergonomics climate. A new published paper measured ergonomics climate limted to management commitment, employee engagement, occupational hazards analysis, and training and knowledge. The purpose of this study was to develop an ergonomic climate measurement model that can be praticaly used in a company to provide feedback for improvement in minimizing musculoskeletal complaints and work stress. During the model development, a total of 265 respondents were recruited from employees of a aircraft manufacturing company. Results of this study recommended eight dimensions of ergonomics climate, namely management commitment and involvement, training and knowledge management, employee involvement, communication system and hazard identification, hazard reporting system and follow-up, policy and procedure, resources management, and planning and priority management. The instrument resulted was tested to a mining contractor company by involving 120 employees as the respondents. The result showed that the ergonomics climate was significantly correlated with safety climate and had a negative relationship to musculoskeletal complaints and work-related stress.Keywords: ergonomics climate, safety management, musculoskeletal complaints, stres

    Barriers in Purchasing Organic Clothing Product Among Z Generation Women in Indonesia

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    Nowadays, organic product demand seems to arise and many people start to change their lifestyle to using organic products. Ranging from organic food, organic personal care, organic crafts to organic fashion. There are various kinds of fashion products and one of them is organic clothing products. Organic clothes are clothes that mainly use organic fabrics that are made of natural fibers using natural materials. However, in Indonesia, it seems like there are still people who do not use this organic clothing product because of the skepticism or they do not have adequate knowledge about organic clothing products. It indicates that some barriers occur to consumers, so they haven't used organic clothing. Within this study, the researchers tried to analyze the barriers to purchasing organic clothing products among 166 women in the gen-z in Jabodetabek and Bandung with the use of Innovation Resistance Theory (IRT). The research was conducted using questionnaires and analyzed using Multiple Linear regression with SPSS Software. The results indicate that risk barrier and tradition barrier have positively and significantly affected organic clothing products purchase intention. These findings may be useful in developing business strategies for organic clothing SMEs in Indonesia, with a focus on the indicator aspect of risk barriers and traditional barriers

    Actualization Of Human Rights In The Case Of Rempang Island In Indonesia In The Perspective Of Environmental Law

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    This study aims to further review human actualization in the case of Rempang Island in Indonesia in the perspective of environmental law. This study investigates the case of Rempang Island in Indonesia, a conflict containing human rights violations reviewed through environmental law. In the perspective of environmental law, a healthy environment is everyone's right without exception, so environmental damage is against the law. Violations in the environmental domain must be safeguarded based on appropriate legal settlement procedures. In the case of Rempang Island, the actualization of human rights in the perspective of environmental law can be interpreted as the protection of people's rights to their land and environment, as well as transparent and effective law enforcement to prevent environmental damage and human rights violations


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh rendahnya motivasi dan minat siswa terhadap kegiatan membaca serta pembelajaran belum melibatkan siswa secara aktif melakukan kegiatan tahapan-tahapan membaca dan masih menggunakan metode pemberian tugas untuk menjawab pertanyaan. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan nilai rata-rata yang diperoleh kelas VD berkaitan dengan aspek membaca pemahaman sebanyak 68,3 dan ketuntasan belajar mencapai 37,15%. Strategi PQ4R diharapkan dapat meningkatkan keterampilan membaca pemahaman. Penelitian ini dilakukan kepada siswa kelas VD di salah satu SDN Kecamatan Cobong, Kota Bandung. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan peningkatan keterampilan membaca pemahaman dengan menerapkan strategi PQ4R bagi siswa kelas VD SD. Penelitian menggunakan metode Penelitian Tindakan Kelas model Kemmis dan Taggart dengan dua siklus dan setiap siklusnya terdiri dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi, dan refleksi. Hasil penelitian berdasarkan instrumen Lembar Kerja Siswa dan Lembar Evaluasi menunjukkan pada siklus I ketuntasan belajar mencapai 57,14% dan meningkat pada siklus II menjadi 88,57%. Nilai rata-rata kelas VD pada siklus I meningkat pada siklus II yaitu 70,93 menjadi 84,35. Indikator menentukan kalimat utama pada siklus I meningkat pada siklus II yaitu 69,18% menjadi 85,14%. Indikator membuat pertanyaan pada siklus I meningkat pada siklus II yaitu 68,10% menjadi 85,14%. Indikator menjawab pertanyaan pada siklus I meningkat pada siklus II yaitu 69,18% menjadi 89,71%. Indikator membuat kesimpulan pada siklus I meningkat pada siklus II yaitu 67,56% menjadi 88,57%. Simpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu penerapasn strategi PQ4R dapat meningkatkan keterampilan membaca pemahaman.-- This study is based on the low motivation and interest of students on reading and learning activities have not involved students actively perform the reading stages and still use the method of assigning tasks to answer questions. This is evidenced by the average value obtained by VD classes related to the comprehension of reading comprehension as much as 68.3 and learning completeness reach 37.15%. The PQ4R strategy is expected to improve reading comprehension skills. N Cobong, Bandung City. The purpose of this research is to describe planning, implementation, and improvement of comprehension comprehension skill by applying PQ4R strategy for VD Students Of Elementary School. The research used the method of Action Research of Kemmis and Taggart model Class with two cycles and each cycle consist of planning, execution, observation, and reflection. Result of research based on instrument of Student Worksheet and Evaluation Sheet showed that in cycle I learned completeness reached 57.14% and increased in cycle II to 88,57%. The average value of class VD in cycle I increased in cycle II that is 70.93 to 84.35. Indicators determine the main sentence in cycle I increased in cycle II that is 69,18% to 85,14%. Indicators make the question in cycle I increased in cycle II that is 68,10% to 85,14%. Indicators answer the questions in the first cycle increased in the second cycle of 69.18% to 89.71%. Indicators make the conclusions in the first cycle increased in the second cycle of 67.56% to 88.57%. The conclusion of this research is that the PQ4R strategy strategy can improve the comprehension skill


