894 research outputs found

    The Laplace transform of Dirichlet L-functions

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    In the paper, a formula for the Laplace transform of the square of Dirichlet L-functions on the critical line is obtained


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    The article delves into the changes in the main macroeconomic indicators of the European Union (EU) countries in the different periods of economic cycles. The research problem is formulated by raising a problematic question: what are the changes in the main macroeconomic indicators of the European Union countries (Lithuania, France, Sweden and Greece) in the different periods of the economic cycles? The aim is to analyse the main changes in the macroeconomic indicators of the European Union countries in the different periods of economic cycles. Research methods: analysis of scientific literature, analysis of statistical data, grouping of variables, graphical representation. After analysing the changes in gross domestic product in Lithuania, France, Sweden and Greece, it can be stated that the largest positive change in gross domestic product (GDP) is observed in Lithuania, when it almost doubled at the end of the analysed period. The analysis of the statistical data revealed that the highest unemployment rate was recorded in 2010, during the global financial crisis and declining trend until 2020. It can be observed that changes in the unemployment rate during the period under review were affected not only by the global financial crisis in 2008, but also by the effects of the global health crisis in 2020. The analysis data on the dynamics of the inflation rate revealed that the highest inflation was observed in Lithuania. The data showed that in Lithuania in 2015 deflation was observed, possibly due to the introduction of the euro in the country. Meanwhile, higher deflation was observed only in Greece in 2013-2015 and 202

    Using guitar learning to probe the Action Observation Network's response to visuomotor familiarity

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    Watching other people move elicits engagement of a collection of sensorimotor brain regions collectively termed the Action Observation Network (AON). An extensive literature documents more robust AON responses when observing or executing familiar compared to unfamiliar actions, as well as a positive correlation between amplitude of AON response and an observer's familiarity with an observed or executed movement. On the other hand, emerging evidence shows patterns of AON activity counter to these findings, whereby in some circumstances, unfamiliar actions lead to greater AON engagement than familiar actions. In an attempt to reconcile these conflicting findings, some have proposed that the relationship between AON response amplitude and action familiarity is nonlinear in nature. In the present study, we used an elaborate guitar training intervention to probe the relationship between movement familiarity and AON engagement during action execution and action observation tasks. Participants underwent fMRI scanning while executing one set of guitar sequences with a scanner-compatible bass guitar and observing a second set of sequences. Participants then acquired further physical practice or observational experience with half of these stimuli outside the scanner across 3 days. Participants then returned for an identical scanning session, wherein they executed and observed equal numbers of familiar (trained) and unfamiliar (untrained) guitar sequences. Via region of interest analyses, we extracted activity within AON regions engaged during both scanning sessions, and then fit linear, quadratic and cubic regression models to these data. The data best support the cubic regression models, suggesting that the response profile within key sensorimotor brain regions associated with the AON respond to action familiarity in a nonlinear manner. Moreover, by probing the subjective nature of the prediction error signal, we show results consistent with a predictive coding account of AON engagement during action observation and execution that also takes into account effects of changes in neural efficiency

    An Assessment of Impact of Income Inequality on Sustainable Economic Growth in the Context of Saving

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    Income inequality projects a different impact on economic growth as it can both stimulate and slow down economic growth. The stimulating effect of income inequality is revealed via saving. Specifically, wealthy social classes dispose the capability to save more and devote a larger portion of their saving to investments and technological developments. However, environmental and social perspectives shall be taken into consideration when aiming for a sustainable development. This paper considers the effects of income inequality on sustainable economic growth in the context of saving for the EU-25 countries during the period of 2005–2013. The empirical research of this study is done using open code software package Gretl and working with panel data. Based on the relationship between income inequality ratio, economic growth and GDP per capita, countries have been divided into 4 clusters. Empirical results support impact of reciprocal action among income inequality, savings, economic growth, spending on social security to domestic material consumption, renewable energy in gross final energy consumption, municipal waste generation, municipal waste recycling, ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions to be insignificant in all four country cluster groups. Reciprocal action among income inequality, savings, economic growth, and spending on social security was estimated to increase emission of sulfur dioxides and nitrogen oxides, but reduced the amount of gross domestic energy consumption. The reciprocal action is estimated to increase emission of nitrogen oxides in the country cluster groups with relatively low income level and different relationship between income and economic growth levels

