18 research outputs found

    Cortisol: funcions i import脿ncia del receptor glucocorticoide : una visi贸 comparada

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    Les hormones corticoesteroides s贸n essencials per a la regulaci贸 d'una gran varietat de processos fisiol貌gics. El cortisol 茅s el principal corticoesteroide en peixos teleostis, amb funcions glucocorticoides i mineralocorticoides. 脡s el principal indicador de la resposta a l'estr猫s, i la principal hormona en el control de l'osmorregulaci贸 en peixos, especialment per a l'adaptaci贸 a l'aigua marina. Tamb茅 interv茅 en la regulaci贸 de la resposta inflamat貌ria inhibint la producci贸 de citocines despr茅s d'una infecci贸 experimental per l'endotoxina dels bacteris gramnegatius o LPS. Una infecci贸 experimental per LPS desencadena una reacci贸 immunit脿ria innata que activa una resposta inflamat貌ria. Les citocines produ茂des en resposta a aquesta infecci贸 activen l'eix hipotal脿mic-pitu茂tari-interrenal (HPI) mitjan莽ant l'activaci贸 de l'hormona adrenocorticotropa (ACTH) i l'alliberaci贸 de cortisol. Tamb茅, els efectes de les hormones corticoesteroides estan regulats a trav茅s de receptors intracell. ulars espec铆fics que actuen com a factors de transcripci贸 dependents del lligand i activen diferents gens implicats en la resposta a l'estr猫s. Aquests receptors s贸n el receptor de tipus i o receptor mineralocorticoide (MR) i el receptor de tipus ii o receptor glucocorticoide (GR). Per tant, la comunicaci贸 neuroimmunoendocrina en els vertebrats 茅s crucial per a mantenir l'home貌stasi i el receptor de cortisol hi t茅 un paper clau.Corticosteroid hormones are essential for the regulation of a wide variety of physiological processes. Cortisol is the most important corticoesteroid in teleost fish, with glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid functions. It is the principal indicator of stress response, and it is the main hormone in osmoregulation in fish, especially in seawater adaptation. It also participates in the regulation of the inflammatory response inhibiting the production of cytokines after an immune challenge by the endotoxin of gramnegative bacteria or LPS. An experimental infection by LPS unleash an innate immune reaction that activates an inflamatory response. The cytokines produced in response to exposure to LPS are also involved in the activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-interrenal axis (HPI) through the activation of the adrenocorticotropin hormone (ACTH) and the cortisol release. On the other hand, the effects of corticosteroid hormones are mediated through intracellular receptors that act as ligand-dependant transcription factors and activate different genes involve in the stress response. These receptors are the receptor type I or mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) and the receptor type II or glucocorticoid receptor (GR). Therefore, the neuro-immune-endocrine comunication in vertebrates is crucial to maintain the homeostasis and the cortisol receptor plays a key role

    Cortisol : funcions i import脿ncia del receptor glucocorticoide : una visi贸 comparada

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    Les hormones corticoesteroides s贸n essencials per a la regulaci贸 d'una gran varietat de processos fisiol貌gics. El cortisol 茅s el principal corticoesteroide en peixos teleostis, amb funcions glucocorticoides i mineralocorticoides. 脡s el principal indicador de la resposta a l'estr猫s, i la principal hormona en el control de l'osmorregulaci贸 en peixos, especialment per a l'adaptaci贸 a l'aigua marina. Tamb茅 interv茅 en la regulaci贸 de la resposta inflamat貌ria inhibint la producci贸 de citocines despr茅s d'una infecci贸 experimental per l'endotoxina dels bacteris gramnegatius o LPS. Una infecci贸 experimental per LPS desencadena una reacci贸 immunit脿ria innata que activa una resposta inflamat貌ria. Les citocines produ茂des en resposta a aquesta infecci贸 activen l'eix hipotal脿mic-pitu茂tari-interrenal (HPI) mitjan莽ant l'activaci贸 de l'hormona adrenocorticotropa (ACTH) i l'alliberaci贸 de cortisol. Tamb茅, els efectes de les hormones corticoesteroides estan regulats a trav茅s de receptors intracell. ulars espec铆fics que actuen com a factors de transcripci贸 dependents del lligand i activen diferents gens implicats en la resposta a l'estr猫s. Aquests receptors s贸n el receptor de tipus i o receptor mineralocorticoide (MR) i el receptor de tipus ii o receptor glucocorticoide (GR). Per tant, la comunicaci贸 neuroimmunoendocrina en els vertebrats 茅s crucial per a mantenir l'home貌stasi i el receptor de cortisol hi t茅 un paper clau.Corticosteroid hormones are essential for the regulation of a wide variety of physiological processes. Cortisol is the most important corticoesteroid in teleost fish, with glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid functions. It is the principal indicator of stress response, and it is the main hormone in osmoregulation in fish, especially in seawater adaptation. It also participates in the regulation of the inflammatory response inhibiting the production of cytokines after an immune challenge by the endotoxin of gramnegative bacteria or LPS . An experimental infection by LPS unleash an innate immune reaction that activates an inflamatory response. Thecytokines produced in response to exposure to LPS are also involved in the activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-interrenal axis (HPI) through the activation of the adrenocorticotropin hormone (ACTH) and the cortisol release. On the other hand, the effects of corticosteroid hormones are mediated through intracellular receptors that act as ligand-dependant transcription factors and activate different genes involve in the stress response. These receptors are the receptor type I or mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) and the receptor type II or glucocorticoid receptor(GR). Therefore, the neuro-immune-endocrine comunication in vertebrates is crucial to maintain the homeostasis and the cortisol receptor plays a key role

