55 research outputs found


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    Electronic Business is growing significantly, especially in the área of E-commerce. Businesses who do not master this kind of technology wish to use it, but limit themselves to simple solutions which generate little competitively. This work develops strategic model for a virtual store, contemplating the characteristics of trust and usability. With these characteristics a strategic map was constructed on the level of internal processes, separating front-office and back-office. The necessity for strategic information becomes clear through the relation of strategic objectives. Through the purchasing-process of the online client, it was possible to define the website’s modules and its management modules. The internal processes modules were defined to get more integration with all the system. To accompany the results of the processes on strategic level, a set of modules was defined which obtains data from different sources and which offers the possibility to visualize this data through  scorecards.Los negocios electrónicos están creciendo significativamente y, en especial, la modalidad de E-commerce. Empresas sin dominio de este tipo de tecnología desean utilizarla, pero se limitan a soluciones simples que generan poca competitividad Este trabajo propone un modelo estratégico de tienda virtual, contemplando características de confianza y usabilidad. Con estas características fue construido estratégico en nivel de procesos internos, separando el front-office y back-office. Las necesidades de informaciones estratégicas se tornaron claras a través de la relación entre objetivos estratégicos. A través del proceso de compra del cliente on-line, fue posible definir los módulos del website y de su administración. Los módulos de los procesos internos fueron definidos para mayor integración como la totalidad del sistema. Para acompañar los resultados de los procesos en nivel estratégico, fue definido un conjunto de módulos que obtiene datos de diferentes fuentes, bien como posibilita la visualización de los mismos, a través de scorecards.Os negócios eletrônicos estão crescendo significativamente e em especial a modalidade de E-commerce. Empresas sem domínio deste tipo de tecnologia desejam utilizá-la mas se limitam a soluções simples que geram pouca competitividade. Este trabalho propõe um modelo estratégico de loja virtual contemplando características de confiança e usabilidade. Com estas características foi construído um mapa estratégico em nível de processos internos separando o front-office e back-office. As necessidades de informações estratégicas se tornaram claras através da relação entre objetivos estratégicos. Através do processo de compra do cliente on-line foi possível definir os módulos do website e da administração do mesmo. Os módulos dos processos internos foram definidos para maior integração com o a totalidade do sistema. Para acompanhar os resultados dos processos em nível estratégico foi definido um conjunto de módulos que obtém dados de diferentes fontes bem como possibilita a visualização dos mesmos através de scorecards

    IT contribution in the consolidation of organizational competences - A case study on a hotel group

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    The information economy is based on the net appliance, which decreases the intermediary's participation in the activities of purchase and sale of products and services.The tourism sector has its activities based on information in which its products are considered low touch, where the purchaser acquires a service without a physical approaching with it.However, it can be noticed that there is still a trade off between embracing and wealth, but day-by-day it is reduced by the increasing use of Information Technology and communication through its information system.The advancement of IT allied to business' strategic can establish new models of business to observe in a more efficient way the sectors innovation that works intensively with information, contributing with the competence consolidation aiming the client and connected network attendance.This paper analyses, through a case study in a big Hotel network, some aspects that are related to IT's application for competitiveness increasing. Such aspects are related to the entrepreneur's strategic articulation as the general configuration of Front Office and Back Office, client's communication improvement, the use of web, client fidelity, disintermediation of activities and cultural activities adaptation on the services offering

    Alinhamento estratégico de tecnologia da informação: análise de modelos e propostas para pesquisas futuras

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    Information Technology (IT) is a resource capable of supporting businesses, which provides agile operations and mobility and decision support tools. The link between IT and business strategy has been studied regarding the best fitted model to improve company performance. This paper analyzes, through bibliographic research, the strategic alignment concept and the evolution of the strategic alignment theoretical models that are considered references in this area. The paper presents a comparison between these referential models and some perspectives for future research related IT strategic alignment.A tecnologia da informação (TI) configura-se como um recurso capaz de suportar o negócio das empresas, proporcionando agilidade, mobilidade e suporte à tomada de decisão. A interligação da estratégia de TI à estratégia empresarial já foi objeto de estudo em relação ao modelo de TI mais adequado para a melhoria do desempenho empresarial. O presente artigo, elaborado a partir de pesquisa bibliográfica, possui o objetivo de analisar o alinhamento estratégico e a evolução dos modelos de alinhamento estratégico, ressaltando os que podem ser considerados referências na área. Ao final, apresenta-se uma comparação entre os modelos de alinhamento pesquisados e algumas perspectivas para futuras pesquisas relacionadas ao tema

    Multi-criteria decision making for business value creation

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    RESUMEN. La toma de decisión multicriterio para la creación de valor empresarial se ha convertido en un tema de significativo interés que no ha sido aun suficientemente estudiado. Las empresas encuentran dificultades para determinar los mejores criterios de decisión para crear valor. Se utiliza el Proceso Analítico Jerárquico como método para establecer un modelo de apoyo a la toma de decisiones empresariales. Los resultados evidencian una mayor contribución para la creación de valor de las decisiones basadas en el criterio de beneficios y establecen un ranking de prioridades sobre las decisiones de TI para la creación de valor empresarial.ABSTRACT. Multi-criteria decision making for business value creation has become a topic of significant interest that, however, has not yet been sufficiently studied. Companies find it difficult to determine the best decision criteria for creating value. Hierarchical Analytical Process is used as a method for establishing a business decision support model. The results highlight a greater contribution to the creation of business value of decisions based on the criterion of benefits and establish a ranking of priorities on IT decisions that lead to the creation of business valu

