2,059 research outputs found

    Design of Millimeter Wave Oscillator

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    Millimeter waves (mm-waves) are a spectrum frequency that ranges from 30 GHz until 300 GHz. Mm-waves is situated after microwaves and before infrared waves in frequency spectrum list. They also sometimes can be called as Extremely High Frequency (EHF). This group of frequency has wavelength (λ) between 1-mm until 10-mm scale. That is the reason why there are known as millimeter wave. Meanwhile, oscillator is an electronic circuit that can delivers repeated waveforms. Waveforms that deliver rely on upon how we plan the oscillator circuit. There are many applications of millimeter wave oscillator in our modern world nowadays. For example, this technology is widely used in communication, daily electronic gadgets, and also in military. Millimeter wave oscillators are the main segment that create electronic indicator to send the data through any type of medium, to the destination needed. Because of their important role in engineering technology, especially for telecommunications, it is very important for us to understand the operational principle and also designing the millimeter wave oscillator. Thus, by doing this project, hopefully we can understand more regarding this segment of spectrum. This task centers exclusively on the configuration of a millimeter parts and programming reenactment in direct schematic outline and additionally micro strip design. Negative conductance technique is utilized to plan a solid millimeter oscillator

    Pelaksanaan Pelatihan dan Pengembangan pada Pusat Pelatihan Pertanian Pedesaan Swadaya (P4s) Karya Nyata Kubang Jaya Kecamatan Siak Hulu Kabupaten Kampar

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    Training and development is an activity to improve the quality of human resources in achieving mastery of skills, knowledge, and abilities. The formulation of the problem in this research is how the "Implementation of Training and Development at the Center for Agricultural Training Rural Governmental of Real Kubang Jaya Subdistrict Siak Hulu and Kampar Factors affecting Implementation of Training and Development at the Center for Agricultural Training Rural Governmental of real Kubang Jaya Subdistrict Siak Hulu Kampar "with the aim of research to" Knowing Implementation of Training and Development at the Center for Agricultural Training Rural Governmental of real Kubang Jaya Subdistrict Siak Hulu and Kampar Knowing factors affecting Implementation of Training and Development at the Center Governmental Rural Agricultural training of Real Kubang Jaya Subdistrict Siak Hulu and Kampar". The method used is descriptive qualitative method, the analysis that seeks to provide a detailed description based on the fact that some in the field regarding the implementation of training and development, especially on Governmental Rural Agricultural Training Centre of Real Kubang Jaya. The data used in this study consisted of (Assessment of Needs, Objectives, Materials Program, Principles of Learning), and secondary (Cost Effectiveness, Accuracy and Compatibility Facility, Capabilities and Preferences Participant, Capabilities and Preferences Instructor). Data collection techniques include: observation, interviews, and a review of documentation. Involving thirteen persons consisting of one head of one person BPPKP field P4S P4S chairman of the public relations and promotions section P4S three instructors from three participants three alumni and one P4S environmental community.The results of this research is Implementation of Training and Development at the Center for Agricultural Training Rural Governmental of Real Kubang Jaya Subdistrict Siak Hulu and Kampar yet well run. This is because all of the participants have had training in real work P4S Kubang Jaya have increase in knowledge, skills and abilities. But such knowledge is only possessed a moment, except for the capital gain from the government and can apply their knowledge.Keywords: Training, Development, Agricultural Training Center of rura

    Madangones A and B, two new neolignans from Beilschmiedia madang Blume and their bioactivities

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    Two new neolignans, madangones A (1) and B (2), together with (+)-kunstlerone (3), vanillin, vanillic acid, betulin, β-sitosterol and β-sitostenone, were isolated from the stem bark of Beilschmiedia madang (Lauraceae). The structures of the compounds were determined by spectroscopic means. The compounds were tested for antioxidant, acetylcholinesterase inhibitory and anti-inflammatory activities. Compound (3) displayed the strongest DPPH radical-scavenging activity with an IC50 value of 68.7 M. Compound (2) exhibited the highest level of activity on the COX-2 model and acetylcholinesterase inhibition assay, with IC50 values of 27.4 and 70.3 µM, respectively

