512 research outputs found

    Análisis etnohistórico de la complejidad social del bajo delta del río Colorado con base en documentos misionales de fines del siglo XVII y del XVIII.

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    El bajo delta del Colorado es, con base en el análisis etnohistórico de documentos virreinales de finales del s. XVII y del s. XVIII, el área nuclear de una región de intensa efervescencia interétnica. En esta dinámica social estaban integradas todas las sociedades del tercio norte del Desierto de Sonora, tanto las sedentarias como aquellas que basan su modo de vida en estrategias de nomadismo estacional. Esta exposición presenta un estudio acerca de la trascendencia histórica y social de la red de interacciones, extendida entre estas comunidades. La perspectiva analítica está centrada en el bajo delta del Colorado.Based on ethno-historical analysis of Hispanic documents of the late 17th and 18th centuries, the lower delta of the Colorado River was the nuclear area of a region with an intensive interethnic effervescence. In this social dynamic all societies of the northern third of Sonoran Desert were integrated, both the sedentary and the seasonal nomadic ones. This paper presents a study about the transcendence of the historic and social web of interactions, unfolded among these societies. The analytic perspective is focused on the lower delta of Colorado Rive

    Exploring Strategic Opportunities for Better Learning. Student Concerns at a Private University

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    This work documents the first actions that have been carried out to generate organizational strategies aimed at achieving a better learning experience among university students As a result of the confinement conditions imposed by the pandemic since 2020 it is estimated that eventually a hybrid education system will be reached where remote and face-to-face formats are combined Anticipating which are the best practices that can be developed in each modality a study was carried out among several students of a Mexican Higher Education Institution where the concerns they have about their learning experience were explored This is a mixed investigation where based on the results of a survey among a non-probabilistic population sample a strategic analysis of organizational opportunities was carried out for its application in a specific university space The discussion section offers some of the conclusions obtained as well as concrete actions that are being evaluated in pilot tests with students from a private universit

    Dynamic object detection fusing LIDAR data and images

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    Trabajo presentado al X Taller-Escuela de Procesamiento de Imágenes (PI14) celebrado en Guanajuato (México) del 15 al 16 de octubre del 2014.We present a method to segment dynamic objects on point clouds using images and 3D laser data. Per-pixel background classes are adapted online as Gaussian Mixtures independently for each sensor. The learned classes are fused labeling pixels/voxels that belong to either the background, or the dynamic objects We pay special attention in the calibration and synchronization modules to reach accuracy in registration and data association. We show results of people segmentation in indoor scenes using a Velodyne sensor at a high frame-rate.This work acknowledges support from a PhD scholarship from the Mexican Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT) and a Research Stay Grant from the Agencia de Gestio d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR) of The Generalitat of Catalonia (2012 CTP00013) for A. Ortega as well as the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness Project PAU+ (DPI-2011-27510).Peer Reviewe

    Efectes contradictoris del tai-txi-txuan sobre l’osteoartrosi

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    Introducció: La bibliografia relativa als efectes del tai-txi-txuan sobre l’osteoartrosi de genoll és contradictòria. Les evidències trobades són tant a favor com en contra. L’objectiu d’aquest treball fou analitzar a què pot ser deguda aquesta contradicció. Material i mètodes: En aquest estudi s’utilitzaren 9 bases de dades electròniques. La cerca inclogué els treballs publicats fins a desembre de 2012. Es localitzaren un total de 18 estudis que compliren els criteris d’inclusió. L’anàlisi considerà les deficiències en el disseny d’investigació, i l’omissió i la falta d’homogeneïtat en els paràmetres utilitzats en les intervencions. Resultats: Els paràmetres d’avaluació de les revisions sistemàtiques fetes estigueren condicionats pel instruments d’avaluació escollits i se centraren en l’anàlisi del disseny de la investigació. En els estudis específics, només un 50% aportà informació dels paràmetres: pes, grau d’osteoartrosi i temps que feia que es patia la malaltia, disseny de la sessió, metodologia d’ensenyament i velocitat d’execució. Menys del 50% inclogué l’altura de la postura, la força muscular, l’experiència del professor i la medicació. Conclusions: L’omissió i la falta d’homogeneïtat en els paràmetres controlats inclosos en els estudis provoquen la falta de claredat sobre els efectes del tai-txi-txuan en aquesta patologia. Cal establir un marc de referència que defineixi els paràmetres mínims que cal incloure en els estudis per facilitar la interpretació i poder comparar els resultats

    Calculando el pasado. La bóveda del palacio de Ctesifonte

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    On the Titration Curves and Titration Errors in Donor Acceptor Titrations of Displacement and Electronic Transference Reactions

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    An overview of the state of the art concerning with earlier approaches to titration in redox systems is given in this chapter, in which an overview on redox bibliography has also been undertaken. Titration error has been the subject of a variety of excellent papers, but the number of papers dealing with titration error in redox titrations is scarce. However, a single hyperbolic sine expression for the titration error in donor/acceptor titration of displacement and electronic transference reactions is derived in this chapter. The titration error expression is applicable to symmetrical redox reactions, that is to say, those in which no polynuclear species are involved in the equilibria. The donor versus acceptor particle notation is chosen to accentuate the analogy with that used in the description of acids and bases following the steps given by the French School and other recognized authors (Budevsky, Butler, Charlot, Gauguin, Inczedy, Monnier, Rosset). A diagram for the titration error in function of the difference between the end and equivalence point (pX) is drawn in order to facilitate the graphical calculation of titration error. A detailed error analysis concerning with the propagation of systematic and random error propagation in the titration error is given
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