25 research outputs found

    Sanksi Hukum Pelaku Kejahatan Seksual (Kebiri) Terhadap Anak Menurut Perpu No 1 Tahun 2016 Tentang Perlindungan Anak (Tinjauan Analisis LPA Kota Medan Dan Hukum Pidana Islam)

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    Penelitian merupakan penelitian hukum pidana Islam terkait tentang hukuman kebiri bagi pelaku pedofilia yang di atur pada Perpu No. 1 tahun 2016 tentang perubahan kedua atas Undang-Undang No. 23 Tahun 2002 yaitu tentang Perlindungan Anak. Adapun rumusan masalah bagaimana ketentuan hukuman kebiri bagi pelaku kejahatan seksual terhadap anak menurut Perpu No.1 tahun 2016 dan bagaimana pandangan hukum pidana Islam terhadap Perpu No.1 tahun 2016 tentang hukuman kebiri bagi pelaku kejahatan seksual terhadap anak serta bagaimana pandangan Lembaga Perlindungan Anak (LPA) Kota Medan terhadap Perpu No.1 tahun 2016 tentang hukuman kebiri bagi pelaku kejahatan seksual terhadap anak. Adapun langkah-langkah yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu dimulai dari pengumpulan data, baik yang primer maupun yang sekunder. Data-data tersebut akan ditelusuri dalam literatur yang dipandang relevan. Setelah penulis meneliti dan menganalisa, penulis mengambil kesimpulan bahwa penerapan untuk kebiri tercantum dalam Penetapan Peraturan Pemerintah Pengganti Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 2016 tentang Perubahan Kedua atas UU No 23 Tahun 2002 tentang Perlindungan Anak yang telah disahkan menjadi undang-undang pada tanggal 9 November 2016. Adapun perubahan yang dilakukan dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 2016 yang menyatakan hukuman kebiri bagi pelaku kekerasan seksual terhadap anak (Pedofilia) yaitu ketentuan Pasal 81 ayat 7 yaitu: Terhadap pelaku sebagaimana dimaksud ayat (4) dan ayat (5) dapat dikenai tindakan berupa kebiri kimia dan pemasangan alat pendeteksi elektronik. Selanjutnya hukuman pidana bagi pelaku kekerasan seksual sebagaimana tercantum dalam KUHP dan Undang-Undang Perlindungan Anak dianggap belum efektif sehingga Pemerintah mengesahkan PerpuNo.1Tahun 2016 yang menerapkan pemberatan hukuman bagi pelaku kejahatan kekerasan seksual diantaranya dengan memberlakukan kebiri yang dalam hal ini tidak bertentangan dengan hukum pidana Islam


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    This research describes the student’s perceptions in using narrow reading and narrow listening in speaking class at third semester of English Department Universitas Bandar Lampung. It is to find out the student’s perception about narrow reading and narrow listening whether those methods are effective or not to be used in speaking class, and whether those methods could help them in improving their speaking ability or not. The population of this research were the third semester students of English Department Universitas Bandar Lampung. The sample of this research was taken by using purposive sampling method. The instruments used for collecting the data were observation, questionnaire, and interview. The data analysis of this research was qualitative. The result of this research show that the students were very interested in learning and they gave a positive attitude and good response when those methods were implemented in their classes. From the questionnaire and the interview result, it shows that mostly they said that those methods can help them to speak as well as to understand what they should say when they should tell their topic in front of the class. Based on the research, it was found that the use of narrow reading and narrow listening in speaking class was effective and it was very useful and help the students in improving their speaking skill as well as help the students in achieving their goal in learning speaking skill. Therefore, it was suggested to use narrow reading and narrow as a media in teaching English generally and teaching speaking skill particularly

    Utilizing Animated Videos to Improve Listening Abilities in English Language Instruction

