116 research outputs found

    New genera records of split-eyed owlflies (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae: Ascalaphinae) from Colombia

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    The genera Ameropterus Esben-Petersen, 1922 and Fillus Navás, 1919 are recorded from Colombia for the first time. New distributional records for two Cordulecerus Rambur, 1842 species are also presented. Ameropterus dissimilis (McLachlan, 1871) and Ameropterus scutellaris (Gerstaecker, 1894) are redescribed and illustrated, and Ameropterus mexicanus (Van der Weele, 1909) is here proposed as a junior synonym of the latter. The taxonomic status of Nephelasca crocea Navás, 1914 is discussed. Keys to the Colombian species of Ameropterus and Cordulecerus and a list of the split-eyed Ascalaphinae species of the New World are also given

    Barrismo y Memoria: “la noble, leal y valerosa Banda del Indio” como emprendedor de la memoria histórica de la ciudad de Cúcuta

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    El proyecto de investigación tiene como objetivo explicar los elementos de memoria histórica en la barra La Banda del Indio de la ciudad de Cúcuta. Se trata de un estudio de corte cualitativo en el que se empleó el método etnográfico para describir las manifestaciones al interior de la barra que construyen memorias colectivas, más allá de los asuntos deportivos. La población estuvo constituida por integrantes de La Banda del Indio con la interlocución de aproximadamente 25 personas que hacen parte y lideran los parches que la conforman. Asimismo, personas que trabajan el campo de estudio de la memoria desde ejercicios académicos, políticos y de organización social. Se emplearon como instrumentos el grupo focal, las entrevistas semiestructuradas, y la observación participante. Los resultados fueron procesados a través de técnicas de análisis de datos de información cualitativa en grado de comparación frente a la información académica y empírica que atañe al campo de la memoria en Colombia, normalmente desarrollada bajo la categoría de violencia sociopolítica. Los datos más importantes se alimentaron con transcripciones de entrevistas, también se incluyen otras fuentes, como son las observaciones grabadas (video), grupo focal, textos y artículos científicos, materiales multimedia, recursos de dominio público, fotografías propias y documentos que hacen parte de la memoria colectiva de la barra que responden a la pregunta central de esta investigación, la Banda del Indio como emprendedor de la memoria en la ciudad de Cúcuta.The research project aims to explain the elements of historical memory in the La Banda del Indio bar in the city of Cúcuta. This is a qualitative study in which the ethnographic method was used to describe the manifestations inside the bar that build collective memories, beyond sports matters. The population was made up of members of La Banda del Indio with the dialogue of approximately 25 people who are part of and lead the patches that make it up. Likewise, people who work in the field of study of memory from academic, political, and social organization exercises. The focus group, semi-structured interviews, and participant observation were used as instruments. The results were processed through data analysis techniques of qualitative information in a degree of comparison against academic and empirical information that concerns the field of memory in Colombia, normally developed under the category of sociopolitical violence. The most important data was fed with interview transcripts, other sources are also included, such as recorded observations (video), focus group, scientific texts and articles, multimedia materials, public domain resources, own photographs and documents that are part of the collective memory of the bar that respond to the central question of this research, the Band of the Indian as an entrepreneur of memory in the city of Cúcuta

    Los juegos de rol como estrategia para la formación ética de niños y jóvenes: razones y oportunidades desde la noción foucaultiana de libertad

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    El juego siempre ha sido considerado una herramientaprivilegiada para la formación de niños y jóvenes.Los juegos de rol ofrecen oportunidades deformación ético-política que superan una visión delo lúdico como sujeto a la regla y la ganancia, paraproponerla como construcción de nuevos sujetos ynuevas realidades, elemento central de la propuestafoucaultiana de libertad

    Análisis al componente de accesibilidad de la política pública de discapacidad del municipio de fosca Cundinamarca (acuerdo 07-2014)

