91 research outputs found

    Peran Serta Masyarakat dalam Pengelolaan Sampah Domestik sebagai Upaya Pencegahan Penyakit Berbasis Lingkungan

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    Background: Domestic waste remains a problem in Indonesia. The more the population who were making the volume of domestic waste increase, including in Banyumas regency. The purpose of this study is to describe the knowledge, attitude, and practice of the community in the management of domestic waste as an environmental-based disease prevention. Method: The method that was used in this research is qualitative. The research subjects were obtained by using purposive sampling technique by interviewing 7 people as the main research subject and 3 midwives, Forum Kesehatan Desa (FKD) Chairman, and Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (TPA) Manager as the supporting research subject. How to collect data with observation, in-depth interview, literature study, and documentation. This model of analysis is an interactive analysis, through the process of collected data in the form of research findings that are relevant to the writing materials, and then presented in a narrative. Results: The results showed that the community has applied the knowledge about domestic waste as an environmental-based disease prevention. Conclusion: Environmental-based disease prevention requires policies and human resources in the application


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    Rural communities in Puskesmas I dan II Baturaden have environmental health problems . Health education can be used to address environmental health problems by changing people's behavior. Health councelling given by an expert, to the individual to overcome the problem. Researchers wanted to determine the effect of health counseling on knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors in the community about environmental health Puskesmas I and II Baturaden Banyumas. This type of research is a quasi experimental study to design one group pre -test and post-test design . Sample of reseach using purposive sampling. The sample was 37 people . Analysis of the data used was the Wilcoxon test . The variables measured were knowledge , attitudes , and behavior of environmental health . The study says that health counseling can improve knowledge , attitudes and behavior about environmental health . Advice can be given that the provision of health education to the community should use counseling methods , because this method is more effective and striking the individual


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    Rural communities in Puskesmas I dan II Baturaden have environmental health problems . Health education can be used to address environmental health problems by changing people's behavior. Health councelling given by an expert, to the individual to overcome the problem. Researchers wanted to determine the effect of health counseling on knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors in the community about environmental health Puskesmas I and II Baturaden Banyumas. This type of research is a quasi experimental study to design one group pre -test and post-test design . Sample of reseach using purposive sampling. The sample was 37 people . Analysis of the data used was the Wilcoxon test . The variables measured were knowledge , attitudes , and behavior of environmental health . The study says that health counseling can improve knowledge , attitudes and behavior about environmental health . Advice can be given that the provision of health education to the community should use counseling methods , because this method is more effective and striking the individual


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    ABSTRACT Department of Public Health student was a prospective primary of health promotor personnel in the Ministry of Health. However, students also have some disadvantages are the lack of skills in the manufacture of printed media are required in health education activities are conducted. So it is necessary to study the effect of making health printed media training for knowledge and skills in the student of UKM Plakat Department of Public Health. This research used quasi experimental study one group pre test and post test design with 25 sample of student in UKM Plakat. Analysis of the data used descriptive test results of pre test and post test. Observed variables are environmental health knowledge, knowledge of media development and media production skills. The results of the study on the comparison of pre and post test average value of environmental health knowledge increased by 14,2%, mean score of knowledge development of the printed media has increased by 11,7% and average value of media-making skills increased by 5,5%. In accordance with the results are advisable to undertake the training of other media such as manufacture of electronic media or radio spot to improving student resource in health promotion. Keywords : knowledge, health promotor, student. Kesmasindo, Volume 7(1) Juli 2014, Hal 39-4


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    ABSTRACT Department of Public Health student was a prospective primary of health promotor personnel in the Ministry of Health. However, students also have some disadvantages are the lack of skills in the manufacture of printed media are required in health education activities are conducted. So it is necessary to study the effect of making health printed media training for knowledge and skills in the student of UKM Plakat Department of Public Health. This research used quasi experimental study one group pre test and post test design with 25 sample of student in UKM Plakat. Analysis of the data used descriptive test results of pre test and post test. Observed variables are environmental health knowledge, knowledge of media development and media production skills. The results of the study on the comparison of pre and post test average value of environmental health knowledge increased by 14,2%, mean score of knowledge development of the printed media has increased by 11,7% and average value of media-making skills increased by 5,5%. In accordance with the results are advisable to undertake the training of other media such as manufacture of electronic media or radio spot to improving student resource in health promotion. Keywords : knowledge, health promotor, student. Kesmasindo, Volume 7(1) Juli 2014, Hal 39-4


