372 research outputs found

    Pulse electric field exposure effect on morphological properties of HeLa cells

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    This thesis is concerned with the investigation of pulsed electric field (PEF) towards biological cells. Biological cells selected in this study are HeLa (cervical cancer) cells. There are two parts of the study, which was involving modeling methods and experimental setup. Modeling method used involves analytical (MATLAB) and numerical (CST®EMS) methods. Both of these methods are to prove the existence of the effect on transmembrane potential changes when subjected exposed to PEF strength. This result can be seen clearly when both method showed the existence of changes effects on transmembrane potential. Therefore, this study continues by identifying an appropriate experimental setup. Experimental setup involves four important parts, the first part is the source of square wave PEF (ECM®830) that can generate until 3kV field strength. Followed by modified EC magnetic chamber with incubator system that has been used in order to exposed HeLa cells to PEF. At the same time this system is coupled with Nikon inverted microscope (Ti-series) for subsequent visualization techniques, image and video. In the early stage, experimental setup was tested by monitoring the proliferation rate of HeLa cells within 0 to 48 hours. Then HeLa cells were tested to look at the swelling effect via PEF exposure. After that, we continued to identify the optimum PEF parameters for reversible condition on HeLa cell. As a result HeLa cells gives a good response at 2.7kV field strength, 30μs pulse length with single pulse. Further study showed that two or more adjacent HeLa cells merge together due to increased cell membrane permeability (electrofusion). This discovery triggered an idea to look at the PEF effect on wound healing process. An artificial wound site were investigated with and without PEF exposure. The finding shows PEF exposed wound area took 3 hours to completely heal while the untreated area took 10 hours. This prove a novel technique (electrical based novel treatment) which could be an alternative to drug usage for wound healing process. Overall, the findings achieved in this study could lead us onto a drug free wound healing method


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    The Covid-19 pandemic which engulfes the world has affected almost all nations, including Indonesia. This crisis caused the Indonesian government to face a dilemmatic choice. Implementing a lockdown to control the spread of Covid-19 actually ravaged the economy. It had no other alternative to save the economic sector than by forcing implementation of ‘the new normal’. This paper describes phenomenologically the implementation of the new normal policy in Indonesia using qualitative methods by exploring opinions and news items in Kompas newspaper, particularly how the Indonesian government's is moving the economic sector without sacrificing public welfare. The government considers the new normal as the most realistic step given the economic pressure and uncertainty about when Covid-19 will end. Therefore, new normal has become the bonum commune policy during the pandemic. The main principle of new normal as a political bonum commune is adapting one’s lifestyle in accordance with the health protocol

    Hardware implementation for cardiac electrical excitation and conduction using an FPGA

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    Contraction of the heart is controlled by electrical excitations of cardiac cell membranes. The electrical excitations of the cells and their propagation in the heart tissue provide a basis of the physiological function of the heart through the cardiac excitation-conduction mechanism. One way to understand normal and abnormal dynamics of the heart is to simulate a comprehensive mathematical model of the cardiac excitation in order to study underlying mechanisms of the heart electrical system. However, simulating the dynamics of large numbers of a cellular model to form a tissue model requires an immense amount of computational time. In order to reduce the computational time required for the simulation, a hardware implementation of cardiac electrical excitation-conduction analysis system has been developed based on FitzHugh-Nagumo (FHN) model for a mammalian cardiac ventricular cell. In this research, one dimensional (1D) ring-shaped cable model with 80 compartments of the cell model designed using MATLAB Simulink blocks is able to be converted into synthesizable VHSIC (Very High Speed Integrated Circuit) of Hardware Description Language (VHDL) code by using an FPGA-based rapid-prototyping approach of MATLAB HDL Coder in order to simulate an action potential signal and its conduction through a hardware-implemented Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). Then, the VHDL design is functionally verified on an FPGA Xilinx Virtex-6 board using MATLAB HDL Verifier through FPGA-in-the-Loop (FIL) simulation approach. Simulations of cardiac cellular processes and reentrant arrhythmia are successfully conducted on Xilinx Chipscope Pro. High accuracy results have been obtained from the FPGA-on-board simulation compared to a software-based computer simulation with Percentage Error (PE) of 1.28% and 1.56% in performing the simulations of reentrant initiation and annihilation, respectively. The simulations are also capable to run in real time

    The Receptivity of Black Audiences to Progressive Black Television

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    This work examines the concept of blackness, how it has been performed on two different primetime television programs, The Cosby Show and Black-ish, and how black audiences in particular have responded to these representations of African-Americans. In analysis of The Cosby Show, I have mostly used secondary sources to distill the various positions viewers took regarding the show\u27s blackness, which has in fact been the subject of much critical analysis. These works substitute for the extensive research that would have been necessary on my part otherwise between watching 200+ episodes and conducting long and detailed interviews. For Black-ish, however, no academic studies or analyses of the show have been conducted as of yet, therefore I have dealt with the show mostly as a primary source when discerning how audiences have received the show\u27s representation of blackness. The focus of this research paper is not to differentiate between these two shows, but rather to gage their respective audiences\u27 receptivity to revolutionary claims to blackness

    Mahasiswa sebagai Agent of Changes dalam Mewujudkan New Normal sebagai Politik Bonum Commune di Masa Pandemi dalam Tinjauan Filsafat Politik Armada Riyanto

