168 research outputs found

    Wave-particle interactions in the outer radiation belts

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    Data from the Van Allen Probes have provided the first extensive evidence of non-linear (as opposed to quasi-linear) wave-particle interactions in space with the associated rapid (fraction of a bounce period) electron acceleration to hundreds of keV by Landau resonance in the parallel electric fields of time domain structures (TDS) and very oblique chorus waves. The experimental evidence, simulations, and theories of these processes are discussed. {\bf Key words:} the radiation belts, wave-particle interaction, plasma waves and instabilitiesComment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Chorus source region localization in the Earth's outer magnetosphere using THEMIS measurements

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    Discrete ELF/VLF chorus emissions, the most intense electromagnetic plasma waves observed in the Earth's radiation belts and outer magnetosphere, are thought to propagate roughly along magnetic field lines from a localized source region near the magnetic equator towards the magnetic poles. THEMIS project Electric Field Instrument (EFI) and Search Coil Magnetometer (SCM) measurements were used to determine the spatial scale of the chorus source localization region on the day side of the Earth's outer magnetosphere. We present simultaneous observations of the same chorus elements registered onboard several THEMIS spacecraft in 2007 when all the spacecraft were in the same orbit. Discrete chorus elements were observed at 0.15–0.25 of the local electron gyrofrequency, which is typical for the outer magnetosphere. We evaluated the Poynting flux and wave vector distribution and obtained chorus wave packet quasi-parallel propagation to the local magnetic field. Amplitude and phase correlation data analysis allowed us to estimate the characteristic spatial correlation scale transverse to the local magnetic field to be in the 2800–3200 km range

    Butterfly pitch-angle distribution of relativistic electrons in the outer radiation belt: Evidence of nonadiabatic scattering

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    In this paper we investigate the scattering of relativistic electrons in the nightside outer radiation belt (around the geostationary orbit). We consider the particular case of low geomagnetic activity (|Dst|\u3c20 nT), quiet conditions in the solar wind, and absence of whistler wave emissions. For such conditions we find several events of Van Allen probe observations of butterfly pitch angle distributions of relativistic electrons (energies about 1–3 MeV). Many previous publications have described such pitch angle distributions over a wide energy range as due to the combined effect of outward radial diffusion and magnetopause shadowing. In this paper we discuss another mechanism that produces butterfly distributions over a limited range of electron energies. We suggest that such distributions can be shaped due to relativistic electron scattering in the equatorial plane of magnetic field lines that are locally deformed by currents of hot ions injected into the inner magnetosphere. Analytical estimates, test particle simulations, and observations of the AE index support this scenario. We conclude that even in the rather quiet magnetosphere, small scale (magnetic local time (MLT)-localized) injection of hot ions from the magnetotail can likely influence the relativistic electron scattering. Thus, observations of butterfly pitch angle distributions can serve as an indicator of magnetic field deformations in the nightside inner magnetosphere. We briefly discuss possible theoretical approaches and problems for modeling such nonadiabatic electron scattering

    Approximate analytical formulation of radial diffusion and whistler-induced losses from a preexisting flux peak in the plasmasphere

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    International audienceModeling the spatiotemporal evolution of relativistic electron fluxes trapped in the Earth's radiation belts in the presence of radial diffusion coupled with wave-induced losses should address one important question: how deep can relativistic electrons penetrate into the inner magnetosphere? However, a full modeling requires extensive numerical simulations solving the comprehensive quasi-linear equations describing pitch angle and radial diffusion of the electron distribution, making it rather difficult to perform parametric studies of the flux behavior. Here we consider the particular situation where a localized flux peak (or storage ring) has been produced at low L < 4 during a period of strong disturbances, through a combination of chorus-induced energy diffusion (or direct injection) at low L together with enhanced wave-induced losses and outward radial transport at higher L. Assuming that radial diffusion can be further described as the spatial broadening within the plasmasphere of this preexisting flux peak, simple approximate analytical solutions for the distribution of trapped relativistic electrons are derived. Such a simplified formalism provides a convenient means for easily determining whether radial diffusion actually prevails over atmospheric losses at any particular time for given electron energy E and location L. It is further used to infer favorable conditions for relativistic electron access to the inner belt, providing an explanation for the relative scarcity of such a feat under most circumstances. Comparisons with electron flux measurements on board the Van Allen Probes show a reasonable agreement between a few weeks and 4 months after the formation of a flux peak

    Analytical estimates of electron quasi-linear diffusion by fast magnetosonic waves

