1,895 research outputs found

    The development of iHARP: a multiple instruction issue processor chip

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    This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.---- Copyright IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.During the last decade RISC ideas on processor architecture have become widely accepted. RISC architectures achieve significant performance advantages over CISC architectures by striving to execute one instruction per cycle. However, a traditional RISC architemre can never execute more than one instruction per cycle. Achieving further performance improvements beyond RISC depends on developing processors which fetch and execute more than one operation in each processor cycle.Final Accepted Versio

    Bright solitary-matter-wave collisions in a harmonic trap: Regimes of solitonlike behavior

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    Systems of solitary waves in the one-dimensional Gross-Pitaevskii equation, which models a trapped atomic Bose-Einstein condensate, are investigated theoretically. To analyze the soliton nature of these solitary waves, a particle analogy for the solitary waves is formulated. Exact soliton solutions exist in the absence of an external trapping potential, which behave in a particlelike manner, and we find the particle analogy we employ to be a good model also when a harmonic trapping potential is present up to a gradual shift in the trajectories when the harmonic trap period is short compared with the collision time of the solitons. We find that the collision time of the solitons is dependent on the relative phase of the solitons as they collide. In the case of two solitons, the particle model is integrable, and the dynamics are completely regular. In the case of a system of two solitary waves of equal norm, the solitons are shown to retain their phase difference for repeated collisions. This phase preservation can be used to find regimes where there is agreement between the wave and particle models. This also implies that soliton regimes may be found in three-dimensional geometries where solitary waves can be made to repeatedly collide out of phase, stabilizing the condensate against collapse. The extension to three particles supports both regular and chaotic regimes. The trajectory shift observed for two solitons carries over to the case of three solitons. This shift aside, the agreement between the particle model and the wave dynamics remains good, even in chaotic regimes

    Application of Hydrogeological parameters for evaluating the thermal resource potential for deep groundwater systems

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    Geothermal energy has significant global potential as a clean non-intermittent energy resource. Exploiting geothermal energy uses water which either flows naturally or is stimulated to flow in the sub-surface within deep aquifers or fractured basement. Therefore, it is necessary to understand fluid flow in the upper crust of the Earth (0–5 km depth). Fluid flow could be through waterbearing porous and permeable media (e.g. sandstones and limestones), fractured dry rocks or fluid filled fault zones. The UK has low to medium temperature geothermal resources related to past intrusive igneous activity. A thorough understanding of these low to medium temperature systems is particularly important, because their usefulness will only be realised by optimising site conditions from a geological and engineering standpoint. It is necessary not only to examine the temperatures at depth but to ensure that fluid flow is sufficient so that the geothermal resource is not quickly depleted. Conversely, we also need to ensure that any fluids removed for heat extraction can be re-injected elsewhere in the system to prevent discharge of warm, chemically unsuitable fluids to surface water courses. The requirement to understand these systems is critical for the UK because economic exploitation of a marginally productive resource relies upon the interplay of several finely balanced factors. This paper presents a hydrogeological evaluation of two geothermal case studies, one from north-east England and one from the North Sea. The applicability of these two case studies to other marginally productive geothermal areas is then discussed

    Bright matter-wave soliton collisions in a harmonic trap : regular and chaotic dynamics

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    Collisions between bright solitary waves in the 1D Gross-Pitaevskii equation with a harmonic potential, which models a trapped atomic Bose-Einstein condensate, are investigated theoretically. A particle analogy for the solitary waves is formulated and shown to be integrable for a two-particle system. The extension to three particles is shown to support chaotic regimes. Good agreement is found between the particle model and simulations of the full wave dynamics, suggesting that the dynamics can be described in terms of solitons both in regular and chaotic regimes, presenting a paradigm for chaos in wave mechanics

    Dichterbij de dagelijkse praktijk? Evaluatieonderzoek naar het inzetten van mystery guest als instrument van toezicht in de ouderenzorg

