215 research outputs found

    Relatório de Estágio em futebol realizado na Associação Desportiva de Oeiras (sub-16)

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    No presente relatório está descrito de que forma decorreu o meu processo de estágio na equipa de futebol de formação sub-16 da Associação Desportiva de Oeiras, referente à época desportiva 2020/2021. Posto isto, a elaboração deste documento retrata a dinâmica de trabalho ao longo de uma temporada pautada por novos desafios, bem como as justificações do modelo de jogo implementado e que esteve na base da planificação e operacionalização das unidades de treino. Adicionalmente, está também exposta uma investigação que procurou avaliar duas componentes associadas ao futebol como a velocidade e a agilidade e, ainda, um evento que permitiu à comunidade contactar com duas personalidades do desporto que se encontram no mais alto patamar do futebol nacional. Com o estudo realizado, foi possível aferir que os melhores resultados do teste de velocidade linear de 30 metros assim como do teste de agilidade “Illinois Agility Test”, foram obtidos por parte dos jogadores sujeitos a uma maior exigência de deslocamento em função do modelo de jogo adotado, coincidindo também com o facto de se apresentarem abaixo do valor médio para altura e massa corporal, e ainda, de se incluírem no grupo com data de nascimento referente ao primeiro trimestre do ano.This report describes how my internship process took place in the under-16 soccer team of Associação Desportiva de Oeiras, for the 2020/2021 sports season. Therefore, the preparation of this document portrays the dynamics of work throughout a season marked by new challenges, as well as the justifications of the game model implemented and that was the basis for the planning and operationalization of the training units. Additionally, it is also exposed an investigation that sought to assess two components associated with soccer as speed and agility and, also, an event that allowed the community to contact with two sports personalities who are at the highest level of national soccer. The study showed that the best results in the 30-meter linear speed test and in the "Illinois Agility Test" were obtained by players who were subjected to greater displacement demands due to the game model adopted, which also coincided with the fact that they were below the average for height and body mass, and also that they were included in the group with a birth date in the first quarter of the year. Key


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    The purpose of this study is to determine the costs incurred by farmers in the Bali Cows breeding business extensively. The material used this research Bali Cows breeders of Sub-District Suai, 135 Bali Cows breeders total population cattle 982 cows. The method used the reseach survey is interviewed respondents. and sampling in proportional sampling means sampling based on certain considerations, based on the amount of Balinese cattle rearing in each village in 7 districts. Sample used 11. Primary data was obtained by direct observation of the activities of Bali Cows and interviews with respondents, using questionnaires. Secondary data is obtained the office Village or related institutions. Identification breeders is needed to know the social breeders include name, age, occupation, responsibility of family and business livestock this need to know because it is very closely related to the activities of cultivation of cattle. Samples were taken by 135 respondents from Debus, Loro, Mane Ikun, Babo, Asu Mate and Asurai villages in Sub-District Suai worked on cultivation and fattening cows. The results showed that the value of cattle in one year ago. The benefits gained by cattle ranchers in SubDistrict Suai, increase in cattle value increased a year later. From the data of 135 respondents known the number of calves 269, female 460 and male 253 of the total number of cows 982 tail. Based on these data, the average number of breeder cows is calf 2, 1, female 3.4 and male 1.9. If the parent price is 75,buy 75, buy . 25 and male 40thentotaloftheinitialassetvalueoftheyearaveragecowperbreederis 40 then total of the initial asset value of the year average cow per breeder is 3,535. The highest value of a female cow is 2.25,becauseallbreedersmaintainafemalecowof34headandthelowestisthecattlevalueoftheseedlingsof 2.25, because all breeders maintain a female cow of 3 - 4 head and the lowest is the cattle value of the seedlings of . 525. Total receipts by breeders with total explicit costs. The average income of breeder cattle breeding is 2,278.4(directreceipts,indirectreceipts),lessexplicitcostof 2,278.4 (direct receipts, indirect receipts), less explicit cost of 63.6 so that the average income earned by farmers is 2214.8.Fromtheresultsofthestudyconcludedthatthecostincurredforthelivestockbusinessforoneyearof 2214.8. From the results of the study concluded that the cost incurred for the livestock business for one year of 1,703.6. The output value obtained during the maintenance period is 2,278.4.Sotheamountofprofitsearned 2,278.4. So the amount of profits earned 574.8. Keywords: Analysis of Bali Extensive Cattle Breeding Busines

    Case studies from the Freirian perspective: learning for teaching

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    Teaching is composed of multiple knowledge constructed by the teacher during the initial training process and during the exercise of the profession. There are also those that are elaborated from experiences in basic education, when the teacher was still a student. In relation the initial training process, the Chemistry subproject of the Institutional Program for Teaching Initiation Scholarship at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora has provided teaching initiation scholarship holders with learning during their experiences in daily school. Among these learnings, we highlight the development and application of case studies on the topic of Food, whose objective was to involve future teachers in the classroom practice so that they could autonomously articulate the development of all stages of the work. It is worth noting that it was a challenge for many of them, since the Chemistry course does not have a discipline focused on the study of the human body. However, we note that future teachers were able to develop autonomy, critical thinking, research and argumentation with students, following Paulo Freire's principles for a democratic, emancipatory and liberating education. In view of the learning experience, we noticed that there were changes in the position of the scholarship holders related to the perception of the school as a training environment, and also in relation to the teaching career, which came to be seen with responsibility, dedication and commitment.A docência é composta por múltiplos saberes construídos pelo professor durante o processo de formação inicial e durante o exercício da profissão. Há ainda aqueles que são elaborados a partir das vivências na educação básica, quando o docente ainda era estudante. Em relação ao processo formativo inicial, o subprojeto Química do Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciação à Docência da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora tem proporcionado aos bolsistas de iniciação à docência, aprendizagens durante suas vivências no cotidiano escolar. Entre essas aprendizagens, destacamos a elaboração e aplicação de estudos de casos sobre o tema Alimentação, cujo objetivo foi envolver os futuros docentes na prática de sala de aula para que pudessem articular com autonomia o desenvolvimento de todas as etapas do trabalho. Vale destacar que foi um desafio para muitos deles, já que o curso de Química não tem uma disciplina voltada ao estudo do corpo humano. Entretanto, notamos que os futuros professores puderam desenvolver a autonomia, o senso crítico, a pesquisa e a argumentação junto aos estudantes, seguindo os princípios de Paulo Freire para uma educação democrática, emancipatória e libertadora. Diante das aprendizagens, percebemos que houve mudanças na postura dos bolsistas relacionadas a percepção da escola, enquanto ambiente de formação, e também em relação à carreira do magistério, que passou a ser vista com responsabilidade, dedicação e comprometimento

    Deteção de palavras emergentes em tweets portugueses e análise do seu percurso na redes sociais

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    Este trabalho aborda o problema da deteção de palavras emergentes numa língua, com base em conteúdos de redes sociais. Propõe uma abordagem para a deteção de novas palavras no Twitter, e relata os resultados alcançados para um dataset com dados geolocalizados recolhidos entre Janeiro de 2018 e Junho de 2019 e publicados em território português com um total de 8 milhões de tweets. Os primeiros seis meses de dados foram utilizados para definir um vocabulário inicial, a partir do qual foram identificadas novas palavras nos 12 meses seguintes. O conjunto de palavras resultante foi analisado manualmente, revelando uma série de eventos distintos e sugerindo que o Twitter pode ser um recurso valioso para pesquisar a dinâmica do vocabulário de uma língua. É proposta uma metodologia para o mapeamento da propagação das palavras anteriormente identificadas como emergentes, onde é localizada a origem da emergência e a propagação das mesmas por Portugal através de diferentes meios sociais e geográficos. Foram identificados padrões para a emergência, sejam eles religiosos, musicais, etc. Com base nos resultados, foi identificada a cidade de Lisboa como a principal região para a emergência das palavras seguida a cidade do Porto, onde também está representada a maioria dos utilizadores do Twitter. Com o objetivo de disponibilizar os resultados alcançados neste trabalho recorreu-se ao desenvolvimento de um "website", onde é possível de uma forma facilitada visualizar as palavras emergentes e a sua representação geográfica, assim como estatísticas relacionadas com as mesmas.This work tackles the problem of detecting emerging words on a language, based on social networks content. It proposes an approach for detecting new words on Twitter, and reports the achieved results for a collection of 8 million Portuguese tweets. This study uses geolocated tweets, collected between January 2018 and June 2019, and written in the Portuguese territory. The first six months of the data were used to define an initial vocabulary, from which new words were identified on the following 12 months. The set of resulting words were manually analyzed, revealing a number of distinct events, and suggesting that Twitter may be a valuable resource for researching the vocabulary dynamics of a language. A methodology is proposed for mapping the propagation of the previous words identified as emerging, where the source of the emergency is located and the propagation by Portugal through different social and geographical. Were identified patterns for the emergency, be they religious, musical, etc. Based on the results, the city of Lisbon was identified as the main region for the emergence of words and followed by the city of Porto, where the majority of Twitter users are also represented. To make the results achieved in this work accessible, a website was developed, where it is possible to visualize in an easy way the emerging words and their geographical representation, as well as statistics related to them

    2.4 GHz wireless sensor network for smart electronic shirts

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    This paper presents a wireless sensor network for smart electronic shirts. This allows the monitoring of individual biomedical data, such the cardio-respiratory function. The solution chosen to transmit the body’s measured signals for further processing was the use of a wireless link, working at the 2.4 GHz ISM band. A radio frequency transceiver chip was designed in a UMC RF 0.18 µm CMOS process. The power supply of the transceiver is 1.8 V. Simulations show a power consumption of 12.9 mW. Innovative topics concerning efficient power management was taken into account during the design of the transceiver.(undefined

    A 2.4-GHz wireless sensor network for smart electronic shirts integration

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    A typical sensing module is composed of sensors, interface electronics, a radio-frequency (RF) CMOS transceiver and an associated antenna. A 2.4-GHz RF transceiver chip was fabricated in a UMC 0.18 μm CMOS process. The receiver has a sensibility of -60 dBm and consumes 6.3 mW from a 1.8 V supply. The transmitter delivers an output power of 0 dBm with a power consumption of 11.2 mW. Innovative topics concerning efficient power management was taken into account during the design of the transceiver. A solution of individual sensing modules allows a plug-and-play solution. The target application is the integration of a wireless sensor network in smart electronic shirts, for monitoring the cardio-respiratory function and posture

    A flexible infrastructure for dynamic power control of electric vehicle battery chargers

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    This paper proposes a Flexible Infrastructure for Dynamic Power Control (FIDPC) of Electric Vehicle (EV) Battery Chargers. This infrastructure dynamically adjusts the EV battery charger current, according to the power demand of the home wherein the vehicle is plugged. An infrastructure was implemented to validate this proposal. Such infrastructure is composed by an EV battery charger and a communication system based on a Radio Frequency interface. The battery charger has nominal power of 3.6 kVA and operates with sinusoidal current and unitary total power factor, while the RF interface provides continuous data flow to the battery charger with information about the home total current consumption (rms value). Experimental tests were performed under realistic conditions to validate the concept behind the proposed FIDPC. These tests served to assess the behavior of the EV battery charger with dynamic power control on a single-phase, 230 V, 16 A, 50 Hz residential electrical installation. The experimental results confirm the quick time response of the FIDPC even when working under heavy home load variations.This work was supported by the Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (FCT) through Project PEst-UID/CEC/00319/2013. The work of V. Monteiro was supported by the FCT agency through a doctoral scholarship under Grant SFRH/BD/80155/2011. The review of this paper was coordinated by Dr. D. Cao