17 research outputs found


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    Praktek Lapangan Terbimbing (PLT) memiliki tujuan 1) Memberikan pengalaman kepada mahasiswa dalam bidang pembelajaran di sekolah atau layanan di lembaga, dalam rangka melatih dan mengembangkan kompetensi keguruan atau kependidikan, 2) Memberikan kesempatan kepada mahasiswa untuk mengenal, mempelajari, dan menghayati permasalahan sekolah, klub atau lembaga yang terkait dengan proses pembelajaran/layanan, 3) Meningkatkan kemampuan mahasiswa untuk menerapkan ilmu pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang telah dikuasai secara interdisipliner ke dalam pembelajaran di sekolah, atau layanan di lembaga. Magang III terintegrasi dengan matakuliah PLT memiliki empat (4) butir standar kompetensi, yaitu : memahami karakteristik peserta didik, menguasai bidang studi, menguasai metodologi pembelajaran yang mendidik, memiliki kepribadian sebagai guru. Kegiatan PLT di SMK N 1 Ngawen secara intensif terlaksana mulai tanggal 16 Sepetember 2017 sampai 15 November 2017. Kegiatan ini meliputi praktek mengajar dan praktek persekolahan. Kegiatan pelaksanaan PLT dibagi menjadi 3 (tiga) bagian pokok yaitu: 1) Perencanaan Pembelajaran, 2) Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran, dan 3) Evaluasi Pembelajaran. Dalam perencanaan pembelajaran diantaranya persiapan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP), Persiapan Modul ajar, dan Media Pembelajaran. Dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran di kelas yang sesuai jadwal merupakan implementasi dari perencanaan yang telah dibuat. Hal-hal yang diperhatikan seperti penguasaan materi bahan ajar, media pembelajaran yang dipakai, penguasaan kelas, dan keteraturan dalam pelaksanaan praktikum yang memerlukan kedisiplinan dan profesionalitas. Evaluasi pembelajaran dalam pelaksanaannya melibatkan seluruh peserta didik untuk mengetahui tingkat pemahaman peserta didik dan keberhasilan dalam sistem pembelajaran. Dari kegiatan PLT ini diharapkan mahasiswa dapat : 1) Memperoleh ilmu pengetahuan tentang proses pendidikan dan pembelajaran di sekolah atau lembaga yang relevan, 2) Memperoleh pengalaman tentang cara berfikir dan bekerja secara interdisipliner, sehingga dapat memahami adanya keterkaitan ilmu pengetahuan yang diperoleh di bangku kuliah, 3) Memperoleh pengalaman dan keterampilan untuk melaksanakan pembelajaran di sekolah, klub, atau lembaga


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    Penelitian ini mempunyai tujuan unuk mengetahui: 1) hasil belajar mata pelajaran produktif yang dicapai siswa jurusan tata busana SMK N 1 Ngawen, 2) percaya diri berwirausaha busana yang dimiliki siswa jurusan tata busana SMK N 1 Ngawen, 3) korelasi antara hasil belajar mata pelajaran produktif dengan percaya diri berwirausaha busana siswa jurusan tata busana SMK N 1 Ngawen. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian korelasi dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Populasi penelitian adalah siswa kelas XII kompetensi keahlian tata busana SMK N 1 Ngawen sebanyak 66 orang. Ukuran sample penelitian sebanyak 55 orang ditentukan dengan tabel isaac dan Michael. Selanjutnya sampel tiap kelas ditentukan dengan teknik proportionate statified random sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan dokumen nilai guru yang diambil dari database rapor dan angket percaya diri wirausaha busana. Analisis data deskripsi dilakukan dengan analisis deskriptif dan korelasional. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) hasil belajar mata pelajaran produktif siswa di SMK N 1 Ngawen dinyatakan kompeten 100%, 2) percaya diri wirausaha busana siswa SMK N 1 Ngawen tahun ajaran 2017/2018 termasuk dalam kategori tinggi, hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebagian besar siswa memiliki skor pada interval >108 s.d. 122 sebanyak 23 siswa (41,06%), sangat tinggi sebanyak 6 siswa (10,8%), rendah sebanyak 18 siswa (32,14%) dan sangat rendah sebanyak 9 siswa (16%), 3) koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,487, diketahui bahwa nilai r hitung lebih besar dari r tabel (0,487>0,345), dengan nilai signifikansi pada penelitian ini adalah 0,001, yang berarti kurang dari 0,05 (0,001<0,05), jika nilai signifikasi lebih kecil dari level of significance (sig,0,05) berarti terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara variabel bebas (hasil belajar mata pelajaran produktif) dengan variabel terikat (percaya diri wirausaha busana). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara hasil belajar mata pelajaran produktif dengan percaya diri wirausaha busana siswa jurusan tata busana SMK N 1 Ngawen