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    This study examined the impact of utilizing animated videos on students' listening skills and their perceptions of this instructional approach. An investigation was conducted using a quasi-experimental pre-test and post-test design, which included a control group. Data was collected by means of listening tests and questionnaires. The participants, comprising 30 students from the ninth grade, were selected using cluster random sampling. Quantitative data analysis was performed using IBM SPSS 20.0. The results indicated a notable distinction in the listening abilities of students in the experimental class when compared to their counterparts in the control class. The two-tailed significance difference yielded a result of 0.006, which is below the alpha level of 0.05. Consequently, The research hypothesis (H1) was corroborated, and the null hypothesis (H0) was invalidated. Additionally, the questionnaire findings demonstrated that students had a favorable perception of integrating animated videos into English language learning, especially in improving their listening abilities. To summarize, utilizing animated videos effectively enhances students' listening skills and is positively regarded as a teaching approach

    Comparation Study of the Use Naftalena from Coal Tar Waste with Camper Napthtalene as Concrete Admixture

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    Concrete is a mixture of Portland cement or other hydraulic cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, and water, with or without additives (admixture). The naphthalene superplasticizer used comes from distillation of coal tar and a little from the rest of petroleum, but there is also camphor naphthalene. Where camphor grains contain 250-500 mg of naphthalene. Naphthalene is mostly produced from coal tar distillation, and a little from the rest of the fractionation of petroleum, by the molecular formula (C10H8) and in the form of two unified benzene rings. This compound is volatile, volatile even in the form of solids. The vapor produced is flammable. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the use of naphthalene from coal tar waste with camphor naphthalene as concrete admixture, and determine the effect of naphthalene from coal tar waste with camphor naphthalene on concrete toughness, density, water absorption, of concrete compressive strength. It is expected that the use of naphthalene can reduce the use of cement, and reduce water use. But it does not reduce the strength of the concrete so as to reduce costs in making concrete. The variations in the use of camphor naphthalene and coal tar naphthalene are 20%, 30%, 40%


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    This paper discusses the development and strategies of export apparel in Indonesia period 2012 –2016. The purpose of this study is to analyze the development of Indonesia’s apparel exports over period of 5 years ( 2012 –2016 ). This research uses descriptive qualitative method to improve the condition that happened about Indonesia’s apparel. The data used in the research is apparel data from 2012 –2016 obtained by government agencies and literature study. The result show that the development of apparel export in 2012–2013 has increased steadily. But in 2013 –2016 the export of apparel has decreased continuously because of the sluggishness of the world economy and the tightness of international market competition and some strategies can be done by the business and the government’s support for the apparel


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    This paper discusses the development and strategies of export apparel in Indonesia period 2012 –2016. The purpose of this study is to analyze the development of Indonesia’s apparel exports over period of 5 years ( 2012 –2016 ). This research uses descriptive qualitative method to improve the condition that happened about Indonesia’s apparel. The data used in the research is apparel data from 2012 –2016 obtained by government agencies and literature study. The result show that the development of apparel export in 2012–2013 has increased steadily. But in 2013 –2016 the export of apparel has decreased continuously because of the sluggishness of the world economy and the tightness of international market competition and some strategies can be done by the business and the government’s support for the apparel


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    This research aims to analyze business activities and strategic development of Mitra Alam turkey farming Pringsewu Districtof Lampung Province. This research method is a case study, using descriptive data analysis by applying the formulation of economic evaluations which arerevenue, Break Even Point (BEP), R/C ratio and SWOT analysis. These results indicate that turkey farm of Mitra Alam is potential to be developed. The position of Mitra Alamturkey farm is in quadrant II which belongs to diversification area. The priorities strategic for Mitra Alamturkey farm are development of quality product by following the coach and business training to develop turkey breeding in other places, using advanced technologies to increase the quality and quantity according to the preference of people on consumeing high nutritious product, hire a professional animal husbandry to keep the quality, so people know the benefits of Key words: strategic development, SWOT analysis, turkey far


