44 research outputs found

    The Influence of Keratinized Mucosa on the Nonsurgical Therapeutic Treatment of Peri-Implantitis

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    Objective: The main objective of this study aimed to evaluate the response to treatment in implants with peri-implantitis regarding the presence or absence of keratinized mucosa. Materials and Methods: One hundred implants with peri-implantitis were treated non-surgically at the Prosthodontics and Occlusion Teaching Unit of the University of Valencia. Records were registered at day zero (recession, bleeding on probing, suppuration, probing depth, bone loss and plaque index), at 1, 3 and 6 months. Results: In both groups, a slight increase in recession and disappearance of suppuration took place, and no bone loss was observed during the following 6 months. However, after an initial reduction, probing depth, bleeding on probing and plaque index increased again in the group without keratinized mucosa (KM). Conclusions: Implants with KM presented better results after non-surgical treatment as well as in their medium-term evolution, although it would be advisable to increase the number of samples in order to achieve greater scientific evidence and standardization in the treatment protocol. Clinical relevance: The role of keratinized mucosa in the development of peri-implantitis has been mentioned in many publications, but less has been emphasized regarding its influence on the success of the treatment of this pathology. The presence of keratinized mucosa has been found to play a key role in the evolution of the non-surgical treatment of peri-implantitis. The amount of keratinized mucosa should be considered in the treatment of peri-implantitis, as well as when planning connective tissue grafts accompanying the decontamination of implants in the absence of keratinized mucosa.Odontologí

    Demi-embryo reconstitution, a factor to consider for the success of embryo bisection. Review

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    Durante muchos años se ha intentado incrementar la eficiencia reproductiva del ganado utilizando biotecnologías como la bisección de embriones. Sin embargo, pese a su potencial en el ganado, su nivel de adopción es limitado. Este trabajo reseña la importancia de la reconstitución de los demi-embriones después de la bisección y los principales factores que limitan su éxito en el ganado. El uso de esta técnica podría ser más generalizado si se incrementara su eficiencia, lo cual podría lograrse mediante una selección más precisa de los embriones que se someterán a bisección. La calidad de los embriones es uno de los factores más importantes que determinan su potencial de reconstituirse en demi-embriones viables después de la bisección, permitiendo obtener resultados más confiables en los programas de transferencia de embriones.For many years it has been sought to increase the reproductive efficiency of livestock using biotechnologies such as embryo bisection. However, despite its potential in livestock, its level of adoption is limited. The present work reviews the importance of demi-embryo reconstitution, after bisection, and the main factors that limit its success in livestock. It is possible to increase its level of adoption if it is possible to increase the efficiency currently obtained with this technique, this can be achieved by making a more precise selection of the embryos subjected to bisection. Embryo quality is one of the most important factors related to the potential to reconstitute into viable demi-embryos after bisection, which can be used with greater reliability in embryo transfer programs

    Caracterización técnica, social y económica de las empresas del hato bovino jersey de registro en México

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    In México, there are no studies whose purpose has beencharacterizing the production units with registered cattle herds.These studies are important because they allow designingsuccessful genetic improvement programs and the transfer oftheir results to commercial producers. The objective of thisstudy was to characterize registered Jersey herds in México.A questionnaire was applied to all of the members of theAsociación Mexicana de Criadores de Ganado Jersey de Registro,and descriptive statistics were obtained. The registered Jerseycattle population in México is small (approximately 4000animals), it is distributed primarily in the central area of thecountry, and most of the herds (85%) have a recent origin(since 1995). Selection in the herds is scarce, activities forgenetic improvement are focused on identifying the animalsand collecting productive records; therefore, genetic progressis primarily through semen and animal imports, generatingtechnical and economic dependency on other countries. In spiteof having national genetic evaluations of the animals, theircommercialization by farmers is not the main activity, which iswhy the transfer of outstanding genetic material to commercialproducers is scarce. The installed capacity in animals, lands,and infrastructure and equipment is sufficient to implementgenetic improvement programs. Jersey cattle producers have inaverage 15 years of schooling and 24 in cattle-raising.En México no se dispone de estudios cuyo propósito haya sido lacaracterización de las unidades de producción con hatos de bovinosde registro. Estos estudios son importantes, ya que permitendiseñar programas de mejoramiento genético exitosos y la transferenciade sus resultados a productores comerciales. El objetivode este estudio fue caracterizar los hatos Jersey de registro enMéxico. Se aplicó un cuestionario a la totalidad de los miembrosde la Asociación Mexicana de Criadores de Ganado Jersey deRegistro y se obtuvieron estadísticos descriptivos. La poblaciónde bovinos Jersey de registro en México es pequeña (aproximadamente4000 animales), se distribuye principalmente en elcentro del país y la mayoría de los hatos (85%) tienen un origenreciente (a partir de 1995). La selección en los hatos es escasa,las actividades de mejoramiento genético se enfocan a identificarlos animales y recolectar registros productivos; por lo que elprogreso genético es principalmente vía importaciones de semeny animales, generando dependencia técnica y económica de otrospaíses. A pesar de contar con evaluaciones genéticas nacionalesde los animales, su comercialización por criadores no es la actividadprincipal, por lo que la transferencia de material genéticosobresaliente a productores comerciales es escasa. La capacidadinstalada en animales, terrenos, e infraestructura y equipo es suficientepara implementar programas de mejoramiento genético.Los criadores de bovinos Jersey tienen en promedio 15 años deescolaridad y 24 de experiencia en la cría de bovinos