    Bacterial lipopolysaccharide induces apoptosis in the trout ovary

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    BACKGROUND: In mammals it is well known that infections can lead to alterations in reproductive function. As part of the innate immune response, a number of cytokines and other immune factors is produced during bacterial infection or after treatment with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and acts on the reproductive system. In fish, LPS can also induce an innate immune response but little is known about the activation of the immune system by LPS on reproduction in fish. Therefore, we conducted studies to examine the in vivo and in vitro effects of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) on the reproductive function of sexually mature female trout. METHODS: In saline- and LPS -injected brook trout, we measured the concentration of plasma steroids as well as the in vitro steroidogenic response (testosterone and 17alpha-hydroxyprogesterone) of ovarian follicles to luteinizing hormone (LH), the ability of 17alpha,20beta-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one to induce germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) in vitro, and that of epinephrine to stimulate follicular contraction in vitro. We also examined the direct effects of LPS in vitro on steroid production, GVBD and contraction in brook trout ovarian follicles. The incidence of apoptosis was evaluated by TUNEL analysis. Furthermore, we examined the gene expression pattern in the ovary of saline- and LPS-injected rainbow trout by microarray analysis. RESULTS: LPS treatment in vivo did not affect plasma testosterone concentration or the basal in vitro production of steroids, although a small but significant potentiation of the effects of LH on testosterone production in vitro was observed in ovarian follicles from LPS-treated fish. In addition, LPS increased the plasma concentration of cortisol. LPS treatment in vitro did not affect the basal or LH-stimulated steroid production in brook trout ovarian follicles. In addition, we did not observe any effects of LPS in vivo or in vitro on GVBD or follicular contraction. Therefore, LPS did not appear to impair ovarian steroid production, oocyte final maturation or follicular contraction under the present experimental conditions. Interestingly, LPS administration in vivo induced apoptosis in follicular cells, an observation that correlated with changes in the expression of genes involved in apoptosis, as evidenced by microarray analysis. CONCLUSION: These results indicate that female trout are particularly resistant to an acute administration of LPS in terms of ovarian hormone responsiveness. However, LPS caused a marked increase in apoptosis in follicular cells, suggesting that the trout ovary could be sensitive to the pro-apoptotic effects of LPS-induced inflammatory cytokines

    HIV-1-RNA Decay and Dolutegravir Concentrations in Semen of Patients Starting a First Antiretroviral Regimen

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    Background. The objective of this study was to quantify human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) type 1 RNA decay and dolutegravir (DTG) concentrations in the semen of HIV-infected patients receiving DTG-based first-line therapy

    Estr猫s i resposta immuno-endocrina en peixos : caracteritzaci贸 del receptor glucocorticoide en l'orada (Sparus Aurata) i el seu paper en la resposta inflamat貌ria /