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    The level of population density in Banjar Agung Village, Cipocok Jaya District, Serang City is 1,369.47 People/Km2. The problem of narrow land is a problem that is often experienced by residents in residential areas, including in the Banjar Agung village, especially in the village of Bogeg RW 02 which is a partner in this community service. During the Covid-19 pandemic, food and economic security issues are serious issues that need attention. Seeing these phenomena and problems, the purpose of this activity is to get a fish cultivation system in small media and does not require large land, it is economical, the media is easy to obtain and the technology can be done by everyone. This activity is expected to be a solution to overcome the problem of narrow land but can support food security and the community's economy. The method used is the delivery of materials, the practice of making budikdamber, and evaluation of training activities. The results of the implementation of this activity are catfish farming in 60 liter buckets with maintenance for 30 days producing SR 40-67% harvested biomass reaching 2420gr with an average weight per head of 68.74gr, kale produced as many as 30 bunches and residents of Bogeg RW village 02 is very enthusiastic in budikdamber activities with aquaponics so that it helps in maintaining food security and improving the economy during the pandemic.  ---  Tingkat kepadatan penduduk di Kelurahan Banjar Agung kecamatan Cipocok Jaya Kota Serang sebesar 1.369,47 Jiwa/Km2. Permasalahan lahan sempit merupakan permasalahan yang seringkali dialami oleh warga di pemukiman penduduk tak terkecuali di kelurahan Banjar Agung, khususnya di kampung Bogeg RW 02 yang merupakan mitra dalam pengabdian masyarakat ini. Di masa pandemi Covid-19 ini, masalah ketahanan pangan dan ekonomi menjadi masalah serius yang perlu diperhatikan. Melihat fenomena dan permasalahan tersebut tujuan dari kegiatan ini untuk mendapatkan sistem budidaya ikan dalam media kecil dan tidak memerlukan lahan yang luas, ekonomis, medianya mudah didapatkan dan teknologi yang bisa dilakukan oleh semua orang. kegiatan ini diharapkan mampu menjadi solusi untuk mengatasi permasalahan lahan sempit tetapi dapat mendukung ketahanan pangan dan perekonomian masyarakat. Metode yang digunakan adalah penyampaian materi, praktik pembuatan budikdamber, serta evaluasi kegiatan pelatihan. Hasil dari pelaksanaan kegiatan ini adalah budidaya ikan lele dalam ember 60 liter dengan pemeliharaan selama 30 hari menghasilkan SR 40-67% biomassa panen mencapai 2420gr dengan berat rata-rata per ekor 68,74gr, kangkung yang dihasilkan sebanyak 30 tandan dan warga kampung Bogeg RW 02 sangat antusias dalam kegiatan budikdamber dengan akuaponik sehingga membantu dalam menjaga ketahanan pangan dan meningkatkan perekonomian dimasa pandemik


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    Abstrak Pengabdian masyarakat yang dilakukan di Desa Cipancar bertujuan untuk membantu dalam mendirikan Posyandu Remaja. Posyandu remaja merupakan salah satu bentuk Upaya Kesehatan Bersumber Daya Masyarakat (UKBM) yang dikelola dan diselenggarakan dari, oleh, untuk dan bersama masyarakat termasuk remaja dalam penyelenggaraan pembangunan kesehatan untuk meningkatkan derajat kesehatan dan keterampilan hidup sehat remaja. Pembentukan Posyandu Remaja dan kader kesehatan remaja bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesehatan reproduksi remaja dan sebagai wadah untuk memfasilitasi kebutuhan kesehatan remaja. Diharapkan dengan Pembentukan Posyandu Remaja ini dapat meningkatkan derajat Kesehatan serta meningkatkan pengetahuan kesehatan reproduksi bagi para remaja. Kata Kunci: Posyandu remaja, Kader, Pelatihan, Pembentukan   Abstract Community service carried out in Cipancar Village aims to assist in establishing Youth Posyandu. Adolescent posyandu is one form of Community Resource Health Effort (UKBM) which is managed and organized from, by, for and with the community including adolescents in the implementation of health development to improve the degree of health and healthy life skills of adolescents. The establishment of Adolescent Posyandu and adolescent health cadres aims to improve adolescent reproductive health and as a forum to facilitate adolescent health needs. It is hoped that the establishment of this Adolescent Posyandu can improve the degree of adolescent health and increase reproductive health knowledge for adolescents. Keywords: Youth posyandu, cadre, training, formatio