12 research outputs found

    The return of employees after maternity and parental leave in the Czech Republic

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    The Bachelor work is focused on the return of employees onto the job market after finishing maternity and parental leave in the Czech Republic. The work is split into two parts, theory and practice. In the theoretical part the concepts of maternity and parental leave, cash benefits during maternity and parental leave, flexible working arrangements and conditions for employees returning to work after maternity and parental leave are defined. The practical part of the thesis is based on research conducted using a questionnaire survey. In the practical part research questions and hypotheses are first formulated. The paper further describes the research methodology and research results evaluated on the basis of respondents' answers. The aim of the research is to confirm or refute the hypotheses. The conclusion summarizes the results of the research

    Cultural Centres

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    This thesis is concentrated on cultural centres built between years 1960 and 1990 in the former socialist Czechoslovakia. Six cultural centres have been chosen and analyzed to conclude the purposes they serve as well as the programs they offer. These chosen cultural centres are run as municipal organisations financed from the town budgets. The six towns where they are located are similar to each other in terms of their history, size and the time when their cultural centres were built. All of these centres share difficulties with the lack of cultural interest of local citizens, bad technical shape of the buildings in question and low budget. The aim of this thesis is to compare the functioning of these six cultural centres and conclude whether being directly funded and influenced by the municipal councils has a positive impact and should serve as a model for cultural centres or should be replaced by a different one. It also focuses on cooperation between the management of cultural centres and municipal officials, cooperation with other local cultural institutions and cultural centres from different towns

    Cultural Centres

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    Tato diplomová práce se věnuje vybraným kulturním domům provozovaným jako příspěvkové organizace měst. Podrobně popisuje provoz a programovou nabídku šesti z nich. Zvolené kulturní domy mají podobné výchozí podmínky - historii a velikost města, ve kterém stojí, i dobu postavení kulturního domu. Vybrané organizace se potýkají s nízkým zájmem místních obyvatel o kulturní dění, špatným technickým stavem budov a nedostatkem financí. Cílem práce je popsat současný model fungování těchto kulturních institucí, vzájemně je porovnat a zjistit, jestli může kulturní dům zřizovaný městem v dnešní době obstát. Zaměřuje se i na spolupráci měst a jejich příspěvkových organizací z pohledu zřizovatele a ředitele, spolupráci s dalšími institucemi v místě i kulturními domy mezi sebou

    Stannates - nontraditional inorganic pigments

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    Tato diplomová práce je zaměřena na přípravu pigmentů nabázi cíničitanu strontnatého dopovaného ionty lanthanoidů. Byly připraveny dvě řady pigmentů, jejichž složení vystihují obecné vzorce Sr1-xLnxSnO3 a SrSn1-xLnxO3, kde x = 0,1 až 0,5 a Ln = Tb, Ce a Pr. Byla proměřena distribuce velikosti částic, vliv mletí na jejich pigmentově-aplikační vlastnosti a testována odolnost nátěrů i práškových pigmentů vůči slunečnímu záření. Dále byla provedena rentgenová difrakční analýza vybraných vzorků a stanovena hustota pigmentů.This diploma thesis is directed to preparation of pigments on bases of stroncium stannate doped by lanthanides ions. Two series of pigments with general formula Sr1-xLnxSnO3 a SrSn1-xLnxO3, where x = 0,1 to 0,5 and Ln = Tb, Ce, Pr, were prepared. The particle size distribution and the effect of grinding on the pigment application properties was determined. The resistance of paints and powder pigments against the sunlight were tested. The X-ray diffraction analysis of selected samples and the density of pigments were also measured.Katedra anorganické technologieDokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Financial Consultancy

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    Diplomová práce je zaměřena na finanční poradenství. Práce je rozdělena na dvě části, na teoretickou a praktickou část. V teoretické části jsou definovány pojmy finanční trh, subjekty působící na finančním trhu, finanční poradenství, zprostředkovatelská činnost, pojištění, etický kodex a desatero spotřebitele. Praktická část diplomové práce vychází z výzkumu provedeného na základě dotazníkového šetření. V praktické části jsou nejprve formulovány výzkumné otázky a hypotézy. V práci je dále popsána metodika výzkumu a výsledky výzkumu vyhodnocené na základě odpovědí respondentů. Cílem výzkumu je potvrzení nebo vyvrácení stanovených hypotéz. V závěru práce jsou shrnuty výsledky provedeného výzkumu.This Master\u27s work is focused on financial consultancy. The work is split into two parts, theory and practice. In the theoretical part the concepts of financial market, entity on the financial market, financial consultancy, mediation activity, insurance, code of ethics and the ten consumer points are defined. The practical part of the thesis is based on research conducted using a questionnaire survey. In the practical part research questions and hypotheses are first formulated. The paper further describes the research methodology and research results evaluated on the basis of respondents\u27 answers. The aim of the research is to confirm or refute the hypotheses. The conclusion summarizes the results of the research

    Natural and synthetic zeolites

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    Tato práce se zabývá studiem zeolitových sloučenin. Hlavní důraz byl kladen na objasnění jejich struktury a fyzikálně-chemických vlastností, dále pak na metody jejich syntézy a možnosti uplatnění v průmyslu.Katedra anorganické technologieDokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Educational program in the field of dental care including interdental spaces for children in kindergarten