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    La política pública es uno de los mecanismos de acción e inclusión social más efectivos, y ampliamente utilizados a lo largo de los diferentes regímenes democráticos del mundo durante las últimas décadas. Suplir las necesidades de los diferentes actores se ha convertido en una exigencia de primer orden dentro de la agenda estatal. Como resultado, se ha utilizado a manera de herramienta destinada a facilitar y concretar la acción estatal, regional o distrital frente a las demandas sociales de los sectores más vulnerables, donde radican problemas específicos. En el caso colombiano nos encontramos con varios sectores como los afrodescendientes, indígenas, mujeres, personas discapacitadas, víctimas del conflicto armado, desplazados, LGBTI, las cuales han sido víctimas de una vulneración de sus derechos, en este caso abordaremos la población con discapacidad. Los cambios producidos a partir de 1991 han permitido que se generen espacios de interlocución, pero, es notorio de acuerdo a los parámetros normativos de las diferentes entidades territoriales, se juntan diversos aciertos y falencias en la interlocución, más aún cuando se trata de planes que abordan su ejecución a largo plazo. Este trabajo pretende encontrar bajo la articulación entre la academia y la institucionalidad municipal, a través de un ejercicio de análisis, las diferentes falencias, aciertos y aspectos relevantes de la política pública de discapacidad actual en el municipio de Fosca, ubicado en el departamento de Cundinamarca para lograr un proceso de concertación y su respectivo replanteamiento ante el Concejo municipal. Este proyecto aplicado pretende ofrecer conclusiones sobre la efectividad de la gestión estatal alrededor de la política pública de discapacidad del municipio de Fosca (Cundinamarca), (REY J. G., 2014) a partir de un análisis del componente de accesibilidad en la formulación e implementación de dicha política junto con su manual de accesibilidad.Public policy is one of the most effective mechanisms of action and social inclusion, and widely used throughout the different democratic regimes of the world during the last decades. Meeting the needs of the different actors has become a requirement of the first order within the state agenda. As a result, it has been used as a tool to facilitate and specify state, regional or district action in response to the social demands of the most vulnerable sectors, where specific problems lie. In the Colombian case we find several sectors such as Afro-descendants, indigenous people, women, disabled people, victims of armed conflict, displaced people, LGBTI, who have been victims of a violation of their rights, in this case we will address the population with disabilities. The changes produced since 1991 have allowed spaces for dialogue to be generated, but, according to the normative parameters of the different territorial entities, various successes and shortcomings in the dialogue are combined, even more so when it comes to plans that they address its long-term execution. This work aims to find under the articulation between the academy and municipal institutions, through an analysis exercise, the different flaws, successes and relevant aspects of the current public policy of disability in the municipality of Fosca, located in the department of Cundinamarca to achieve a concertation process and its respective rethinking before the Municipal Council. This applied project aims to offer conclusions on the effectiveness of state management around public disability policy in the municipality of Fosca (Cundinamarca), (REY JG, 2014) based on an analysis of the accessibility component in the formulation and implementation of this policy along with its accessibility manual

    Stabilization at Santinho-Ingleses dunefield, Southern Brazil: What will be the future of sediment input to Ingleses Beach?

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    ABSTRACT: This paper describes the overpassing process using a case study from southern Brazil, that present a decadal pulse of sediment entering in the system. A transgressive dune field extends across a headland from Santinho beach to Ingleses beach. Analysis of precipitation data (1961-2014), wind direction and speed (1964-2014), aeolian drift potential (DP), aerial photographs/satellite images (between 1938 and 2016) and morphological data (2002, 2010 and 2014) make it possible to analyze the decadal-scale dune field evolution. The wind historical data showed southern wind as the stronger, moving the dune crests to north. The rainfall analysis presents an increasing trend leading to a decrease in drift potential and favors dune stabilization by vegetation growth. There is a decadal pulse of sediment inputs to the system, as well. The northern sector of Santinho beach has a positive budget and provides about 6,000m³/year of sediment to the foredune. Then, with southern winds, the sediment migrates into the dune field (about 3,000-5,000m³/year) reaches Ingleses by overpassing, ensuring a positive sediment budget for the system that occurs at east side of the Ingleses beach