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    Het afgelopen jaar is door de Inspectie voor de Gezondheidszorg (IGZ) ervaring opgedaan met het inzetten van mystery guests in de intramurale ouderenzorg. Om inzicht te krijgen in de ervaringen met het inzetten van mystery guests als methode van toezicht en in de kwaliteit en bruikbaarheid van de informatie die deze methode oplevert, is in het voorjaar en de zomer van 2012 een inventariserend onderzoek uitgevoerd door het instituut Beleid en Management Gezondheidszorg (iBMG) van de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. Tijdens het onderzoek is gebruik gemaakt van verschillende kwalitatieve onderzoeksmethoden, te weten literatuurstudie, documentenanalyse, webstudie en interviews. In dit rapport bespreken we eerst de context waarin het project zich afspeelt. Specifiek bespreken wij drie factoren die ertoe hebben geleid dat de mystery guests relatief snel zijn ingevoerd als methode van toezicht in de ouderenzorg: (1) de bestuurlijke en maatschappelijke discussie over toezicht op de ouderenzorg, (2) de oproep vanuit de politiek op de IGZ om strenger toezicht uit te voeren en (3) een flexibele definitie van mystery guests. Vervolgens geven we een overzicht van ervaringen met het inzetten van mystery guests (en verwante methoden) als instrument van toezicht in andere toezichtsectoren en elders in de gezondheidszorg. Een belangrijke vraag die hierbij naar voren komt is waar de grens ligt tussen effectief toezicht en “uitlokking”. Dit probleem heeft de IGZ in de praktijk grotendeels kunnen omzeilen door een onafhankelijk bureau in te huren en deze de ruimte te geven de mystery guest bezoeken zelf in te richten

    Evaluation of the isospin asymmetry of the nucleon structure functions with CLAS++

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    The possibility to estimate the isospin symmetry breaking effects in the non-perturbative part of F_2 structure function of the chargeg lN deep-pnelastic scattering, which will provide CLAS++ dewtector of the upgraded TJNAF machine at Q22GeV2Q^2\approx 2 GeV^2, is discussed. The problems of the Gottfried sum rule extraction are also considered.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, presented at BARYONS04 Conference, Palaiseau, France, October 2004, submitted to the Proceedings

    Doelgericht deelnemen Achtergrondstudie naar burgerparicipatie bij het toezicht

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    Sinds de jaren tachtig van de vorige eeuw is er groeiende aandacht voor burgerparticipatie in de gezondheidszorg. Participatie vindt niet alleen op het individuele niveau plaats, waar burgers kunnen kiezen en actief kunnen participeren in beslissingen over hun eigen zorg, maar ook op het collectieve niveau. Patiënten worden gevraagd om het patientenperspectief in te brengen in besluitvorming over bijvoorbeeld richtlijnontwikkeling, onderzoeksagenda’s, overheidsbeleid en kwaliteitsbeleid in ziekenhuizen. Ook bij de IGZ staat burgerparticipatie op de kaart. Er is echter nog weinig bekend over participatie bij toezicht. Om meer inzicht te krijgen in deze materie is door het iBMG

    Under Construction: Reviewing and Producing Information Reliability on the Web

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    Since 1995, medical professionals, governments and independent organizations have been developing special tools to help lay-persons find websites that are guaranteed to give only reliable medical or health-related information. However, as these different actors also recognize, such a simple-sounding goal is incredibly complex; reliability can mean, in the words of one interviewee, “too many things to too many people on too many levels.” The research discussed in this thesis explored several of the different understandings of reliability by juxtaposing discussions from existing literature about what should be done to review information with actual practices of assessing the reliability of information and websites. The project focused on the work of various institutions that claimed to lead lay web end-users to reliable, web-based health or medical information, as well as on the perspectives and practices of patients and other lay end-users of the web. This thesis does not conclude on which approach works “best,” nor does it explicitly criticize any one approach. Rather, it attempts to bring together a variety of approaches and perspectives in order to reconfigure the questions that are being asked about reliability, work, users and their relationship to the web

    Of blooming flowers and multiple sockets: infrastructure Integration and the Technological Imaginary

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    We analyze and discuss the use of two metaphors for integration work in the development of Zorgportaa