46 research outputs found

    “ Pembuatan Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Manajemen Poliklinik UPN “Veteran” Jawa Timur ”

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    ABSTRAKSI Poliklinik di UPN “Veteran” Jatim merupakan badan usaha sosial yang didirikan pada tahun 1997. Dalam era globalisasi sekarang ini, poliklinik dituntut untuk meningkatkan kinerja dan daya saing sebagai badan usaha dengan tidak mengurangi misi sosial yang dibawanya. Poliklinik harus merumuskan kebijakankebijakan strategis antara lain efisiensi dari dalam (organisasi, manajemen, serta SDM) serta harus mampu secara cepat dan tepat mengambil keputusan untuk peningkatan pelayanan kepada masyarakat agar dapat menjadi organisasi yang responsif, inovatif, efektif, efisien dan menguntungkan. Poliklinik sebagai salah satu institusi pelayanan umum dibidang kesehatan membutuhkan keberadaan suatu sistem informasi yang akurat dan handal, serta cukup memadai untuk meningkatkan pelayanannya kepada para pasien serta lingkungan yang terkait lainnya. Pelayanan kesehatan di Poliklinik perlu adanya dukungan dari berbagai faktor yang terkait, salah satunya adalah terselenggaranya rekam medis yang sesuai dengan standar yang berlaku. Rekam medis merupakan berkas yang berisi catatan, dan dokumen tentang identitas pasien, anamesa, pemeriksaan, pengobatan, tindakan dan pelayanan lain kepada pasien pada sarana pelayanan pasien. Rekam medis ini bersifat rahasia, aman dan berisi informasi yang dapat diper-tanggungjawabkan. Pada penelitian Tugas Akhir ini, akan dilakukan pembuatan suatu aplikasi untuk menerima atau registrasi pasien baru dan pencari data-data di Poliklinik UPN “Veteran” Jawa Timur berupa aplikasi desktop. Tujuan dari aplikasi ini adalah membantu pihak admin dalam menangani proses pendataan pasien, dokter, rekam medis pasien dan pencarian data-datanya. Hasil dari pembuatan aplikasi sipoli ini didasari untuk memberikan kemudahan pada pihak admin maupun dokter untuk melakukan tugasnya agar kinerja pelayanan kesehatan terhadap lingkup UPN “Veteran” Jawa Timur maupun masyarakat sekitar menjadi lebih efisien, efektif dan menguntungkan bagi pasien maupun pihak Poliklinik. Keyword : Teknologi Informasi ,Poliklinik UPN “Veteran” Jawa Timur Hak Cipt

    Peran Strategis Kaum Perempuan dalam Mewujudkan Masyarakat Religi

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    This article explains about the position of Gender in an Islamic perspective and the role of women in the pursue and develop a generation that have a strong soul, great thinking and behavior that is dignified in the life of society, nation and State.Through the study of concepts and the results of the study of some researchers who have been dipublis through journals, both national and International writers gain an overview that Gender equality is not equal rights over men and women because each has its own characteristics. But more meaningful Gender Justice, equality inherent in every employee without having to see the gender (male or sister). While the role of each in creating the development community can be taken by men and women. Islam is very appreciative of women, likewise against males. If the man is a leader (qawwamuna) over women, but heaven is located on women. To the extent that the Prophet gave illustrations of the 3:1 (three as opposed to one) among women with men in terms of the means to a child. Thus, the perception that on behalf of religion to oppress women is a big mistake

    Empowering Identity among English Teachers in the 4.0 Industrial Revolution: Perspectives from Tomini Bay

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    This paper discusses the issue of foreign English language teachers in the Tomini Bay area in Indonesia. Utilizing several theories such as the theory of empowerment and agency as well as teachers' identity development, this qualitative research presents a study with the interview data from 10 teachers who live and teach in the Tomini Bay area. The data were analyzed by coding the interview materials into several main areas of interest. From this, several themes emerged for discussion that seemed to be influential and contribute to understanding teachers and their experiences in the language teaching context. The study reveals that teachers' views of their remuneration, their views of teaching in this technology era and pandemic situation, and their views of local potential teaching resources are significantly different from teachers who are classified as 'empowered identity' than those who are not in the category. However, the necessity of government intervention in English language teaching success in their area emerges as a crucial factor viewed by all the 10 teachers' recollections. It is hoped that this paper discussion can reveal factors that should be considered in a model offered to develop EFL teachers and their identity development in the Tomini Bay area, which later affects the success of English teaching in the surroundings and subsequently impacts English language teaching success in Indonesia