    Propuesta de mejora en la gestión de producción, calidad y logística para incrementar la rentabilidad de una empresa fabricante de envases de hojalata

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    La presente tesis se ha desarrollado en una fábrica de envases de hojalata en la ciudad de Chimbote. Actualmente pierde ventas por rotura de stocks, debido a que su planeamiento es empírico. Igualmente, su layout es deficiente. Las máquinas no están interconectadas entre sí, siendo muy lenta la alimentación de cuerpos a la máquina estañadora., lo mismo que el encajado del producto. Todo esto afecta la productividad. Además, el mantenimiento es solo correctivo, lo que atenta directamente contra la disponibilidad de la maquinaria. Se propone el uso de pronósticos estacionales, con lo cual se reducirán las ventas frustradas. El layout será mejorado con fajas trasportadoras que interconecten las máquinas entre sí, permitiendo incrementar la velocidad de producción. El mantenimiento preventivo propuesto, permitirá incrementar la disponibilidad de los equipos. La capacitación de los operarios, permitirá reducir significativamente las mermas. Esta propuesta tiene un VAN de S/17,831. La TIR es 90.1%. La rentabilidad anterior a este proyecto es 18.05% y hubiese subido a 23.10% con la aplicación de la propuesta.This thesis has been developed in a tin container factory in the city of Chimbote. Currently it loses sales due to stock breakage, because its planning is empirical. Likewise, its layout is poor. The machines are not interconnected, the feeding of bodies to the tinning machine being very slow, as is the packing of the product. All of this affects productivity. In addition, maintenance is only corrective, which directly affects the availability of the machinery. The use of seasonal forecasts is proposed, thereby reducing frustrated sales. The layout will be improved with conveyor belts that interconnect the machines with each other, allowing to increase the production speed. The proposed preventive maintenance will increase the availability of the equipment. The training of the operators will allow to significantly reduce the losses. This proposal has a NPV of S / 17,831. The IRR is 90.1%. The profitability prior to this project is 18.05% and would have risen to 23.10% with the application of the proposal

    Remote learning and examination based on augmented reality

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    Remote Learning and Examination based on Augmented Reality (RELAR) is a European Erasmus+ project (2020-1-NL01-KA226-VET-083043) that aims to create a crisis-proof resilient education environment, enabling remote coaching and digital skills training based on AR. RELAR integrates seven European partners –Vocational Training Institutions and Higher Education Institutions– all linked to the maritime industry. The industry itself is also represented. With the help of a reference group, a set of learning outcomes has been defined to develop three demo scenarios to test and demonstrate the RELAR system, which is based on the RealWear HMT-1 assisted reality hands-free computer. All scenarios are scaffolded on the same framework that integrates active learning pedagogy, curriculum requirements and technological integration. This digital active learning process pedagogy incorporates two processes for instruction: a remote instruction process called ‘Expert Coaching’ that gives the students the possibility of receiving instant feedback while taking actions and decisions; and a remote assessment process named ‘Digital Workflow’ that incorporates formative assessment to consolidate learning. The curricular aspect focuses on the professional competencies students will acquire, the expected learning outcomes, the required knowledge, and the transferable skills required by students to perform professionally. Finally, technological integration describes how and when the assisted reality system should be incorporated to add value to the learning process. This paper describes the work in the learning spaces currently under development by the partnership based on the same methodological and pedagogical foundations

    Point‑of‑care ultrasound in cardiorespiratory arrest (POCUS‑CA): narrative review article.

