8,911 research outputs found

    Strategy for developing da'wah broadcast programs on television in the millennial era

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    Purpose - This study aims to determine the planning and production of religious broadcast programs and to find strategies for developing Da'wah broadcast programs so that millennials are interested.Method - This study uses a qualitative method. Data collection techniques use the methods of observation, interviews, and documentation.Result - The contribution of this research is about the importance of the strategy of developing da'wah through television in order to present popular, and competent sources without any hidden agenda, and have different backgrounds. In addition, cadre presenters from the millennial generation, generation Z, empowered presenters who are eye-catching, fashionable, smart, communicative, capable of public speaking, smart in their way of thinking, and influencers who have lots of followers.Implication - The contribution of this research is about the importance of the strategy of developing da'wah through television in order to present popular and competent sources without any hidden agenda, and have different backgrounds. In addition, cadre presenters from the millennial generation, generation Z, empowered presenters who are eye-catching, fashionable, smart, communicative, capable of public speaking, smart in their way of thinking, and influencers who have lots of followers.Originality - This study focuses on the development of da'wah through television so that it continues to exist in this millennial era.***Tujuan - Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perencanaan dan produksi program siaran religi serta menemukan strategi pengembangan program siaran dakwah agar diminati generasi milenial.Metode – Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi.Hasil - Kontribusi penelitian ini adalah tentang pentingnya strategi pengembangan dakwah melalui televisi agar menghadirkan narasumber yang populer, kompeten, tanpa agenda tersembunyi, dan memiliki latar belakang yang berbeda. Selain itu, kader presenter dari generasi milenial, generasi Z, presenter berdaya yang eye-catching, fashionable, smart, komunikatif, mampu public speaking, cerdas cara berpikirnya, dan influencer yang memiliki banyak followers.Implikasi - Kontribusi penelitian ini adalah tentang pentingnya strategi pengembangan dakwah melalui televisi untuk menghadirkan narasumber yang populer dan kompeten tanpa agenda tersembunyi, serta memiliki latar belakang yang berbeda. Selain itu, kader presenter dari generasi milenial, generasi Z, presenter berdaya yang eye-catching, fashionable, smart, komunikatif, mampu public speaking, cerdas cara berpikirnya, dan influencer yang memiliki banyak followers.Orisinalitas - Kajian ini berfokus pada perkembangan dakwah melalui televisi agar tetap eksis di era milenial ini

    Strategy for developing da'wah broadcast programs on television in the millennial era

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    Purpose - This study aims to determine the planning and production of religious broadcast programs and to find strategies for developing Da'wah broadcast programs so that millennials are interested.Method - This study uses a qualitative method. Data collection techniques use the methods of observation, interviews, and documentation.Result - The contribution of this research is about the importance of the strategy of developing da'wah through television in order to present popular, and competent sources without any hidden agenda, and have different backgrounds. In addition, cadre presenters from the millennial generation, generation Z, empowered presenters who are eye-catching, fashionable, smart, communicative, capable of public speaking, smart in their way of thinking, and influencers who have lots of followers.Implication - The contribution of this research is about the importance of the strategy of developing da'wah through television in order to present popular and competent sources without any hidden agenda, and have different backgrounds. In addition, cadre presenters from the millennial generation, generation Z, empowered presenters who are eye-catching, fashionable, smart, communicative, capable of public speaking, smart in their way of thinking, and influencers who have lots of followers.Originality - This study focuses on the development of da'wah through television so that it continues to exist in this millennial era.***Tujuan - Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perencanaan dan produksi program siaran religi serta menemukan strategi pengembangan program siaran dakwah agar diminati generasi milenial.Metode – Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi.Hasil - Kontribusi penelitian ini adalah tentang pentingnya strategi pengembangan dakwah melalui televisi agar menghadirkan narasumber yang populer, kompeten, tanpa agenda tersembunyi, dan memiliki latar belakang yang berbeda. Selain itu, kader presenter dari generasi milenial, generasi Z, presenter berdaya yang eye-catching, fashionable, smart, komunikatif, mampu public speaking, cerdas cara berpikirnya, dan influencer yang memiliki banyak followers.Implikasi - Kontribusi penelitian ini adalah tentang pentingnya strategi pengembangan dakwah melalui televisi untuk menghadirkan narasumber yang populer dan kompeten tanpa agenda tersembunyi, serta memiliki latar belakang yang berbeda. Selain itu, kader presenter dari generasi milenial, generasi Z, presenter berdaya yang eye-catching, fashionable, smart, komunikatif, mampu public speaking, cerdas cara berpikirnya, dan influencer yang memiliki banyak followers.Orisinalitas - Kajian ini berfokus pada perkembangan dakwah melalui televisi agar tetap eksis di era milenial ini

