165 research outputs found

    Correlation Between Low Bone Density and Disease Activity in Patients with Ulcerative Colitis

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    BACKGROUND Different clinical and epidemiological studies using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry have shown an increased prevalence of low bone mineral density in patients with inflammatory bowel diseases. The aim of this study was to assess the correlation between bone density and the disease activity in patient swith ulcerative colitis.KEYWORDS Ulcerative colitis; Z-score; Bone densitometry; Low bone densit

    Do Patients with Penetrating Abdominal Stab Wounds Require Laparotomy?

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    Background: The optimal management of hemodynamically stable asymptomatic patients with anterior abdominal stab wounds (AASWs) remains controversial. The goal is to identify and treat injuries in a safe cost-effective manner. Common evaluation strategies are local wound exploration (LWE), diagnostic peritoneal lavage (DPL), serial clinical assessment (SCAs) and computed tomography (CT) imaging. Making a decision about the right time to operate on a patient with a penetrating abdominal stab wound, especially those who have visceral evisceration, is a continuing challenge. Objectives: Until the year 2010, our strategy was emergency laparotomy in patients with penetrating anterior fascia and those with visceral evisceration. This survey was conducted towards evaluating the results of emergency laparotomy. So, better management can be done in patients with penetrating abdominal stab wounds. Patients and Methods: This retrospective cross-sectional study was performed on patients with abdominal penetrating trauma who referred to Al- Zahra hospital in Isfahan, Iran from October 2000 to October 2010. It should be noted that patients with abdominal blunt trauma, patients under 14 years old, those with lateral abdomen penetrating trauma and patients who had unstable hemodynamic status were excluded from the study. Medical records of patients were reviewed and demographic and clinical data were collected for all patients including: age, sex, mechanism of trauma and the results of LWE and laparotomy. Data were analyzed with PASW v.20 software. All data were expressed as mean ± SD. The distribution of nominal variables was compared using the Chi-squared test. Also diagnostic index for LWE were calculated. A two-sided P value less than 0.05 was considered to be statistically significant. Results: During the 10 year period of the study, 1100 consecutive patients with stab wounds were admitted to Al-Zahra hospital Isfahan, Iran. In total, about 150 cases had penetrating traumas in the anterior abdomen area. Sixty-three (42%) patients were operated immediately due to shock, visceral evisceration or aspiration of blood via a nasogastric tube on admission. Organ injury was seen in 78% of patients with visceral evisceration. Among these 87 cases, 29 patients’ (33.3%) anterior fascia was not penetrated in LWE. So, they were observed for several hours and discharged from the hospital without surgery. While for the remaining 58 patients (66.6%), whose LWE detected penetration of anterior abdominal fascia, laparotomy was performed which showed visceral injuries in 11 (18%) cases. Conclusions: All in all, 82 percent of laparotomies in patients with penetrated anterior abdominal fascia without visceral evisceration, who had no signs of peritoneal irritation, were negative. So, we recommended further evaluation in these patients. However, visceral evisceration is an indication for exploratory laparotomy, since in our study; the majority of patients had organ damages

    A suggested prototype for assessing bone health

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    Background- Osteoporosis is becoming a health concern worldwide. Considering the fact that prevention plays an important role in reducing the burden of this silent disease and in view of the limited resources available, many countries have adopted certain programs to fight osteoporosis through shifting their attention towards at-risk individuals. The Iranian Multicenter Osteoporosis Study (IMOS) is one of these programs. The program aims to assess bone health and the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in different parts of Iran with various altitudes, latitudes and lifestyle habits in a way that the results could be generalized to the country. Method- The present article presents the protocol used in the third phase of the study. It was designed based on the experiences gathered in the previous phases to overcome the shortcomings particularly subject loss. The questionnaire applied in this study was developed based on a thorough literature review of the risk factors and secondary causes of osteoporosis and was approved by an expert panel. It should be added that while the majority of the existing studies aim to study a certain aspect of osteoporosis, the present protocol provides the information needed for policy makers and researchers to study different osteoporosis-related issues. Conclusion- The authors believe the protocol, to be implemented with small modifications, can help policymakers in different parts of the world, particularly developing countries, gather accurate information on different aspects of bone health at the national level. © 2015, Academy of Medical Sciences of I.R. Iran. All rights reserved

    Assessment of Effective Factors In Recurrent Implantation Failure (RIF) Following Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART)

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Despite many advances have been made in the assisted reproduction techniques (ART), implantation rate after embryo transfer has not increased significantly. Therefore, this study aims to determine the factors involved in recurrent implantation failure (RIF) following ART. METHODS: In this retrospective study, 80 infertile patients with a history of at least 3 recurrent implantation failure (RIF) following assisted reproductive technology (ART) were referred to Fatemezahra Infertility Center in Babol from March 2006 to March 2013 were selected. The control group also included 80 women who became pregnant following the first IVF. Associated factors of infertility, endocrine disorder and endometriosis were recorded and their effect on RIF was assessed in both groups. FINDINGS: The mean BMI was 26.39±3.63 in the case group and 26.77±4.49 in the control group. Body mass index (BMI) >30 increased the risk of RIF significantly (p=0.001). After adjusting for the effects of other possible confounding factors, the odds ratio of obesity on RIF was 1.09(0.91-1.19) 95% CI which was not significant (p=0.06). There were no significant differences among type and cause of infertility, endocrine abnormalities, uterine malformations, endometriosis and polycystic ovary with RIF. CONCLUSION: According to our findings, BMI, type and cause of infertility, endocrine disorders, uterine abnormalities, endometriosis, and polycystic ovary were not effective on recurrent implantation failure

