29 research outputs found

    Terminología y cerámica andalusí.

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    Remarks on the Mozarabs of al-Andalus

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    This paper is an explanation of the scarce and well-known data about Christians in al-Andalus inside the general evolution of the andalusí society. The mozarabs had to solve the dilemma between the maintenance of the original feudal system or the insertion in the tributary mode of production of the Islamic society. One part of the mozarabs chose to stick to the first option during centuries, but the others were going to be acculturized since early times. As a result of these opposite solutions, the differences with the co-religionists of the Christian Iberian kingdoms became more and more sharp.En el presente artículo se trata de interpretar los limitados, y en buena parte ya conocidos, datos sobre los cristianos de al-Andalus en la evolución general de la sociedad andalusí, en la cual los mozárabes se enfrentarán a la disyuntiva de mantener el sistema feudal originario, o bien insertarse en el modo de producción tributario de la sociedad islámica. Un sector se aferrará a la primera opción durante varios siglos, mientras los restantes se irán aculturizando desde fechas tempranas, lo que acentuará las diferencias con los correligionarios de los reinos cristianos de la Península

    Poblamiento indígena en al-Andalus e indicios del primer poblamiento andalusí

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    The article looks into how eighth-century al-Andalus was populated, proposing two successive stages. In the first, the settling of the conquering population at the old episcopal seats where Arab rulers would establish themselves can be observed. At the same time an intercalated kind of population can also be noticed that is usually known as qilā‛ which can still be appreciated in the toponymy. This initial stage suffered a transformation toward the middle of the century when the ‛āmil-bishop alliance of the cities was substituted by a bigger leadership coming from the rural areas. Within these, important Muladi families in the Marca Superior and the South West emerged, whereas in what is now known as Andalucía that function would be carried out with the installation of Syrian jundis, also settled in the rural milieu, where small villages begin to proliferate.En el artículo se plantea el modo de poblamiento del s. VIII en al-Andalus, sobre el cual se defiende la existencia de dos esquemas sucesivos. En el primero de ellos se advierte el asentamiento de la población conquistadora en las antiguas sedes episcopales donde se situarán gobernadores árabes, y asimismo en un tipo de poblamiento intercalar, que suele recibir el nombre de qilā‛ y que ha dejado su rastro en la toponimia. Ese esquema originario se verá transformado hacia la mitad del siglo, al sustituirse la alianza ‛āmilobispo en las ciudades por un mayor protagonismo de los medios rurales; en éstos aparecen grandes linajes muladíes en la Marca Superior y en el SO, mientras que en la actual Andalucía esa función será llevada a cabo con la instalación de los ŷundíes sirios, también asentados en los medios rurales, donde comienzan a proliferar las alquerías

    Dos textos mudéjares de la serranía de Ronda (1491)

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    This article presents two "mudejar" texts about the Serrania of Ronda. dated in 1491 and written in the dialectal Arabic of Granada. The author makes a linguistic and historical commentary of both texts. The first one is about the prohibition of the "mudejares" of possessing weapons, and we can see how the royal decrees are worsening in this sense, till 1486 they had to stop the greed of their Christian neighbours, who accused them of having old iron in their houses, because halft of the penalty was for the accuser. A disposition of 1501 shows us that edicts were assigned to the Moorish people too. The second text is about a particular case in the life of the frontier: in 1471 the citizens of Casares steal a herd of cattle from Marina de Villalobos, she lived in Gibraltar and it was on the lands of that village. Reprisals were made after that event, and, Marina de Villalobos went to the Court of Granada to ask for justice. The lawsuit begins after the conquest, which lasted till 1493; the sentence was unfavorable for the council that suffers a loss in its incomes which were auctioned in Ronda, in 1491; in order to pay a fine of 974.000 maravedies. This sum had to be paid in 1501, but it was not done regularly. This is an unusual case which shows us how the Crown does not respect agreements because it judges an event which happened fifteen years before the conquest

    Estelas cerámicas epigrafiadas en la alcazaba de Málaga

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    Consideraciones sobre los Mozárabes de Al-Andalus, Remarks on the Mozarabs of al-Andalus

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    En el presente artículo se trata de interpretar los limitados, y en buena parte ya conocidos, datos sobre los cristianos de al-Andalus en la evolución general de la sociedad andalusí, en la cual los mozárabes se enfrentarán a la disyuntiva de mantener el sistema feudal originario, o bien insertarse en el modo de producción tributario de la sociedad islámica. Un sector se aferrará a la primera opción durante varios siglos, mientras los restantes se irán aculturizando desde fechas tempranas, lo que acentuará las diferencias con los correligionarios de los reinos cristianos de la Península.</p