    Peri-Implant Behavior of Tissue Level Dental Implants with a Convergent Neck

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    he aim of this retrospective study was to analyze the radiographic peri-implant bone loss of bone level implants and tissue level implants with a convergent neck inscrew-retained single crowns and in screw-retained fixed partial prostheses, after two years offunctional loading.Odontologí

    Comparative Analysis of Peri-Implant Bone Loss in Extra-Short, Short, and Conventional Implants. A 3-Year Retrospective Study

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    Objective: To evaluate the influence of implant length on marginal bone loss, comparing implants of 4 mm, 6 mm, and >8 mm, supporting two splinted crowns after 36-month functional loading. Materials and Methods: this retrospective clinical trial evaluated the peri-implant behavior of splinted crowns (two per case) on pairs of implants of the same length placed in the posterior maxilla (molar area). Implants were divided into three groups according to length (Group 1: extra-short 4 mm; Group 2: short 6 mm; Group 3: conventional length >8 mm). Marginal bone loss was analyzed using standardized periapical radiographs at the time of loading and 36 months later. Results: 24 patients (19 women and 5 men) were divided into three groups, eight rehabilitations per group, in the position of the maxillary first and second molars. The 48 Straumann® Standard Plus (Regular Neck (RN)/Wide Neck (WN)) implants were examined after 36 months of functional loading. Statistical analysis found no significant differences in bone loss between the three groups (p = 0.421). No implant suffered biological complications or implant loss. Long implants were associated with less radiographic bone loss. Conclusions: extra-short (4 mm); short (6 mm); and conventional length (>8 mm) implants in the posterior maxilla present similar peri-implant bone loss and 100% survival rates in rehabilitation, by means of two splinted crowns after 36 months of functional loading. Implants placed in posterior positions present better bone loss results than implants placed in anterior positions, regardless of the interproximal area where bone loss is measured. Conventional lengthOdontologí

    Comparación de definiciones de grupos contemporáneos en la evaluación genética de bovinos Suizo Europeo

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    Six alternatives of contemporary group (CG) definition for the genetic evaluation of weaning weight of Braunvieh cattle in Mexico were evaluated. Different alternatives of CG definition were formed by combining three minimum CG sizes (3, 7 or 10 records) and its consideration either as a fixed or random effect. The models included the direct and maternal genetic effects, their covariance, and permanent environment as random effects, and the linear and quadratic effects of cow age at calving as a covariate. The CG were formed by combining the effects of year and season of birth, calf's rearing condition, herd, and calf sex. The six alternatives of CG definition were compared using the descriptive statistics of the predicted breeding values and their accuracies, (co)variances and genetic parameters, and both the correlation between the predicted breeding values, and between their corresponding accuracies. On average, the accuracies of the direct genetic effects were slightly higher when CG was considered fixed than when it was fitted as random effect. For the maternal genetic effects there was no difference. The highest accuracies were obtained with a CG size of at least seven records. For both, the direct and maternal genetic effects, the CG size of seven records produced the highest heritability estimates, regardless of CG being fitted as fixed or random effect. The best alternative of contemporany group definition was a minimum of seven records and its inclusion as a fixed effect in the model for the genetic evaluation of this breed in Mexico.Se evaluaron seis alternativas para definir grupos contemporáneos (GC) en la evaluación genética nacional para peso al destete de bovinos Suizo Europeo en México. Los GC se formaron mediante la combinación de tres tamaños mínimos (3, 7 ó 10 registros) y su consideración como efecto fijo o aleatorio. Los modelos incluyeron los efectos aleatorios: genético directo y materno, su covarianza, y ambiente permanente. Además, se consideraron los efectos lineal y cuadrático de la covariable edad de la vaca al parto. Los GC se formaron combinando los efectos de año y época de nacimiento, condición de crianza, hato y sexo de la cría. Las seis alternativas de GC se compararon mediante: estadísticos descriptivos de los valores genéticos predichos y sus exactitudes, (co)varianzas y parámetros genéticos, y asociaciones entre los valores genéticos predichos, y entre las exactitudes correspondientes. Para los efectos genéticos directos, los promedios de exactitud fueron ligeramente mayores considerando GC como aleatorio en lugar de fijo, mientras que para los efectos genéticos maternos no hubo diferencias. Las exactitudes mayores se obtuvieron con un mínimo de siete registros por GC. Tanto para efectos genéticos directos como maternos, los estimadores de heredabilidad más altos se observaron con el tamaño mínimo de siete registros por GC, independientemente si los análisis lo consideraron como efecto fijo o aleatorio. La mejor alternativa de definición de grupos contemporáneos fue considerar un mínimo de siete registros y su inclusión como efecto fijo en los análisis genéticos para esta raza en México