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    Soil texture is used to determine airflow, heat, instability, water holding capacity, and the shape and structure of the soil structure. Soil texture as an important attribute that determines the direction of soil management must be modeled accurately. However, soil texture is a soil attribute that is quite difficult to model. It is a compositional data set that describes the particle size of the soil mineral fraction (sand, silt, and clay). The methods used to classification and predict soil texture with machine learning algorithms are Random Forest (RF) and Naïve Bayes (NB). The purpose of this study was to classify the distribution of soil texture using the Random Forest and Naïve Bayes methods to obtain the most accurate grouping results. This research was conducted in the area around Kalikonto River Basin, East Java Province. The performance-based tests show that the RF algorithm provides higher accuracy in predicting soil texture based on the Digital Elevation Model (DEM). The results of RF’s performance testing on training data and testing data gave an accuracy value of 92.55% and 87.5%. Classification using the Naïve Bayes method produces an accuracy value of 89.98% on testing data and 80.65% accuracy on training data


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    In the era of globalization and rapid population growth, the demand for fishery products continues to increase. With its vast and diverse marine waters, Indonesia offers abundant potential fisheries resources. One region in Indonesia characterized by extensive coastlines and a fertile marine ecosystem is the West Nusa Tenggara Province (NTB). This research analyzes commodity movement in the fishery sector based on internal zone commodities in NTB. The study employs various analyses for the transportation balance model based on regional internal zone commodity product production, considering factors that influence the process. The research results indicate two optimal land transportation routes with the shortest total distance. Route 1 (Central Lombok-West Lombok-Mataram City-East Lombok-Central Lombok) was identified using the nearest neighbor method, and Route 2 (Sumbawa-West Sumbawa-Dompu-Bima-Sumbawa) was determined using the nearest insertion method. ABSTRAK Di era globalisasi dan pertumbuhan populasi yang cepat, permintaan produk perikanan terus meningkat. Indonesia memiliki wilayah perairan yang luas dan beragam, yang menawarkan potensi sumber daya perikanan yang melimpah. Salah satu wilayah Indonesia yang memiliki pesisir luas dan kondisi ekosistem laut yang subur adalah Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melakukan analisis pergerakan komoditas, untuk sektor komoditas ikan berbasis zona internal di NTB. Penelitian ini menggunakan beberapa analisis untuk model keseimbangan pergerakan transportasi barang berdasarkan produksi komoditas produk bangkitan zona internal regional, dengan menimbang faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat 2 rute moda darat untuk rute pengiriman paling optimal dengan total jarak terkecil. Rute-rute tersebut adalah rute 1 (Lombok Tengah–Lombok Barat-Kota Mataram-Lombok Timur-Lombok Tengah) dengan menggunakan metode nearest neighbor, dan rute 2 (Sumbawa-Sumbawa Barat-Dompu-Bima-Sumbawa), dengan menggunakan metode nearest insertion

    The Effect of Psychospiritual Intervention on the Level of Spiritual Inpatients

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    The problem faced by sick human are not only physical problems but also psychological and spiritual patients will experience imbalances. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of psychospiritual interventions on the spiritual level of patients. This was a one-group pre-test post-test study conducted in May 2018 at the Aisyiyah Islamic Hospital in Malang. Samples of 15 inpatients were taken by purposive sampling technique. A socio-demographic questionnaire, the DSES (Daily Spiritual Experiences Scale) was utilized for data collection. This intervention was carried out 4 days (4 meetings) for 30-60 minutes each. The data were analyzed using Wilcoxon test in SPSS. The majority of the spiritual level of patients at pre was 13 people (86.7%) and low 2 (13.3%), after intervention 14 people (93.3%) had a high level and 1 (6.67 %) medium. p- value (0.001) <α (0.05), which means there is a spiritual level difference before and after intervention. The psychospiritual interventions is very effective in improving the spiritual quality of care patients. Thus, have a positive impact on patient health. Therefore, it is recommended that nurses not only focus on physical aspects but provide holistic care in all aspects, aspecially spiritua


