32 research outputs found

    Defining Planktonic Protist Functional Groups on Mechanisms for Energy and Nutrient Acquisition: Incorporation of Diverse Mixotrophic Strategies

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    Arranging organisms into functional groups aids ecological research by grouping organisms (irrespective of phylogenetic origin) that interact with environmental factors in similar ways. Planktonic protists traditionally have been split between photoautotrophic “phytoplankton” and phagotrophic “microzoo-plankton”. However, there is a growing recognition of the importance of mixotrophy in euphotic aquatic systems, where many protists often combine photoautotrophic and phagotrophic modes of nutrition. Such organisms do not align with the traditional dichotomy of phytoplankton and microzooplankton. To reflect this understanding,we propose a new functional grouping of planktonic protists in an eco- physiological context: (i) phagoheterotrophs lacking phototrophic capacity, (ii) photoautotrophs lacking phagotrophic capacity,(iii) constitutive mixotrophs (CMs) as phagotrophs with an inherent capacity for phototrophy, and (iv) non-constitutive mixotrophs (NCMs) that acquire their phototrophic capacity by ingesting specific (SNCM) or general non-specific (GNCM) prey. For the first time, we incorporate these functional groups within a foodweb structure and show, using model outputs, that there is scope for significant changes in trophic dynamics depending on the protist functional type description. Accord- ingly, to better reflect the role of mixotrophy, we recommend that as important tools for explanatory and predictive research, aquatic food-web and biogeochemical models need to redefine the protist groups within their frameworks

    Využití strukturálních fondů EU při rozvoji požární stanice HZS Ústeckého kraje

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    Import 10/12/2008Prezenční030 - Katedra požární ochrany a ochrany obyvatelstvaNeuveden

    Information support to control activities at incidents in mountain areas of the Krušné hory mountains

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    Import 20/12/2006Prezenční030 - Katedra požární ochrany a ochrany obyvatelstv

    The utilization of EU structural funds in the development of a fire station of fire and rescue service of the Ústí nad Labem Region

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    Import 12/11/2008Diplomová práce se zabývá možností využití strukturálních fondů EU při rozvoji požární stanice HZS Ústeckého kraje. Je rozčleněna do tří kapitol. V úvodní kapitole je popsána politika hospodářské a sociální soudržnosti, její cíle a principy. Jsou zde rovněž představeny strukturální fondy, mezi které se řadí Evropský fond regionálního rozvoje, Evropský sociální fond, dále Fond soudržnosti a tzv. operační programy, jejichž prostřednictvím bylo a je realizováno čerpání finančních prostředků v rámci regionální politiky EU. Představuje také operační program přeshraniční spolupráce Česká republika – Sasko. Druhá kapitola je směřována ke koncepčnímu rozvoji požární stanice Ústeckého kraje v Bílině. Zdůvodnění existence požární stanice. Její opodstatnění v rámci plošného pokrytí, přeshraniční spolupráce ČR- Sasko v rámci okresu Teplice – Dippoldiswalde. Ve třetí kapitole jsou popsány prováděné přípravné kroky k realizaci konkrétního projektu se zahraničním partnerem s využitím Operačního programu pro HZS Ústeckého kraje a je zde také zpracován podkladový materiál pro návrh rozvojového projektu požární stanice HZS Bílina.030 - Katedra požární ochrany a ochrany obyvatelstv

    An unexpected triethylsilane-triggered rearrangement of thioaurones to thioflavonols under SPPS conditions

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    Thioaurones are converted to a mixture of thiaindenes and thioflavonols when exposed to reaction conditions employed in SPPS, that is, treatment with trifluoroacetic acid in the presence of triethylsilane