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    Consultable des del TDXT铆tol obtingut de la portada digitalitzadaEl cortisol 茅s el principal glucocorticoide en peixos teleostis, assumint tamb茅 funcions com a mineralocorticoide. 脡s el principal indicador de la resposta a l'estr猫s, per貌 tamb茅 participa en diverses vies metab貌liques, 茅s immunosupresor amb funcions antiinflamat貌ries i 茅s la principal hormona osmorreguladora en peixos. Al fetge, els glucocorticoides augmenten la transcripci贸 de gens implicats en la gluconeog猫nesi, en el catabolisme dels amino脿cids i en la resposta de fase aguda. La secreci贸 de cortisol en peixos est脿 regulada per l'eix hipotal脿mico-pituit脿rio-interrenal (HPI), equivalent a l'eix hipotal脿mico-pituit脿rio-adrenal (HPA) en mam铆fers. Les hormones corticosteroidees, en mam铆fers, actuen a trav茅s de receptors intracel路lulars espec铆fics: el receptor mineralocorticoide (MR) i el receptor glucocorticoide (GR). Ambd贸s actuen com a factors de transcripci贸 depenents del lligand. Darrerament s'ha demostrat que algunes esp猫cies de peixos expressen un MR i/o m茅s d'un GR. En aquest treball hem clonat, per primera vegada, el GR de l'orada (Sparus aurata). La regi贸 codificant es tradueix en una prote茂na putativa de 784 aa i mostra elevada homologia amb els principals dominis funcionals, domini d'uni贸 a DNA i domini d'uni贸 a l'hormona, d'altres GR, inclosos els de mam铆fers. L'expressi贸 del GR de l'orada 茅s ubiqua en els teixits i s'ha detectat a tots els teixits estudiats: cor, fetge, melsa, rony贸 anterior i posterior, intest铆, g貌nada, teixit adip贸s, br脿nquia, cervell i m煤scul. La resposta global a l'estr猫s requereix la interacci贸 neuro-immuno-endocrina mitjan莽ant comunicacions paracrines bidireccionals. Aquesta comunicaci贸 茅s important per a mantenir la homeostasi en diferents condicions estressants, inclosa l'endotox猫mia. L'endotoxina dels bacteris gramnegatius o LPS, en els vertebrats, desencadena una reacci贸 immunit脿ria complexa que implica la producci贸 de citoquines proinflamat貌ries per part dels macr貌fags, principalment el TNF? (factor de necrosi tumoral ?) i la IL-1? (interleuquina 1 beta). Les citoquines produ茂des en resposta al LPS estan implicades tamb茅 en l'activaci贸 de l'eix HPA i activen, per tant, l'alliberaci贸 de cortisol. Els nostres resultats mostren que l'administraci贸 in vivo de LPS estimula l'eix HPI en l'orada desencadenant l'alliberaci贸 de cortisol, seguint un patr贸 de resposta aguda. Aquesta hormona modula la resposta inflamat貌ria inhibint la producci贸 de citoquines indu茂des per LPS. El nostre estudi mostra que aquesta regulaci贸 es podria donar a trav茅s del GR perqu猫 interfereix amb els factors de transcripci贸 encarregats d'induir la transcripci贸 de gens implicats en la resposta inflamat貌ria. L'expressi贸 del GR en l'orada despr茅s d'una injecci贸 de LPS ve regulada de manera espec铆fica segons el temps i el teixit. En general, veiem que existeix una correlaci贸 inversa entre els nivells de cortisol plasm脿tic i els nivells d'expressi贸 del GR en els teixits. La injecci贸 intraperitoneal de LPS tamb茅 augmenta l'expressi贸 d'altres gens immunes (TNF?, IL1?, prote茂na Mx, catepsina D, receptor activat proliferador de peroxisoma gamma (PPAR?)) en els principals teixits immunol貌gics de l'orada, concretament a rony贸 anterior, melsa, intest铆 anterior i br脿nquies. Els canvis en l'expressi贸 d'aquests gens s贸n diferents en funci贸 del teixit i el temps. En el cultiu primari d'hepat貌cits d'orada, dosis baixes d'un est铆mul immune (rTNF?) o endocr铆 (cortisol) alteren l'expressi贸 de gens immunes (TNF?, IL1? i PPAR?) i endocrins (GR, catD), respectivament. Aplicant dosis m茅s elevades es disminueix l'expressi贸 de TNF? i GR, 12 hores despr茅s del tractament endocr铆 per貌 no es detecten canvis amb el tractament immune. Els canvis en l'expressi贸 d'aquests dos gens, despr茅s del tractament endocr铆 amb dosis altes, segueix una seq眉猫ncia temporal, ja que 3 hores despr茅s augmenta l'expressi贸 del GR i disminueix l'expressi贸 del TNF?. Aquesta resposta demostra que, en peixos, la resposta inflamat貌ria pot estar regulada per les interaccions entre el cortisol i el seu receptor (GR). Finalment, la perca europea (Perca fluviatilis) sotmesa a factors estressants t铆pics de les pr脿ctiques aq眉铆coles (transport i manipulaci贸) mostra la resposta fisiol貌gica prim脿ria d'alliberaci贸 de cortisol per貌 baix nivell d'activitat en les respostes secund脿ries, com la glucosa i el lactat.Cortisol is the main glucocorticoid in teleosts, playing a rule also as mineralocorticoid. It is the main stress response indicator, but also participates in different metabolic pathways, as an immune-supressor with antiinflamatory actions and is the main osmorregulatory hormone in fishes. In the liver, glucocorticoids increase the gene transcription involved in gluconeogenesis, in the catabolism of amino acids and in the acute phase response. Cortisol secretion in fishes is regulated by the hypothalamic-pituitary-interrenal axis (HPI), equivalent to the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA) in mammals. In mammals, corticosteroids hormones act by specific intracellular receptors: mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) and glucocorticoid receptor (GR) that act as ligand-dependant transcription factors. Recently, it has been demonstrated that some fish species can express one MR and/or more than one GR. In this work we have cloned, for the first time, GR of gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata). The coding region translate to a putative protein of 784 aa and shows high homology with other species, including mammals, within the most important functional domains; DNA binding domain and hormone binding domain. Sea bream GR expression is ubiquitous in tissues and has been detected in all tissues studied: heart, liver, spleen, anterior and posterior kidney, intestine, gonads, adipose tissue, gill, brain and muscle. General response to stress, demands neuro-immune-endocrine interaction through bidireccional paracrine communication. This communication is important to maintain homeostasis under different stress conditions, including endotoxin stress. Gram-negative bacterial endotoxin or LPS, in vertebrates, induces a complex immune reaction that involves pro-inflammatory cytokine production by macrophages, mainly TNF? (tumor necrosis factor ?) and IL-1? (interleukin 1 beta). LPS-induced cytokines are involved in HPA activation and therefore activate cortisol release. Our results show that LPS in vivo administration stimulates the HPI axis in sea bream resulting in cortisol release, in an acute fashion. This hormone modulates the inflammatory response by inhibiting LPS-produced cytokines. Our study show that this regulation could be produced by GR as it is interfering with transcription factors involved in inducing inflammatory gene transcription. Sea bream GR expression after an LPS injection is specifically regulated in both time and tissue context. In general, we have observed that there is a reverse correlation between plasma cortisol levels and tissue GR expression levels. LPS intraperitoneal injection also increases immune gene expression (TNF?, IL1?, Mx protein, cathepsin D, peroxisome proliferator activated gamma (PPAR?)) in immunological tissues in sea bream, specifically head kidney, spleen, anterior intestine and gills. Changes in gene expression is both time and tissue dependant. In primary cultured hepatocytes of sea bream, low doses of an immune stimulation (rTNF?) or endocrine stimulation (cortisol) modifies expression of immune gene (TNF? IL1? i PPAR?) and endocrine genes (GR, catD), respectively. The highest doses applied decrease TNF? and GR expression 12 hours after endocrine treatment but there are no changes after immune treatment. Observed changes in gene expression follow a temporal response; 3 hours after a high dose of cortisol, GR expression increases and TNF? expression decreases. This response shows that, in fishes, inflammatory responses may be mediated by GR-cortisol interaction. Finally, European perch (Perca fluviatilis) subjected to typical stressor factors in aquaculture (transport and handling) have shown primary physiological response of cortisol release but a slow level in secondary responses such as glucose and lactate