    The effect of silane treatment on nanosized carica papaya seed modified pullulan as biocoagulant in wastewater treatment

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    Currently, conventional wastewater treatment process used chemical coagulant such as Aluminium sulphate. However, the residual aluminium in treated wastewater causes toxicity and serious health issues such as Alzheimer’ disease. Thus, in this study the potential of nanosized Carica Papaya (CP) seeds treated by silane coupling agent incorporated to pullulan on wastewater treatment was investigated. The biocoagulant produce prepared at a different composition of CP range from 1% to 9% was used to treat sewage wastewater. The biocoagulant was characterized by particle size analyser, FTIR and FESEM. The treated wastewater was analyzed by jar test in term of turbidity, pH, dissolved oxygen and Total Suspended Solid with biocoagulant dosage at 0.6 g/L. The size of nanosized biocoagulant was obtained at 608.9 nm. Silane treatment provides well dispersion of nanosized Carica Papaya seed powder in the pullulan matrix phase. FTIR analysis shows the presence of O-H, C=O and Si-O-CH3 bond. The highest turbidity reduction observed at the composition of nanosized CP5/P and silane treated nanosized CP5/P up to 93.89% and 93.98% respectively. However, no significant changes observed on turbidity reduction with increasing CP seeds content for both biocoagulant. Further, at these compositions, the TSS reduced up to 20% and 60% respectively. The DO value of wastewater decreased from the initial value and the increased the pH from 6.58 to 6.69 lead to the neutral condition. Therefore, the effectiveness of both untreated and silane treated biocoagulant were further confirmed upon textile wastewater with turbidity reduction achieved up to 7.84% and 14.54 % respectively. Overall, silane treatment enhanced the effectiveness of nanosized CP modified pullulan as biocoagulant

    Detecting financial distress

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    This paper examines two types of statistical tests, which are multiple discriminant analysis (MDA) and the logit model to detect financially distressed companies. Comparison between the two statistical tests is implemented to identiy factors that could differentiate financially distressed companies from the healthy company. Among the fifteen explanators, M D A shows that the current ratios, net income to total asset, and sales to current asset, are the indicators of financially distressed companies. Other than net income to total asset, the logit model provides two different ratios which are shareholders’filnd to total liabilities, and cash flow from financing to total liabilities, to identi@ financially distressed companies. It zuasfound that the logit model could accurately predict 91.5% of the estimation sample and 90% of the holdout sample whereas the discriminant model shows an overall accuracy rate of 84.5% and 80% for the estimatiorl and the holdout sample respectively

    Rekonstruksi Dakwahtainment Sebagai Media Dakwah

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    Salah satu fenomena yang sangat marak di media massa saat ini adalah program-program dakwahtainment; program yang menggabungkan tuntunan dan tontonan. Sebagian besar masyarakat Indonesia telah sangat akrab dengan beberapa tema acara pengajian yang banyak dijumpai di beberapa stasiun televisi yang mengusung beragam tema bernuansa agama dalam bingkai dakwah ini. Tujuan dakwah yang religius ternyata dalam realisasinya dominan dengan muatan materialistis semata yang berdampak pada kemunduran dakwah itu sendiri. Sebagai media dakwah, dakwahtainment justru banyak mengikis moral masyarakat karena minimnya tauladan yang diperankan oleh individu yang terlibat di dalamnya serta tidak tersampaikannya esensi materi dakwah yang ingin disampaikan. Metode dakwah  dengan entertainment ini juga sering mengundang persepsi masyarakat yang tanpa disadari mengkerdilkan nilai-nilai agama Islam. Kondisi yang demikian jika berlangsung terlalu lama akan berdampak pada nihilisasi peran masyarakat sebagi mad’u yang pada kenyataannya hanya berperan sebagai penonton pada acara hiburan dan tidak menampakkan indikasi keberhasilan misi religius dari acara dakwahtainment. Hal tersebut dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor yang bersifat materialistis dan kapitalis sebagai bagian dari bisnis media. Dakwahtainment hanya memberi banyak keuntungan finansial yang diraup oleh pihak manajemen dari stasiun televisi belaka. Sebuah ironi ketika agama memuat ajaran-ajaran yang berlawanan dengan nilai kapitalisme, tetapi justru agama dijadikan alat mencapai tujuan kapitalistis

