602 research outputs found

    Using Support Vector Machine for Prediction Dynamic Voltage Collapse in an Actual Power System

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    Abstract—This paper presents dynamic voltage collapse prediction on an actual power system using support vector machines. Dynamic voltage collapse prediction is first determined based on the PTSI calculated from information in dynamic simulation output. Simulations were carried out on a practical 87 bus test system by considering load increase as the contingency. The data collected from the time domain simulation is then used as input to the SVM in which support vector regression is used as a predictor to determine the dynamic voltage collapse indices of the power system. To reduce training time and improve accuracy of the SVM, the Kernel function type and Kernel parameter are considered. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed SVM method, its performance is compared with the multi layer perceptron neural network (MLPNN). Studies show that the SVM gives faster and more accurate results for dynamic voltage collapse prediction compared with the MLPNN. Keywor ds —Dynamic voltage collapse, prediction, artificial neural network, support vector machines

    Penggabungan Usaha BPR-BKK Karangmalang Sragen Dilihat Dari Segi Yuridis

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    Perkembangan perbankan di Indonesia sudah dimulai pada saat periode pendudukan belanda. Bank dibedakan menjadi dua macam berdasarkan jenisnya, yakni Bank Umum dan Bank Perkreditan Rakyat. Tanggal 28 oktober 1988 dikeluarkan Pakto 88 dan pakto ini mengalami tujuh kali perubahan dan penyempurnaan, salah satu isinya adalah penyederhanaan dan penggabungan usaha Bank. Pemerintah mengeluarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 10 tahun 1998 karena perkembangan ekonomi yang berubah sangat cepat dan muncul bank-bank yang tidak sehat maka pemerintah menyarankan agar bank tersebut melaksanakan merger. Di kota Sragen telah dilakukan merger terhadap empat belas BPR-BKK yang ada disetiap kecamatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis merger dari penggabungan usaha BPR-BKK Karangmalang, mengetahui tujuan pemegang saham melakukan merger, dan untuk mengetahui dampak merger bagi para pihak. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan yuridis empiris. Penelitian ini dilakukan di BPR-BKK Karangmalang. Jenis data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah melalui studi kepustakaan dan penelitian lapangan. Analisis data menggunakan analisis data kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan analisis data yang telah dilakukan jenis merger BPR-BKK Karangmalang adalah merger horizontal, sederhana, operasional, dan tujuan pemilik saham melakukan merger adalah untuk: memperkuat organisasi, memperkuat jangkauan pemasaran, meningkatkan skala usaha, meningkatkan kemampuan investasi, meningkatkan ketertiban penyaluran dana, rotasi pegawai lebih luas, menghemat biaya dan meningkatkan kemampuan memperoleh laba, memperkuat permodalan. Dampak merger bagi bank adalah setelah merger yakni bank- bank yang ikut merger tersebut melebur menjadi satu ke BPR-BKK Karangmalang, kantor yang dahulu ditempati sebagai kantor dari masing-masing BPR-BKK yang ada di setiap kecamatan sekarang difungsikan sebagai kantor cabang dari BPR-BKK Karangmalang. Dampak merger bagi pemegang saham yakni pemegang saham sesudah dua tahun merger dilakukan.ada yang melepaskan diri. Dampak merger bagi karyawan setelah merger yaitu karyawan dari bank yang ikut merger maka otomatis masuk menjadi karyawan BPR-BKK Karangmalang. Dampak merger bagi nasabah yakni nasabah dari bank yang ikut merger kemudian melebur menjadi nasabah BPR-BKK Karangmalang dan nasabah dapat menikmati semua pelayanan di setiap kantor cabang. Dampak merger bagi direksi yakni sesudah merger direksi masing- masing Bank yang ikut merger menjadi pemimpin cabang dari BPR-BKKKarangmalang pada saat direksi tersebut menjabat sebagai direksi dari bank yang lam

    Support Vector Regression Based S-transform for Prediction of Single and Multiple Power Quality Disturbances

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    This paper presents a novel approach using Support Vector Regression (SVR) based S-transform to predict the classes of single and multiple power quality disturbances in a three-phase industrial power system. Most of the power quality disturbances recorded in an industrial power system are non-stationary and comprise of multiple power quality disturbances that coexist together for only a short duration in time due to the contribution of the network impedances and types of customers’ connected loads. The ability to detect and predict all the types of power quality disturbances encrypted in a voltage signal is vital in the analyses on the causes of the power quality disturbances and in the identification of incipient fault in the networks. In this paper, the performances of two types of SVR based S-transform, the non-linear radial basis function (RBF) SVR based S-transform and the multilayer perceptron (MLP) SVR based S-transform, were compared for their abilities in making prediction for the classes of single and multiple power quality disturbances. The results for the analyses of 651 numbers of single and multiple voltage disturbances gave prediction accuracies of 86.1% (MLP SVR) and 93.9% (RBF SVR) respectively. Keywords: Power Quality, Power Quality Prediction, S-transform, SVM, SV