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    ABSTRAK Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir di Indonesia masih terdapat kasus orang bunuh diri karena HIV, perancangan ini dibuat dengan tujuan untuk memberikan support emosional terhadap para penderita HIV AIDS supaya mengurungkan niatan untuk bunuh diri, juga untuk menyebarkan awareness terhadap keluarga maupun teman penderita HIV AIDS agar selalu mendampingi dan memberikan dukungan kepada orang yang bersangkutan. Perancangan ini menggunakan metode 5W 1H untuk mencari solusi dari permasalahan dan menggunakan data primer yaitu wawancara dengan ODHA dan juga data sekunder berupa literasi sebagai data pendukung. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa untuk mengubah daya juang seseorang untuk melanjutkan kehidupan bukanlah hal yang mudah. Dengan adanya perancangan video ASA diharapkan dapat membuat khalayak sasaran utama yaitu orang dengan HIV AIDS turut merasakan pengalaman yang serupa, merasa hidupnya berharga dan tetap semangat dalam menjalani hidup dan tidak menyerah menghadapi segala tantangan yang ada. Kata kunci: HIV AIDS, Animasi, Kesehatan mental, Depresi, Penerimaan dir

    Pengaruh Lama Perendaman Kertas Koran Menggunakan Air Panas Terhadap Kadar Timbal Pada Ikan Gabus

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    Musi river has been polluted by heavy metal. As for the metal contamination which has polluted such as the metalic lead. The purpose of this study to reduce the level of metalic lead (Pb) in salted fish by immersion using newsprint. The metal (Pb) inspection performed by qualitative and quantitative. The qualitative analysis carried out by reagent ditizon and the quantitative analysis used The Atomic Absorption of Spectrophotometry with wavelength 283,3 nm. From the analytical results obtained the level of Pb toward there samples of saltyfish gabus before the immersion of each was 0,49 mg/kg, 0,42 mg/kg, 0,66 mg/kg. However, after soak by using ink newsprint or not is obtained on the merchants sampel A,B,C. The highest level after soaking with newsprint by in in consecutively 0,46 mg/kg, 0,25 mg/kg, 0,24 mg/kg and the lowest were 0,32 mg/kg, 0,15 mg/kg, 0,18 mg/kg. The sampel data in the merchant A,B,C. The higest level after soaking by the newsprint without ink 0,32 mg/kg, 0,22 mg/kg, 0,18 mg/kg. And thelowest were 0,12 mg/kg, 0,13 mg/kg, 0,12 mg/kg. Based on this study concluded there is a decrease in the sample A,B,C. After soaking the newsprint with ink for 45 minutes constantly: 34,69%, 64,29% and72,73%. Moreover, the soaking without ink fot 45 minutes to the sampel (merchant) A,B and C continuely 75,51 %, 69,05 %, 81,82 %

    The Effect of Health Education to Community Knowledge and Aedes Aegypti Density in Bayah Subdistrict, Banten Province

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    Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is a public health problem in Bayah, Banten Province thus, control of mosquitoes breeding sites (CMBS) and health education is necessary. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of health education on people’s level of knowledge on CMBS and the density of Ae. aegypti. This study involved 106 villagers from Bayah in August (pretest) and October (postest) 2009. Data was collected through questionnaires, followed by observation of containers available in the house using single larval method and identified microscopically. Data was analyzed using marginal homogeneity test. The result showed, 64.2% and 1.3% villagers had poor and good knowledge on CMBS. This finding was in accordance to their education level and socio-economic status. After education, there were 14% had good and 54% poor knowledge (p = 0,001). Container index (CI) and house index (HI) were 18% and 52% respectively, suggesting high density of Ae. aegypti in that area. Following health education, CI and HI became 16% and 42% which were still above WHO level of indicator; which gave no significant difference in CI (p = 0,523) and HI (p = 0,174). In conclusion, the level of knowledge increased after health education which was not followed by significant decrease in vector density, suggesting Bayah is still categorized as highly transmitted area of DHF
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