411 research outputs found

    "ottoman street" in America: Turkish leatherworkers in peabody, Massachusetts

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    This article examines the role of Turkish leatherworkers in New Englands labor movement in the early twentieth century. It begins with the exodus of a large Ottoman population from eastern Anatolian provinces to eastern Massachusetts, and their employment in New Englands leather factories. Throughout the article, the rise of the leather business in eastern Massachusetts cities (including Peabody and Salem), the Turkish immigrants concentration on Peabodys Walnut Street (which came to be called Ottoman Street), the importance of kin and friends in providing practical information vital for adjusting to the new environment, and the coffee house as a response to industrial conditions are discussed at length. The author argues that, although many of the Turkish leatherworkers originated from rural backgrounds and had no experience in unionizing and striking, their quick adjustment to the industrial city and their growing awareness of labor rights was a result of lectures given within the Turkish community, changing circumstances in the old country and in the United States, such as the Balkan Wars and World War I, and their unchallenged place in the tanneries of Peabody, MA. © 2009 Copyright Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis

    Kolesistektomi esnasında laparoskopik cerrahiden açık cerrahiye geçişi etkileyen risk faktörleri

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    Objective: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy has obvious advantages over open surgery, such as shorter hospital stay, lower morbidity, better cosmetic results and faster return to daily activities. However, in some cases, conversion to open technique may be inevitable for patient safety or for the management of complications having occurred. Although various risk factors have been identified in many studies, variables such as technical facilities, surgical technique and experience affect risk factors. Our study aims to identify these risk factors. Method: In this study, 2,483 cholecystectomy cases performed in the general surgery clinic of our hospital between December 2013 and 2016 were retrospectively analyzed. 110 cholecystectomy cases initiated with open surgery and performed during another operation were excluded from the study, and 88 patients who were started laparoscopic surgery and converted to open surgery were selected for the study. Information on the demographic and clinical characteristics of the patients was obtained from hospital records. The data of an equal number of consecutively selected patients from the patients who were completed laparoscopically were obtained and compared, and whether these factors had a significant effect on conversion to open surgery was evaluated. Results: The rate of conversion from laparoscopic cholecystectomy to open surgery was 3.7%. The most common reason for conversion to open surgery was adhesion due to inflammation (n=65, 73.9%). While male gender, advanced age, diabetes, median incision above the umbilicus, multiple millimetric calculus and increased wall thickness in ultrasonography had a significant effect on the conversion to open surgery (p<0.001), there was no significant correlation with body mass index, pancreatitis, cholangitis, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography or abdominal surgery, anesthesia evaluation score and laboratory values (p>0.05). The durations of hospitalization and operation were found to be significantly longer in the open group (p<0.001). Conclusion: Male gender, advanced age, presence of diabetes, presence of supra-umbilical median incision, multiple millimetric calculus and increased wall thickness in ultrasonography are associated with increased rates of conversion from laparoscopic cholecystectomy to open surgery. If the coexistence of parameters that we find significant is detected in the preoperative period, it may be possible to take precautions such as involving the experienced surgical team in the operation, planning the operating room, and providing more detailed information to the patient.Amaç: Laparoskopik kolesistektominin, ameliyat sonrası daha kısa hastanede kalış süresi, daha düşük morbidite, daha iyi kozmetik sonuçlar ve günlük aktivitelere daha hızlı dönebilme sağlaması gibi avantajları ile açık cerrahiye göre üstünlüğü aşikardır. Ancak bazı durumlarda açık tekniğe geçmek hasta güvenliği veya meydana gelmiş olan komplikasyonu yönetmek için kaçınılmaz olabilmektedir. Birçok çalışmada çeşitli risk faktörleri tanımlanmış olsa da teknik imkanlar, cerrahi teknik ve tecrübe gibi değişkenler risk faktörlerini etkilemektedir. Çalışmamız bu risk faktörlerinin tespit edilmesini amaçlamaktadır. Yöntem: Çalışmada Aralık 2013-2016 tarihleri arasında hastanemiz genel cerrahi kliniğinde gerçekleştirilmiş 2,483 kolesistektomi olgusu retrospektif olarak incelenmiştir. Açık cerrahiyle başlanan ve başka bir operasyon sırasında uygulanan 110 kolesistektomi olgusu çalışma dışı bırakılarak, laparoskopik başlayıp açık cerrahiye geçilen 88 hasta araştırma için seçilmiştir. Hastaların demografik ve klinik özelliklerine ait bilgiler hastane kayıtlarından elde edilmiştir. Laparoskopik tamamlanan hastalardan ardışık seçilen eşit sayıda hastanın verileri elde edilerek karşılaştırılmış, bu faktörlerin açığa geçişe anlamlı etkisi olup olmadığı değerlendirilmiştir. Bulgular: Laparoskopik kolesistektomiden açığa geçiş oranı %3,7, en sık açığa geçiş nedeni ise enflamasyona bağlı adezyon (n=65, %73,9) olarak bulunmuştur. Açığa geçiş üzerine erkek cinsiyet, ileri yaş, diyabet, göbek üstü medyan kesi, ultrasonografide multipl milimetrik kalkül ve duvar kalınlık artışı olmasının anlamlı etkisi olduğu tespit edilirken (p<0,001), vücut kitle indeksi, pankreatit, kolanjit, endoskopik retrograd kolanjiopankreatikografi ya da batın operasyonu geçirmiş olma öyküsü, anestezi değerlendirme skoru ve laboratuvar değerleri ile anlamlı ilişki tespit edilmemiştir (p>0,05). Yatış ve operasyon süreleri açığa geçilen grupta anlamlı olarak daha uzun bulunmuştur (p<0,001). Sonuç: Erkek cinsiyet, ileri yaş, diyabet varlığı, göbek üstü medyan kesi varlığı, ultrasonografide multipl milimetrik kalkül ve duvar kalınlık artışı olması artmış açığa geçiş oranları ile birliktedir. Anlamlı bulduğumuz parametrelerin birlikteliğinin preoperatif dönemde tespit edilmesi halinde zor kolesistektomi olabileceği ve açığa geçiş riskinin artabileceği düşünülerek eğitim olgusu olarak seçilmeyerek tecrübeli cerrahi ekibin ameliyata dahil edilmesi, ameliyathanenin planlanması, hastaya daha ayrıntılı bilgi verilmesi gibi önlemleri almamız mümkün olabilmektedir

    Outposts of an Empire : early Turkish migration to Peabody, Massachusetts

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.This thesis examines early (1890s-1920s) Turkish immigration to Peabody, Massachusetts. It is a case study which argues that the most prominent factor driving early Turkish migration to Peabody was economic. Thus the migration movement constituted a “brawn drain” from Anatolia to the “streets paved with gold.” As was the case with some European peoples who immigrated to the United States at the same period, the Turkish immigrants in Peabody, Massachusetts, did not intend to stay in the United States. They only wanted to earn money and return to the homeland as soon as possible. More importantly this thesis argues that the Turkish immigrants were part of a larger Ottoman migration to the United States. The Turks in Peabody were part of a chain of migration that included Armenians, Greeks, and Sephardic Jews. They, together with the Armenians, Jews and Greeks constructed an Ottoman microcosm in Peabody essentially recreating the millets of the Ottoman Empire in which inter-communal support helped the Turks contend with the strange new environment. By the early 1930s most of the Turkish immigrants in Peabody had returned to their homeland. Overall, this thesis provides new insight into the Turkish and Ottoman diaspora that challenges popular conceptions of continual strife between the Turks and members of the other Ottoman millets. Additionally, it shows that this early Turkish immigrant community was, in some ways, strikingly similar to later twentieth century Turkish immigrant communities, such as those in Germany during the 1960sAcehan, IşılM.S

    Risk Factors Effecting Conversion from Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy to Open Surgery

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    Objective:Laparoscopic cholecystectomy has obvious advantages over open surgery, such as shorter hospital stay, lower morbidity, better cosmetic results and faster return to daily activities. However, in some cases, conversion to open technique may be inevitable for patient safety or for the management of complications having occurred. Although various risk factors have been identified in many studies, variables such as technical facilities, surgical technique and experience affect risk factors. Our study aims to identify these risk factors.Method:In this study, 2,483 cholecystectomy cases performed in the general surgery clinic of our hospital between December 2013 and 2016 were retrospectively analyzed. 110 cholecystectomy cases initiated with open surgery and performed during another operation were excluded from the study, and 88 patients who were started laparoscopic surgery and converted to open surgery were selected for the study. Information on the demographic and clinical characteristics of the patients was obtained from hospital records. The data of an equal number of consecutively selected patients from the patients who were completed laparoscopically were obtained and compared, and whether these factors had a significant effect on conversion to open surgery was evaluated.Results:The rate of conversion from laparoscopic cholecystectomy to open surgery was 3.7%. The most common reason for conversion to open surgery was adhesion due to inflammation (n=65, 73.9%). While male gender, advanced age, diabetes, median incision above the umbilicus, multiple millimetric calculus and increased wall thickness in ultrasonography had a significant effect on the conversion to open surgery (p0.05). The durations of hospitalization and operation were found to be significantly longer in the open group (p<0.001).Conclusion:Male gender, advanced age, presence of diabetes, presence of supra-umbilical median incision, multiple millimetric calculus and increased wall thickness in ultrasonography are associated with increased rates of conversion from laparoscopic cholecystectomy to open surgery. If the coexistence of parameters that we find significant is detected in the preoperative period, it may be possible to take precautions such as involving the experienced surgical team in the operation, planning the operating room, and providing more detailed information to the patient

    Evaluation of scoring systems in terms of early prediction of severe acute pancreatitis and mortality in patients over 65 years of age.

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    Purpose: The aim of this study is to investigate the power of disease severity scores to predict the development of Severe Acute Pancreatitis (SAP) and mortality in the early period over 65 years old diagnosed with acute pancreatitis in the emergency department. Materials and Methods: We calculated RANSON (on admission) and Computed Tomography Severity Index (CTSI) in addition to Bedside Index for Severity in Acute Pancreatitis (BISAP) score on admission to the emergency department. Results: One hundred and sixty patients (46.9% over 80 years of age) were included in the study. We observed statistically higher length of hospitalization, longer duration of stay in the intensive care unit, SAP and higher mortality in patients over 80 years of age. When we examined the ROC curve, we determined that the AUC values of the BISAP score were highest in both SAP and mortality estimation (AUC: 0.911, 95% CI 0.861-0.962; AUC: 0.918, 95% CI 0.864-0.9722, respectively). Binary logistic analysis indicated a 4.7-fold increased risk for SAP and a 12.3-fold increased mortality for each unit increase in BISAP score value. Conclusion: BISAP may be a good predictor for SAP and mortality estimation on admission to the emergency department in patients over 65 years of age with acute pancreatitis

    The dynamics of cardiolipin synthesis post-mitochondrial fusion

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    AbstractAlteration in mitochondrial fusion may regulate mitochondrial metabolism. Since the phospholipid cardiolipin (CL) is required for function of the mitochondrial respiratory chain, we examined the dynamics of CL synthesis in growing Hela cells immediately after and 12h post-fusion. Cells were transiently transfected with Mfn-2, to promote fusion, or Mfn-2 expressing an inactive GTPase for 24h and de novo CL biosynthesis was examined immediately after or 12h post-fusion. Western blot analysis confirmed elevated Mfn-2 expression and electron microscopic analysis revealed that Hela cell mitochondrial structure was normal immediately after and 12h post-fusion. Cells expressing Mfn-2 exhibited reduced CL de novo biosynthesis from [1,3-3H]glycerol immediately after fusion and this was due to a decrease in phosphatidylglycerol phosphate synthase (PGPS) activity and its mRNA expression. In contrast, 12h post-mitochondrial fusion cells expressing Mfn-2 exhibited increased CL de novo biosynthesis from [1,3-3H]glycerol and this was due to an increase in PGPS activity and its mRNA expression. Cells expressing Mfn-2 with an inactive GTPase activity did not exhibit alterations in CL de novo biosynthesis immediately after or 12h post-fusion. The Mfn-2 mediated alterations in CL de novo biosynthesis were not accompanied by alterations in CL or monolysoCL mass. [1-14C]Oleate incorporation into CL was elevated at 12h post-fusion indicating increased CL resynthesis. The reason for the increased CL resynthesis was an increased mRNA expression of tafazzin, a mitochondrial CL resynthesis enzyme. Ceramide-induced expression of PGPS in Hela cells or in CHO cells did not alter expression of Mfn-2 indicating that Mfn-2 expression is independent of altered CL synthesis mediated by elevated PGPS. In addition, Mfn-2 expression was not altered in Hela cells expressing phospholipid scramblase-3 or a disrupted scramblase indicating that proper CL localization within mitochondria is not essential for Mfn-2 expression. The results suggest that immediately post-mitochondrial fusion CL de novo biosynthesis is “slowed down” and then 12h post-fusion it is “upregulated”. The implications of this are discussed