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    The POCUS-CA (Point-of-care ultrasound in cardiac arrest) is a diagnostic tool in the Intensive Care Unit and Emergency Department setting. The literature indicates that in the patient in a cardiorespiratory arrest it can provide information of the etiology of the arrest in patients with non-defibrillable rhythms, assess the quality of compressions during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), and define prognosis of survival according to specific findings and, thus, assist the clinician in decision-making during resuscitation. This narrative review of the literature aims to expose the usefulness of ultrasound in the setting of cardiorespiratory arrest as a tool that allows making a rapid diagnosis and making decisions about reversible causes of this entity. More studies are needed to support the evidence to make ultrasound part of the resuscitation algorithms. Teamwork during cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the inclusion of ultrasound in a multidisciplinary approach is important to achieve a favorable clinical outcomepost-print2391 K

    Opinion: more mouse models and more translation needed for ALS

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a complex disorder most of which is 'sporadic' of unknown origin but approximately 10% is familial, arising from single mutations in any of more than 30 genes. Thus, there are more than 30 familial ALS subtypes, with different, often unknown, molecular pathologies leading to a complex constellation of clinical phenotypes. We have mouse models for many genetic forms of the disorder, but these do not, on their own, necessarily show us the key pathological pathways at work in human patients. To date, we have no models for the 90% of ALS that is 'sporadic'. Potential therapies have been developed mainly using a limited set of mouse models, and through lack of alternatives, in the past these have been tested on patients regardless of aetiology. Cancer researchers have undertaken therapy development with similar challenges; they have responded by producing complex mouse models that have transformed understanding of pathological processes, and they have implemented patient stratification in multi-centre trials, leading to the effective translation of basic research findings to the clinic. ALS researchers have successfully adopted this combined approach, and now to increase our understanding of key disease pathologies, and our rate of progress for moving from mouse models to mechanism to ALS therapies we need more, innovative, complex mouse models to address specific questions

