345 research outputs found

    Satisfacción de programas sociales. El caso del programa de abasto de leche Liconsa

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    El programa Abasto Social de Leche, que otorga esta bebida de manera subsidiada a personas enestado de pobreza, es uno de los más antiguos en México. El producto ha pasado por diversosmejoramientos de corte nutricional y de imagen; en este el artículo se presentarán los hallazgos sobrela satisfacción que tienen los beneficiarios del programa, a través del uso de una metodologíaintegral que abarca la gestión del mismo, la perspectiva de los beneficiarios en diversos ámbitosy el aspecto comunitario. Los resultados, obtenidos por medio de un modelo de ecuaciones estructuralescon variables latentes, señalan que la población objetivo se encuentra satisfecha con el programa

    Influence of metacognitive variables on paranoid ideation

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    Based on the Self-Regulatory Executive Function (S-REF) model, the aim of the present correlational study is to investigate whether metacognitive variables have any influence on paranoid ideation in non-clinical subjects. For this purpose, a battery of tests was administered to 148 participants in an attempt to identify the type of metacognitive beliefs that characterized them and to measure their levels of paranoid ideation and trait anxiety. The results show that, once the subject’s level of anxiety is controlled, loss of cognitive confidence is the only metacognitive variable that predicts subjects’ scores in paranoid ideation. Without this statistical control of trait anxiety, the regression equation would include two more metacognitive factors related to uncontrollability and danger of thoughts and positive beliefs about worry. These results are discussed in the light of recent contributions supporting the extension of models already consolidated in the field of emotional disorders, as the S-REF model, to that of psychotic symptoms.Con base en el modelo conocido como “Self-Regulatory Executive Function” (S-REF) el presente estudio correlacional pretende averiguar si las variables metacognitivas tienen alguna influencia sobre la ideación paranoide en sujetos no-clínicos. Con este fin se administró una batería de tests a 148 participantes dirigida a indagar el tipo de creencias metacognitivas por el que se caracterizaban así como su nivel de ideación paranoide y su nivel de ansiedad-rasgo. Los resultados muestran que, una vez controlado el nivel de ansiedad de los sujetos, la pérdida de la confianza cognitiva es la única variable metacognitiva que predice la puntuación de los sujetos en ideación paranoide. De no efectuarse este control estadístico de la ansiedad-rasgo, se incluirían en la ecuación de regresión dos factores metacognitivos más relativos a la incontrolabilidad y peligro de los pensamientos y a las creencias positivas sobre la preocupación. Estos resultados son discutidos a la luz de recientes aportaciones favorables a la extensión de modelos ya consolidados en el campo de los trastornos emocionales, como el modelo S-REF, a los síntomas psicóticos.Com base no modelo conhecido por “Função Executiva de Auto-regulação” (S-REF) o presente estudo correlacional pretende averiguar se as variáveis metacognitivas têm alguma influência sobre a ideação paranoide em sujeitos não clínicos. Com este fim, administrou-se uma bateria de testes a 148 participantes destinada a questionar o tipo de crenças metacognitivas pelas quais se caracterizavam, assim como o seu nível de ideação paranoide e o seu nível de ansiedade-traço. Os resultados mostram que, uma vez controlado o nível de ansiedade dos sujeitos, a perda de confiança cognitiva é a única variável metacognitiva que prediz a pontuação dos sujeitos em ideação paranoide. Sem se efectuar este controlo estadístico da ansiedade-traço, incluíram-se na equação de regressão dois factores metacognitivos mais relativos à incontrolabilidade e perigo dos pensamentos e às crenças positivas sobre a preocupação. Estes resultados são discutidos à luz de recentes contribuições favoráveis à extensão de modelos já consolidados no campo das perturbações emocionais, como o modelo S-REF, aos sintomas psicóticos.This work was carried out within framework of Research Grnat MCT-02-BSO-01173, whose principal researcher is Marino Pérez-Álvarez