    Implementation of the Concept of Green Logistics Reffering to it Applications for Road Freight Transport Enterprises

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    The article examines a scientific and practical problem concerning the ability to implement a concept of green logistics with reference to IT applications for Lithuanian road freight transport enterprises. A scientific discussion develops the relation between the concept of green logistics and the principles of sustainable development. The paper analyses the main problems of green logistics and IT employment in the sector of Lithuanian road freight transport enterprises and focuses on the elaborated model representing a set of IT applications necessary to achieve the goals of green logistics in the road freight transport enterprise


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    Throughout the last decade, development in the logistics sphere is clearly visible. New logistics centers are being built. Trains, ships and road transport transfers cargos every day. Research shows that apparently in Lithuania most developed transportation method is car transport (Palšaitis, 2005). However, modernization of railway track and railway infrastructure, allows more and more companies to choose transportation by railways, which can help distribute cargos in bigger quantities and significantly reduced costs (Vilkevičius, 2012). Therefore this article tries to reveal the need for railway connection between Kaunas Free Economic Zone and the Intermodal Terminal of Kaunas and its future benefits

    Ciklinės apkrovos, šalčio ir drėgmės įtaka iš anksto įtemptojo gelžbetonio pabėgių armatūros inkaravimo zonos elgsenai

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    Disertacijoje nagrinėjama iš anksto įtemptojo gelžbetonio pabėgių, veikiamų išorinių jėgų ir atmosferos poveikių, eksploatuojamų atviroje aplinkoje, bėgvietės sekcijos elgsena. Analizuojama plieninių lynų sukibtis ir iš anksto įtemptojo gelžbetonio pabėgių pleišėjimas bei deformacijos veikiant statinei ir ciklinei apkrovoms. Pagrindinis darbo tikslas – nustatyti statinių ir ciklinių apkrovų bei aplinkos poveikių veikiamų iš anksto įtemptojo gelžbetonio pabėgių bėgvietės sekcijos pleišėjimo priežastis. Disertaciją sudaro įvadas, trys pagrindiniai skyriai, bendrosios išvados, literatūros sąrašas ir autoriaus publikacijų disertacijos tema sąrašas. Įvadiniame skyriuje formuluojama darbo problema, aptariamas darbo aktualumas ir tyrimų objektas, formuluojamas darbo tikslas bei uždaviniai, aprašoma tyrimų metodika, darbo mokslinis naujumas ir rezultatų praktinė reikšmė. Pirmame skyriuje aptariamos pagrindinės iš anksto įtemptojo gelžbetonio pabėgių irimo priežastys. Pateikti armatūros ir betono sukibtį aprašantys modeliai bei statinės ir ciklinės apkrovų veikiamų iš anksto įtemptojo gelžbetonio elementų plyšio pločio skaičiavimo metodai. Skyriaus pabaigoje pateikiamos išvados, leidžiančios formuluoti disertacijos uždavinius. Antrame skyriuje aprašomi eksperimentiniai pabėgių bėgvietės sekcijos bei plieninių lynų sukibties su betonu tyrimai ir jų rezultatai. Aprašomi bandiniai, jų gamyba ir bandymų metodai. Pateikiami statinės ir ciklinės apkrovų bei atmosferos poveikių veikiamų pabėgių bėgvietės sekcijos pleišėjimo ir betono deformacijų bei plieninių lynų sukibties tyrimų rezultatai. Trečiame skyriuje pasiūlyti statiniai ir dinaminiai trijų vijų plieninio lyno sukibtį su betonu vertinantys parametrai, kurie panaudoti plyšio pločio skaičiavimuose. Pasiūlytas vienos krypties kintamos amplitudės ciklinės apkrovos sukeliamo plyšio pločio skaičiavimo metodas. Atlikti plyšio pločio analitiniai skaičiavimai ir jie palyginti su iš anksto įtemptojo gelžbetonio pabėgių bėgvietės sekcijos eksperimentiniais plyšio pločio rezultatais. Darbo pabaigoje pateiktos bendrosios išvados. Disertacijos tema paskelbti 6 moksliniai straipsniai: 2 – recenzuojamuose mokslo žurnaluose, įtrauktuose į Thomson ISI sąrašą, 3 – tarptautinių duomenų bazių mokslo žurnaluose, 1 – konferencijų pranešimų medžiago-je. Disertacijos tema perskaityti 3 pranešimai Lietuvos ir kitų šalių konferencijose (1 iš jų tarptautinėje konferencijoje)

