323 research outputs found

    Uso de meio seletivo para identificação de cepas de Burkholderia cepacia em amostras de trato respiratório de pacientes portadores de fibrose cística

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    Burkholderia cepacia colonizes cystic fibrosis (CF) patients. We evaluated the impact of the use of a selective medium in the rate of B. cepacia recovery from respiratory samples of CF patients. During a 6-month period, respiratory samples were collected from 106 CF patients and cultivated on selective media including a B. cepacia selective medium. Confirmation of the identity of B. cepacia isolates was carried out by species specific PCR and determination of genomovar status performed by a sequential PCR approach. Results of B. cepacia isolation during this period were compared to the preceding two years, when the sample processing was identical except for the lack of the B. cepacia selective medium. B. cepacia was isolated in 11/257 (4.2%) of the samples using the selective medium, in contrast with the preceding two years, when it was isolated in 6/1029 samples (0.58%), p < 0.0001. Identity of all 11 isolates was confirmed by PCR and genomovar determination was accomplished in all but one isolate. These results suggest that the use of a selective medium increases recovery rate of B. cepacia from respiratory samples.A Burkholderia cepacia coloniza os pacientes portadores de fibrose cística (FC). Avaliamos o impacto do uso de um meio seletivo no isolamento de B. cepacia em amostras de secreção respiratória de pacientes portadores de FC. Durante um período de 6 meses, amostras de trato respiratório foram colhidas de 106 pacientes com FC e cultivadas em meios seletivos incluindo um meio para isolamento de B. cepacia. A identidade das cepas de B. cepacia foi confirmada através de PCR espécie específica e a determinação do genomovar ou subespécie realizada através de reações seqüenciais de PCR. Os resultados de isolamento de B. cepacia durante este período foram comparados com os dois anos precedentes, quando o processamento das amostras era idêntico, exceto pela utilização do meio seletivo para B. cepacia. B. cepacia foi isolada em 11/257 (4,2%) amostras usando o meio seletivo, e em apenas 6/1029 (0,58%) nos dois anos precedentes (p < 0,0001). A identidade destas 11 cepas foi confirmada e a determinação do genomovar obtida em 10/11. Estes resultados sugerem que o uso do meio seletivo aumenta a freqüência de isolamento de B. cepacia em amostras de trato respiratório de pacientes portadores de FC

    Rhinovirus C and Respiratory Exacerbations in Children with Cystic Fibrosis

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    To investigate a possible role for human rhinovirus C in respiratory exacerbations of children with cystic fibrosis, we conducted microbiologic testing on respiratory specimens from 103 such patients in São Paulo, Brazil, during 2006–2007. A significant association was found between the presence of human rhinovirus C and respiratory exacerbations


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    ABSTRACT In the Prata watershed there are units corresponding to the Pleistocene Terraces and the Fluvium-Lagoon Sediments. This watershed is inserted almost entirely in the area of plateaus (Tabuleiros) with altitudes of 10 to 100 meters, and in areas with altitudes of 2 to 10 meters in the area of floodplains and fluvio-lagoon terraces. The present work aimed to characterize and classify soils in the Brazilian Soil Classification System - SiBCS and correlate them with the IUSS Working Group WRB-FAO (in parentheses), besides evidence some soil-landscape relations, that occur in Pleistocene terraces and fluvium-lagoon sediments in the Prata watershed, located in the ecological reserve of Dois Irmãos State Park in Recife – PE, Brazil. Soil samples were used to perform physical, chemical and mineralogical analysis in laboratory. Watershed delimitation, Digital Elevation Model (DEM), slope map, soil map and slope x soil map were obtained and studied. The soils are quite acidic and have a very low natural fertility, with the Latossolos (Ferralsols) predominating in the landscape. The silt and clay fractions of the studied Argissolos (Acrisols) and Latossolos (Ferralsols) presented quartz and kaolinite as the main component. In the profile of Neossolo Quartzarênico (Arenosols) only quartz was identified as a component of the silt and clay fractions. The kaolinitic mineralogy of the clay fraction is consistent with the environment of its formation, that is, hot and humid. There is no relationship between the colors of soils and their exposure to the sun on the slopes where they occur. The occurrence of a sandy and whitish horizon between the litter and the A horizon, is not foreseen in the norms and criteria adopted in the Brazilian Soil Classification System - SiBCS

    Avian influenza virus (H11N9) in migratory shorebirds wintering in the Amazon region, Brazil

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    Aquatic birds are the natural reservoir for avian influenza viruses (AIV). Habitats in Brazil provide stopover and wintering sites for water birds that migrate between North and South America. The current study was conducted to elucidate the possibility of the transport of influenza A viruses by birds that migrate annually between the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. In total, 556 orotracheal/cloacal swab samples were collected for influenza A virus screening using real-time RT-PCR (rRT-PCR). The influenza A virus-positive samples were subjected to viral isolation. Four samples were positive for the influenza A matrix gene by rRT-PCR. From these samples, three viruses were isolated, sequenced and characterized. All positive samples originated from a single bird species, the ruddy turnstone (Arenaria interpres), that was caught in the Amazon region at Caeté Bay, Northeast Pará, at Ilha de Canelas. To our knowledge, this is the first isolation of H11N9 in the ruddy turnstone in South America. (Résumé d'auteur

    COVID-19 Vaccines Confer Protection in Hospitalized Pregnant and Postpartum Women with Severe COVID-19: A Retrospective Cohort Study.