    Response to Javanese Tradition in Kiai Shaleh Darat’s Writings

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    The process of Islamization of Java is totally obscure. Because of the dark history of their conversion into Islam, and of misleading information from some orientalists, some members of Muslim communities mistaken some rituals as animistic and un-Islamic. On the other extreme, ironically, theyconfuse creed that is in opposition to IslamwiththeIslamic orthodoxy. For the former, slametan is the perfect example, meanwhile, for the latter, sadjen becomes its representative. This paper aims to describe and analyzeKiai Ṣaleh Darat’s response to both slametan and sadjen, some abangan customs (adat)– as Geertz would like to call – written down in Ṣaleh’s works. Based on this analysis, we also would provide a response to the error Geertz makes about the animistic attribute of slametan. In contrast to his imagination, slametanis perfectly Islamic and based on Islamic practice of communities from which Javanese Islam originate. In addition, Kiai Shaleh accepts the ritual and gives it Islamic justification. Meanwhile, sadjen – as Kiai Shaleh points out – is totally an opposition to the most fundamental credo of Islam, namely the Unity of God, “Tauhid.

    Generic skills level of bachelor of vocational education students University Tun Hussein Malaysia

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    The development of a country can be enhanced by the presence of human skills. The direction or goal of a country's development is the main thrust of human capital development which is the most accurate injection of the application of generic skills. According to Mohamed (2014), Malaysia needs to compete with other countries to produce successful human capital. Ministry of Education Malaysia Plan 2015-2025 (Higher Education Report) Vocational College is one of the leading providers of TVET higher education to develop skills to supply skilled TVET workers by 2020


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    AHMAD DZULFIKRIN NUR, The Correlation Between Self Confidence with Students Learning Achievements of X Class At 31 Vocational High School Central Jakarta. Commerce Education Studies Program, Department of Economics and Administration, Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta. The research was conducted at 31 Vocational High School Central Jakarta, for five months from February 2015 until June 2015. The purpose of this study is to determine correlation between self confidence with students learning achievements of X Class At 31 Vocational High School Central Jakarta. The research method used is survey method with the correlational approach, population in this study were all students of X Class At 31 Vocational High School Central Jakarta, while the population of Inaccessibility is students of X class AK 1&2, AP 1&2, and PM At 31 Vocational High School Central Jakarta as many as 166 students. The sampling technique used proportional sampling with randomly technique as many as 114 students. The resulting regression equation is Ŷ = 48,72+0,20X. Test requirements analysis that estimates the error normality test regression of Y on X with Test Liliefors produce Lcount = 0,0749, while Ltable for n = 114 at 0.05 significance level is 0,0830. Because Lcount Ftable which 76,93 > 3,91, meaning that the regression equation is significant. Correlation coefficient of Pearson Product Moment generating rxy = 0,638, then performed the test significance correlation coefficient using the t test and the resulting tcount> ttable, tcount= 8,771 and ttable = 1,66. It can be concluded that the correlation coefficient rxy = 0,638is significant. The coefficient of determination obtain for is 40,72%, which shows that 40,72% of the variation of Learning Achievements is determined by Self Confidence


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah 1) Untuk dapat merencanakan pembelajaran model Learning Cycle 5 fase pada mata pelajaran listrik otomotif, 2) Untuk dapat meningkatkan partisipasi siswa dalam pembelajaran listrik otomotif dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran Learning Cycle 5 fase, 3) Untuk dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran listrik otomotif dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran Learning Cycle 5 fase. Penelitian ini adalah jenis penelitian tindakan kelas dengan subyek penelitian siswa kelas XI TKA SMK Muhammadiyah Prambanan. Tindakan yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini adalah dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran Learning Cycle 5 fase. Tahapan-tahapan pembelajaran terdiri dari fase engagement, exploration, explain, extend, dan evaluate. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam 2 siklus, siklus I dilakukan kompetensi sistem pengisian, sedangkan siklus II dilakukan pada kompetensi sistem starter. Data penelitian ini meliputi partisipasi siswa dan hasil tes kemampuan. Teknik pengumpulan data partisipasi siswa dengan observasi langsung oleh observer dan data kemampuan koqnitif siswa dilakukan melalui tes yang berupa soal tes obyektif. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif dengan menggunakan persentase. Penerapan metode pembelajaran Learning Cycle 5 fase dapat meningkatkan partisipasi dan hasil belajar siswa. Pada siklus I capaian rata-rata partisipasi sebesar 43,70% sedangkan pada siklus II sebesar 60,64%,jadi partisipasi tersebut meningkat sebesar 16,94%. Pencapaian partisipasi tertinggi yaitu aspek memperhatikan pelajaran dan capaian terendah yaitu menanggapi pendapat. Peningkatan hasil belajar tersebut dapat dilihat dari hasil belajar tiap-tiap siklus. Pada siklus 1 rata-rata kelas sebesar 74,90 sedangkan pada siklus 2 rata-rata kelas sebesar 79,79 dengan demikian peningkatan dari siklus 1 ke siklus 2 sebesar 6,52%
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