6,495 research outputs found

    Hypothalamic Vitamin D Improves Glucose Homeostasis and Reduces Weight

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    Despite clear associations between vitamin D deficiency and obesity and/or type 2 diabetes, a causal relationship is not established. Vitamin D receptors (VDRs) are found within multiple tissues, including the brain. Given the importance of the brain in controlling both glucose levels and body weight, we hypothesized that activation of central VDR links vitamin D to the regulation of glucose and energy homeostasis. Indeed, we found that small doses of active vitamin D, 1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25D3) (calcitriol), into the third ventricle of the brain improved glucose tolerance and markedly increased hepatic insulin sensitivity, an effect that is dependent upon VDR within the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus. In addition, chronic central administration of 1,25D3 dramatically decreased body weight by lowering food intake in obese rodents. Our data indicate that 1,25D3-mediated changes in food intake occur through action within the arcuate nucleus. We found that VDR colocalized with and activated key appetite-regulating neurons in the arcuate, namely proopiomelanocortin neurons. Together, these findings define a novel pathway for vitamin D regulation of metabolism with unique and divergent roles for central nervous system VDR signaling. Specifically, our data suggest that vitamin D regulates glucose homeostasis via the paraventricular nuclei and energy homeostasis via the arcuate nuclei

    Direct Hydroxylation of Phenol to Dihydroxybenzenes by H2O2 and Fe-based Metal-Organic Framework Catalyst at Room Temperature

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    A semi-crystalline iron-based metal-organic framework (MOF), in particular Fe-BTC, that contained 20 wt.% Fe, was sustainably synthesized at room temperature and extensively characterized. Fe-BTC nanopowders could be used as an efficient heterogeneous catalyst for the synthesis of dihydroxybenzenes (DHBZ), from phenol with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), as oxidant under organic solvent-free conditions. The influence of the reaction temperature, H2O2 concentration and catalyst dose were studied in the hydroxylation performance of phenol and MOF stability. Fe-BTC was active and stable (with negligible Fe leaching) at room conditions. By using intermittent dosing of H2O2, the catalytic performance resulted in a high DHBZ selectivity (65%) and yield (35%), higher than those obtained for other Fe-based MOFs that typically require reaction temperatures above 70◦C. The long-term experiments in a fixed-bed flow reactor demonstrated good Fe-BTC durability at the above conditionsThe authors thank the financial support by Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT) for the grant number 764635 and the project 256296; and to TNM for the supporting project 5627.19.P. Also, to the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (MICINN) and FEDER program (EU) through the projects: CTM2016-76454-R (MICINN) and RTI2018-095052-B-I00 ((MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE

    Measuring hadron properties at finite temperature

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    We estimate the numbers and mass spectra of observed lepton and kaon pairs produced from ϕ\phi meson decays in the central rapidity region of an Au+Au collision at lab energy 11.6 GeV/nucleon. The following effects are considered: possible mass shifts, thermal broadening due to collisions with hadronic resonances, and superheating of the resonance gas. Changes in the dilepton mass spectrum may be seen, but changes in the dikaon spectrum are too small to be detectable.Comment: 9 pages (revtex), 3 figures (uuencoded postscript