    Abiturientų kompiuterinio raštingumo analizė

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    Straipsnyje analizuojami mokinių kompiuterinio raštingumo įskaitos (MKRĮ) 2007-ųjų ir 2009-ųjų metų rezultatai. Pateikiama statistinė informacija apie laikiusius šią įskaitą, atlikta rezultatų statistinė analizė. Remiantis šios analizės rezultatais – MKRĮ klausimų sunkumo koefi cientu ir skiriamąja geba – atrinkti klausimai, daugiausia problemų sukėlę laikiusiems įskaitą mokiniams. Iš šių klausimų ir mokinių rezultatų analizės matyti, kokias klaidas dažniausiai darė mokiniai, kurios temos jiemsbuvo sunkiausios. Apibendrinant atliktą analizę pateikiamos rekomendacijos IT mokytojams, dėstantiems IT kursą bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose.Analysis of School-leavers’ Computer LiteracyAidas Žandaris SummaryThe paper analyzes the results of School-leavers’ Computer Literacy Test (SCLT) in 2007 and 2009. Statistical data on those who took the course credit test are presented and the statistical analysis of the results is made. Based on the results of statistical analysis – the degree of diffi culty of SCLT items as well as item discrimination – the points that caused most problems for students who took the course credit test have been selected. The analysis of the test results of these issues has shown what mistakes were mostly made by the students and which topics were most difficult for them. Summarizing the analysis made, some recommendations are presented for teachers of Information Technology (IT) who deliver the IT course at schools of general education


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    Pirmieji švyturiai buvo paprasčiausi LAUŽAI, uždegti aukštesnėje pakrantės vietoje, kad saviškiai, išėję jūron, rastų kelią namo. Homeras VIII a. pr. Kr. „Iliadoje“ aprašė Trojos karą: „Kai užgęsta saulė – ant kranto uždegami signaliniai laužai.“ Norint, kad laužas matytųsi iš toliau, reikėjo ugnį kelti aukštyn. Net du antikos švyturiai yra „Septyniuose pasaulio stebukluose“ –Aleksandrijos (Pharos) (280–247 m. pr. Kr.) ir Rodo Kolosas (292–280 m. pr. Kr.). Prasidėjus laivybai, nusidriekė jūrų keliai iš Viduržemio jūros, aplink Europą ir iki Skandinavijos. Pakeliui, besiplečiant Romos imperijai, pakrantėse dygo pirmieji švyturiai – Ostia, Genua, La Coruna, Cordouan, Dover, Hook..

    Foreign Military Sales trend analysis: impacts on the future with application to Taiwan

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    MBA Professional ReportThe purpose of this MBA Project is to investigate and provide an analysis of the prominent factors that affecr the United States Foreign Military Sales (FMS) program. This project was conducted with the sponsorship and assistance of the Naval Postgraduate School's Acquisition Research Institute, Financial Management and International programs. The overall goal of this project is three-fold: 1) to identify the purpose of the United States FMS program and its processes 2) to identify, define and evaluate historical economic, political, social and industrial changes and trends that affect FMS worldwide allocation and support and 3) to apply these findings to a specific country (Taiwan) to make a prediction of future participation and support. The role of arms sales in world politics has grown tremendously since the end of World War II and more specifically since the passage of new arms laws in 1979. The importance of FMS is increasingly evident in the foreign policies of both supplier and recipient nations, in international politics, competition and relations. Arms sales have become in recent years a crucial dimension of international affairs. This paper examines several trends in military equipment, services and training exchanges and investigates their potential impact on the future conflicts. The nature of FMS is complex. This research plans to identify and analyze trends relating to socio-political, economic, and industrial and technological changes associated with FMS spending. This discussion then applies these findings to Taiwan as a case study and expands on the customer's experience with FMS. The intent of this paper is to increase the reader's knowledge of FMS, pinpoint trends in the program and use FMS to Taiwan as a point of comparison to increase comprehension of this extremely complex and not well-understood program.http://archive.org/details/foreignmilitarys1094538044US Army (USA) authorRepublic of China authorUS Air Force (USAF) authorLithuanian Air Force authorApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited