9 research outputs found

    Participation of society in breeding and conservation programs for food tree species in Niger (West Africa)

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    Esta tesis doctoral tiene como objetivo principal incentivar la participación de la sociedad en su propio desarrollo. Para tal fin, mediante grupos de discusión y cuestionarios individuales (i) en el capítulo 1, las comunidades locales han priorizado las especies y evaluado su estado de conservación actual, (ii) en el capítulo 2, los agricultores han declarado su voluntad de trabajar para realizar programas de conservación y mejora, y (iii) en el capítulo 3, los consumidores han mostrado una disposición positiva a pagar para preservar y mejorar estos recursos naturales. Con base en los resultados de capítulos anteriores y en el conocimiento existente sobre A. digitata, en el capítulo 4 se proponen las principales acciones, herramientas y actores para lograr un programa de gestión y conservación sostenible de una de las especies forestales alimenticias más valiosa para la sociedad de Níger, y de África en generalDepartamento de Producción Vegetal y Recursos ForestalesDoctorado en Conservación y Uso Sostenible de Sistemas Forestale

    Ethnomycological knowledge of three ethnic groups in Ethiopia

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    Producción CientíficaEthnomycological information was gathered by conducting semi-structured interviews with members of the Amhara, Agew, and Sidama ethnic groups in Ethiopia. A total of 300 individuals were involved in this study. Forest excursions were also undertaken to investigate the habitat and to identify useful wild mushroom species present in the study areas. A total of 24 useful wild mushroom species were identified. Among the three ethnic groups, the Sidama have the most extensive ethnomycological knowledge and over seven vernacular names for useful fungal species were recorded for this group. Collecting mushrooms is common practice among the Sidama and usually carried out by women and children during the main rainy season from June to September. Useful mushrooms are collected in natural forests, plantation forests, grazing areas, home gardens, and swampy areas. In terms of medicinal uses, Lycoperdon perlatum Pers. and Calvatia rubroflava (Cragin) Lloyd. are well-known treatments for wounds and skin disease. Harvest storage of wild mushroom species is unknown. Respondents in the Amhara and Agew ethnic groups were similar in terms of their use and knowledge of mushrooms. Both ethnic groups reported that although wild mushroom species were consumed by their grandparents, they do not eat mushrooms themselves, which could eventually represent a loss of mycological knowledge in these two ethnic groups. Such inconsistency between ethnic groups in terms of their knowledge may also be linked to the social valuation of mushroom resources, which could easily be mitigated by raising awareness. Thus, the baseline information obtained in this study could be useful for further investigations and documentation, and to promote ethnomycological benefits to different ethnic groups in countries with similar settings.Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo - (project Sustfungi_Eth:2017/ACDE/002094

    Farmers' preferences for conservation and breeding programs of forestry food resources in Niger

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    Producción CientíficaIn a less-favored area such as the Sahel, promoting sustainable management, breeding, and conservation of forestry resources would result in improvements for agroforestry systems and food security. A contingent ranking exercise allowed us to estimate the preferences and the values given by the rural population to the attributes that would be comprised in a conservation program. The resulting preferred program is farmer-managed natural regeneration (FMNR) based on the species Adansonia digitata (baobab), with plantation, stone bunds, or tassa, and selected or bred seeds. The proposed actions to improve the tree density and the seed quality were highly valued by the respondents. Nevertheless, no clear differences were found between tassa and stone bunds, or FMNR and plantation. The main effects of the program, according to the surveyed population, include an increase in crop production and soil conservation, and higher income from tree products. This study allowed us to identify the program that would provide the greatest well-being for farmers, since it would allow them to simultaneously improve both the production of their crops and the production of the woody food species. It was shown that farmers were particularly willing to contribute to a program based on baobab, mainly because its products are used for food in the home and can be sold in markets. In this sense, the yield and production of the system would be improved by increasing the number of baobab trees. Farmers would contribute to this production system and would be willing to invest sustainable effort in the long term. The conservation and breeding program can be directed at conserving and propagating the genetic resources of A. digitata in an initial phase, selecting trees with good production, growth, and adaptation characteristics.Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional y Desarrollo (AECID 2014/ACDE/003520

    Especies leñosas alimenticias: Utilización y apreciación de las amenazas en dos regiones agroecológicas de Níger (África del Oeste)

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    Forest tree species play a fundamental role in feeding of rural populations in Niger, especially in periods of scarcity. It is important to understand how local people use and manage these species. The information obtained in this study is of great value to design a program of conservation and sustainable management paying attention to the real needs of the local population. The study focus on the period of scarcity of food, the importance of the products of spontaneous woody species as ingredients in the diet, in its mode of use, as well as in the appreciation that local populations have on the forest environment and on the conservation status of priority species, seeking for any differences due to gender