    Design of Millimeter Wave Oscillator

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    Millimeter waves (mm-waves) are a spectrum frequency that ranges from 30 GHz until 300 GHz. Mm-waves is situated after microwaves and before infrared waves in frequency spectrum list. They also sometimes can be called as Extremely High Frequency (EHF). This group of frequency has wavelength (λ) between 1-mm until 10-mm scale. That is the reason why there are known as millimeter wave. Meanwhile, oscillator is an electronic circuit that can delivers repeated waveforms. Waveforms that deliver rely on upon how we plan the oscillator circuit. There are many applications of millimeter wave oscillator in our modern world nowadays. For example, this technology is widely used in communication, daily electronic gadgets, and also in military. Millimeter wave oscillators are the main segment that create electronic indicator to send the data through any type of medium, to the destination needed. Because of their important role in engineering technology, especially for telecommunications, it is very important for us to understand the operational principle and also designing the millimeter wave oscillator. Thus, by doing this project, hopefully we can understand more regarding this segment of spectrum. This task centers exclusively on the configuration of a millimeter parts and programming reenactment in direct schematic outline and additionally micro strip design. Negative conductance technique is utilized to plan a solid millimeter oscillator

    The Effect of Managing Distance Learning Educational Platforms on the Achievement of Secondary School Students in Chemistry in Jordan

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    The study aimed to identify the effect of Managing distance learning educational platforms on the achievement of secondary school students in chemistry in Jordan. To achieve the objective of the study, the descriptive approach was used by constructing a questionnaire, and its validity and reliability were verified. The study sample consisted of (2019) male and female students. The study identified the following results: There was a statistically significant effect for the impact of managing educational platforms on Secondary students taught through distance learning on the total score in academic achievement and that effect accounted for (64.8%) of the achievement. As for aspects, the results showed a statistically significant effect of the student-related and teacher-related aspects on academic achievement, and the lack of an effect of aspects related to the technical aspect. The results also showed the high effectiveness of educational platforms for students in the secondary stage during the distance learning with its various platforms in the kingdom ,and the "student" –related aspect ranked first, and in the second place came technical – related aspect, and in the third and last place came teacher - related aspects .The results also showed that there were statistically significant differences in the effectiveness of high school students during distance learning on the total degree and aspects according to the variables (educational platform, gender, grade) and the differences were in favor of females, the second secondary grade and Darsak platform .In light of the results, a number of recommendations were presented, the most important of which were: The necessity of encouraging secondary school students, especially the second secondary to follow the educational platforms to promote achievement, and to understand the educational materials ,And to lessen dependence on financially strained private lessons for students’ families and training teachers on the optimal use of distance learning which has become a requirement of the current era. Keywords: Educational platforms, distance learning, Chemistry. DOI: 10.7176/JEP/12-26-06 Publication date:September 30th 202

    Targeted Next-Generation Sequencing Validates the Use of Diagnostic Biopsies as a Suitable Alternative to Resection Material for Mutation Screening in Colorectal Cancer

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    Background: Mutation testing in the context of neoadjuvant therapy must be performed on biopsy samples. Given the issue of tumour heterogeneity, this raises the question of whether the biopsies are representative of the whole tumour. Here we have compared the mutation profiles of colorectal biopsies with their matched resection specimens. Methods: We performed next-generation sequencing (NGS) analysis on 25 paired formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded colorectal cancer biopsy and primary resection samples. DNA was extracted and analysed using the TruSight tumour kit, allowing the interrogation of 26 cancer driver genes. Samples were run on an Illumina MiSeq. Mutations were validated using quick-multiplex-consensus (QMC)-polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in conjunction with high resolution melting (HRM). The paired biopsy and resection tumour samples were assessed for presence or absence of mutations, mutant allele frequency ratios, and allelic imbalance status. Results: A total of 81 mutations were detected, in ten of the 26 genes in the TruSight kit. Two of the 25 paired cases were wild-type across all genes. The mutational profiles, allelic imbalance status, and mutant allele frequency ratios of the paired biopsy and resection samples were highly concordant (88.75–98.85%), with all but three (3.7%) of the mutations identified in the resection specimens also being present in the biopsy specimens. All 81 mutations were confirmed by QMC-PCR and HRM analysis, although four low-level mutations required a co-amplification at lower denaturation temperature (COLD)-PCR protocol to enrich for the mutant alleles. Conclusions: Diagnostic biopsies are adequate and reliable materials for molecular testing by NGS. The use of biopsies for molecular screening will enhance targeted neoadjuvant therapy

    Antioxidant Activity and Inhibitory Effect of Some Commonly used Medicinal Plants against Lipid Per-Oxidation in Mice Brain

