24 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan yaitu untuk mengetahui jenis antioksidan yang efesien dalam melindungi sel sperma ikan depik (Rasbora tawarensis) selama proses kriopreservasi. Metode yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 5 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan. Antioksidan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah glutation, ?-carotene, asam askorbat, dan buthylated hydroxytoluene (BHT). Sperma ikan depik yang telah dikoleksi ditambahkan dengan larutan ringer dan larutan extender yang terdiri dari kuning telur dan DMSO dengan perbandingan 1:20 (sperma:larutan extender). Kemudian pada masing-masing perlakuan ditambahkan sebanyak 6% antioksidan. Fertilitas telur dihitung setelah 5 menit dari proses pencampuran antara sperma dan telur, untuk penetasan telur ikan depik dihitung setelah 20 jam setelah fertilisasi. Hasil uji ANOVA menunjukkan bahwa penambahan antioksidan berpengaruh nyata terhadap motilitas, fertilitas, dan daya tetas telur (P>0,05) pasca kriopreservasi. Hasil uji lanjut menunjukkan bahwa motilitas tertinggi dijumpai pada perlakuan yang diberikan glutation

    Penilaian Ekonomi Jasa Lingkungan Pada Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) Di Kota Malang Provinsi Jawa Timur

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    Keberadaan RTH di Kota Malang sebagai upaya untuk memenuhi standar RTH minimal pada UU no 26  Tahun 2007 dan amanah Perda RTRW Pasal 24 bahwa setiap kota minimal mampu menyediakan RTH sebesar 30% dari luas lahan yang terdiri dari 20% RTH untuk publik dan 10% terdiri dari RTH untuk privat. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk memberikan informasi yang penting terkait penilaian ekonomi jasa lingkungan RTH di Kota Malang dan juga  dapat dijadikan referensi  pemerintah dan masyarakat  dalam pengelolaan RTH secara lebih baik. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di kawasan RTH  di Kota Malang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif yaitu menggambarkan obyek yang diteliti sesuai dengan tujuan penelitian yang dimaksud. Pengumpulan data dilaksanakan dengan studi literatur, wawancara dan observasi. Penliaian ekonomi jasa lingkungan dilakukan dengan identifikasi nilai guna langsung dan nilai guna tak langsung terhadap RTH. Teknik analisis yang dipakai yaitu persamaan allometric, metode Harga Pasar, CVM, WTP dan Metode Harga Bayangan. Nilai Guna Langsung berupa nilai ekonomi simpanan karbon sebesar Rp,- Nilai Guna Tak Langsung adalah penjumlahan  nilai manfaat keberadaan dan nilai kesejukan. Nilai total manfaat keberadaan sebesar Rp 44.904.281.229,-. Sedangkan nilai manfaat kesejukan sebesar Rp  70.668.285.320,-. Sehingga jumlah Nilai Guna Tidak langsung sebesar Rp 115.572.566.500,- Nilai ekonomi total yang diperoleh adalah sebesar Rp 117.648.572.900,-/thn. Nilai manfaat terbesar dihasilkan oleh Nilai Kesejukan yaitu 60,07 % dan Nilai manfaat terkecil oleh nilai karbon di jalur hijau yaitu 0,17 %

    Analisis Manajemen Risiko pada Kantor Pusat PT. Bank Bengkulu

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    Dian Wundari Gustini, Sulisti Afriani; Analysis Of Risk Management in PT.Bank Bengkulu Office. This study aims to determine the Analysis Risk Management in PT . Bank Bengkulu Office. The type of is the study descriptive. In this study the samples used is the form of quality report application of risk management PT. Bank of Bengkulu in 2012. By the risk report can described the condition of PT. Bank Bengkulu and can be analyzed levels of application quality . For quantitative analysis using the inherent risk assessment , which is an assessment of the risks inherent Bank\u27s business activities, both of which can be quantified or are not , and could potentially affect the financial position of the Bank. The qualitative analysis using indicators Quality Risk Management with the criteria and parameters that have been set by Bank Indonesia . This study showed an overview of the implementation of risk management at PT. Bank Bengkulu average value of 2.50 is in the interval from 1.81 to 2.60 with Satisfactory criteria is quality risk management of PT. Bank of Bengkulu in composite adequate , although there are minor flaws, but these flaws need to get the attention of the management of PT. Bank Bengkulu to make improvements. Assessment of the quality of risk management implementation in PT Bank Bengkulu can be traced from the stages of preparation of strategies, programs, policies, objectives, and implementation

    Implementasi Logbook Kompetensi Perawat Berbasis Digitalisasi

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    This research aims to identify problems and find solutions for nurses in providing proof of competency through a digitalization-based competency logbook. The study used a case report approach with interviews and distributed questionnaires in the ER (Emergency Department) to 103 nurses to implement digitalization-based competency logbook innovation. The research results show a competency logbook (SOP) (Standard Operational Procedure), a digitized logbook operational flow, a competency logbook link, and a spreadsheet link have been prepared. Logbook implementation and performance evaluation: 81.5% of IGD nurses apply digitalization-based competency logbooks. In conclusion, digitalization-based competency logbooks are an effort to resolve problems related to the sub-optimality of nurse competency logbooks.   Keywords: Digitalization, Competency Logbook, Nurs