    Variabilidad genética y gestión forestal

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    La diversidad biológica, su conservación e incremento, es uno de los principios básicos de la gestión forestal sostenible. La alta variabilidad genética de las especies forestales es responsable de los procesos de adaptación ante factores bióticos y abióticos extremos que, a su vez, aseguran la persistencia frente a los riesgos a los que están sometidas las masas forestales. En este trabajo se analizan distintos aspectos relacionados con la variabilidad genética de las especies forestales, y como la gestión forestal influye sobre ella. Se analiza la variabilidad entre poblaciones (que es una de las bases de la comercialización de material forestal de reproducción), la influencia del sistema de reproducción en la variabilidad genética de las masas y los efectos en ellas de los tratamientos selvícolas, así como la variación individual y clonal aprovechada en los programas de selección. Por último, se analiza el papel de la variabilidad genética en los programas de mejora y conservación de recursos genéticos forestales

    Food tree species consumed during periods of food shortage in Burkina Faso and their threats

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    Aim of study: Edible products from tree species were identified in Burkina Faso and their contribution to the diet in the lean season was assessed. The main threats affecting most consumed food tree species were also documented.Area of study: Six villages across two phytogeographic regions of Burkina FasoMaterial and methods: Focus group discussions and semi-structured interviews, including a 7-day dietary intake recall targeting women; semi-structured interviews targeting key male informants.Main results: The number of edible tree products consumed was found to vary according to phytogeographic region and ethnic group. A few tree species played a disproportionally greater role in the diet and were characterized by very high frequency of consumption by the majority of households in both phytogeographic regions and across ethnicities: Adansonia digitata, Parkia biglobosa and Vitellaria paradoxa. These species are not critically endangered at country level but they are perceived as scarcely available at local level. Considering that the main threats on priority tree species (fires, drought, pest and diseases) vary across regions, to maintain sustainable sources of nutrients in the landscape, mitigation measures should be diversified and adapted to local pressures.Research highlights: Priorities for conservation are emerging clearly, but research efforts should also target underutilized tree species for their potential to diversify nutrient-poor diets

    Variación genética y recomendación de uso de procedencias de Pinus sylvestris en España: aplicación de los modelos, diagnosis e idoneidad

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    Se presentan dos aplicaciones de los modelos diagnosis e idoneidad (Allué, 1990, 1997) al estudio dos problemas existentes en la mejora genética forestal: la relación entre variación genética y clima a recomendación de uso del material forestal de reproducción, ambos aplicados a Pinus sylvestris en España. En un ensayo de procedencias situado en Aragüés del Puerto (Huesca) se ha estudiado la fenología crecimiento durante dos años consecutivos en procedencias españolas y alemanas. Existen diferencias significativas entre procedencias en la tasa de crecimiento diario y el crecimiento anual. Las diferencias entre las procedencias se relacionan con el fitoclima de origen. Procedencias próximas geográficamente con fitoclimas distintos presentan comportamientos claramente diferenciados. Estos resultados abogan por el papel del clima en la adaptación de la especie en España. Dada la relación entre clima y crecimiento de las procedencias se presenta la aplicación del método idoneidad para establecer homologaciones climáticas entre las fuentes de semilla y las zonas de utilización del material forestal de reproducción. La ventaja de este método es su facilidad de aplicación, permitiendo diferenciar entre procedencias de amplio uso y de uso restringido. Se presenta un mapa descriptivo de la recomendación de cada una de las regiones de procedencia en las regiones de utilización de material forestal de reproducción definidas en España

    Conservation of food tree species in Niger: towards a participatory approach in rural communities

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    Aim of study: Indigenous woody species play an important role as a complement on the diet of rural populations in Niger, especially in periods of food scarcity. However, these species are nowadays overexploited and management programmes are necessary to conserve them. In order to design a conservation programme for edible woody species, this paper presents a sociological analysis about the use of edible woody species and their products during shortage periods in Niger.Area of study: Four villages in two distinct agro-ecological regions were selected to conduct structured enquiries based on focus group discussions and surveys with key informants.Material and Methods: Perceptions of the conservation status of these species were identified; as well the factors affecting food values, perceptions, management and collection practices.Main results: Results show that B. senegalensis was a staple food in the driest areas, and M. crassifolia was used for fodder and human consumption in the most critical situations. The local communities related the drivers of species conservation status specific to the agro-ecological regions, and gender and ethnic differences were also identified.Research highlights: Understanding these factors constitutes a first step towards adaptive management strategies for the conservation of woody food species in rural communities of Niger.Keywords: Africa; biodiversity; cultural preferences; food; NTFPs