1,142 research outputs found

    Apuntes para una ‘poesía de viajes’ en José Emilio Pacheco

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    In the last decades there has been a growing interest in travel literature, which is one of the most ancient genders, and it is only until now that it has beings subjected to some intents of theatrical systematization. It is true that most of the critical studies see this literature from an especially narrative approach, with a clear primacy of sub genders like the novel, the story and the chronicle, in this essay I claim the existence of a ‘poetry of travels’ from the lyrical work by the Mexican writer José Emilio Pacheco.En décadas recientes ha habido un interés creciente por la literatura de viajes, uno de los más antiguos géneros que sólo últimamente está siendo objeto de tentativas de sistematización teórica. Si bien la mayoría de los estudios críticos abordan esta literatura desde un corpus esencialmente narrativo, con una clara primacía de subgéneros como la novela, el relato o la crónica, en este ensayo planteo la existencia de una ‘poesía de viajes’ a partir de la obra lírica del mexicano José Emilio Pacheco

    Cost-Efficient Data Backup for Data Center Networks against {\epsilon}-Time Early Warning Disaster

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    Data backup in data center networks (DCNs) is critical to minimize the data loss under disaster. This paper considers the cost-efficient data backup for DCNs against a disaster with ε\varepsilon early warning time. Given geo-distributed DCNs and such a ε\varepsilon-time early warning disaster, we investigate the issue of how to back up the data in DCN nodes under risk to other safe DCN nodes within the ε\varepsilon early warning time constraint, which is significant because it is an emergency data protection scheme against a predictable disaster and also help DCN operators to build a complete backup scheme, i.e., regular backup and emergency backup. Specifically, an Integer Linear Program (ILP)-based theoretical framework is proposed to identify the optimal selections of backup DCN nodes and data transmission paths, such that the overall data backup cost is minimized. Extensive numerical results are also provided to illustrate the proposed framework for DCN data backup

    Neuro-symbolic Models for Interpretable Time Series Classification using Temporal Logic Description

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    Most existing Time series classification (TSC) models lack interpretability and are difficult to inspect. Interpretable machine learning models can aid in discovering patterns in data as well as give easy-to-understand insights to domain specialists. In this study, we present Neuro-Symbolic Time Series Classification (NSTSC), a neuro-symbolic model that leverages signal temporal logic (STL) and neural network (NN) to accomplish TSC tasks using multi-view data representation and expresses the model as a human-readable, interpretable formula. In NSTSC, each neuron is linked to a symbolic expression, i.e., an STL (sub)formula. The output of NSTSC is thus interpretable as an STL formula akin to natural language, describing temporal and logical relations hidden in the data. We propose an NSTSC-based classifier that adopts a decision-tree approach to learn formula structures and accomplish a multiclass TSC task. The proposed smooth activation functions for wSTL allow the model to be learned in an end-to-end fashion. We test NSTSC on a real-world wound healing dataset from mice and benchmark datasets from the UCR time-series repository, demonstrating that NSTSC achieves comparable performance with the state-of-the-art models. Furthermore, NSTSC can generate interpretable formulas that match with domain knowledge

    Celebración y recontextualización de la lírica náhuatl en el Canto a México, de Ernesto Cardenal

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    A few months before his death in early 2020, Ernesto Cardenal (1925-2020) published his Canto a México (2019), a collection of poems devoted to the civilizations of ancient Mexico. This is the first anthological grouping of a series of compositions that the poet had consecrated to the Mesoamerican cultures, texts that, until now, had figured as part of previous books from Homenaje a los indios americanos (1969) to Los ovnis de oro. Poemas indios (1988), a book that went through successive reissues. This study reflects on the meaning of the publication of such a thematic anthology, a few months before the poet’s death, a collection which symbolically closes the trajectory of the Nicaraguan poet. I analyse the textual resources of the celebration of pre-Cortesian poetry but also the recontextualisation of its legacy and the meanings that emerge from the insertion of such discourses in current times and societies. Pocos meses antes de su fallecimiento, Ernesto Cardenal (1925-2020) publicó el Canto a México (2019), una colección de poemas consagrados a las civilizaciones del México antiguo. Se trató de la primera antología que el poeta consagró a los pueblos mesoamericanos, textos que, hasta este momento, habían figurado como partes de libros anteriores, en particular desde el Homenaje a los indios americanos (1969) hasta Los ovnis de oro. Poemas indios (1992), que conoció sucesivas reediciones y ampliaciones. El presente estudio reflexiona sobre el significado de la publicación de semejante agrupación temática en los últimos momentos de la vida de Cardenal, colección que clausura simbólicamente la trayectoria del nicaragüense. Se analizan, por una parte, los recursos textuales de la celebración de la poesía precortesiana y, por otra, la recontextualización del legado prehispánico y los significados que emergen de la inserción de tales discursos en el tiempo y las sociedades actuales.&nbsp