    Cortisol: funcions i import脿ncia del receptor glucocorticoide : una visi贸 comparada

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    Les hormones corticoesteroides s贸n essencials per a la regulaci贸 d'una gran varietat de processos fisiol貌gics. El cortisol 茅s el principal corticoesteroide en peixos teleostis, amb funcions glucocorticoides i mineralocorticoides. 脡s el principal indicador de la resposta a l'estr猫s, i la principal hormona en el control de l'osmorregulaci贸 en peixos, especialment per a l'adaptaci贸 a l'aigua marina. Tamb茅 interv茅 en la regulaci贸 de la resposta inflamat貌ria inhibint la producci贸 de citocines despr茅s d'una infecci贸 experimental per l'endotoxina dels bacteris gramnegatius o LPS. Una infecci贸 experimental per LPS desencadena una reacci贸 immunit脿ria innata que activa una resposta inflamat貌ria. Les citocines produ茂des en resposta a aquesta infecci贸 activen l'eix hipotal脿mic-pitu茂tari-interrenal (HPI) mitjan莽ant l'activaci贸 de l'hormona adrenocorticotropa (ACTH) i l'alliberaci贸 de cortisol. Tamb茅, els efectes de les hormones corticoesteroides estan regulats a trav茅s de receptors intracell. ulars espec铆fics que actuen com a factors de transcripci贸 dependents del lligand i activen diferents gens implicats en la resposta a l'estr猫s. Aquests receptors s贸n el receptor de tipus i o receptor mineralocorticoide (MR) i el receptor de tipus ii o receptor glucocorticoide (GR). Per tant, la comunicaci贸 neuroimmunoendocrina en els vertebrats 茅s crucial per a mantenir l'home貌stasi i el receptor de cortisol hi t茅 un paper clau.Corticosteroid hormones are essential for the regulation of a wide variety of physiological processes. Cortisol is the most important corticoesteroid in teleost fish, with glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid functions. It is the principal indicator of stress response, and it is the main hormone in osmoregulation in fish, especially in seawater adaptation. It also participates in the regulation of the inflammatory response inhibiting the production of cytokines after an immune challenge by the endotoxin of gramnegative bacteria or LPS. An experimental infection by LPS unleash an innate immune reaction that activates an inflamatory response. The cytokines produced in response to exposure to LPS are also involved in the activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-interrenal axis (HPI) through the activation of the adrenocorticotropin hormone (ACTH) and the cortisol release. On the other hand, the effects of corticosteroid hormones are mediated through intracellular receptors that act as ligand-dependant transcription factors and activate different genes involve in the stress response. These receptors are the receptor type I or mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) and the receptor type II or glucocorticoid receptor (GR). Therefore, the neuro-immune-endocrine comunication in vertebrates is crucial to maintain the homeostasis and the cortisol receptor plays a key role

    Cortisol : funcions i import脿ncia del receptor glucocorticoide : una visi贸 comparada

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    Les hormones corticoesteroides s贸n essencials per a la regulaci贸 d'una gran varietat de processos fisiol貌gics. El cortisol 茅s el principal corticoesteroide en peixos teleostis, amb funcions glucocorticoides i mineralocorticoides. 脡s el principal indicador de la resposta a l'estr猫s, i la principal hormona en el control de l'osmorregulaci贸 en peixos, especialment per a l'adaptaci贸 a l'aigua marina. Tamb茅 interv茅 en la regulaci贸 de la resposta inflamat貌ria inhibint la producci贸 de citocines despr茅s d'una infecci贸 experimental per l'endotoxina dels bacteris gramnegatius o LPS. Una infecci贸 experimental per LPS desencadena una reacci贸 immunit脿ria innata que activa una resposta inflamat貌ria. Les citocines produ茂des en resposta a aquesta infecci贸 activen l'eix hipotal脿mic-pitu茂tari-interrenal (HPI) mitjan莽ant l'activaci贸 de l'hormona adrenocorticotropa (ACTH) i l'alliberaci贸 de cortisol. Tamb茅, els efectes de les hormones corticoesteroides estan regulats a trav茅s de receptors intracell. ulars espec铆fics que actuen com a factors de transcripci贸 dependents del lligand i activen diferents gens implicats en la resposta a l'estr猫s. Aquests receptors s贸n el receptor de tipus i o receptor mineralocorticoide (MR) i el receptor de tipus ii o receptor glucocorticoide (GR). Per tant, la comunicaci贸 neuroimmunoendocrina en els vertebrats 茅s crucial per a mantenir l'home貌stasi i el receptor de cortisol hi t茅 un paper clau.Corticosteroid hormones are essential for the regulation of a wide variety of physiological processes. Cortisol is the most important corticoesteroid in teleost fish, with glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid functions. It is the principal indicator of stress response, and it is the main hormone in osmoregulation in fish, especially in seawater adaptation. It also participates in the regulation of the inflammatory response inhibiting the production of cytokines after an immune challenge by the endotoxin of gramnegative bacteria or LPS . An experimental infection by LPS unleash an innate immune reaction that activates an inflamatory response. Thecytokines produced in response to exposure to LPS are also involved in the activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-interrenal axis (HPI) through the activation of the adrenocorticotropin hormone (ACTH) and the cortisol release. On the other hand, the effects of corticosteroid hormones are mediated through intracellular receptors that act as ligand-dependant transcription factors and activate different genes involve in the stress response. These receptors are the receptor type I or mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) and the receptor type II or glucocorticoid receptor(GR). Therefore, the neuro-immune-endocrine comunication in vertebrates is crucial to maintain the homeostasis and the cortisol receptor plays a key role

    Effects of chronic confinement on physiological responses of juvenile gilthead sea bream, Sparus aurata L., to acute handling

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    Understanding how gilthead sea bream, Sparus aurata L., an important Mediterranean Sea species for aquaculture, respond physiologically to stressors commonly encountered in intensive rearing is important for effective production, as managing for stress is a major factor in maintaining healthy fish stocks. Our objective was to determine whether holding juvenile gilthead sea bream at a high density (HD), as a chronic stressor, would affect their physiological responses to a subsequent acute handling stressor. After acclimation at a low density (LD) of 6 kg m3 in 200-L circular tanks containing 33\u201336 g L1 recirculating seawater at 19\uc2\ub0C under a normal photoperiod, juvenile 37-g gilthead sea bream were confined for 14 days at a HD of 26 kg m3 and then subjected to 30-s aerial emersion in a dipnet. Plasma levels of cortisol, glucose, lactate, osmolality and chloride were determined in fish held in separate lots during LD (control) and HD confinement at 0, 1, 2, 7 and 14 days, and then after handling at 0, 1, 2, 4 and 8 h. Although plasma cortisol levels were similar in LD and HD fish groups after 14 d of confinement (15 and 23 ng mL1, respectively), the cortisol response in fish from the HD treatment at 1 and 2 h following acute handling (70 and 37 ng mL1, respectively) was only about half of that measured in the control group (139 and 102 ng mL1); plasma cortisol was similar in both groups by 4 and 8 h. In contrast, plasma glucose elevations in response to handling were higher at 4 and 8 h in the HD-held fish (94 and 72 mg dL1, respectively) than in those from the LD treatment (59 and 51 mg dL1); glucose responses were similar in both groups at 1 and 2 h after handling and throughout confinement. Plasma lactate levels were higher in LD fish than in the HD group at the beginning of the experiment but were similar after 14 d confinement and responses to handling were similar (e.g. 33 and 35 mg dL1 at 1 h). Plasma osmolality showed increases during the first 2 h after acute handling but no differences were evident between the two density treatments at any time during confinement or posthandling. Plasma chloride levels did not change throughout the experiment. The reduced plasma cortisol response to acute handling likely resulted from negative feedback of mildly but chronically elevated circulating cortisol caused by the confinement stressor on the hypothalamic\u2013pituitary\u2013interrenal axis. While other post-handling physiological changes also showed differences between treatment groups, the suppressed cortisol response in the HD-held fish suggests a reduction in the gilthead sea bream's normal capacity to respond to an acute stressor.Peer reviewed: YesNRC publication: Ye

    Effects of cortisol administered through slow-release implants on innate immune responses in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

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    Cortisol is a key hormone in the fish stress response with a well-known ability to regulate several physiological functions, including energy metabolism and the immune system. However, data concerning cortisol effects on fish innate immune system using a more controlled increase in cortisol levels isolated from any other stress related signaling is scarce. The present study describes the effect of doses of cortisol corresponding to acute and chronic levels on the complement and lysozyme activity in plasma of the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). We also evaluated the effects of these cortisol levels (from intraperitoneally implanted hydrocortisone) on the mRNA levels quantified by RT-qPCR of selected key immune-related genes in the liver, head kidney, and spleen. For that purpose, 60 specimens of rainbow trout were divided in to two groups: a control group injected with a coconut oil implant and another group injected with the same implant and cortisol (50 渭 g cortisol/g body weight). Our results demonstrate the role of cortisol as a modulator of the innate immune response without the direct contribution of other stress axes. Our results also show a relationship between the complement and lysozyme activity in plasma and mRNA levels in liver, supporting the important role of this organ in producing these immune system proteins after a rise of cortisol in the fish plasma