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    The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has had deleterious effects among the obstetric population. Pregnant and postpartum women constitute a high-risk group for severe COVID-19. Vaccination reduces the risk of infection, but it is not known whether women who become infected despite vaccination have a milder course of disease than those who had not been vaccinated. This retrospective cohort study evaluated whether vaccination reduces the severity of COVID-19 infection, as measured by severe maternal morbidity and mortality among hospitalized pregnant and postpartum individuals. A total of 2284 pregnant and postpartum women hospitalized with severe COVID-19 were included. Those who did and who did not receive COVID-19 vaccination were compared. The rates of intensive care unit admission, intubation, and mortality were significantly lower among subjects in the vaccinated group (p &lt; 0.001, p &lt; 0.001 and p &lt; 0.001, respectively). The numbers of patients who needed to be vaccinated to avoid one case of intensive care unit admission, intubation, or death due to COVID-19 were 7, 7, and 9, respectively. The COVID-19 vaccine offers protective effects against intensive care unit admission, intubation, and death in hospitalized pregnant and postpartum women with severe SARS-CoV-2-induced SARS


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    Introdução: A prática regular de atividade física tem sido recomendada como importante estratégia de promoção em saúde,mas a inatividade física ainda permanece alta em várias regiões. Objetivo: Investigar a frequência e fatores associados à atividadefísica de lazer nas regiões brasileiras e nos estados que compõem a sua Amazônia legal. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudotransversal baseado num inquerido domiciliar de residentes de todas as regiões do Brasil, realizada em 2008 pelo InstitutoBrasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE). Utilizou-se uma amostra de 186.424 indivíduos com idade entre 20 e 59 anos. Avariável dependente foi atividade física de lazer. Resultados: A frequência da AFL no Brasil foi de 13,8% e entre os estados daAmazônia legal foi de 10,8%. A AFL no Brasil foi maior entre as mulheres na idade entre 20 a 29 anos e na Amazônia legal foientre os homens. Independente da região, quanto maior a renda, escolaridade e autoavaliação de saúde maior a frequência deatividade física de lazer. Conclusão: Atividade física de lazer é menos praticada por pessoas com maior vulnerabilidade socioeconômicae pelos moradores da Amazônia Legal, mesmo que eles tenham os mesmos níveis socioeconômicos dos moradoresdo Brasil.Palavras-chave: Atividade motora. Fatores Socioeconômicos. Estudos Transversais. Desigualdades em Saúde.AbstractIntroduction: Regular physical activity (RPA) has been recommended as an important health promotion strategy, but physicalinactivity remains high in several regions. Objective: To investigate the frequency and factors associated with leisure RPA inBrazilian regions and states that make up its legal Amazon. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study based on a populationbasedsurvey in residents of all regions of Brazil, conducted in 2008 by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE,in Portuguese). We used a sample of 186,424 individuals aged between 20 and 59 years. The dependent variable was leisureRPA. Results: The frequency of leisure RPA in Brazil was 13.8% and among the states of the Amazon region was 10.8%. The leisureRPA in Brazil was higher among women aged between 20 to 29 years and in the Legal Amazon was among men. Regardlessof the region, the higher the income, schooling and health self-assessment the frequency of leisure RPA. Conclusion: Leisure RPAis less practiced by people with higher socioeconomic vulnerability and by the inhabitants of the Amazon, even if they have thesame socioeconomic status of the residents of Brazil.Keywords: Motor Activity. Cross-Sectional Studies. Socioeconomic Factors. Health Inequalitie

    Low prevalence of renal, cardiac, pulmonary, and neurological extra-articular clinical manifestations in spondyloarthritis: analysis of the Brazilian Registry of Spondyloarthritis