    Generation expansion planning optimisation with renewable energy integration: A review

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    Generation expansion planning consists of finding the optimal long-term plan for the construction of new generation capacity subject to various economic and technical constraints. It usually involves solving a large-scale, non-linear discrete and dynamic optimisation problem in a highly constrained and uncertain environment. Traditional approaches to capacity planning have focused on achieving a least-cost plan. During the last two decades however, new paradigms for expansion planning have emerged that are driven by environmental and political factors. This has resulted in the formulation of multi-criteria approaches that enable power system planners to simultaneously consider multiple and conflicting objectives in the decision-making process. More recently, the increasing integration of intermittent renewable energy sources in the grid to sustain power system decarbonisation and energy security has introduced new challenges. Such a transition spawns new dynamics pertaining to the variability and uncertainty of these generation resources in determining the best mix. In addition to ensuring adequacy of generation capacity, it is essential to consider the operational characteristics of the generation sources in the planning process. In this paper, we first review the evolution of generation expansion planning techniques in the face of more stringent environmental policies and growing uncertainty. More importantly, we highlight the emerging challenges presented by the intermittent nature of some renewable energy sources. In particular, we discuss the power supply adequacy and operational flexibility issues introduced by variable renewable sources as well as the attempts made to address them. Finally, we identify important future research directions

    Investigation of chromosomal abnormalities and microdeletion/ microduplication(s) in fifty Iranian patients with multiple congenital anomalies

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    Objective: Major birth defects are inborn structural or functional anomalies with long-term disability and adverse impacts on individuals, families, health-care systems, and societies. Approximately 20 of birth defects are due to chromosomal and genetic conditions. Inspired by the fact that neonatal deaths are caused by birth defects in about 20 and 10 of cases in Iran and worldwide respectively, we conducted the present study to unravel the role of chromosome abnormalities, including microdeletion/microduplication(s), in multiple congenital abnormalities in a number of Iranian patients. Materials and Methods: In this descriptive cross-sectional study, 50 sporadic patients with Multiple Congenital Anomalies (MCA) were selected. The techniques employed included conventional karyotyping, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA), and array comparative genomic hybridisation (array-CGH), according to the clinical diagnosis for each patient. Results: Chromosomal abnormalities and microdeletion/microduplication(s) were observed in eight out of fifty patients (16). The abnormalities proved to result from the imbalances in chromosomes 1, 3, 12, and 18 in four of the patients. However, the other four patients were diagnosed to suffer from the known microdeletions of 22q11.21, 16p13.3, 5q35.3, and 7q11.23. Conclusion: In the present study, we report a patient with 46,XY, der(18)12/46,XY, der(18), +mar8 dn presented with MCA associated with hypogammaglobulinemia. Given the patient�s seemingly rare and highly complex chromosomal abnormality and the lack of any concise mechanism presented in the literature to justify the case, we hereby propose a novel mechanism for the formation of both derivative and ring chromosome 18. In addition, we introduce a new 12q abnormality and a novel association of an Xp22.33 duplication with 1q43q44 deletion syndrome. The phenotype analysis of the patients with chromosome abnormality would be beneficial for further phenotype-genotype correlation studies. © 2019 Royan Institute (ACECR). All rights reserved

    Petrographical and geochemical evidences for paragenetic sequence interpretation of diagenesis in mixed siliciclastic–carbonate sediments: Mozduran Formation (Upper Jurassic), south of Agh-Darband, NE Iran

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    The Upper Jurassic Mozduran Formation with a thickness of 420 m at the type locality is the most important gas-bearing reservoir in NE Iran. It is mainly composed of limestone, dolostone with shale and gypsum interbeds that grade into coarser siliciclastics in the easternmost part of the basin. Eight stratigraphic sections were studied in detail in south of the Agh-Darband area. These analyses suggest that four carbonate facies associations and three siliciclastic lithofacies were deposited in shallow marine to shoreline environments, respectively. Cementation, compaction, dissolution, micritization, neomorphism, hematitization, dolomitization and fracturing are diagenetic processes that affected these sediments.Stable isotope variations of δ18O and δ13C in carbonate rocks show two different trends. High depletion of δ18O and low variation of δ13C probably reflect increasing temperatures during burial diagenesis, while the higher depletion in carbon isotope values with low variations in oxygen isotopes are related to fresh water flushing during meteoric diagenesis. Negative values of carbon isotopes may have also resulted from organic matter alteration during penetration of meteoric water. Fe and Mn enrichment with depletion of δ18O also supports the contention that alteration associated with higher depletion in carbon isotope values with low variations in oxygen isotopes took place during meteoric diagenesis. The presence of bright luminescence indicates redox conditions during precipitation of calcite cement

    Electrochemically synthesized polymers in molecular imprinting for chemical sensing

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    This critical review describes a class of polymers prepared by electrochemical polymerization that employs the concept of molecular imprinting for chemical sensing. The principal focus is on both conducting and nonconducting polymers prepared by electropolymerization of electroactive functional monomers, such as pristine and derivatized pyrrole, aminophenylboronic acid, thiophene, porphyrin, aniline, phenylenediamine, phenol, and thiophenol. A critical evaluation of the literature on electrosynthesized molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) applied as recognition elements of chemical sensors is presented. The aim of this review is to highlight recent achievements in analytical applications of these MIPs, including present strategies of determination of different analytes as well as identification and solutions for problems encountered