    Long-term changes in extreme temperatures and precipitation in Spain

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    La creació de les bases de dades de temperatura i precipitació diàries anomenades, respectivament, Spanish Daily Adjusted Temperature Series (SDATS) i Spanish Daily Adjusted Precipitation Series (SDAPS), en el marc del projecte finançat per la Comissió Europea EMULATE (European and North Atlantic daily to MULtidecadal climATE variability), ha permès als autors analitzar el canvi a llarg termini que s'ha produït en el comportament anual dels extrems climàtics a l'Espanya peninsular durant el període 1901-2005. El conjunt de procediments desenvolupats pels autors per tal de crear registres homogenis de la temperatura i de la precipitació diàries són descrits de manera breu abans d'analitzar els canvis observats en l'ocurrència d'extrems climàtics. S'han utilitzat els indicadors se - güents per a dur a terme aquest estudi: excedències dels percentils inferiors i superiors de les temperatures màximes (Tmax) i mínimes (Tmin) diàries, excedències de la precipitació diària per sobre dels percentils 95è i 99è, l'índex simple d'intensitat diària (SDII) i els indicadors d'1 i 5 dies amb la precipitació més alta de l'any. Tant l'anàlisi dels percentils superiors de les temperatures com la dels inferiors mostren que s'ha produït un escalfament important sobre l'Espanya peninsular al llarg del segle XX, i que aquest ha estat més important en les temperatures màximes que en les temperatures mínimes. No obstant això, aquest patró presenta un lleuger canvi en el període més recent d'escalfament, en el qual la tendència d'ambdues variables presenta valors similars. Els canvis en els indicadors pluviomètrics no són tan clars com els estimats per la temperatura, però s'ha detectat una tendència cap a l'ocurrència de pluges més intenses.The development of the Spanish daily adjusted temperature series (SDATS) and the Spanish daily adjusted precipitation series (SDAPS) datasets in the framework of the European Community (EC)-funded project EMULATE (European and North Atlantic daily to MULtidecadal climATE variability) enabled the assessment of long-term annual changes of extreme temperature and precipitation indices over peninsular Spain for the period 1901–2005. Within this framework, a set of procedures was developed to generate long-term (1850–2005) daily adjusted temperature and precipitation series and to use them to assess changes in climatic extremes. The present report describes details of the data employed to analyze the behavior of Spanish climate extremes and discusses the results of investigations into the annual changes in selected indices that occurred during the 20th century: exceedances of upper and lower percentiles of daily maximum (Tmax) and minimum (Tmin) temperatures, cold-spell duration index (CSDI), warm-spell duration index (WSDI), daily rainfall (R) exceeding the 95th and 99th percentiles, simple daily intensity index (SDII), and greatest 1- and 5-day total precipitation. Upper and lower temperature percentiles increased during the 20th century over mainland Spain, but changes in daytime extreme temperatures were larger than changes in night-time extreme temperatures. This pattern, however, shifted slightly in the recent period of strong warming, with more similar rates of change among daytime and night-time extreme temperatures. Changes in extreme precipitation indices were not as evident as those in extremetemperature indices, but there was a tendency towards heavier precipitation

    Single top-quark production by strong and electroweak supersymmetric flavor-changing interactions at the LHC

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    (Abridged) We report on a complete study of the single top-quark production by direct supersymmetric flavor-changing neutral-current (FCNC) processes at the LHC. The total cross section for pp(gg)->t\bar{c}+\bar{t}c is computed at the 1-loop order within the unconstrained Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM). The present study extends the results of the supersymmetric strong effects (SUSY-QCD), which were advanced by some of us in a previous work, and includes the computation of the full supersymmetric electroweak corrections (SUSY-EW). Our analysis of pp(gg)->t\bar{c}+\bar{t}c in the MSSM has been performed in correspondence with the stringent low-energy constraints from b->s gamma. In the most favorable scenarios, the SUSY-QCD contribution can give rise to production rates of around 10^5 events per 100 fb^{-1} of integrated luminosity. Furthermore, we show that there exist regions of the MSSM parameter space where the SUSY-EW correction becomes sizeable. In the SUSY-EW favored regions, one obtains lower, but still appreciable, event production rates that can reach the 10^3 level for the same range of integrated luminosity. We study also the possible reduction in the maximum event rate obtained from the full MSSM contribution if we additionally include the constraints from B^0_s-\bar{B}^0_s. In view of the fact that the FCNC production of heavy quark pairs of different flavors is extremely suppressed in the SM, the detection of a significant number of these events could lead to evidence of new physics -- of likely supersymmetric origin.Comment: LaTex, 35 pages, typos corrected. Version accepted in JHE

    Quantifying cell transitions in C. elegans with data-fitted landscape models

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    Increasing interest has emerged in new mathematical approaches that simplify the study of complex differentiation processes by formalizing Waddington’s landscape metaphor. However, a rational method to build these landscape models remains an open problem. Here we study vulval development in C. elegans by developing a framework based on Catastrophe Theory (CT) and approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) to build data-fitted landscape models. We first identify the candidate qualitative landscapes, and then use CT to build the simplest model consistent with the data, which we quantitatively fit using ABC. The resulting model suggests that the underlying mechanism is a quantifiable two-step decision controlled by EGF and Notch-Delta signals, where a non-vulval/vulval decision is followed by a bistable transition to the two vulval states. This new model fits a broad set of data and makes several novel predictions

