290 research outputs found

    Multi-Agent Task Allocation for Robot Soccer

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    This is the published version. Copyright De GruyterThis paper models and analyzes task allocation methodologies for multiagent systems. The evaluation process was implemented as a collection of simulated soccer matches. A soccer-simulation software package was used as the test-bed as it provided the necessary features for implementing and testing the methodologies. The methodologies were tested through competitions with a number of available soccer strategies. Soccer game scores, communication, robustness, fault-tolerance, and replanning capabilities were the parameters used as the evaluation criteria for the mul1i-agent systems

    Penggunaan Alat Peraga sebagai Upaya untuk Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar dalam Memahami Konsep Bentuk Aljabar pada Siswa Kelas VIII di SMPN 2 Pasirwangi

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    The results showed the existence of differences in the ability to understand the form of algebraic operations/between the lesson that students using props with which do not use props (t hitung > t tabel, price thitung =3,486, price ttabel = 2,686). Test results showed that the normalized gain an average increase in the learning outcomes of the experimental class is middle category (g= 0,619 ) and control class is low category (g = 0,415). Based on the supporting data in the form of observation and question form, assisted learning props more enjoyable and easy to understand

    Effect of Electronic-Learning on the Academic Achievement of Basic Science Students in Bayelsa State, Nigeria

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    The study investigated the effect of electronic-learning on the academic achievement of basic science students in Yenagoa Local Government Area, Bayelsa State, Nigeria. A pretest, posttest, control group, quasi-experimental design was adopted. One hundred and four (104) JS.2 students from two government owned junior secondary schools in Yenagoa Local Government Area were purposely selected for the study. The schools were randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. The study lasted for five weeks. Three instruments IGELS, IGMLM and BSAT were used for the study. One research question was posed and answered using mean and deviation standard and one null hypothesis was tested at 0.05 level of significance using analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). The findings revealed that those taught with e-learning had a higher mean (72,33) than those taught with modified lecture method (50.59) with a mean difference of 21.74. E-learning had significant effect on student’s academic achievement in basic science. (f1,101=76.392; p<0.05 partial eta squared=0.558), with an effect size of 55.8%. Finding showed that there was a significant difference in students’ achievement in basic science when taught with e-learning and modified lecture method; the e –learning students performing better. It was recommended that government should provide e-learning materials for schools and train the teachers to acquire the basic skills. Key Words: Electronic learning, IGELS, IGMLM and BSA

    Pengaruh Penambahan Buton Granular Asphalt Pada Campuran Beton Aspal Terhadap Modulus Resilien Dan Gradasi

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    Buton Asphalt is a natural asphalt which has advantages because it contains minerals and asphalt, even though its asphalt content does not completely meet the specification as a binder of asphalt concrete. Various studies of the Buton Asphalt USAge have been carried out. This paper presented the results of a study on asphalt concrete mixtures using materials of Buton Granular Aggregate (BGA), treating the BGA as aggregates, with the BGA content of 5% and 7%. Mixtures and specimens were analyzed to investigate the effects of BGA on the performance of asphalt concrete. The results showed that the indirect tensile strength for the mixture with BGA of 5% is higher than that obtained in the those with BGA content of 7%

    Kualitas Tingkat Pelayanan Minimum Terminal Kargo Domestik Bandar Udara

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    Quality of cargo management services is primary consumer expectation indicator measured by the dimension model and the minimum service time. Likert scale of five levels is use, analyzed with Important Performance Analysis and Performance Analysis Approach to portray the user perception and expectation. Five dimensions of quality aspect are selected such as reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and physical evidence. Two air cargo companies operating at Jakarta International Airport Soekarno Hatta are selected as respondents with sample sizes of 46 and 33 are observed. A grid with four quadrants is developed. The result shows that the two operator need improvement to reach minimum service time of 30 minutes. The existing system is in a range between 46 to 51.51 minutes to finish all system services steps. To reach the minimum service time, the operator management, equipment, and tools must be improved

    Intentional time inconsistency

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    Female gender and Helicobacter pylori infection, the most important predisposition factors in a cohort of gastric cancer: A longitudinal study

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    Background: Gastric cancer (GC) is one of the most common Cancers in the world and Helicobacter pylori (HP) infection is considered a causative factor. The aim of this study was to determine the characteristics and the associated factors of (GC) in a small cohort. Methods: Overall, 54 patients with diagnosed gastric cancer were followed-up at the Department of Gastroenterology&Hepatology at Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences. 37 (68.5) of them were positive for H pylori infection in histopathological evaluations. Univariate and multivariate regression analyses were used to determine the associations of demographic features and HP infection status with GC characteristics and prognosis. Results: Univariate analysis showed female gender (odds ratio (OR): 6.53; 95 confidence interval (95CI): 1.59-26.8; P=0.008), and illiteracy (compared to intermediate education; OR: 5.9, 95CI: 1.37-25.43; p=0.05) were associated significantly with higher rate of HP infection. After a mean±SD follow-up duration of 254±329 months, only female gender was significantly associated with HP infection in GC (OR:4.56; 95 CI: 1.0-21.76; P=0.05). H pylori positive patients had significantly higher grade of GC (OR: 3.97; 95 CI: 1.0-16.16; P=0.05), and a trend toward greater GC stage (OR: 4.46, 95 CI: 9.39-21.23; p=0.06). There was no association between survival rate and H pylori infection. Conclusion: In the current study, we found a significant association of female gender with GN and an association of higher grade of GC with female gender. These findings may indicate a sex disparity in susceptibility to HP infection regarding GC future studies of larger populations are recommended