    Strategic Themes for Balanced Scorecard Construction Based on Fuzzy Logic

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    Balanced Scorecard is a methodology for strategic management with emphasis in strategic, tactic, and operational control. If you don’t measure something, you don’t manage it. Last statement is a way to emphasizes one of the most important assumptions of this methodology that is very well implemented by it. However, BSC can’t express strategy in actions, nor translate verbalization of strategic planning, important topics to build an effective Balance Scorecard. This paper defines priorities of topics about strategic planning considering the SWOT analysis - strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats – (Andrews, 1971). SWOT analysis is completed considering actions and objectives through Fuzzy Logic theory. The Fuzzy Logic based methodology is an intelligent information system expressed by Espin and Vanti (2005) and completed by Espin, Becker and Vanti (2005). The system, expressed by mathematic formulas, is based in Complexity Theory principles with emphasis in non linearity and is applied here to the tourism industry (a travel agency)

    A fuzzy multicriteria approach for IT Governance evaluation

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    This work seeks to provide a new multi-criteria approach to assess IT Governance (ITG) in the area of Strategic Alignment. The complete methodological development process is described. The evaluation model uses Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) and it is targeted to IT processes, more specifically to the COBIT© IT maturity levels, domains and processes, thus providing a differentiated analysis of importance for each item. Its relevance is related to addressing isolated and individual evaluation criteria that are normally practiced in audits of processes. The model allows generating information that extends the guarantees of compliance and corporate governance from different organizations. This research demonstrates that the combined use of multi-criteria decision methodologies and soft computing proves to be particularly suitable for Strategic Alignment such as the focal area of COBIT. The model was applied in a big retail Brazilian company

    Administración lógica: un estudio de caso en una empresa de comercio exterior

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    The growing apogee of the paradigm of the theory of complexity stresses non-linearity, the evolution of systems, non-determinism, holism and transdiciplinarity in spheres that pervade the whole universe of science. It is causing the emergence of a transformational paradigm in the sciences of organizations that intends to lead them by means of emergent strategies and to adopt flexible and dynamic structures that allow them to evolve “far from balance”, but without ceasing to “exist”. Logical Management uses models based on Fuzzy Logic that are obtained through Knowledge Engineering Techniques on the basis of reading and experience in order to achieve competitiveness through the Organization’s Strategic Integration. The models make it possible to take coherent decisions through interaction with the company’s managers and experts, with the available information and the project of organizational change. In this way one adopts a transdisciplinary cognitive approach that helps to manage the organization as a “complex evolutionary system”. This paper illustrates the use of these models through a case study of a foreign trade company located in the state of Rio Grande do Sul in southern Brazil. Key words: logical management, theory of complexity, evolution of systems, fuzzy logic.El creciente auge del paradigma de la Teoría de la Complejidad que privilegia la no linealidad, la evolución de los sistemas, el no determinismo, el holismo y la transdisciplinariedad en esferas que recorren todo el universo científico, está haciendo emerger en las ciencias de la organización un paradigma transformacional que pretende dirigirla a través de estrategias emergentes, y adoptar estructuras flexibles y dinámicas que le permitan evolucionar ‘lejos del equilibrio’, sin dejar de ‘ser’. La Administración Lógica utiliza Modelos basados en Lógica Difusa obtenidos a través de Técnicas de Ingeniería del Conocimiento a partir de la literatura y la experiencia, para el logro de la Competitividad por la vía de la Integración Estratégica de la Organización. Los modelos permiten la toma de decisiones coherentes, a través de la interacción con los directivos y expertos de la organización, la información disponible y el proyecto de cambio de la empresa. Se logra de este modo un acercamiento cognitivo transdisciplinario que ayuda a gestionar la organización como un ‘sistema evolutivo complejo’. En el presente trabajo se ilustra a través de un estudio del caso de una empresa de comercio exterior de la Región de Río Grande del Sur en Brasil. Palabras clave: administración lógica, teoría de la complejidad, evolución de los sistemas, lógica difusa