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    OBJECTIVE: To describe the extra-articular manifestations (cardiac, renal, pulmonary, and neurological), usually not related to spondyloarthritis (SpA), in a large cohort of Brazilian patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This retrospective study analyzed 1,472 patients diagnosed with SpA and cared for at 29 health care centers distributed in the five major geographic regions in the country, participating in the Brazilian Registry of Spondyloarthritis (BRS). All patients were assessed for the prevalence of major extra-articular manifestations (cardiac, renal, pulmonary, and neurological), classified according to the diagnosis [ankylosing spondylitis (AS), psoriatic arthritis (PsA), reactive arthritis (ReA), arthritis associated with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), undifferentiated spondyloarthritis (uSpA), and juvenile SpA], and according to the clinical presentation (axial, peripheral, mixed, and enthesitis). RESULTS: Of the patients with SpA assessed, 963 had AS, 271 PsA, 49 ReA, 48 arthritis associated with IBD, 98 uSpA, and 43 juvenile SpA. Cardiac involvement was reported in 44 patients (3.0%), pulmonary involvement in 19 (1.3%), renal involvement in 17 (1.2%), and neurological involvement in 13 patients (0.9%). Most patients with visceral involvement had AS or PsA, and the mixed (axial + peripheral) and/or predominantly axial clinical form. CONCLUSION: Cardiac, renal, pulmonary, and neurological extra-articular manifestations are quite infrequent in SpA, ranging from 0.9% to 3% in this large Brazilian cohort, and affected predominantly patients with AS and PsA.OBJETIVO: Descrever as manifestações extra-articulares (cardíacas, renais, pulmonares e neurológicas) geralmente não relacionadas às espondiloartrites (EpA) em uma grande coorte de pacientes brasileiros. MÉTODOS: Este estudo retrospectivo analisou 1.472 pacientes com o diagnóstico de EpA atendidos em 29 centros distribuídos pelas cinco principais regiões geográficas do Brasil, integrantes do Registro Brasileiro de Espondiloartrites. Todos os pacientes foram avaliados para a prevalência das principais manifestações extra-articulares (cardíacas, renais, pulmonares e neurológicas), divididas por diagnóstico [espondilite anquilosante (EA), artrite psoriásica (AP), artrite reativa (ARe), artrite associada a doença inflamatória intestinal (DII), EpA indiferenciada (EI) e EpA juvenil] e por forma clínica (axial, periférica, mista e entesítica). RESULTADOS: Dentre os pacientes avaliados com EpA, 963 apresentavam EA, 271 AP, 49 ARe, 48 artrite associada a DII, 98 EI e 43 EpA juvenil. Acometimento cardíaco foi observado em 44 pacientes (3,0%), seguido por acometimento pulmonar em 19 (1,3%), renal em 17 (1,2%) e neurológico em 13 pacientes (0,9%). A maioria dos casos de acometimento visceral ocorreu nos pacientes com EA ou AP e naqueles com forma clínica mista (axial e periférica) e/ou predominantemente axial. CONCLUSÃO: As manifestações extra-articulares cardíacas, renais, pulmonares e neurológicas são muito pouco frequentes nas EpA, variando de 0,9%-3% nesta grande coorte brasileira, estando mais associadas a EA e AP.37938

    Caracterização de uso e cobertura da terra na Amazônia utilizando imagens duais multitemporais do COSMO-SkyMed

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    The use of radar imagery is an alternative source of information to support the monitoring of the Amazon region, since the optical images have imaging limitations in tropical areas due to the occurrence of clouds. Therefore, the goal of this study is to analyze the radar images in X-band multi-temporal polarized obtained by COSMO-SkyMed satellite (COnstellation of small Satellites for Mediterranean basin Observation), in the intensity mode, isolated and/or combined with textural information, to thematic characterization of land use/land cover in the Humaitá, Amazonas State region. The methodology used includes: analysis of the dual images obtained during two subsequent acquisitions, in order to explore the potential of the dataset as a quad-pol intensity; extraction of textural attributes from the co-occurrence matrix (Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix) and subsequent contextual classification; statistical assessment of the thematic performance of the intensity and textural images, isolated and in polarized groups. Within the results achieved, the group formed only by the intensity images presented a better performance if compared to those containing the textural attributes. In this discrimination, the classes involved were forest, alluvial forest, reforestation, savannah, pasture and burned areas, yielding 66% overall accuracy and a Kappa value of 0.55. The results showed that X band images, from COSMO-SkyMed, StripMap mode (Ping-Pong), multi-polarized, presents a moderate potential to characterize and monitor the dynamics of land use/land land cover in the Brazilian Amazon.A utilização de imagens de radar é fonte alternativa de informações para subsidiar o monitoramento da região amazônica, visto que as imagens ópticas têm limitações de imageamento em zonas tropicais face a ocorrência de nuvens. Por conseguinte este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar a capacidade das imagens-radar de banda X multitemporais e polarizadas obtidas pelo satélite COSMO-SkyMed (COnstellation of small Satellites for Mediterranean basin Observation), no modo intensidade, isoladamente e agregados às informações texturais, na caracterização temática de uso e cobertura da terra no município de Humaitá/AM. A metodologia empregada consistiu daanálise das imagens duais obtidas em duas aquisições subsequentes, de forma a explorar a potencialidade do conjunto de dados na forma quad-pol intensidade; extração dos atributos texturais a partir da matriz de coocorrência (Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix) e posterior classificação contextual; avaliação estatística de desempenho temático das imagens intensidade e texturais, isoladas e em grupos polarizados. Dentre os vários resultados alcançados, foi verificado que o grupo formado somente pelas imagens intensidade apresentou o melhor desempenho, comparado àqueles contendo os atributos texturais. Nesta separabilidade, estavam envolvidas as classes de floresta, floresta aluvial, reflorestamento, savana, pasto e queimada, obtendo-se 66% de acurácia total e valor Kappa de 0,55. Os resultados mostraram que as imagens de banda X do COSMO-SkyMed, modo StripMap (Ping-Pong), multipolarizadas, têm potencial moderado para a caracterização e monitoramento da dinâmica de uso e cobertura da terra na Amazônia brasileira