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    Most of action for infusion in the emergency department. Action of infusion more frequently performed by nurses and should be in accordance with standard operating procedures (SOP). The occurrence of plebitis incident, swollen, and trauma of due to repeated infusion is result of actions that do not prioritize of the patient safety. The purpose of research is knowing influence the level of knowledge and attitudes of nurses toward the implementation of Standard Operating Procedures in infusion. This research used descriptive quantitative research methods with cross sectional. The respondent of it is nurses working in the emergency department of PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital Bantul. Data was collected using a questionnaires and observation. The analytical tool used are univariate, bivariate, and multivariate. Results is the level of knowledge most of nurses in good category (80,00%), the attitude of most of the nurses has a good category (53,33%) and the application of standard operating procedures infusion majority of categories has been implemented (53,33%). There is a relationship between the level of knowledge and the application of standard operating procedures (p0,05). There is a relationship between the attitude and the application of standard operating procedures (p0,05). The magnitude of the influence level of knowledge and attitudes of nurses toward the implementation of SOP for 53,4% (R Square) while the remaining  46,6% is explained by other variables. Conclusion is there is influence between knowledge and attitude toward the implementation of standard operating procedures of infusion in RS PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul. The suggestion is the hospital should be providing the instrument of infusion accordance with the principles of safety and alertness in the application of standard operating procedures of infusion. Keyword: Level of Knowledge, Attitude, Implementation of Standard Operating Procedures of Infusio

    Improvised design of grease trap for the usage at the food premises

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    In Malaysia, there are many pollutions that emitted from the industry. Water pollution can be caused by various sectors, one of it is the industrial sector of the food service. The food service industry in Malaysia is growing up every day and they are the major contributor to pollution that was caused by fats, oils, and grease that are highly discharged from food premises. Grease traps are widely used by most restaurants and food processing industries to reduce oil and grease to an acceptable level before it can be discharged to public sewers [1]. Grease traps are a pipeline that traps the food waste before they enter the sanitary sewer system. The food waste is from the fats, oils, and greases and is usually found in kitchen waste water. Normally, the grease traps are located under the sink because the place is usually contributed to fat, oil and grease. Among the alternatives to reduce the emission levels of fats, oil, and grease, the uses of the grease trap is required to filter the wastewater released from the premises [2]

    Strategic Planning of Information System/Infromation Technology (Case Study: Gresik Regency Government Environment)

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    Using IS (Information System)/IT (Information technology) has become the organization's need to carry out its operational activities and services. The government has also used IS/IT in carrying out its activities and services considering the benefits that are get, efficient, effective, and transparency to support good and clean governance. Gresik Regency does not yet have a master plan for implementing IS/IT so that what it needs cannot be managed. Gresik Regency needs a planned information technology-based system that can produce correct and prompt information. purpose of this study was to identify data and information needs in policy formulation and to develop an information system strategic plan in Gresik Regency. Basic concept used in compiling this research is the method proposed by John Ward and Joe Peppard. stages carried out start from analyzing the internal and external business environment of the organization, analyzing internal and external organization IS/IT, followed by identifying strategies and designing future portfolios. Method of analysis carried out uses several methods, among others, SWOT, Critical Success Factors, Value Chain, PEST, and Mc Farlan Strategic Grid. The results of this study is a blueprint of strategic planning that refers to the organization's business plan based on data obtained through the analytical methods used. It will integrate the information produced for administrative and public service needs. organization's strategic objectives in the form of superior prime service will be achieved by implementing an optimal improvement of data processing functions with the support of Information Technology. preparation of IS / IT strategic planning according to the resulting portfolio is expecting to be using in future strategic planning so it can give priority to the activities needed to get optimal results and based on its contribution to the objectives to be achievin