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    Abstract The provision of sidewalks of locked concrete block is often found in various cities and districts, and many of these enclosures have broken sidewalks, such as sidewalks, sagals, uneven concrete blocks, and can not drain water. In order for the quality of the sidewalk to last a long time need to be studied methods of implementation more precise. This paper discusses some implementation standards, namely the General Specification of Bina Marga 2010 as the basis for technical implementation of pedestrian paths, road-theory and practice projects, paving block specifications by Cisangkan, field guide to hardscape by Hopper. The study also conducted on several other standards. Support data obtained from direct observation in the field at several locations. The results of the study indicate that the implementation of concrete block work in some cities of Bandung has not been optimal. General Specification of Bina Marga 2010 needs to be added related to the implementation of more detailed concrete blocks. Implementation, among others, by preparing sublayer material (subgrade, subbase, base) is good. The density of sand density testing should be maintained to achieve a thick layer of sand. Installation of concrete blocks is immediately done on the sand layer with the difference in the distance of the sand layer and the preparation of concrete blocks approximately one meter to keep the sand thickness. Installation of concrete blocks must be followed by solidification using a specific tool and sand filling between concrete blocks. Keywords: locked concrete block, sidewalk, sand, pedestrian  Abstrak Penyediaan trotoar permukaan blok beton terkunci sering dijumpai di berbagai kota dan kabupaten. Tetapi banyak dijumpai trotoar permukaan blok beton terkunci ini rusak. Agar kualitas trotoar ini bertahan lama, perlu dikaji metode pelaksanaan yang lebih tepat. Makalah ini membahas beberapa standar pelaksanaan, yaitu Spesifikasi Umum Bina Marga 2010 sebagai dasar pelaksanaan teknis jalur pejalan kaki, proyek jalan–teori dan praktek, spesifikasi paving blok oleh Cisangkan, field guide to hardscape oleh Hopper. Kajian juga dilakukan terhadap beberapa standar lain. Data pendukung didapat dari pengamatan langsung di lapangan pada beberapa lokasi. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan pekerjaan blok beton di beberapa kota Bandung belum optimal. Spesifikasi Umum Bina Marga 2010 perlu ditambahkan terkait pelaksanaan blok beton yang lebih rinci. Pelaksanaan tersebut antara lain dengan mempersiapkan material lapis pendukung (subgrade, subbase, base) yang baik. Upaya uji coba pemadatan lapisan pasir perlu dipertahankan untuk mencapai tebal padat lapisan pasir. Pemasangan blok beton secepatnya dilakukan di atas lapisan pasir dengan perbedaan jarak lapisan pasir dan penyusunan blok beton kurang lebih satu meter untuk menjaga ketebalan pasir. Pemasangan blok beton harus diikuti dengan pemadatan menggunakan alat tertentu dan pengisian pasir antara blok beton. Kata-kata kunci: blok beton terkunci, trotoar, pasir, pejalan kak


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    Buton Asphalt is a natural asphalt which has advantages because it contains minerals and asphalt, even though its asphalt content does not completely meet the specification as a binder of asphalt concrete. Various studies of the Buton Asphalt usage have been carried out. This paper presented the results of a study on asphalt concrete mixtures using materials of Buton Granular Aggregate (BGA), treating the BGA as aggregates, with the BGA content of 5% and 7%. Mixtures and specimens were analyzed to investigate the effects of BGA on the performance of asphalt concrete. The results showed that the indirect tensile strength for the mixture with BGA of 5% is higher than that obtained in the those with BGA content of 7%.Keywords: natural asphalt, asphalt concrete, Buton Granular Asphalt, indirect tensile strength


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    Buton Asphalt is a natural asphalt which has advantages because it contains minerals and asphalt, even though its asphalt content does not completely meet the specification as a binder of asphalt concrete. Various studies of the Buton Asphalt usage have been carried out. This paper presented the results of a study on asphalt concrete mixtures using materials of Buton Granular Aggregate (BGA), treating the BGA as aggregates, with the BGA content of 5% and 7%. Mixtures and specimens were analyzed to investigate the effects of BGA on the performance of asphalt concrete. The results showed that the indirect tensile strength for the mixture with BGA of 5% is higher than that obtained in the those with BGA content of 7%.Keywords: natural asphalt, asphalt concrete, Buton Granular Asphalt, indirect tensile strength