299 research outputs found

    Application of Innovative Financial Product for Increase of Efficient Realization of Leasing Operations

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    Contemporary organizations seek for new, innovative ways of building up competitive advantage. One of them is financing operations using new forms racing. Such a form is innovative leasing option which leaves the leaser the right to sell the leased equipment to the leasing company, which in turn is obliged to buy it. This way the risk for the company is smaller and the decisions to invest in such a way are taken more easily. The article deepens the topic showing advantages of such solutions to the companies

    Innovation process and control function in management

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    Currently, in terms of the need to improve business competitiveness in world markets, the problem of innovative development and the control function of Russian enterprises becomes more relevant. The authors’ approach, revealing the role of management control in solving the problem of innovative development of an enterprise, is presented herein. As the main method of study, the multilevel approach is used, while the innovation process is explored in various representations. As a set of stages from an innovational concept to a market product; as a set of resources and motivations for the participants in an innovational project; as a set of rules and procedures aimed to achieving the goals and requiring constant monitoring. Managerial control is considered as a factor of integration of the conditions required for the successful implementation of an innovative project at the enterprise. For the integrated support of the innovative processes, the enterprise internal control system is proposed, based on the polyadministrative matrix structure and the frame functioning model of the enterprise using information technologies. The systems of internal control during innovative development, which is implemented in different conditions and in different national economic systems, are also considered. The advantages and disadvantages of various approaches to the organization of control over the innovation activity at the enterprise are revealed. The recommendations are formulated to improve the model of internal control in the conditions of innovative development of the enterprise.peer-reviewe

    Mapping Atlantic rainforest degradation and regeneration history with indicator species using convolutional network

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    The Atlantic rainforest of Brazil is one of the global terrestrial hotspots of biodiversity. Despite having undergone large scale deforestation, forest cover has shown signs of increases in the last decades. Here, to understand the degradation and regeneration history of Atlantic rainforest remnants near São Paulo, we combine a unique dataset of very high resolution images from Worldview-2 and Worldview-3 (0.5 and 0.3m spatial resolution, respectively), georeferenced aerial photographs from 1962 and use a deep learning method called U-net to map (i) the forest cover and changes and (ii) two pioneer tree species, Cecropia hololeuca and Tibouchina pulchra. For Tibouchina pulchra, all the individuals were mapped in February, when the trees undergo mass-flowering with purple and pink blossoms. Additionally, elevation data at 30m spatial resolution from NASA Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) and annual mean climate variables (Terraclimate datasets at ∼ 4km of spatial resolution) were used to analyse the forest and species distributions. We found that natural forests are currently more frequently found on south-facing slopes, likely because of geomorphology and past land use, and that Tibouchina is restricted to the wetter part of the region (southern part), which annually receives at least 1600 mm of precipitation. Tibouchina pulchra was found to clearly indicate forest regeneration as almost all individuals were found within or adjacent to forests regrown after 1962. By contrast, Cecropia hololeuca was found to indicate older disturbed forests, with all individuals almost exclusively found in forest fragments already present in 1962. At the regional scale, using the dominance maps of both species, we show that at least 4.3% of the current region’s natural forests have regrown after 1962 (Tibouchina dominated, ∼ 4757 ha) and that ∼ 9% of the old natural forests have experienced significant disturbance (Cecropia dominated)

    Caracterização fenotípica de bactérias diazotróficas associadas a Tripogon spicatus no Bioma Caatinga.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar fenotipicamente bactérias diazotróficas isoladas de exemplares da gramínea tolerante à dessecação, Tripogon spicatus, oriundos da Caatinga. As bactérias foram isoladas de solo rizosférico e de raízes de T. spicatus utilizando-se o meio de cultura BMGM semissólido para a obtenção de isolados capazes de fixar o nitrogênio atmosférico em condições microaerofílicas. Os tubos inoculados, onde foi possível observar a película característica para a fixação biológica do N em meio semissólido, foram utilizados para a obtenção dos isolados que foram purificados em meio de cultura Dyg?s sólido e avaliados quanto às principais características culturais. Para cada uma das características, a diferença do número de isolados entre o solo rizosférico e a raiz foi avaliada através do teste F. Foi possível observar uma grande variabilidade fenotípica dos isolados, havendo diferença significativa para seis dentre as oito características avaliadas. Esses resultados indicam que existe grande variabilidade entre os 67 isolados avaliados e demonstram a presença de comunidades bacterianas distintas habitando o sistema radicular e o solo rizosférico de T. spicatus na Caatinga.bitstream/item/72537/1/Boleti-de-pesquisa-98.pd

    Evaluation of cassava germplasm for drought tolerance under field conditions.

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    The development of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) with a high yield under water-deficit conditions is one of the goal of the breeding programs. The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance and to select cassava accessions based on drought tolerance indices and productive potential under water stress. Forty-nine accessions were evaluated for five agronomic traits (plant height?PH, root yield?RoY, shoot yield?ShY, harvest index?HI; and dry matter content of roots?DMC) under full irrigation conditions and drought stress (DS). The accessions were selected based on: (i) high yield under drought conditions (HY-DS) and (ii) high drought tolerance (Dr-To) based on six different indices. Overall, water stress dramatically reduced the traits? means (RoY?72.98%, ShY?54.95%, DMC?26.15%, HI?31.05%, and PH?32.95%). Low coincidence among the top ten accessions was identified based on HY-DS and Dr-To criteria. Therefore, considering only the most important traits (RoY andShY), five accessions (BGM0815, BGM0598, 9624-09, BGM0818, and BRS Formosa) presented high HY-DS. In contrast, to Dr-To criterion, eight and nine accessions were selected for high yield of the aerial part (ShY and PH) and roots (RoY and DMC), respectively. The mean productivity, geometric mean productivity, and drought tolerance indices were the most promising to identify genotypes with high agronomic attributes, while drought susceptibility index, susceptibility, and yield stability index were suitable to identify the most drought tolerant accessions. This set of selected accessions can be used in breeding programs aimed at high yield and drought tolerance

    Nodulation, gas exchanges and production of peanut cultivated with Bradyrhizobium in soils with different textures.

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    Nitrogen fertilization from biological source is an uncommon practice for peanut growers due to the limited results, mainly in environments with water restriction. In this study, the response of a commercial Bradyrhizobium was evaluated on the nodulation and production of peanuts grown in sandy and medium textured soils. Two experiments using different soils were carried out in the field during the dry season, in Campina Grande, Paraíba State, Brazil. Three peanut genotypes were submitted to the following treatments: 1-no nitrogen fertilization (control), 2- chemical fertilization (ammonium sulfate) and 3- inoculation with Bradyrhizobium [commercial strain BR 1405 (SEMIA 6144)]. A completely randomized 3x3 factorial design was adopted with five repetitions for both experiments. The evaluates variables were: height of the main stem, number of nodes/plant, root length, root dry weight, weight of pods/plant and number of pods/plant. In addition, gas exchanges were estimated using IRGA apparatus. Both genotypes (BRS Havana and L7 Bege) were benefited in relation to production due to an inoculation with SEMIA 6144. No physiological response was verified in genotypes or N-treatments to gas exchange, excepting for the Ci/Ca ratio in the medium textured soil experiment. BRS Havana showed low Ci/Ca ratio in Bradyrhizobium treatment, indicating that SEMIA 6144 improved the plants photosynthetic efficiency