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    Penerimaan diri merupakan suatu keadaan dimana seseorang dapat menerima kelebihan dan kekurangan atas dirinya sendiri serta lingkungan sekitarnya. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui proses penerimaan diri seorang remaja putri yang memiliki orang tua tiri serta mengetahui apa saja faktor pendukung subjek bisa sampai pada tahap penerimaan diri. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu kualitatif dengan desain penelitian studi kasus. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi subjek dan wawancara secara mendalam. Subjek yang digunakan dalam penelitian yaitu 2 orang remaja putri yang memiliki orang tua tiri. Dilihat dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari kedua subjek sudah mampu sampai  pada tahap penerimaan diri. Meskipun di awal fase, keduanya sama – sama mengalami penolakan dengan latar belakang yang berbeda. Keduanya sama – sama mendapatkan dukungan sosial dari saudara dekatnya sehingga bisa membentuk konsep diri yang positif. Subjek SI pada akhirnya bisa menerima orang tua tirinya, karena dia berfikir bahwa ibunya sangat membutuhkan pendamping untuk bisa membantu mengasuh dirinya dan kakaknya. Di sisi lain SI juga sudah bisa merasakan kebaikan ayah tirinya. lain halnya dengan subjek NA, dia akhirnya dapat menerima ibu tirinya karena termotivasi oleh dukungan yang diberikan oleh saudara dekatnya. Dia yakin bahwa dia bisa menjadi remaja yang sukses dan mandiri meskipun penolakan masih dia dapatkan dari ibut tirinya. Dalam hal ini mengungkapkan bahwa umur tidak menjamin kedewasaan seseorang untuk bisa berfikir secara luas. Kedua subjek bisa berada pada tahap penerimaan diri setelah melewati 5 proses tahap penerimaan yaitu denial, anger, bergaining, depression serta acceptance. Faktor lain yang menjadi pendukung dalam penerimaan diri yaitu Berfikir positif, dukungan sosial, mempunyai keberhasilan dalam bidang tertentu, serta konsep diri yang positif

    Perbedaan Volume Media Dan Komposisi Media Tanam Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Lobak Putih (Raphanus sativus L.)

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    Lobak (Raphanus sativus L.) merupakan sayuran umbi yang dapat dibudidayakan di seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Permasalahan tanaman lobak yaitu hanya ditanam di beberapa wilayah di Indonesia. Salah satu upaya memperluas daerah penanaman lobak adalah menanam lobak dengan urban farming. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari apakah ada interaksi antara ukuran polybag dengan komposisi media tanam pada pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman lobak. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret 2020 hingga April 2020 di Greenhouse Fakultas Petanian Universitas Brawijaya Malang. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok Faktorial dengan 2 faktor dan 3 ulangan. Faktor pertama adalah ukuran polybag 30 cm x 15 cm (U1), ukuran polybag 35 cm x 17,5 cm (U2), dan ukuran polybag 40 cm x 20 cm (U3). Faktor kedua adalah cocopeat : kompos : pasir  (1:1:1) (K1), cocopeat : kompos : pasir  (1:3:1) (K2), cocopeat : kompos : pasir  (1:1:3) (K3), cocopeat : kompos : pasir (3:1:1) (K4). Komposisi media tanam yang tepat dipengaruhi oleh ukuran polybag. Polybag ukuran 30 cm x 15 cm dan 35 cm x 17,5 cm menghasilkan bobot segar tertinggi pada komposisi media tanam cocopeat : kompos : pasir (3:1:1). Sedangkan ukuran polybag 40 cm x 20 cm pada komposisi media tanam cocopeat : kompos : pasir (1:1:1), ukuran polybag 40 cm x 20 cm dapat meningkatkan bobot segar umbi lobak, dan komposisi media tanam cocopeat : kompos : pasir (1:1:1) dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan bobot segar umbi tanaman lobak

    An Analysis on IL Fossilization Phenomenon in Students Writing Performance

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    This present study tries to investigate the students’ writing performance to know whether interlanguage fossilization is occurs or not. The primary goal of this research is to give information relating interlanguage fossilization in students’ writing performance of English Education Study Program of IAIN Jurai Siwo Metro. This research is qualitative research. It is used to describe interlanguage fossilization that occurred in students’ writing performance. The writer uses observation, documentation and interview to collect the data. Purposive sampling is the technique for choosing the ten students of the sixth and the eight semester of English Education Study Program of IAIN Jurai Siwo Metro in the Academic Year of 2017/2018. The result of this research shows that there are two types of interlanguage fossilization that are commonly produced by students’ writing performance. They are syntactical fossilization and morphological fossilization. Syntactical fossilization consists of 71, 86% and morphological fossilization consists of 28, 14%.  Moreover, interlanguage fossilization phenomenon in students’ writing performance is caused by the students’ low English proficiency. Therefore, the students should be more active to improve their English ability. &nbsp

    Performance Evaluation of Voltage Stability Indices for Dynamic Voltage Collapse Prediction

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    The research presents a study in evaluating the performance of several voltage stability index has been proposed and it is named as the power transfer stability index. The proposed index is then compared with other known voltage stability indices such as the voltage collapse prediction index, the line index and power margin. To evaluate and compare the effectiveness of these indices in predicting proximity to voltage collapse, simulation are carried out using the WSCC 9 bus test system. Simulation test result show that the proposed power transfer ability index and the voltage collapse prediction index give a better prediction of dynamic voltage collapse comapared to the power margin and the line index