    Mission Planning for Small UAV Systems in Uncertain Environments

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    The DLR Institute of Flight Systems is developing the experimental flying platform ARTIS (Autonomous Rotorcraft Testbed for Intelligent Systems), a fully autonomous miniature helicopter. The main concern of the project is the development of new subsystems and algorithms for autonomous intelligent functions. This paper presents an overview of the concepts related to mission planning and management for this research platform. The underlying problem of mission planning for a helicopter differs from high-altitude systems by the operation close to the ground, among known or unknown obstacles. For the global path planning in a three-dimensional space, previously known information about the environment is used. The path planning is based on the visibility graph concept, which returns length-optimal paths in a plane. To account for the whole 3D space, this algorithm is run in several fixed-height layers, and then connected to the start and finish points, generating near-optimal paths in a very short time. Subsequently, the path planner is completed by a real-time collision avoidance planner. Upon detection of unknown, static obstacles, the global path can be adapted in short time. The arithmetic techniques of this approach are further explained through examples. These mission planning components are integrated in the ARTIS ground control station software and thus can be used to plan and monitor mission in flight tests. Furthermore, the integration into the flying system and the correspondent problems are commented, as well as knowledge from flight experiences

    Missionsplanung für kleine UAV-Systeme in hindernisreichen Umgebungen

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    Das DLR-Institut für Flugsystemtechnik in Braunschweig betreibt den Flugversuchsträger ARTIS (Autonomous Rotorcraft Testbed for Intelligent Systems). ARTIS ist ein voll autonomes Hubschraubersystem, dass in der Gewichtsklasse von Modellflugzeugen betrieben werden kann. Im Mittelpunkt des Projektes stehen der Entwurf und die Erprobung neuartiger Systeme und Algorithmen für autonome intelligente Funktionen. Diese Präsentation gibt einen Überblick über die Missionsplanungs- und managementkonzepte für die entwickelte UAV-Plattform. Das zugrunde liegende Problem für die Missionsplanung bei einem Hubschrauber ist anders als bei hochfliegenden Systemen, die Operation in Bodennähe mit bekannten aber auch unbekannten Hindernissen. Hierfür wird eine globale dreidimensionale Trajektorien- bzw. Flugbahnplanung mit Hilfe von Sichtbarkeitsgraphen durchgeführt, die durch einen lokalen Planer zur Echtzeit (Hindernisvermeidung) ergänzt wird. Bei Auftauchen von unbekannten statischen Hindernissen kann dann in kurzer Zeit ein neuer globaler Flugpfad berechnet werden. Die Auswahl und Rechenverfahren für diesen Ansatz werden an Beispielen verdeutlicht. Weiterhin werden die Integration in das fliegende System und die damit verbundenen Probleme erläutert, sowie Erfahrungen aus der Flugversuchspraxis vorgestellt

    Modulation and binding properties of extended glycoluril molecular clips

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    A glycoluril clip (1) provides a deep cavity for binding of guest molecules. Guest species interact preferentially via hydrogen bonding or ion–lone pair interactions. Complexation-induced conformational modulation of the cavity wall distance was observed. At higher guest–host ratios, inclusion compounds with organic guest molecules are obtained. The X-ray crystallographic structure of 1.(NH<sub>4</sub>PF<sub>6</sub>).3CHCl<sub>3</sub>.2CH<sub>3</sub>OH shows formation of a network of clips connected via polar and non-polar interactions

    Mission Planning for Low-Flying Unmanned Rotorcraft in Unknown Environments

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    Small Uninhabited Aerial Vehicles that are to be operated at low altitude in obstacle prone environments require efficient mission planning capabilities. A fully autonomous miniature helicopter is being employed as a testbed to explore the development of new subsystems and algorithms for autonomous intelligent functions. An overview of the concepts related to mission planning and management for this research platform is presented. The underlying problem of mission planning for a helicopter differs from high-altitude systems by the operation close to the ground; among known or unknown obstacles. For the global path planning in a three-dimensional space, previously known information about the environment is used. The path planning is based on the visibility graph concept, which returns length-optimal paths in a plane. To account for the whole thee-dimensional space, this algorithm is run in several fixed-height layers, and then connected to the start and finish points, generating near-optimal paths in a very short time. Subsequently, the path planner is completed by a real-time collision avoidance planner. Upon detection of unknown, static or moving obstacles, the global path can be adapted in little time. The arithmetic techniques of this approach are further explained through examples. These mission planning components are integrated into the unmanned helicopter’s ground control station software and thus can be used to plan and monitor missions in obstructed environments. Experience from simulations and flight tests has shown, that the combination of those techniques results in a powerful, computationally efficient mission planning method that could be applied to unmanned vehicles with payload limitations