    Trombosis valvular y terapia trombolítica en la era moderna: reporte de un caso

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    Prosthetic valve thrombosis is a feared complication with an annual incidence ranging between 0.3 to 1.3%. Diagnostic approach is essential for a better prognosis and ultimately determines the chosen therapeutic strategy. Emergent valvular surgery is usually recommended in hemodinamically unstable patients, large thrombus or recurrent embolic episodes. These high-risk conditions are often not the case. Therefore, in many patients the surgical risk is much greater than that of bleeding associated with thrombolytic administration. Ultra-slow infusions have been reported with similar efficacy and lower rates of bleeding complications. We present a case of mitral prosthetic valve thrombosis considered not feasible to surgical management and subsequently treated with an ultra-slow tissue plasminogen activator infusion.La trombosis obstructiva de válvulas mecánicas es una complicación temida con una incidencia aproximada de 0,3 – 1,3% por año. El diagnóstico oportuno es fundamental en el pronóstico y determinará la opción terapéutica más adecuada. La cirugía valvular urgente se recomienda en pacientes con inestabilidad hemodinámica, trombos de gran tamaño o embolismos recurrentes. Cuando no se cumplen estas condiciones, es frecuente que la opción quirúrgica involucre un riesgo prohibitivo y superior al riesgo de sangrado asociado con la terapia trombolítica. En este contexto, la infusión ultralenta de activador tisular del plasminógeno se ha reportado con una eficacia similiar y menores tasas de complicaciones hemorrágicas con relación a otros esquemas. A continuación se discute un caso de trombosis valvular mitral con contraindicación quirúrgica, que fue tratado de forma exitosa con un esquema de trombolisis ultralenta

    Placebo Effect of Caffeine on Substrate Oxidation during Exercise

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    By using deceptive experiments in which participants are informed that they received caffeine when, in fact, they received an inert substance (i.e., placebo), several investigations have demonstrated that exercise performance can be enhanced to a similar degree as a known caffeine dose. This ‘placebo effect’ phenomenon may be part of the mechanisms explaining caffeine’s ergogenicity in exercise. However, there is no study that has established whether the placebo effect of caffeine is also present for other benefits obtained with acute caffeine intake, such as enhanced fat oxidation during exercise. Therefore, the aim of this investigation was to investigate the placebo effect of caffeine on fat oxidation during exercise. Twelve young men participated in a deceptive doubleblind cross-over experiment. Each participant completed three identical trials consisting of a step incremental exercise test from 30 to 80% of . VO2max. In the two first trials, participants ingested either 3 mg/kg of cellulose (placebo) or 3 mg/kg of caffeine (received caffeine) in a randomized order. In the third trial, participants were informed that they had received 3 mg/kg of caffeine, but a placebo was provided (informed caffeine). Fat oxidation rates were derived from stoichiometric equations. In received caffeine, participants increased their rate of fat oxidation over the values obtained with the placebo at 30%, 40%, 50%, and 60% of . VO2max (all p < 0.050). In informed caffeine, participants increased their rate of fat oxidation at 30%, 40%, 50% 60%, and 70% of . VO2max (all p < 0.050) over the placebo, while there were no differences between received versus informed caffeine. In comparison to placebo (0.32 ± 0.15 g/min), the rate of maximal fat oxidation was higher in received caffeine (0.44 ± 0.22 g/min, p = 0.045) and in informed caffeine (0.41 ± 0.20 g/min, p = 0.026) with no differences between received versus informed caffeine. However, the intensity at which maximal fat oxidation rate was obtained (i.e., Fatmax) was similar in placebo, received caffeine, and informed caffeine trials (42.5 ± 4.5, 44.2 ± 9.0, and 41.7 ± 10.5% of . VO2max, respectively, p = 0.539). In conclusion, the expectancy of having received caffeine produced similar effects on fat oxidation rate during exercise than actually receiving caffeine. Therefore, the placebo effect of caffeine is also present for the benefits of acute caffeine intake on substrate oxidation during exercise and it may be used to enhance fat oxidation during exercise in participants while reducing any risks to health that this substance may have.Francisco de Vitoria University UFV-18/202