    Evocación y apropiación de la muerte de Federico García Lorca en el poema "Rojos" de Juan Gelman

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    Este artículo analiza el tratamiento del referente de la Guerra Civil Española y particularmente el asesinato de Federico García Lorca en el poema “Rojos” de Relaciones (1973) de Juan Gelman. Se estudian los significados que emergen cuando el poeta argentino funde dos acontecimientos históricos irreductibles: el asesinato del poeta Lorca en Granada en 1936 por un lado y, por otro, la opresión política en Argentina a finales de los años sesenta y comienzos de los setenta. Se subraya así cómo, además de su valor como homenaje lírico al poeta andaluz, el texto de Gelman alegoriza la muerte de Lorca y enfatiza la persistencia de la opresión en el mundo.This article studies how the Spanish Civil War and especially the assassination of Federico García Lorca are treated in the poem “Rojos” of Relaciones (1973) by Juan Gelman. Emphasis is put on the meanings that arise when the Argentine poet combines in his text two distant historical events: the assassination of the poet Lorca in Granada in 1936 and the political oppression in Argentina in the late Sixties and early Seventies. Beyond the lyrical homage to the Andalusian poet, Gelman’s “Rojos” allegorizes Lorca’s death and underlines the persistence of oppression in the world

    Blocking Probability of f -Cast Optical Banyan Networks on Vertical Stacking

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    Abstract-Vertical stacking of banyan networks has been an attractive architecture to construct optical switching networks due to its small depth, absolute signal loss uniformity and good fault tolerance property. Recently, F.K.Hwang extended the study of banyan-based networks to the general f -cast case, which covers the unicast (f = 1) and multicast (f = N ) as special cases. In this paper, we study the blocking probability of f -cast optical banyan networks under crosstalk-free constraint. It is expected that the proposed probability model can be used to dimension such an f -cast network and achieve a graceful tradeoff between hardware cost and blocking probability

    Link-Based Route Choice Considering Risk Aversion, Disappointment, and Regret

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    In networks with uncertain link travel times route guidance information should consider traveller preferences (1). Risk-averse travellers prefer safer options but might feel unsatisfied if it turns out that their decision has been based on wrong expectations. This paper therefore proposes a new approach to take regret, disappointment and risk aversion into consideration in route navigation. Limited information is assumed: The router knows minimum and maximum travel times of links but not the probability distribution of link travel times. Routes using only potentially optimal links are chosen by weighting the travel times scenarios expected on a given path and taking into account the cost of alternative options. Two approaches are explored, referred to as global and local search. The local search can be implemented as a fast method avoiding path search by guiding travellers link by link. As a drawback local search potentially can lead to cyclic paths. Possibilities to overcome the cyclic path issue and boundary properties of both approaches are discussed. Monte Carlo simulation on a US network suggests that the two approaches can provide good solutions to the problem of route choice under severe lack of information. The local search seems to be particularly promising

    Real Space Renormalization Group for Langevin Dynamics in Absence of Translational Invariance

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    A novel exact dynamical real space renormalization group for a Langevin equation derivable from a Euclidean Gaussian action is presented. It is demonstrated rigorously that an algebraic temporal law holds for the Green function on arbitrary structures of infinite extent. In the case of fractals it is shown on specific examples that two different fixed points are found at variance with periodic structures. Connection with growth dynamics of interfaces is also discussed.Comment: 22 pages, RevTex 3.0, 5 figures available upon request from [email protected], to be published in J.Stat.Phy