37 research outputs found

    Rheumatoid arthritis and pregnancy: evolution of disease activity and pathophysiological considerations for drug use

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    It has long been known that pregnancy and childbirth have a profound effect on the disease activity of rheumatic diseases. For clinicians, the management of patients with RA wishing to become pregnant involves the challenge of keeping disease activity under control and adequately adapting drug therapy during pregnancy and post-partum. This article aims to summarize the current evidence on the evolution of RA disease activity during and after pregnancy and the use of anti-rheumatic drugs around this period. Of recent interest is the potential use of anti-TNF compounds in the preconception period and during pregnancy. Accumulating experience with anti-TNF therapy in other immune-mediated inflammatory diseases, such as Crohn’s disease, provides useful insights for the use of TNF blockade in pregnant women with RA, or RA patients wishing to become pregnant

    The seen, the scene and the obscene: eroticism in photographically illustrated magazines in France, 1931-1939

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    Paris magazine and its derivatives – Paris Sex Appeal, Pages Folles, Pour lire Ă  deux and Scandale – were published in France from 1931 to around 1939. Academic studies of nudes, candid humanist photographs and pin ups with artistic overtones were juxtaposed in these monthly illustrated magazines. Used by surrealist artists for their collages, they associate photographs by the greatest artists of the time (BrassaĂŻ, Kertesz, Man Ray, Germaine Krull) and the works of less famous photographers (Jean Moral,Pierre Boucher, Roger Schall, Nora Dumas
). Forming a genre yet untapped by historians, these magazines feature both a real taste for erotic fantasies and a remarkable sophistication in composition and conception. They are to be inscribed in the context of the interwar years which they reflect through a bawdy style, audacious and multifaceted aesthetics – from kitsch to modernism – and a permeability to technological reproducibility. This project proposes to draw a panorama of the 1930s and of its underside through the study of a material which is at the crossroads of the history of photography, ideas of the body and the question of artistic appropriation. The magazines are to be dissected as indicative of the ambivalent emancipation of the ‘modern woman’, a photographic and graphic modernity but also of a colonial unconscious surfacing in a racist fascination for a pseudo (Far)-East. Claiming that the magazines are watched as much as read, I analyse the magazine’s formal ‘desire’ for cinema as a guarantee of glamour and as a decisive element of its layout’s plasticity. Nudes, landscapes and urban sceneries are linked or dissociated as the reader leafs through it, the poetic flicker of its images relating to the mechanics of editing. Cinema’s influence is also to be found in the magazine’s special relationship to the night as a site of criminal and sexual transgressions where the prostitute stands as a key figure of the city’s margins. Dealing with the return of the repressed expressed in the collective imaginary transpiring through this kind of publication, I research the different types of interrelations established between texts and images as well as the bad taste which is integral to its saucy descriptions of sex scene. An analysis of its plain and clichĂ©d literature sheds light on its relation to vulgarity and its depiction of the reading woman, an iconographic motif through which it equates female reading with masturbation. The magazine’s margins and side issues – including small ads, advertisements and photographic contests organised every month to elect the most beautiful readers –, are given a special status within the thesis as as many ‘finds’ which allow for a more intimate and subjective interpretation of this archive. The plastic attractiveness of these magazines makes it indispensable to show them in an exhibition which is the visual continuation of the written thesis. The ‘gesture of exhibiting’ these publications is integral to the research process as it will allow me to reimagine an archive and keep it alive

    Development of indexing compressed structures for analyzing collection of similar genomes : application to rice genomes.

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    Le sujet de ma thĂšse concerne l’étude des structures d’indexation et les mĂ©thodes de compression de donnĂ©es pour palier au problĂšme d’indexation d’une collection de gĂ©nomes similaires.Le but ultime est d’appliquer ces mĂ©thodes Ă  l’indexation des gĂ©nomes du riz afin de faciliter l’analyse de l’ensemble des Ă©tudes et activitĂ©s du projet GenomeHarvest. Comme par exemple l’impact de leurs variations structurelles sur les taux de recombinaison, les Ă©tudes des frĂ©quences allĂšliques, les Ă©tudes GWAS, etc.L’indexation de gĂ©nomes complets est une Ă©tape importante dans l’exploration et la comprĂ©hension des donnĂ©es d’organismes vivants. Un index devrait fournir une rĂ©ponse rapide aux questions suivantes :- Combien de fois un motif donnĂ© apparaĂźt dans une collection de gĂ©nomes ?- Quelles sont les positions et les gĂ©nomes porteurs d’un motif donnĂ© ?- Quelle est la longueur du motif Ă  la position i pour un gĂ©nome donnĂ© ?C’est ce que nous avons rĂ©alisĂ© grĂące Ă  cette thĂšse, nous avons rĂ©flĂ©chi, proposĂ©s un algorithme. Une fois l’algorithme trouvĂ©, nous avons implĂ©mentĂ© cet algorithme sous forme d’un logiciel qui permet l’indexation d’une large collection de gĂ©nome et son requĂȘtage.The subject of my thesis concerns the study of index structures and compression methods to find a solution to the problem of indexing a collection of similar genomes. The ultimate goal is to apply these methods to the indexation of rice genomes and to facilitate the analysis of the impact of their structural variations on recombination rates, allele frequencies, GWAS studies, Other activities of GenomeHarvest. The indexation of complete genomes is an important stage in the exploration and understanding of data from living organisms. An index should provide a quick answer to the following questions: - How many times a given pattern appear in the genome? - Which are the positions of a given pattern? - What is the pattern length at the i position in the genome