    Physical characterization of sunflower seeds dehydrated by using electromagnetic induction and low-pressure system

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    Drying is a widely used food preservation process in which water removal minimizes much of the moisture that causes deterioration reactions that impact the bioproduct quality. The objects of studying are high oleic sunflower seeds which are recognized as a worldwide source of edible oil; consequently, they have significant importance on health and food security. This work presents part of the results of a systematic study to compare the affectations on the several physical parameters of sunflower seeds and kernels with the Thermo-Solar Dehydration method (TSD) compared to Dehydration with Electromagnetic Induction at Low Pressures (DEMILP), finding that the in the last one the time to reach the 8% of the total moisture content was 2.5 times shorter, interesting physical effects and an increment of 5% in the volumetric expansion coefficient, reflected in a reduction of the cut resistance (Dehull) of 0.5KgF significant advantages for the food drying industry

    Identidade nacional e suas relações com a ideologia e o bem-estar em cinco países da América Latina

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    This study seeks to analyze the relationships among the components of national identity, political ideology, in its authoritarian and social dominance manifestations and expressions of subjective and social well-being in samples from 5 countries of Latin America. To accomplish this aim, a survey research was conducted in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru (n = 1039). Results show significant relationships between ideological expressions with some dimensions of identity. The authoritarian ideology is positively related to the identity components, whereas the social dominance ideology is inversely related to them. Relations among the components of identity and well-being have a positive association, and these relationships are more intense in the case of social well-being than in the case of subjective well-being. Nevertheless, some heterogeneity in these relations is observed by comparing countries. A general model of the relations among variables derived from three constructs was proposed, but this did not reach acceptable fit levels, being dismissed. It could be explained by the heterogeneity of the results by countryEste estudio busca analizar las relaciones entre los componentes de la identidad nacional, la ideología política, en sus manifestaciones autoritaria y de dominancia social, y las expresiones del bienestar subjetivo y social en muestras de 5 países de América Latina. Para tal fin, se desarrolló un estudio por encuestas en Brasil, Chile, Colombia, México y Perú (n=1039). Los resultados evidencian relaciones significativas entre las expresiones ideológicas con algunas dimensiones de la identidad. La ideología autoritaria se relaciona positivamente con los componentes identitarios, mientras que la ideología de dominancia social lo hace en menor medida y de manera inversa. Las relaciones entre los componentes de la identidad y el bienestar presentan un asociación positiva, y estas relaciones son más intensas en el caso del bienestar social que en el caso del bienestar subjetivo aunque cierta heterogeneidad por país también es observada. Se intentó proponer un modelo general de las relaciones entre las variables derivadas de los tres constructos pero esta no alcanzó buenos niveles de ajuste, lo que se explicaría por la heterogeneidad de los resultados obtenidos por país.Este estudo busca analisar as relações entre os componentes da identidade nacional e a ideologia política, em suas manifestações, autoritária e de dominância social; e as expressões do bem-estar subjetivo e social em amostras de cinco países da América Latina. Para tal fim, se desenvolveu um estudo por enquetes no Brasil, Chile, Colômbia, México e Peru (n = 1039). Os resultados evidenciam relações significativas entre as expressões ideológicas com algumas dimensões da identidade. A ideologia autoritária se relaciona positivamente com os componentes da identidade, enquanto que a ideologia de dominância social o faz em menor medida e de forma inversa. As relações entre os componentes da identidade e o bem-estar apresentam uma associação positiva, e estas relações são mais intensas no caso do bem-estar social que no caso do bem-estar subjetivo, ainda que certa heterogeneidade por país também seja observada. Tentou-se propor um modelo geral das relações entre as variáveis derivadas dos três conceitos, mas este não alcançou bons níveis de ajuste, o que se explicaria pela heterogeneidade dos resultados obtidos por paí