    Analisis Identifikasi dan Guilt pada Teori Dramatisme Kenneth Burke dalam Film “They Live 1988”

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    According to Burke, Dramatism means humans can learn and understand motives in all human interactions through symbols. Burke sees that the motives behind people's actions are essential for analyzing and finding out why people do and say what they do. Apart from the dramatic Pentad which is one of the important concepts in dramatism, there are identification, guilt and ratio. There are six ways of identification, formal patterns, framing, ambiguous symbols, mystification, and scapegoats. There are two forms of guilt, namely mortification and victimage. There are two forms of guilt, mortification and labeling the enemy or the victim of victimage. This study aims to analyze existing data to present the basic findings of dramatism theory, identification and guilt in the film "They Life 1988". This research was conducted with a qualitative descriptive approach, by analyzing findings from previous research or secondary data which will generate basic findings as the results of the analysis, namely: identifying which there are six parts, namely identification, formal patterns, framing, ambiguous symbols, mystification and scapegoat. Then it generates guilt in which there are two parts, mortification and labeling of the enemy or the victim of vicitimage

    Analisis Identifikasi dan Guilt pada Teori Dramatisme Kenneth Burke dalam Film “They Live 1988”

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    According to Burke, Dramatism means humans can learn and understand motives in all human interactions through symbols. Burke sees that the motives behind people's actions are essential for analyzing and finding out why people do and say what they do. Apart from the dramatic Pentad which is one of the important concepts in dramatism, there are identification, guilt and ratio. There are six ways of identification, formal patterns, framing, ambiguous symbols, mystification, and scapegoats. There are two forms of guilt, namely mortification and victimage. There are two forms of guilt, mortification and labeling the enemy or the victim of victimage. This study aims to analyze existing data to present the basic findings of dramatism theory, identification and guilt in the film "They Life 1988". This research was conducted with a qualitative descriptive approach, by analyzing findings from previous research or secondary data which will generate basic findings as the results of the analysis, namely: identifying which there are six parts, namely identification, formal patterns, framing, ambiguous symbols, mystification and scapegoat. Then it generates guilt in which there are two parts, mortification and labeling of the enemy or the victim of vicitimage

    Pembagian warisan pada warga Lembaga Dakwah Islam Indonesia (LDII): studi kasus pada warga Lembaga Dakwah Islam Indonesia Kecamatan Kenjeran Kota Surabaya

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    Penelitian ini fokus pada pembagian warisan pada warga Lembaga Dakwah Islam Indonesia (LDII) Kecamatan Kenjeran Kota Surabaya. Permasalahan yang dibahas adalah konsep pembagian warisan dalam hukum kewarisan Islam dan pelaksanaan pembagian warisan pada warga LDII Kecamatan Kenjeran Kota Surabaya dalam perspektif maqasid al-mirath. Pendekatan dalam penelitian ini adalah sosiologi hukum, dan teori yang digunakan adalah teori kredo dan teori maqasid al-mirath, adapun jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan dengan metode kualitatif. Sumber data terdiri dari data primer yang diperoleh dengan teknik wawancara, dan data sekunder diperoleh dengan teknik dokumentasi, kemudian data diolah dengan teknik edit, pengelompokan, analisis secara induktif dan berakhir dengan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan, bahwa pembagian warisan dalam Islam berdasarkan hukum kewarisan Islam yang bersumber dari al-Qur’an, hadis, dan Ijtihad. Ahli waris mempunyai kewajiban terhadap pewaris sebelum harta peninggalan dibagikan, dan apabila dalam pembagian warisan terjadi kasus bagian ahli waris tidak sesuai dengan kebutuhan yang mendesak atau tidak sesuai dengan keinginan pribadi, maka berlaku metode penyesuaian pembagian harta warisan, yaitu metode musyawarah damai (tasaluh atau takharuj). Sedangkan pembagian warisan yang dilakukan oleh warga LDII dilakukan berdasarkan hukum kewarisan Islam dengan didampingi para mubalig LDII dalam pembagian warisan. Sebelum pembagian warisan, para ahli waris menjalankan kewajiban terhadap (harta) pewaris, dan mereka diperkenankan untuk melakukan musyawarah damai (tasaluh atau takharuj) dalam pendistribusian harta mereka setelah pembagian warisan secara hukum Islam. Pembagian tersebut apabila dianalisis dengan teori kredo, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa secara umum warga LDII merupakan warga yang taat hukum Islam sebagai konsekuensi logis terhadap ajaran yang dianutnya. Dan apabila dianalisis dengan teori maqasid al-mirath, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa pembagian warisan yang dilakukan telah memenuhi aspek-aspek dalam maqasid al-mirath, dengan demikian maka prinsip keadilan, persamaan, dan tolong menolong dalam lingkup warga LDII Kecamatan Kenjeran Kota dapat terealisasikan