    Nuclear translocation of cytochrome c during apoptosis

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    Release of cytochrome c from mitochondria is a major event during apoptosis. Released cytochrome c has been shown to activate caspase-dependent apoptotic signals. In this report, we provide evidence for a novel role of cytochrome c in caspase-independent nuclear apoptosis. We showed that cytochrome c, released from mitochondria upon apoptosis induction, gradually accumulates in the nucleus as evidenced by both immunofluorescence and subcellular fractionation. Parallel to nuclear accumulation of cytochrome c, acetylated histone H2A, but not unmodified H2A, was released from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. Addition of purified cytochrome c to isolated nuclei recapitulated the preferential release of acetylated, but not deacetylated, histone H2A. Cytochrome c was also found to induce chromatin condensation. These results suggest that the nuclear accumulation of cytochrome c may be directly involved in the remodeling of chromatin. Our results provide evidence of a novel role for cytochrome c in inducing nuclear apoptosis

    Barth syndrome: an X-linked cause of fetal cardiomyopathy and stillbirth

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    OBJECTIVE: Barth Syndrome (BTHS) is an X-linked multisystem disorder (OMIM 302060) usually diagnosed in infancy and characterized by cardiac problems [dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) ± endocardial fibroelastosis (EFE) ± left ventricular non-compaction (LVNC)], proximal myopathy, feeding problems, growth retardation, neutropenia, organic aciduria and variable respiratory chain abnormalities. We wished to determine whether BTHS had a significant impact on fetal and perinatal health in a large cohort of family groups originating from a defined region. METHOD: Case note review on 19 families originating from the UK and known to the Barth Syndrome Service of the Bristol Royal Hospital for Children. RESULTS: Details are presented on six kindreds (32%) with genetically and biochemically proven BTHS that demonstrate a wider phenotype including male fetal loss, stillbirth and severe neonatal illness or death. In these families, 9 males were stillborn and 14 died as neonates or infants but there were no losses of females. BTHS was definitively proven in five males with fetal onset of DCM ± hydrops/EFE/LVNC. CONCLUSION: These findings stress the importance of considering BTHS in the differential diagnosis of unexplained male hydrops, DCM, EFE, LVNC or pregnancy loss, as well as in neonates with hypoglycemia, lactic acidosis and idiopathic mitochondrial diseas

    Structural Features of Caspase-Activating Complexes

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    Apoptosis, also called programmed cell death, is an orderly cellular suicide program that is critical for the development, immune regulation and homeostasis of a multi-cellular organism. Failure to control this process can lead to serious human diseases, including many types of cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, and autoimmununity. The process of apoptosis is mediated by the sequential activation of caspases, which are cysteine proteases. Initiator caspases, such as caspase-2, -8, -9, and -10, are activated by formation of caspase-activating complexes, which function as a platform to recruit caspases, providing proximity for self-activation. Well-known initiator caspase-activating complexes include (1) DISC (Death Inducing Signaling Complex), which activates caspases-8 and 10; (2) Apoptosome, which activates caspase-9; and (3) PIDDosome, which activates caspase-2. Because of the fundamental biological importance of capases, many structural and biochemical studies to understand the molecular basis of assembly mechanism of caspase-activating complexes have been performed. In this review, we summarize previous studies that have examined the structural and biochemical features of caspase-activating complexes. By analyzing the structural basis for the assembly mechanism of the caspase-activating complex, we hope to provide a comprehensive understanding of caspase activation by these important oligomeric complexes