    Formative research contributions to the development of Risaralda

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    Es importante establecer y visibilizar a los estudiantes los beneficios relacionados con la formación en investigación, dentro de los cuales encontramos el fortalecimiento de las capacidades de liderazgo así como el compromiso activo y las experiencias en independencia y colaboración. Así mismo, la formación integral hacia una mayor apreciación del valor de la literatura disciplinaria, generando de esta manera habilidades de pensamiento crítico, indagación y análisis. Además, esto permite forjar la confianza en sí mismo para presentar las propias ideas a la comunidad, permitiendo al estudiante la preparación de futuras actividades académicas, incluidos estudios de posgrado. La investigación formativa tiene como propósito la difusión de la información existente y permitir que el estudiante la integre como conocimientos, considerándolo como un aprendizaje permanente y necesario. Uno de los principales problemas que debe enfrentar la investigación formativa es el número de docentes con las capacidades necesarias para generar en el estudiante capacidades investigativas, exigiendo al profesor universitario adoptar una actitud contraria al objeto de enseñanza, generando un carácter complejo y dinámico del conocimiento.CONTENTS RETOS DE LA INVESTIGACIÓN EN PREGRADO..................................................5 CHALLENGES OF UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH.............................................9 German Oved Acevedo Osorio CHAPTER 1 HEALTH AND SPORTS SCIENCES FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH EXACERBATIONS OR CRISIS EVENTS OF CHRONIC NON COMMUNICABLE DISEASES.........................13 Giovanni García Castro, Sandra Milena Bedoya Gaviria, Isabela Patiño Pulgarín y Valentina Valencia Flórez ORAL ANTICOAGULATION IN PATIENTS WITH NON-VALVULAR ATRIAL FIBRILLATION IN A UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL IN COLOMBIA.....................................................................................................29 María Leonor Galindo Márquez, Adrian Giraldo Diaconeasa, Juan Darío Franco Ramírez y Eduardo Ramírez Vallejo PERFORMANCE IN INITIAL TRAUMAASSESSMENT OF EMERGENCY TEAMS FROM PREHOSPITAL CARE TEAMS..................43 Giovanni García Castro, Yamileth Estrada Berrio, Manuela Aguirre Torres e Isabella Díaz Leal ACADEMIC TRAINING AND WORKING CONDITIONS OF NURSING PROFESSIONALS IN PEREIRA - RISARALDA 2020.....................55 Miguel Ángel Gómez Puerta, Laura Isabel Orozco Santamaría, Alexandra Villa Patiño y Gladys Judith Basto Hernández EFFECTS OF DYNAMIC TAPE WITH ANTI-VALGUS APPLICATION ON VERTICAL JUMP PERFORMANCE IN PHYSICALLY ACTIVE WOMEN: A CASE STUDY ..........................................73 María Camila Arias Castro, Alejandro Gómez Rodas y Ángela María Cifuentes Ríos PROPOSAL OF CARE FOR DIAGNOSTIC PREVALENT NURSES IN AN EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT................................................................89 Tatiana Restrepo Pérez, Jessica Viviana Ríos Uribe, Anyi Daniela Lemos Córdoba, Anyi Katherine Mapura Benjumea and Mónica Margarita Barón Castro FACTORS AND CONCEPTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE INITIATION OF CIGARETTE CONSUMPTION IN UNIVERSITY STUDENTS OF PEREIRA, COLOMBIA ............................................................................... 113 Giovanni García Castro, Claudia Milena Bernal Parra, Natalia Cardona Arroyave, Brahiam Stiven Moreno Bustamante y Daniela Ospina Sierra CHAPTER 2 ECONOMIC, ADMINISTRATIVE AND ACCOUNTING SCIENCES TECHNICAL-FINANCIAL EVALUATION OF BEAN (PHASEOLUS VULGARIS) VARIETY CARGAMANTO IN THE VILLAGE OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF SIBUNDOY IN THE DEPARTMENT OF PUTUMAYO ................................................................................................ 131 Adriana María Cuervo Rubio, Alejandra Arango Baranza IMPLEMENTATION OF THE NIF IN MICRO-ENTERPRISES OF PEREIRA CITY ............................................................................................ 151 Laura Cortes Correa y Nataly Andrea Gutiérrez STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK FOR SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTION IN COLOMBIA................................................................................................... 163 Paulina Murillo Gómez, Manuela Ramírez Osorio, Laura Juliana Rodríguez Henao, Lindy Neth Perea Mosquera, Isabel Redondo Ramírez SUSTAINABLE INNOVATION IN MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY........... 179 Mariana Buitrago Zuleta, Laura Juliana Rodríguez Henao, Lindy Neth Perea Mosquera y Marlen Isabel Redondo Ramírez CHAPTER 3 ARTS, HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES PERSONAL AND FAMILY CHANGES OF UNDERGRADUATE PSYCHOLOGY STUDENTS. IS A PROGRAM IN PSYCHOLOGY A PATHWAY TO PERSONALAND FAMILY CHANGE?...................................197 Linda Michelle De La Torre Álvarez, Mireya Ospina Botero PREGNANT MOTHERS DEPRIVED OF LIBERTY IN COLOMBIA AND MEXICO. A LOOK FROM COMPARATIVE LAW .................................225 Mary Luz Vélez Cárdenas, Katherine Almanza Astrid Milena Calderón Cárdenas CHAPTER 4 NATURAL SCIENCES DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF CUTANEOUS LYMPHOMA VS MASTOCYTOMA IN A 9 YEARS OLD CANINE: CASE REPORT...................................................................................................241 Diana Patricia Diaz García, Stephany Loaiza Pulgarín, Rafael R. Santisteban Arenas y Juan C. Ramírez Ante CHAPTER 5 TECHNOLOGÍES AND ENGINEERING STUDY OF INVENTORY-ROUTING PROBLEM IRP.....................................257 Frank Alejandro Hincapié Londoño, Jhonatan Stiven García Guevara y Eliana Mirldey Toro Ocamp