    Analisis Kebutuhan Materi Ajar “Berbicara Bahasa Arab” Berbasis Pendekatan Komunikatif bagi Pembelajar Non-Bahasa Arab

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    Speaking is very synonymous with a person's ability to use the language in communication. Therefore, to have Arabic skill means that ability to use the Arabic language in speaking. Not just to say "Arab" that everyone can do it. But, however, speaking is often considered as a big problem, so it is not uncommon to target this ability is avoided because it is considered difficult. In addition, for Indonesian people, especially who do not or rarely interact with people who speak Arabic in their daily life, speaking Arabic is is bored thing and it does not become a necessity. In fact, every human being is given a gift by God in the form of the ability to speak. Even in terms of mantiq science, human is referred to as "al-hayawan al-natiq" (human being is a living being who speaks). This study analyzed the need to speak Arabic as a foreign language in the State Islamic College (PTKIN) includes needs category, learning method in Communicative approach. From the result of the research, it can be concluded that the non-linguistic department students in PTKIN (especially UIN Raden Fatah Palembang) are included in the category of beginner in learning Arabic, while the Arabic learning requirement category is included in the category of normative needs. However, with a communicative approach the Arabic learner can achieve speaking skills in the form of short conversations and introducing himself


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    The aims of this research is to explore and  to represent the form and the characteristics of  linguistic politeness, linguistic strategy,  the realization and the implication of siri’ cultural value in Buginese Pinrang society. This research applied etnomethodology viewed from pragmatics, semiotics, and face wants concept from Brown and Levinson (1987). The results of this research show the characteristics and the forms of linguistic politeness through some morphemes marked such asprefixes t and ta, suffix pronouns ta,ki, ni and some vocabularies such as honorific vocabularies such as puang, andi, daeng, and some lexemes iye, tabe, taddampengenga, some pragmatic politeness in some maxims, such as generousity,approbation, modesty, and sympathy, and  four  strategies of linguistic politeness, namely bald on record strategy, positive,  negative, off record strategy, and the realization and the implication of siri’ as a basic value such as ethics and language politeness, self image, courage, solidarity, and cooperation


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    Strengthening the Village SDGs is a government program to provide the value of a prosperous life for today's society, by increasing all potential in achieving goals both in terms of social, economic and environmental comprehensively in the realization of community welfare. Empowerment of management and processing of natural and environmental resource potential which is the community's foundation in cultivating economic resilience for quality and equitable growth which is one of the seven development agendas in the president's vision and mission with the policy direction of the 2020-2024 RPJMN. The implementation of the Village SDGs can be realized if the entire community can play an active role in developing village economic resilience.Therefore, it is necessary to have "Community Empowerment through the Development of Village SDGs for Improving Welfare, Living Standards Grow Evenly". The State University of Gorontalo has participated in the success of the SDGs activities. One of the areas that was used as the location was Moahudu Village through the Thematic Village Community Service Program (KKN) activities. The Thematic Village Community Service Program activities in Moahudu Village are building the livestock sector with a work program for cattle farming counseling, technical guidance on animal feed technology, cattle health services and planting superior forage forage


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    The Implementation period of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) has a major impact on all community activities in Indonesia. Likewise with community service activities organized by government agencies. The Office of Religious Affairs (KUA) as the spearhead of community service is required to provide optimal services in the midst of the Covid-19 outbreak in accordance with the instructions of the Director General of Islamic Community Guidance Number P-001/ DJ. III/Hk.007/07/2021. In this study, researchers conducted research at KUA Junrejo Subdistrict of Batu City using qualitative research methods of case study type. Data collection techniques use interviews, documentation, and observation. The results of this observation for people's lives according to maslahah mursalah who answer the problems of society. Antigen swab test policy for both brides-to-be, marriage guardians and 2 (two) witnesses as an additional condition in marriage in the Emergency PPKM Period. The antigen swab test is useful to reduce the number of Covid-19 spread in Indonesia. Keyword: PPKM Period, Marriage