    Population Dynamics P Systems on CUDA

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    Population Dynamics P systems (PDP systems, in short) provide a new formal bio-inspired modeling framework, which has been successfully used by ecologists. These models are validated using software tools against actual measurements. The goal is to use P systems simulations to adopt a priori management strategies for real ecosystems. Software for PDP systems is still in an early stage. The simulation of PDP systems is both computationally and data intensive for large models. Therefore, the development of efficient simulators is needed for this field. In this paper, we introduce a novel simulator for PDP systems accelerated by the use of the computational power of GPUs. We discuss the implementation of each part of the simulator, and show how to achieve up to a 7x speedup on a NVIDA Tesla C1060 compared to an optimized multicore version on a Intel 4-core i5 Xeon for large systems. Other results and testing methodologies are also included.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2009–13192Junta de Andalucía P08-TIC-0420

    Priorización de áreas de intervención mediante análisis morfométrico e índice de vegetación

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    La caracterización morfométrica y el análisis del Índice de Vegetación de Diferencia Normalizada (NDVI) puede ser una estrategia en los programas de restauración hidrológica ambiental de cuencas, ya que la interrelación entre el área, forma, relieve, sistema de drenaje y los cambios de la cobertura vegetal causada por la alteración antropogénica permite hacer una priorización de subcuencas para su intervención con prácticas productivo-conservacionistas, a fin de reducir el crecimiento de los sistemas de drenaje en zonas con presencia de eventos meteorológicos extremos que causan deslaves y provocan inundaciones en las partes bajas de las cuencas. El estudio se realizó en la cuenca del río Huehuetán, ubicada en la región del Soconusco del estado de Chiapas, México, con el objetivo de estimar los parámetros morfométricos (lineales y de forma) de 16 subcuencas, así como el NDVI para los años 1993 y 2013, para priorizar los cambios en la cobertura vegetal que afectan la degradación del suelo de las subcuencas para la restauración hidrológica. La metodología permitió definir el orden de intervención de las subcuencas con prácticas de conservación del suelo, agua y obras de control de azolves, para reducir los procesos de erosión hídrica, el crecimiento del sistema de drenaje y la capacidad de transporte del flujo superficial en laderas y cauces

    Manejo perioperatorio de fármacos anticoagulantes y antiagregantes en el paciente con fractura de cadera

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    La fractura de cadera eleva de manera significativa en los estudios publicados la morbilidad y la mortalidad en los pacientes ancianos que la padecen. La participación en el proceso de fármacos que alteran la hemostasia se ha convertido en uno de los aspectos más importantes y controvertidos del manejo perioperatorio del paciente con fractura de cadera. La anticoagulación o antiagregación plaquetaria de estos pacientes tiene unas implicaciones tanto en la práctica anestésica como quirúrgica que hacen necesaria la búsqueda de un equilibrio entre el riesgo hemorrágico y trombótico de los mismos. Con la elaboración del presente protocolo, en línea con las últimas evidencias científicas publicadas, se sientan las bases para avanzar en el tratamiento de este grupo de pacientes. Una atención multidisciplinar especializada, una fijación precoz de la fractura antes de las 48 horas, y un efectivo programa de rehabilitación pueden disminuir las complicaciones del proceso.Hip fracture rises significantly in published studies morbidity and mortality in elderly patients. Participation in the process of hemostasis-altering drugs has become one of the most important and controversial perioperative management of patients with hip fracture aspects. Anticoagulation or antiplatelet of these patients have some implications as a surgical anesthetic practice that make it necessary to seek a balance between bleeding and thrombotic risk thereof. With the development of this protocol, in line with the latest scientific evidence published, the stage is set to advance the treatment of this patient group. A specialized multidisciplinary care, early fracture fixation within 48 hours and an effective rehabilitation program can reduce complications of that process

    Discursive structures of bullying prevention programs in Spain (1997-2017)