    Caracterización microestructural de un acero avanzado de alta resistencia de fase compleja tratado térmicamente

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    Con el interés de introducir nuevos materiales que ayuden a reducir la contaminación ambiental, la industria automotriz ha centrado sus esfuerzos en desarrollar aceros avanzados de alta resistencia. En este trabajo investigación, se analizó el efecto de diferentes tratamientos térmicos convencionales y el novedoso tratamiento de temple y partición de un paso (Q&P) en un acero experimental avanzado de alta resistencia de fase compleja microaleado con boro. Para ello, se calcularon teóricamente las transformaciones de fase usando el software JMatPro y se emplearon las técnicas de microscopia óptica y electrónica de barrido. Así mismo, mediante mediciones de microdureza se estimó la resistencia mecánica. Tras el tratamiento térmico, los resultados indican la presencia de microconstituyentes tales como ferrita y austenita retenida en una matriz bainítico-martensítica, generándose la condición microestructural multifásica. Finalmente, se concluye que la microadición de boro promueve la formación de martensita y bainita e incrementa la dureza del acero.With the aim in introducing new materials that help to reduce environmental pollution, automotive industry has focused its efforts in developing advanced high strength steels. In this research work, it was analysed the effect of various conventional heat treatments and the newness one step quenching and partitioning heat treatment (Q&P) in an experimental advanced high strength complex phase steel microalloyed with boron. For this purpose, phase transformations were calculated theoretically using JMatPro software and optical and scanning electron microscopy techniques were employed. Besides, through microhardness measurements mechanical resistance of steel was estimated. After steel heat treatment, results indicate the presence of microconstituents such as ferrite and retained austenite into bainita-martensite matrix, generating thus the multiphase microstructural condition. Finally, it is concluded that boron microaddition promotes martensite and bainite formation, increasing steel hardness

    Ultrasmall manganese ferrites for in vivo catalase mimicking activity and multimodal bioimaging

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    Manganese ferrite nanoparticles display interesting features in bioimaging and catalytic therapies. They have been recently used in theranostics as contrast agents in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and as catalase-mimicking nanozymes for hypoxia alleviation. These promising applications encourage the development of novel synthetic procedures to enhance the bioimaging and catalytic properties of these nanomaterials simultaneously. Herein, a cost-efficient synthetic microwave method is developed to manufacture ultrasmall manganese ferrite nanoparticles as advanced multimodal contrast agents in MRI and positron emission tomography (PET), and improved nanozymes. Such a synthetic method allows doping ferrites with Mn in a wide stoichiometric range (MnxFe3-xO4, 0.1 ≤ x ≤ 2.4), affording a library of nanoparticles with different magnetic relaxivities and catalytic properties. These tuned magnetic properties give rise to either positive or dual-mode MRI contrast agents. On the other hand, higher levels of Mn doping enhance the catalytic efficiency of the resulting nanozymes. Finally, through their intracellular catalase-mimicking activity, these ultrasmall manganese ferrite nanoparticles induce an unprecedented tumor growth inhibition in a breast cancer murine model. All of these results show the robust characteristics of these nanoparticles for nanobiotechnological applications.The authors thank M. Jeannin from Lasie Laboratory (La Rochelle University) for the Raman studies. S.C.R. is supported by the grant PID2019-106139RA-100 funded by MCIN. J.R.-C. is supported by grants from the Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (MEIC) (SAF2017-84494-C2-R). J.R.C. received funding from the BBVA Foundation (PR [18]_BIO_IMG_0008) and La Caixa (HR18-00052). Y.F.-A. received funding from the Santander-Universidad Zaragoza Fellowship program. L.G. acknowledges financial support from the Ramón y Cajal program (RYC-2014-15512). CIC biomaGUNE is supported by the Maria de Maeztu Units of Excellence Program from the Spanish State Research Agency (MDM-2017-0720). The authors acknowledge the use of Servicio General de Apoyo a la Investigación-SAI, Universidad de Zaragoza. H.G. is supported by the Ligue contre le Cancer (CD16, CD17) and Région Nouvelle Aquitaine (Projet “Nanovect”). J.A.E. is supported by RTI2018-099357-B-I00, HFSP (RGP0016/2018), CIBERFES16/10/00282 and RED2018-102576-T. The CNIC is supported by the Pro-CNIC Foundation and by the Severo Ochoa of Excellence Program.Peer reviewe