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    Skripsi ini disusun oleh Nabila Agret Mulyono (0211U023), dengan judul “Analisis Citra merek dan Brand Trust Terhadap Kepuasan Nasabah pada Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) cabang Cikampek”. Di dalam penyusunan skripsi ini penulis dibawah bimbingan Ibu Sri Wiludjeng SP, S.E., M.P. selaku dosen pembimbing. Metode yang digunakan oleh penulis dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian eksploratif-survey. Dalam usaha mengatasi persaingan perbankan yang semakin ketat maka perbankan berupaya meningkatkan kepuasan nasabahnya terutama dalam penghimpunan dana. Suatu bank harus melakukan kegiatan pelayanan yang dapat membuat nasabahnya merasa puas khususnya dari meningkatkan citra merek dan brand trust yang dapat membuat kepercayaan nasabah sehingga memberikan kenyamanan bagi nasabah yang akan melakukan transaksi. Citra merek dan Brand trust pada Bank BRI cabang Cikampek adalah baik, hal ini dapat dilihat dari presentase jawaban yang diberikan responden pada masing-masing indikator citra merek dan brand trust melalui kuesioner yang disebarkan kepada nasabah Bank BRI cabang Cikampek. Tanggapan nasabah mengenai tingkat kepuasan atas citra merk dan brand trust menyatakan baik, terlihat dari perolehan nilai rata-rata keseluruhan mengenai kepuasan nasabah Bank BRI cabang Cikampek. Bahwa citra merek berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan nasabah dapat diterima, brand trust berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan nasabah dapat diterima, dan citra merek dan brand trust berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan nasabah. Dengan demikian apabila citra merek dan brand trust diterapkan dengan sesuai maka kepuasan nasabah akan meningkat

    Le surréalisme : un mouvement « féministe » ?

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    Mouvement provocateur et dynamique, le surrĂ©alisme dĂ©clenche au 20Ăšme siĂšcle un renouvellement esthĂ©tique et des bouleversements Ă©thiques.Les hommes ne sont pas les seuls Ă  avoir rendu vivants ce courant et ses transgressions : de nombreuses femmes en furent des actrices majeures mais nĂ©anmoins mĂ©sestimĂ©es par les musĂ©es et minorĂ©es par le marchĂ© de l’art.Ainsi, l’exposition a pour ambition de prĂ©senter des artistes majeures telles que Claude Cahun, Toyen, Dora Maar, Lee Miller, Meret Oppenheim et Leonora Carrington mais Ă©galement de mettre en lumiĂšre d’autres personnalitĂ©s moins connues comme Marion Adnams, Ithell Colquhoun, Grace Pailthorpe, Jane Graverol, Suzanne Van Damme, Rita Kernn-Larsenn, Franciska Clausen ou encore Josette Exandier et Yahne Le Toumelin.Leurs pratiques frĂ©quemment interdisciplinaires - picturales, photographiques, sculpturales, cinĂ©matographiques, littĂ©raires - traduisent leur volontĂ© de s'affranchir des genres artistiques conventionnels, des normes sexuelles et des frontiĂšres gĂ©ographiques

    Étude des diffĂ©rentes approches d'indexation : du gĂ©nome au pan-gĂ©nome Application aux gĂ©nomes de riz

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    The subject of my thesis concerns the study of indexing structures and data compression methods to find a solution to the problem of indexing a collection of similar genomes.The ultimate goal is to apply these methods to the indexing of rice genomes in order to facilitate the analysis of all the studies and activities of the GenomeHarvest project. As for example the impact of their structural variations on the rates of recombination, studies of allelic frequencies, GWAS studies, etc. The indexing of whole genomes is an important step in the exploration and understanding of data from living organisms. An index should provide a quick answer to the following questions: - How often does a given motif appear in a collection of genomes?- What are the positions and genomes carrying a given motif?- What is the length of the motif at position i for a given genome?This is what we achieved thanks to this thesis, we thought and finally proposed an algorithm. When the algorithm was found, we implemented this one into a software that allows the indexing of a large genome collection and its querying.Le sujet de ma thĂšse concerne l’étude des structures d’indexation et les mĂ©thodes de compression de donnĂ©es pour palier au problĂšme d’indexation d’une collection de gĂ©nomes similaires.Le but ultime est d’appliquer ces mĂ©thodes Ă  l’indexation des gĂ©nomes du riz afin de faciliter l’analyse de l’ensemble des Ă©tudes et activitĂ©s du projet GenomeHarvest. Comme par exemple l’impact de leurs variations structurelles sur les taux de recombinaison, les Ă©tudes des frĂ©quences allĂšliques, les Ă©tudes GWAS, etc.L’indexation de gĂ©nomes complets est une Ă©tape importante dans l’exploration et la comprĂ©hension des donnĂ©es d’organismes vivants. Un index devrait fournir une rĂ©ponse rapide aux questions suivantes : - Combien de fois un motif donnĂ© apparaĂźt dans une collection de gĂ©nomes ?- Quelles sont les positions et les gĂ©nomes porteurs d’un motif donnĂ© ?- Quelle est la longueur du motif Ă  la position i pour un gĂ©nome donnĂ© ?C’est ce que nous avons rĂ©alisĂ© grĂące Ă  cette thĂšse, nous avons rĂ©flĂ©chi, proposĂ©s un algorithme. Une fois l’algorithme trouvĂ©, nous avons implĂ©mentĂ© cet algorithme sous forme d’un logiciel qui permet l’indexation d’une large collection de gĂ©nome et son requĂȘtage


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    RedOak stand for Reference-free[d] Optimized approach by k-mers, RedOak is an alignment-free and reference-free software which allows to index a large collection of similar genomes. RedOak can also be applied to reads from unassembled genomes