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    El fenómeno del maltrato entre iguales o bullying, lejos de disminuir, cada vez tiene un mayor impacto y repercusión social, menoscabando tanto a los escolares que lo padecen, como a los agresores y observadores inmersos en dicha problemática, y en conjunto, a toda la comunidad educativa: profesores, familias y alumnos. Catalogarlo como un reflejo de lo que sucede en la sociedad, ha ocasionado que esta problemática haya ido adquiriendo un mayor interés en los últimos años. Lo que se ha concretado, en el desarrollo por todo el territorio español, de programas e iniciativas de prevención de la violencia priorizando la convivencia. En este artículo, se analizan los principales programas de prevención del bullying elaborados en España en dos décadas (1997-2017), a través de una revisión sobre su estructura discursiva, estudiando sus similitudes o discrepancias. Los primeros resultados apuntan, entre otras cuestiones, la necesidad de que los programas aborden con mayor profundidad las interacciones de todos los agentes de la comunidad educativa (profesorado, alumnado, familia y comunidad) frente al bullying, contribuyendo a transmitir un posicionamiento unitario de todo el sistema educativo contra esta forma de violencia.The phenomenon of mistreatment among equals or bullying, far from diminishing, is increasingly having a greater impact and social repercussion, undermining both the schoolchildren who suffer from it, as well as the aggressors and observers immersed in said problem, and as a whole, to the entire educational community: teachers, families and students. Cataloging it as a reflection of what happens in society has caused this problem to acquire greater interest in recent years. What has materialized in the development throughout the Spanish territory of violence prevention programs and initiatives prioritizing coexistence. This article analyzes the main bullying prevention programs developed in Spain in two decades (1997-2017), through a review of their discursive structure, studying their similarities or discrepancies. The first results point, among other issues, to the need for programs to address in greater depth the interactions of all the agents of the educational community (teachers, students, family and community) against bullying, helping to transmit a unitary position of all the educational system against this form of violence

    Non-Saccharomyces Are Also Forming the Veil of Flor in Sherry Wines

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    Biological ageing is an essential process for obtaining some distinctive Sherry wines, such as Fino and Manzanilla. It occurs after the fermentation of the grape must due to the appearance of a biofilm on the surface of the wine called "veil of flor". Yeasts belonging to the Saccharomyces cerevisiae species mainly comprise such biofilm. Although other species have also been found, these have been traditionally considered spoilage. Indeed, it has even been hypothesised that they may not be able to form biofilm on their own under such conditions. In the present work, four different non-Saccharomyces yeasts isolated from barrels in the Jerez area under biological ageing have been characterised through their physiological abilities, including extracellular enzymatic and biofilm-forming capabilities. Results showed not only a surprising ethanol tolerance, above 15.5% in all cases, but also a significant degree of extracellular enzyme production, highlighting the urease and proteolytic activities found in Pichia manshurica, as well as lipolytic activity in Pichia kudriavzevii, Pichia membranifaciens and Wicherhamomyces anomalus. As a conclusion, these non-Saccharomyces could be very interesting in the oenological field, beyond improving the organoleptic characteristics as well as technological features in these wines

    The veil of flor’s structure, composition and interactions in biological ageing wines

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    Biological ageing occurs after fermentation of the grape must and it is due to the appearance of a biofilm on the surface of the wine called "veil of flor". Yeast involved in veil formation are mainly Saccharomyces cerevisiae and they have traditionally been divided into four races according to their ability to metabolize different sugars. The growth of flor yeasts depends on different factors, such as the aerobic assimilation of the wine ethanol, since the medium is deficient in both sugars and nitrogen. Actually, flor yeast metabolism is different from wine S. cerevisiae yeast, but it hasn't been analysed yet. Thus, the aim of this work is to study the diversity of flor yeast strains and to analyse the composition and the structure of the veil of flor in Jerez-Xeres-Sherry D.O. The results of this work revealed 14 different genotypes of S. cerevisiae strains using multiplex-microsatellite PCR and these strains showed 8 different biochemical profiles using a similar procedure than traditionally. In addition, mannose and glucose were found in veil of flor complex using UHPLC-MS