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    Stomatologická klinikaDepartment of StomatologyThird Faculty of Medicine3. lékařská fakult

    Financial Consultancy

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    This Master's work is focused on financial consultancy. The work is split into two parts, theory and practice. In the theoretical part the concepts of financial market, entity on the financial market, financial consultancy, mediation activity, insurance, code of ethics and the ten consumer points are defined. The practical part of the thesis is based on research conducted using a questionnaire survey. In the practical part research questions and hypotheses are first formulated. The paper further describes the research methodology and research results evaluated on the basis of respondents' answers. The aim of the research is to confirm or refute the hypotheses. The conclusion summarizes the results of the research

    Theatre Behind the Fence

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    This bachelor thesis is focused on running of cultural institutions in psychiatric hospitals in the Czech Republic. It takes into account all implications of the fact that all of them are health institutions established to take care of people suffering from mental disease. The thesis emphasises the Theatre Behind the Fence, a theatre which is situated in the area of Psychiatric Hospital Bohnice in Prague. The thesis should analyse the ability to compete in the area of cultural activities in it´s region. The conclusion of this thesis should be offering possible options of future direction of the Theatre Behind the Fence. The thesis focuses on other cultural objects and activities of the Psychiatric Hospital Bohnice as well. This bachelor thesis should provide information on actual situation of cultural activities in Czech psychiatric hospitals. It should also encourage discussion not only about ?culture behind the fence? but about today´s role of psychiatric hospitals themselves

    Pigments Based on Perovskite

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    Despite the wide compositional range and the flexibility of the perovskite lattice, there are just a few successful examples of colored phases based on this crystal structure. The systems proposed in the literature as pigments encompass alkaline earth titanates-stannates-zirconates and yttrium or rare earth orthoaluminates (doped with transition metals such as Cr and V) and orthoferrites/orthocobaltites as well as alkaline earth or lanthanide Ta-Nb-Ti oxynitrides. The coloration mechanism and technological prospect of these perovskites are outlined, focusing on the only system manufactured at the industrial scale and currently used as ceramic red pigment: the Cr-doped (Y,REE)AlO3. The color of these perovskites stems from intense absorption of the yellow-to-violet wavelengths by a band occurring at low Cr concentration when the pigment is synthesized with mineralizers. As the origin of such a band is still under debate, new experimental data are here provided. X-ray powder diffraction (associated with structural refinements performed by the Rietveld method) and diffuse reflectance spectroscopy experimental methods are employed to disclose the mechanism of incorporation of Cr and the role of different mineralizers. The effect of increasing chromium doping on the relaxation of the perovskite structure was investigated through the substitution of isovalent cations with different ionic radii (Cr3+ after Al3+ in yttrium orthoaluminates) as well as with almost equivalent ionic radii (Cr3+ after Ga3+ in La-Nd orthogallates). The effect of different mineralizers was appraised by adding a salt (chloride, fluoride, or carbonate of Ca, Mg, Na, K, Ba, or La) to the precursor batch of the Y(Al,Cr)O3 pigment. Although perovskites exhibit the weakest structural relaxation around Cr3+ ion, meaning that the chromophore is highly "compressed" once in small concentration (i.e., particularly in orthoaluminates), the incorporation of Cr ions occurs with increasing covalency and polarizability of the Cr-O bond. This mechanism is not replicated in orthogallates, where the tiny difference of ionic radii between octahedrally coordinated Cr3+ (0.615Å) and Ga3+ (0.62Å) induces subtle changes in crystal structural and optical properties. Thus, the response to Cr incorporation in terms of both cell and octahedral site distortion is different in Y, La, and Nd perovskites. Final remarks highlight that the red color of Y(Al,Cr)O3 is developed only in the presence of mineralizers, with Ca salts being the most effective. A little amount of calcium has to be incorporated at the cubic site and the charge mismatch between Y3+ and Ca2+ is likely compensated by oxygen vacancies. The intense absorption band responsible for the red color is thought to be originated by the occurrence of Cr3+-Ca2+pairs with a possible involvement of intervalence Cr3+-Cr4+ charge transfer. This chapter discusses the composition, crystal structure, and coloring performance of perovskites proposed as pigments in the literature. The focus is on crystal chemistry and structural principles of ideal and distorted ternary ABO3 perovskites, with special emphasis on the only perovskite pigment currently manufactured at industrial scale, that is, Cr-doped YAlO3. For this purpose, lattice parameters, A site coordination, bond valence (BV) analysis, tilting of octahedral framework, and tolerance factor in yttrium and rare earth orthoaluminates are outlined. The way by which chromophores are accommodated in the perovskite structure is explained by discussing basic concepts - local bond distances, structural relaxation coefficient, and polyhedral bond valence - and comparing chromium incorporation into YAlO3 with other Al-Cr solid solutions and with Ga-Cr substitution in La-Nd orthogallate perovskites. Finally, the chapter discusses the effects of mineralizers on the optical properties of Cr-doped YAlO3 are examined to explain the origin of red color