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    Melon seed is one of agriculture seed product, it is have the high economic cost. Now, the phenomenon in the villager community is they was drainage the agriculture seed by sunrise energy by spread it in yard or in the rack for drying. This method have any weakness, beside depend for the weather it can made the seed be easy to contaminated, have a difficult control, need a large place and this method also need along time to do. Drainage is the method to out or disappear a part of water from the materials with dryer media, till the Equilibrium Moisture Content (EMC) with normal atmosphere condition or the equilibrium moisture which equal with water activity can be safe from the microbiology, enzyme, and chemical damage. The purpose of Fluidized Bed Dryer (FBD) drainage is for dry the agriculture seed to get the equal equilibrium moisture with a short time drainage process. Fluidized Bed Dryer (FBD) is a dryer with fluidization principle. The principle of this drainage machine is blow up the warm air by the blower pass trough the tract above of dryer vessel who pierce material spread out area in order that this materials can be move and have a fluid characteristic. A wet melon seed with 46,21 % of equilibrium moisture and 75 ºC of temperature can get 3,80 % of equilibrium moisture, by Fluidized Bed Dryer (FBD) drainage in 75 minutes of optimum time. At the time in 65ºC of temperature and 90 minutes of optimum time can get 5,18 % of equilibrium moisture. And for 55 ºC of temperature and 120 minutes of optimum time we can get 3,65 % of equilibrium moisture. From the experiment, for 80 gram seed with 43,05 % of equilibrium moisture, 75 minutes of optimum drainage time, in 75 ºC of temperature we can get 3,80 % of equilibrium moisture. And to get a good seed for growth its need at about 11-14 %

    Mengenal Huruf Hijaiyah melalui Aplikasi Marbelyah Berbasis Audio Visual bagi Siswa SD

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    Nowadays technology is getting more advanced and developing rapidly along with the times. Thus affecting various aspects of life, including in the field of education. The use of technology in the learning process is considered as one of the effective and efficient ways to help students gain a better understanding of the material being studied. One of the technologies that can be used is application. Therefore, this study aims to discuss the impact of using the Marbelyah application as a learning medium to help elementary school students in recognizing hijaiyah letters. Marbelyah is a technology-based application specifically designed to help students recognize hijaiyah letters in a more interactive and interesting way. This research uses the D&amp;D (Design and Development) method using the ADDIE stage model. The results of the assessment were carried out by PAI teachers and students after using the Marbelyah application. From the research that has been done, the Marbelyah application gets a good value in terms of content and design. Therefore, the Marbelyah application is suitable to be used for learning media so that it can help the learning process. Thus, the application of Marbelyah as a hijaiyah learning medium can have a positive impact on PAI students and teachers in the learning process. In the future, the use of technology in education is expected to continue to be developed and improved in order to help improve the quality of learning


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    Abstrak: Dunia pendidikan saat ini tengah menghadapi revolusi industri 4.0, untuk generasi muda perlu persiapan dari segi kemampuan dalam bidang komputer. Bagi siswa SMK, kemampuan yang harus ditingkatkan adalah terampil menggunakan komputer untuk mendesain sebagai pengembangan pada mata pelajaran teknik menggambar. SMKN 1 Bendo merupakan salah satu SMK terbaik di Kabupaten Magetan, sehingga penambahan keterampilan sudah layak dimiliki oleh siswa-siswa pada sekolah tersebut, namum berdasarkan silabus yang ada salah satu pengembangan teknik menggambar masih berupa mata pelajaran CAD (Computer Aided Design). Berdasarkan misi sekolah, satunya adalah mengupayakan mutu layanan pendidikan kejuruan sesuai dengan tuntutan masyarakat dunia usaha dan dunia industri, maka pelatihan tentang teknik menggambar menggunakan komputer perlu ditambahkan secara khusus. Salah satu pengembangan yang diperlukan adalah terampil menggunakan software SolidWork. Para siswa dapat meningkatan keterampilan menggunakan software tersebut dengan mengikuti pelatihan yang diadakan oleh dosen-dosen Teknik Mesin UNESA. Metode pelatihan SolidWork menggunakan metode pembelajaran secara langsung (direct instruction), yang meliputi kegiatan orientasi, presentasi, latihan terstruktur, latihan terbimbing, dan latihan mandiri. Respon siswa terhadap pelatihan SolidWork adalah 97,67% hal tersebut menunjukkan siswa memberikan respon sangat positif.Abstract: The World of Education is currently facing an industrial revolution 4.0, for the younger generation needs preparation in terms of capabilities in the computer field. For vocational students, the ability that must be improved is in using computers to design as a development in drawing engineering subjects. Bendo 1 Vocational School is one of the best Vocational Schools in Magetan Regency, so that the addition of skills is appropriate for students at the school, but based on the syllabus, one of the techniques of drawing is CAD (Computer Aided Design) subjects. Based on the school mission, one of which is to strive for the quality of vocational education services in accordance with the demands of the business community and the industrial world, training on drawing techniques using computers needs to be added specifically. One development that is needed is regarding the ability of students to skillfully use Solidwork software. Students can improve their skills to use the software by attending training held by UNESA Mechanical Engineering lecturers. The SolidWork training method uses the direct instruction method, which includes orientation activities, presentations, structured exercises, guided exercises, and independent training. The response of students to SolidWork training was 97.67%, it shows students gave very positive responses