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    International audience[1] Quantifying the loss of relativistic electrons from the Earth's radiation belts requires to estimate the effects of many kinds of observed waves, ranging from ULF to VLF. Analytical estimates of electron quasi-linear diffusion coefficients for whistler-mode chorus and hiss waves of arbitrary obliquity have been recently derived, allowing useful analytical approximations for lifetimes. We examine here the influence of much lower frequency and highly oblique, fast magnetosonic waves (also called ELF equatorial noise) by means of both approximate analytical formulations of the corresponding diffusion coefficients and full numerical simulations. Further analytical developments allow us to identify the most critical wave and plasma parameters necessary for a strong impact of fast magnetosonic waves on electron lifetimes and acceleration in the simultaneous presence of chorus, hiss, or lightning-generated waves, both inside and outside the plasmasphere. In this respect, a relatively small frequency over ion gyrofrequency ratio appears more favorable, and other propitious circumstances are characterized. This study should be useful for a comprehensive appraisal of the potential effect of fast magnetosonic waves throughout the magnetosphere. Citation: Mourenas, D., A. V. Artemyev, O. V. Agapitov, and V. Krasnoselskikh (2013), Analytical estimates of electron quasi-linear diffusion by fast magnetosonic waves

    Acceleration of radiation belts electrons by oblique chorus waves

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    International audience[1] The redistribution of energy during the recovery phase of geomagnetic storms related to the acceleration of electrons in the Earth's outer radiation belt by cyclotron-resonant chorus waves is an important and challenging topic of magnetospheric plasma physics. An approximate analytical formulation of energy diffusion coefficients is derived in this paper, on the basis of a quasi-linear formalism valid for large enough bandwidths or for successive random scatter by uncorrelated waves of different frequencies and moderate average amplitudes. We make use of chorus wave parameterizations derived from CLUSTER measurements to show that oblique whistler waves can significantly increase the energy diffusion rate of small pitch angle electrons on the dayside. On the other hand, the energization rate of the more numerous high pitch angle electrons is typically reduced by a factor of 2 on the dayside, while it remains nearly unchanged on the nightside where high-intensity waves are less oblique. Besides, lifetimes are strongly reduced on the dayside, which could also impact the long-term time-integrated acceleration rates of injected electrons. Comparison between the analytical formulas and full numerical results demonstrates a good agreement and provides new scaling laws as a function of whistler mean frequency, plasma density and particle energy. It is also suggested that the enhancement of energy diffusion of low energy electrons (<100 keV) at small pitch angles with oblique waves could result in an intensification of wave growth at latitudes higher than 15. This might contribute to explain high chorus intensities measured by CLUSTER on the dayside at high latitudes. Citation: Mourenas, D., A. Artemyev, O. Agapitov, and V. Krasnoselskikh (2012), Acceleration of radiation belts electrons by oblique chorus waves

    Very oblique whistler generation by low-energy electron streams

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    International audienceWhistler mode chorus waves are present throughout the Earth's outer radiation belt as well as at larger distances from our planet. While the generation mechanisms of parallel lower band chorus waves and oblique upper band chorus waves have been identified and checked in various instances, the statistically significant presence in recent satellite observations of very oblique lower band chorus waves near the resonance cone angle remains to be explained. Here we discuss two possible generation mechanisms for such waves. The first one is based on Landau resonance with sporadic very low energy (<4 keV) electron beams either injected from the plasma sheet or produced in situ. The second one relies on cyclotron resonance with low-energy electron streams, such that their velocity distribution possesses both a significant temperature anisotropy above 3–4 keV and a plateau or heavy tail in parallel velocities at lower energies encompassing simultaneous Landau resonance with the same waves. The corresponding frequency and wave normal angle distributions of the generated very oblique lower band chorus waves, as well as their frequency sweep rate, are evaluated analytically and compared with satellite observations, showing a reasonable agreement

    Chorus wave-normal statistics in the Earth's radiation belts from ray tracing technique

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    Discrete ELF/VLF (Extremely Low Frequency/Very Low Frequency) chorus emissions are one of the most intense electromagnetic plasma waves observed in radiation belts and in the outer terrestrial magnetosphere. These waves play a crucial role in the dynamics of radiation belts, and are responsible for the loss and the acceleration of energetic electrons. The objective of our study is to reconstruct the realistic distribution of chorus wave-normals in radiation belts for all magnetic latitudes. To achieve this aim, the data from the electric and magnetic field measurements onboard Cluster satellite are used to determine the wave-vector distribution of the chorus signal around the equator region. Then the propagation of such a wave packet is modeled using three-dimensional ray tracing technique, which employs K. Rönnmark's WHAMP to solve hot plasma dispersion relation along the wave packet trajectory. The observed chorus wave distributions close to waves source are first fitted to form the initial conditions which then propagate numerically through the inner magnetosphere in the frame of the WKB approximation. Ray tracing technique allows one to reconstruct wave packet properties (electric and magnetic fields, width of the wave packet in k-space, etc.) along the propagation path. The calculations show the spatial spreading of the signal energy due to propagation in the inhomogeneous and anisotropic magnetized plasma. Comparison of wave-normal distribution obtained from ray tracing technique with Cluster observations up to 40&deg; latitude demonstrates the reliability of our approach and applied numerical schemes