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    The Final Year Project course is designed for students to perform research; design and development work in each discipline, to produce practical solutions. It provides opportunity for students to use the tools and techniques of problem-solving by engagement of the project. Under proper guidance of supervisor, the students will shape the direction in the field of interest as a preparation for approaching their desired career path in the near future, as well as gain better understanding of the responsibilities they have to shoulder when they undertake future projects. The objective ofthis project is to produce a storage/delivery autonomous robot which will operate ina production plant. The Scope of Study will cover areas of research done to fulfill design requirements ofproject with objective and its functionality. The areas of design requirements will include movement mechanism, electronic circuits, and programming. These subareas are developed and integrated for implementation ofthe workable robot. The project is divided into two phases; 1) intensive design research and 2) implementation and construction. Methodology and Project Work of this project is done by implementing a lot of research not only on the Internet but also literature review on scholars that have completed similar robotic design. The weekly Log Book and Progress Report is also compiled and summarized to present the author's progress so far. Consultation with supervisor and other FYP students had also aid in objective of completing the author's FYP. The author has also included flow chart ofactivities planned throughout the semester to ensure maximum progress ofher FYP. The research taken with the methodology mentioned allows the author to fulfill progress of design requirements planned in completion of the robot with reference to the scope of study for the project. Progress and modification made throughout project are discussed in detail, to reflect objective of project. Future improvisation and recommendations are also suggested atthe end for further research

    Learning Observation: The Demands of 21st Century Biology Learning in Senior High School

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    The sophistication of technology and access to information in the twenty-first century pushed education providers to transform preparing students to face a more challenging future. Effective and relevant teaching and learning strategies are needed in biology learning to meet the needs of future generations. Therefore, this study aims to observe the biology learning process in one of senior high school. A qualitative research approach with an observation method was used in this study. This research was conducted in class X SMA N 1 Tanjung, Brebes, Central Java. Data collection techniques used in this study are observation check list, questionnaires, and interviews. Observation of the biology learning process carried out focused on the lesson plan document, learning process, and interviews as well as student and teacher questionnaires on the biology learning process. The data collection process was carried out 3 times. The results obtained from this study indicate that teachers already know the demands of the curriculum and the needs of the 21st century. This can be seen from the of lesson plans made by the teacher. However, other findings from this study are, the skills of teachers in implementing the lesson plan with discovery learning methods are still not optimal. Learning activities undertaken have not yet led to the provision of student skills needed in 21st century. This research is expected to be used as a reference for improving the process of learning biolog

    Civil Servant’s E-Government Adoption Levels: Are age and context matters?

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    This study examines the differences of e-government adoption by civil servants among age groups and between mandatory and voluntary context using UTAUT model. It used a non-probability sampling technique and an online survey to collect the data. A one-way ANOVA using SPSS was conducted to analyze the data. The study finds that most employees have the highest positive adoption levels in effort expectancy. Furthermore, there are significant mean differences between employee’s age group of performance expectancy for mandatory system and facilitating conditions for voluntary system. However, there is no statistically different on civil servant’s adoption level between mandatory and voluntary context

    Water catchment area and management method

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    Due to critical and obvious effect of the wastewater comes from the industry, agriculture and industrial activity nearby the dam has led to environmental issues in Sembrong dam, Kluang Johor which caused negative impacts to the biological, chemical and physical properties of water river environments. The dam itself contained a large number of algae which caused the blocking of sunlight, could not enter directly to the water surface and it threatening to the aquatic life. The dam also traps sediments, which are crucial for maintaining physical progressions and habitats of the dam. The chapter introduce “G.E.T” formula as management method to overcome the pollution problems. The implementation of “G.E.T” formula is basically to improve the urban environmental condition as key for urban policy and environmental management. Sustainable management and utilisation of resources is a guidance in pursuing the development of agricultural and forestry activity at dam area
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