    Análise do risco de inadimplência na utilização de cartões de crédito

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    ABSTRACT. This paper analyzes the risk of default in the use of credit cards generating probabilities of delay in payment with different variables such as age, gender, credit limit and annual income. The behavior of debtors who use credit cards is studied identifying changes in states of delay of risk levels. A multi-state model of Markov was used to perform the analysis. The study was applied to credit card usage records of individuals in 121 commercial and financial institutions. This research identifies the patterns of use by credit card customers and provides valuable inputs to help financial institutions understand the phenomenon of default risk.RESUMO. Este trabalho analisa o risco de inadimplência na utilização de cartões de crédito gerando probabilidades de atraso no pagamento com diferentes variáveis tais como idade, sexo, limite de crédito e rendimento anual. O comportamento dos devedores que utilizam cartões de crédito é estudado identificando alterações nos estados de atraso dos níveis de risco. Foi utilizado um modelo multiestado de Markov para realizar a análise. O estudo foi aplicado aos registos de utilização de cartões de crédito de indivíduos em 121 instituições comerciais e financeiras. Este estudo identifica os padrões de utilização pelos clientes de cartões de crédito e fornece dados valiosos para ajudar as instituições financeiras a compreender o fenómeno do risco de inadimplência

    Administración lógica: un estudio de caso en una empresa de comercio exterior

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    The growing apogee of the paradigm of the theory of complexity stresses non-linearity, the evolution of systems, non-determinism, holism and transdiciplinarity in spheres that pervade the whole universe of science. It is causing the emergence of a transformational paradigm in the sciences of organizations that intends to lead them by means of emergent strategies and to adopt flexible and dynamic structures that allow them to evolve “far from balance”, but without ceasing to “exist”. Logical Management uses models based on Fuzzy Logic that are obtained through Knowledge Engineering Techniques on the basis of reading and experience in order to achieve competitiveness through the Organization’s Strategic Integration. The models make it possible to take coherent decisions through interaction with the company’s managers and experts, with the available information and the project of organizational change. In this way one adopts a transdisciplinary cognitive approach that helps to manage the organization as a “complex evolutionary system”. This paper illustrates the use of these models through a case study of a foreign trade company located in the state of Rio Grande do Sul in southern Brazil. Key words: logical management, theory of complexity, evolution of systems, fuzzy logic.El creciente auge del paradigma de la Teoría de la Complejidad que privilegia la no linealidad, la evolución de los sistemas, el no determinismo, el holismo y la transdisciplinariedad en esferas que recorren todo el universo científico, está haciendo emerger en las ciencias de la organización un paradigma transformacional que pretende dirigirla a través de estrategias emergentes, y adoptar estructuras flexibles y dinámicas que le permitan evolucionar ‘lejos del equilibrio’, sin dejar de ‘ser’. La Administración Lógica utiliza Modelos basados en Lógica Difusa obtenidos a través de Técnicas de Ingeniería del Conocimiento a partir de la literatura y la experiencia, para el logro de la Competitividad por la vía de la Integración Estratégica de la Organización. Los modelos permiten la toma de decisiones coherentes, a través de la interacción con los directivos y expertos de la organización, la información disponible y el proyecto de cambio de la empresa. Se logra de este modo un acercamiento cognitivo transdisciplinario que ayuda a gestionar la organización como un ‘sistema evolutivo complejo’. En el presente trabajo se ilustra a través de un estudio del caso de una empresa de comercio exterior de la Región de Río Grande del Sur en Brasil. Palabras clave: administración lógica, teoría de la complejidad, evolución de los sistemas, lógica difusa

    XBRL na gestão pública com business intelligence (BI)

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    The purpose of this study is to verify the need for standardization and flexibility in the way that public organizations disclose their financial information on the Internet, with the goal to improve transparency, reliability, timing and cost reduction. In order to achieve it, it is necessary an instrument that allows the user to interact with such information, either for managerial, fiscal or accountability purposes. Therefore, this research analyzes the XBRL (eXtensible Business Report Language) application in the disclosure and scalability of financial and accounting information. Employing the case study method on a Brazilian small countryside municipality, the paper documents that the XBRL can indeed improve transparency, reliability, timing and cost reduction of the information for those who need it or are required by law to make it public. Given that this is a recent and not yet widely known topic, the paper also presents a practical example of a company that discloses its information under this standard. Also, XBRL allows the understanding of information scalability through its integration with a Business Intelligence (BI) syste. Key words: XBRL, financial statements, business intelligence, public management.Este estudo analisa a necessidade de padronizar e também de flexibilizar a forma de evidenciar informações financeiras na Internet com o objetivo de prover maior transparência, qualidade, tempestividade e redução dos custos. Para tanto, torna-se necessário um instrumento flexível que possibilite ao usuário interagir com informações gerenciais, fiscais ou de prestação de contas, eliminando assim redigitações e retrabalhos. Por isso, estudou-se a linguagem de formatação XBRL (eXtensible Business Report Language) contemplando-se sua aplicação na evidenciação e na escalabilidade da informação financeira e contábil. Como método desta investigação utilizouse um estudo de caso em um Município situado no interior do estado do RS onde foi constatado que a XBRL pode gerar maior transparência, qualidade, tempestividade e redução de custos na evidenciação de informações públicas obrigatórias. Por ser um tema recente foi também demonstrado um exemplo prático de aplicação empresarial na publicação de informações neste padrão de formatação. O uso da XBRL possibilitou também o entendimento de escalabilidade de informações através da integração com sistema de Business Intelligence (BI). Palavras-chave: XBRL, demonstrações financeiras, Business Intelligence, gestão pública