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    Pandemi Covid-19 yang saat ini melanda bangsa Indonesia membuat pemerintah dihadapkan pada pilihan dilematis. Menerapkan Lockdown guna mengendalikan penyebaran Covid-19 justru memporak-porandakan perekonomian. Pemerintah sendiri tidak mempunyai alternatif lain selain mempercepat pelaksanaan new normal. Dalam situasi anomali ini peran penting mahasiswa sebagai agent of change dalam masyarakat sangat dibutuhkan kehadirannya untuk membantu pemerintah untuk segera memasuki tatanan hidup baru. Pelaksanaan new normal dalam situasi darurat ini adalah pilihan politik bonum commune. Karena itu, tulisan ini menguraikan secara fenomenologis peran mahasiswa sebagai agent of changes dalam mewujudkan new normal sebagai politik bonum commune dalam tinjauan filsafat politik Armada Riyanto. Metode penelitian ini mengunakan metode kualitatif eksploratif surat kabar. Melalui pendekatan filsafat Armada Riyanto Masyarakat Dicerahkan mengenai tatanan normal baru sehingga lebih menghargai kemanusiaan dan kesehatan

    Keterlibatan Masyarakat Desa Benteng Tado-Manggarai NTT Dalam Pemilu Bagi Kesejahteraan Sosio-Ekonomi Menurut Filsafat Politik Armada Riyanto

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    The focus of this study aims to explore the understanding of the people of Benteng Tado towards political democracy in Manggarai-Flores NTT. In particular, their involvement in the election of legislative candidates so that it can provide benefits for the welfare of socio-economic life. The methodology used in this study is a quantitative method. Data was collected through a questionnaire distributed via a google form. This research was carried out through critical analysis according to Armada Riyanto's political philosophy. Armada Riyanto's concept of politics as the governance of everyday life becomes the theoretical foundation in analyzing the involvement of the people of Benteng Tado in elections and their impact on socio-economic life. This study found that the understanding of the people of the Benteng Tado towards democracy was still limited to their involvement in the general election. In other words, the people of Bentang Tado do not understand that politics is a means to improve social welfare, especially post-election

    Keterlibatan Masyarakat Desa Benteng Tado-Manggarai NTT Dalam Pemilu Bagi Kesejahteraan Sosio-Ekonomi Menurut Filsafat Politik Armada Riyanto

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    The focus of this study aims to explore the understanding of the people of Benteng Tado towards political democracy in Manggarai-Flores NTT. In particular, their involvement in the election of legislative candidates so that it can provide benefits for the welfare of socio-economic life. The methodology used in this study is a quantitative method. Data was collected through a questionnaire distributed via a google form. This research was carried out through critical analysis according to Armada Riyanto's political philosophy. Armada Riyanto's concept of politics as the governance of everyday life becomes the theoretical foundation in analyzing the involvement of the people of Benteng Tado in elections and their impact on socio-economic life. This study found that the understanding of the people of the Benteng Tado towards democracy was still limited to their involvement in the general election. In other words, the people of Bentang Tado do not understand that politics is a means to improve social welfare, especially post-election


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    Di tengah gempuran melawan Covid-19, Indonesia berhadapan dengan tindakan radikalisme agama. Hal ini mencuat dalam kasus bom bunuh diri di depan Gereja Katedral Makasar. Peristiwa ini disinyalir sebagai tindakan atas nama agama. Berkaitan dengan hal ini, studi Pancasila sebagai kristalisasi nilai-nilai peradaban Bangsa Indonesia mendesak untuk dijalankan. Pancasila di yakini dapat meredam segala bentuk intoleransi dan radikalisme agama yang menjadi latar belakang tindakan terorisme. Karena itu, tulisan ini bertujuan menyingkap kristalisasi Pancasila sebagai jiwa bangsa Indonesia. Bangsa Indonesia lahir dari kompromi suku-suku di nusantara yang ingin bersatu. Cita-cita ini dirumuskan oleh pendiri bangsa Indonesia dalam lima sila Pancasila yang digali dari kearifan lokal bangsa Indonesia sendiri. Oleh sebab, Pancasila menjadi tali pengikat yang menjamin keutuhan bangsa Indonesia. Berdasarkan hal tersebut metodologi penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan historis cultural dengan metode fenomenologi interpretatif kearifan lokal suku-suku bangsa, sejarah perjuangan bangsa hingga perumusan Pancasila sebagai landasan konstitutif bangsa Indonesia yang plural. Melalui studi ini ditemukan kebijaksanaan yang merupakan nilai-nilai yang dapat melawan segala bentuk tindakan radikalisme, intoleransi dan terorisme yang mengancam persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa Indonesia

    Simulation study on various shapes of pad footing sub-structure on Batu Pahat soft soil

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    This study describes a study on the geotechnical behavior of pad footing shapes using a finite element code, PLAXIS. In determining the suitability of footing to loadings, design criteria requires that the shapes and sizes should function according to the soil and types of structures erected on it. Higher loading will require bigger footing as this will give better support. Theoretically, a larger surface area will disseminate the loadings and reduce possibility offailure. However, this is not economical as more materials will be needed for the construction of the footing. Footing shapes is hypothetically considered as a factor that might affect the performance of footing. Non-linear finite element analyses based on a stress-strain model were performed to obtain the load-settlement responses of axially loaded on pad footings. It is essential since such design analysis, which is based on numerical analysis, could have advantages in providing preliminary expected outcomes for the modeling purpose. In conjunction to this matter, the potential ofPLAXIS V8 finite element to predict the settlement of various shapes pad footing are performed successfully
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