    Targeting TDP-43 phosphorylation by Casein Kinase-1δ inhibitors: a novel strategy for the treatment of frontotemporal dementia

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    [Background] Mutations in the progranulin gene (GRN) are the most common cause of frontotemporal lobar degeneration with TDP-43 inclusions (FTLD-TDP). TDP-43 pathology is characterized by the hyperphosphorylation of the protein at Serine 409/410 residues. Casein kinase-1δ (CK-1δ) was reported to phosphorylate TDP-43 directly. Previous works from our laboratory described the presence of CDK6/pRb-dependent cell cycle alterations, and cytosolic accumulation of TDP-43 protein in lymphoblast from FTLD-TDP patients carriers of a loss-of function mutation in GRN gene (c.709-1G > A). In this work, we have investigated the effects of two brain penetrant CK-1δ inhibitors (IGS-2.7 and IGS-3.27) designed and synthetized in our laboratory on cell proliferation, TDP-43 phosphorylation and subcellular localization, as well as their effects on the known nuclear TDP-43 function repressing the expression of CDK6.[Results] We report here that both CK-1δ inhibitors (IGS-2.7 and IGS-3.27) normalized the proliferative activity of PGRN-deficient lymphoblasts by preventing the phosphorylation of TDP-43 fragments, its nucleo-cytosol translocation and the overactivation of the CDK6/pRb cascade. Moreover, ours results show neuroprotective effects of CK-1δ inhibitors in a neuronal cell model of induced TDP-43 phosphorylation.[Conclusions] Our results suggest that modulating CK-1δ activity could be considered a novel therapeutic approach for the treatment of FTLD-TDP and other TDP-43 proteinopathies.This work has been supported by grants from The Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (projects SAF2012-37979-C03-01 to Ana Martinez and SAF2011-28603 to Angeles Martín-Requero). Moreover, Dr. Angeles Martín-Requero was supported by Ramón Areces foundation and Dr. López de Munain received research support from Ilundain Foundation.Peer reviewe

    Fracture risk in type 2 diabetic patients: A clinical prediction tool based on a large population-based cohort

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    BACKGROUND: An increased fracture risk has been described as a complication of Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Clinical prediction models for general population have a limited predictive accuracy for fractures in T2DM patients. The aim was to develop and validate a clinical prediction tool for the estimation of 5-year hip and major fracture risk in T2DM patients. METHODS AND RESULTS: A cohort of newly diagnosed T2DM patients (n = 51,143, aged 50-85, 57% men) was extracted from the Information System for the Development of Research in Primary Care (SIDIAP) database, containing computerized primary care records for >80% of the population of Catalonia, Spain (>6 million people). Patients were followed up from T2DM diagnosis until the earliest of death, transfer out, fracture, or end of study. Cox proportional hazards regression was used to model the 5-year risk of hip and major fracture. Calibration and discrimination were assessed. Hip and major fracture incidence rates were 1.84 [95%CI 1.64 to 2.05] and 7.12 [95%CI 6.72 to 7.53] per 1,000 person-years, respectively. Both hip and major fracture prediction models included age, sex, previous major fracture, statins use, and calcium/vitamin D supplements; previous ischemic heart disease was also included for hip fracture and stroke for major fracture. Discrimination (0.81 for hip and 0.72 for major fracture) and calibration plots support excellent internal validity. CONCLUSIONS: The proposed prediction models have good discrimination and calibration for the estimation of both hip and major fracture risk in incident T2DM patients. These tools incorporate key T2DM macrovascular complications generally available in primary care electronic medical records, as well as more generic fracture risk predictors. Future work will focus on validation of these models in external cohorts