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    Background: The present study compares the protective properties of aqueous extracts of six medicinal plants, Phyllanthus emblica, Terminaliachebula (black and yellow), Terminalia arjuna, Balsamodendron Mukul and Alium sativum against lipid per-oxidation in mice brain.Methods: The antioxidant activities were analyzed by lipid per-oxidation assay, 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical assay, total antioxidantactivity and metal chelation.Results: The extracts (fruits and bark) showed inhibition against thiobarbituric acid reactive species (TBARS) induced by pro-oxidant (10 µM FeSO4) in mice brain. Moreover, the free radical scavenging activities of the extracts was evaluated by the scavenging of DPPH radical (IC50, 23.23±1.2 µg/ml (Phyllanthus emblica), 20.24±0.9 µg/ml (Terminalia chebula yellow) and 17.33±1.1 µg/ml (Terminalia chebula black), 19.44±0.45 µg/ml (Terminalia arjuna), 56.59±2.1 µg/ml (Balsamodendron Mukul) and . 200 µg/ml (Alium sativum).Conclusion: The higher antioxidant and inhibitory effect of Terminalia chebula black in this study could be attributed to its significantly higherphenolic content, Fe(II) chelating ability, reducing ability and free radical scavenging activity. Therefore oxidative stress in brain could be potentiallyprevented by the intake of these plants.Key words: Antioxidant activity, Balb c mice, iron chelation, phenolics, oxidative stress, medicinal plants

    Primary Health Centre disaster preparedness after the earthquake in Padang Pariaman, West Sumatra, Indonesia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The West Sumatra earthquake that occurred on September 30, 2009, caused severe damage in some districts, including Padang Pariaman. As Padang Pariaman is an earthquake-prone area, disaster and emergency management is necessary. Due to the limited health facilities, the health services completely rely on Puskesmas (Primary Health Centres, PHCs). This study is aimed at assessing the preparedness of PHCs to response to potential disasters in their surrounding area.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>Padang Pariaman district was used in a case study setting to assess the readiness and preparedness of the PHCs there to face disasters. Self-administered questionnaire, key informant interview, and direct observation were used to obtain the data on human resources, facilities preparedness, and the procedures. The investigation focused on measuring four aspects, i.e. human resources, facilities preparedness, standard operating procedure (SOP), and policy. Due to the limited co-operation of the head of the PHCs, three PHCs were directly observed as a subsample. The evaluation was performed six months after the impact phase of the earthquake and three months after the PHCs' health staff training on improving the primary health care services. The number and quality of health staff in Padang Pariaman was far below ideal. Fewer than half of the PHCs had emergency facilities and only one considered the need for triage and fire management, whereas the transportation mode was still limited. An SOP and policy for facing disasters were not available in any of the PHCs. Therefore, promoting disaster preparedness, technical provision, including health staff training, is necessary.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Padang Pariaman district has not yet prepared its PHCs to face disaster, so it is apparent that PHCs' disaster preparedness in Padang Pariaman and also other earthquake-prone areas in Indonesia should be promoted. This should include increasing the number of doctors, providing training for health staff, and developing a comprehensive approach as well as coordination among government, hospitals, PHCs, and NGO's for disaster preparedness.</p

    A new xanthone and a new benzophenone from the roots of Garcinia hombroniana

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    In this study, the roots of Garcinia hombroniana were chemically investigated, in which novel derivatives of xanthone and benzophenone, known as garcihomxanthone (1) and garcihombrianone (2), respectively, together with garceduxanthone (3), cheffouxanthone (4), norathyriol (5), and 2,3′,4,5′-tetrahydroxy-6-methoxybenzophenone (6) were isolated.. The structures of these compounds were elucidated by extensive spectroscopic techniques and evaluated based on references with previous literature data

    Targeted knock-down of miR21 primary transcripts using snoMEN vectors induces apoptosis in human cancer cell lines

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    We have previously reported an antisense technology, 'snoMEN vectors', for targeted knock-down of protein coding mRNAs using human snoRNAs manipulated to contain short regions of sequence complementarity with the mRNA target. Here we characterise the use of snoMEN vectors to target the knock-down of micro RNA primary transcripts. We document the specific knock-down of miR21 in HeLa cells using plasmid vectors expressing miR21-targeted snoMEN RNAs and show this induces apoptosis. Knock-down is dependent on the presence of complementary sequences in the snoMEN vector and the induction of apoptosis can be suppressed by over-expression of miR21. Furthermore, we have also developed lentiviral vectors for delivery of snoMEN RNAs and show this increases the efficiency of vector transduction in many human cell lines that are difficult to transfect with plasmid vectors. Transduction of lentiviral vectors expressing snoMEN targeted to pri-miR21 induces apoptosis in human lung adenocarcinoma cells, which express high levels of miR21, but not in human primary cells. We show that snoMEN-mediated suppression of miRNA expression is prevented by siRNA knock-down of Ago2, but not by knock-down of Ago1 or Upf1. snoMEN RNAs colocalise with Ago2 in cell nuclei and nucleoli and can be co-immunoprecipitated from nuclear extracts by antibodies specific for Ago2