    Comparison of Adaptive Holt-Winters Exponential Smoothing and Recurrent Neural Network Model for Forecasting Rainfall in Malang City

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    Rainfall forecast is necessary for many aspects of regional management. Prediction of rainfall is useful for reducing negative impacts caused by the intensity of rainfall, such as landslides, floods, and storms. Hence, a rainfall forecast with good accuracy is needed. Many rainfall forecasting models have been developed, including the adaptive Holt-Winters exponential smoothing method and the Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) method. The research aimed to compare the result of forecasting between the Holt-Winters adaptive exponential smoothing method and the Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) method. The data were monthly rainfall data in Malang City from January 1983 to December 2019 obtained from a website. Then, the data were divided into training data and testing data. Training data consisted of rainfall data in Malang City from January 1983 to December 2017. Meanwhile, the testing data were rainfall data in Malang City from January 2018 to December 2019. The comparison result was assessed based on the values of Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) and Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE). The result reveals that the RNN method has better RMSE and MAPE values, namely RMSE values of 0,377 and MAPE values of 1,596, than the Holt-Winter Adaptive Exponential Smoothing method with RMSE values of 0,500 and MAPE values of 0,620. It can be concluded that the non-linear model has better forecasting than the linear model. Therefore, the RNN model can be used in modeling and forecasting trend and seasonal time series

    Peramalan Curah Hujan Dengan Menggunakan Gstar-Backpropagation Neural Network

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    Perubahan iklim adalah berubahnya kondisi fisik atmosfer bumi antara lain suhu dan distribusi curah hujan yang membawa dampak luas terhadap berbagai sektor kehidupan manusia. Salah satu upaya mitigasi perubahan iklim adalah dengan membuat model peramalan curah hujan. Peramalan terhadap curah hujan melibatkan keterkaitan antar waktu dan lokasi. Model space time sudah banyak dikembangkan, diantaranya adalah model Spasial Temporal Autoregressive (STAR) yang diperkenalkan oleh Pfeifer dan Deutsch (1980), Generalized Space-Time Autoregressive (GSTAR) dan GSTAR-OLS yang dikembangkan oleh Borovkova dkk (2002) dan GSTAR-SUR yang dikembangkan oleh Iriany, dkk (2013). Selain melibatkan keterkaitan antar waktu dan lokasi, data curah hujan juga seringkali bersifat nonlinier. Salah satu metode untuk menganalisis data nonlinier adalah dengan menggunakan metode jaringan saraf tiruan. Peneliti menggunakan metode GSTAR-Backpropagation Neural Network dengan tujuan mendapatkan model peramalan yang lebih baik. Penelitian dilakukan dengan memodelkan data curah hujan di enam lokasi di Jawa Barat. Dari hasil pemodelan didapatkan model GSTAR(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,36(1)) BNN(96-120-6) sebagai model yang terbaik dengan nilai MSE sebesar 0.012124. Berdasarkan hasil peramalan data testing dapat disimpulkan bahwa Model GSTAR (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,36(1)) Backpropagation Neural Network (96-120-6) dapat digunakan untuk meramalkan curah hujan di wilayah Jawa Barat