    A short review of discovery and development of fish sperm cryopreservation

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    Global biodiversity, especially fish, has experienced a decline, this occurs as a result of over-exploitation, the presence of introduced fish species and climate change. This condition makes researchers look for solutions to overcome these problems by using cryopreservation techniques. The main purpose of cryopreservation is to store, maintain, and ensure the survival of genetic material, so that using cryopreservation techniques can maintain the viability and function of gamete cells both immunologically, biologically and physiologically. The success of the cryopreservation technique has made this technique widely developed in various species of living organism including fish. This article summarizes and reviews the history of the development of cryopreservation of animal species with specific focus on fish.Keywords:CryopreservationHistoryDepikEndemic specie


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    Dian Wundari Gustini, Sulisti Afriani; Analysis Of Risk Management in PT.Bank Bengkulu Office. This study aims to determine the Analysis Risk Management in PT . Bank Bengkulu Office. The type of is the study descriptive. In this study the samples used is the form of quality report application of risk management PT. Bank of Bengkulu in 2012. By the risk report can described the condition of PT. Bank Bengkulu and can be analyzed levels of application quality . For quantitative analysis using the inherent risk assessment , which is an assessment of the risks inherent Bank's business activities, both of which can be quantified or are not , and could potentially affect the financial position of the Bank. The qualitative analysis using indicators Quality Risk Management with the criteria and parameters that have been set by Bank Indonesia . This study showed an overview of the implementation of risk management at PT. Bank Bengkulu average value of 2.50 is in the interval from 1.81 to 2.60 with Satisfactory criteria is quality risk management of PT. Bank of Bengkulu in composite adequate , although there are minor flaws, but these flaws need to get the attention of the management of PT. Bank Bengkulu to make improvements. Assessment of the quality of risk management implementation in PT Bank Bengkulu can be traced from the stages of preparation of strategies, programs, policies, objectives, and implementation


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    ABSTRAK Dian Afriani Rizha B., (2019):Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Website dalam Materi Pasar Modal Pada Mata Pelajaran Ekonomi Kelas X di Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 12 Pekanbaru Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengembangan media pembelajaran Website dalam materi pasar modal pada mata pelajaran ekonomi kelas X di Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 12 Pekanbaru. Penelitian ini terdiri dari satu variabel, yaitu pengembangan media pembelajaran Website dalam materi pasar modal pada mata pelajaran ekonomi kelas X Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 12 Pekanbaru. Permasalahan yang menjadi kajian dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana kelayakan media pembejaran Website dalam materi pasar modal pada mata pelajaran ekonomi kelas X di Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 12 Pekanbaru. Subjek penelitian adalah pengembangan media pembelajaran Website dalam materi pasar modal pada mata pelajaran ekonomi, sedangkan objek penelitianya adalah Siswa kelas X di Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 12 Pekanbaru. Tehnik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, kuisioner, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data mengunakan teknik deskriptif kulitatif. Gejala dalam penelitian ini adalah media pembelajaran berbasis teknologi seperti Website masih jarang diterapkan sedangkan dari segi fasilitas dan akses internet sudah mencukupi untuk setiap kelas. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, disimpulkan bahwa hasil kelayakan media pembelajaran pada Alpha-testing oleh ahli media yaitu 85,75% kategori sangat layak, sedangkan hasil nilai pengujian oleh ahli materi sebesar 82,08% kategori sangat layak, pada Beta-testing oleh nilai yang diperoleh sebesar 78,94% kategori layak. Kata Kunci: Pengembangan, Media Pembelajaran, Website, Pasar Modal

    Valuasi Deplesi Sumberdaya Air dalam Rangka Penghitungan PDRB Semi Hijau di Kota Malang, Jawa Timur

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    Green GRDP is a new index that is used to calculate the output of national and regional economies that take environmental factors into account. Semi-green GRDP is calculated only by considering the depletion factor of natural resources while Green GRDP considers depletion and degradation of natural resources in an area. Depletion of natural resources refers to the production, extraction, depletion, reduction in volume or amount of natural resources. This study aims to calculate the value of depletion of natural resources found in Malang, which is one of the major cities in East Java Province, so that in the end it can also be calculated Semi-Green GRDP which is part of calculating the value of Green GRDP. The method used is the method of surveying and observing, literature study, measurement and mathematical analysis. The results obtained are based on the identification of natural resources in the city of Malang, there is no volume extraction of natural resources found except on the use of water resources. Based on the data obtained almost all economic sectors utilize water resources for operational activities. Other objects that were assumed to be depleted were not found in the study area. Based on the analysis, it is known that the depletion value of using water resources absorbs around 0.354% of the total value of Malang City's conventional GRDP. Thus, the value of the Semi Green GRDP of Malang City by considering the depletion value of water resources decreased -0.354%. Keywords: Depletion; Malang City; Semi-Green GRDP; Water resource