136 research outputs found

    Systematic Evaluation for the Impact of the Geological Conditions on the Adsorption Affinities of Calcite as an Adsorbent of Zn2+ Ions from Aqueous Solutions: Experimental and Theoretical Studies

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    Three samples of calcite (calcite crystal (CA), calcite of limestone (L.CA), and metamorphosed calcite (marble) (M.CA)) were assessed as adsorbents of Zn (II) to consider the impact of the different geological conditions. The three samples exhibit remarkable changes in their Zn (II) retention capacities (Qsat = 384.6 mg/g (CA), 274.5 mg/g (L.CA), and 512.6 mg/g (M.CA)). The retention systems of the three calcite samples were described on the basis of the suggested statistical physics-based equilibrium studies as well as the traditional kinetic and isotherm models. However, the M.CA samples exhibited the best retention capacity, the steric properties reflecting a higher active site density of CA (Nm (Zn) = 113.46 mg/g) than both M.CA (Nm (Zn) = 82.8 mg/g) and L.CA (Nm (Zn) = 52.4 mg/g) at 323 K. This was assigned to the controlling effect of the sequestered numbers of Zn (II) per site on the surfaces of the calcite phase (n(Zn) = 3.39 (CA), 5.24 (L.CA), and 6.19 (M.CA)) in addition to the higher surface area and ion exchange of the metamorphosed and deformed M.CA. The previous n(Zn) values suggested the retention of Zn (II) by a multi-ionic mechanism in a vertical orientation. The Gaussian energies (8 to 16 KJ/mol) and retention energies (˂40 KJ/mol) of Zn (II) by CA and L.CA suggested complex physical and weak chemical mechanisms involving ion exchange, hydrogen bonding, dipole bonding forces, electrostatic attractions, and van der Waals forces. The thermodynamic properties were illustrated on the basis of the internal energy, free enthalpy, and entropy functions, which validate the endothermic and spontaneous nature of the Zn (II) retention system by the three calcite samples

    The impact of Oligo-miocene basaltic intrusions on the petroleum system in Gulf of Suez rift basin, Egypt: new insights into tikhermal maturity and reservoir quality

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    In recent years, the petroleum industry has prioritized the exploration of new and unconventional petroleum reservoirs. As a result, this study assessed the significance of basaltic intrusions from two key aspects: their impact on the thermal maturity of pre-rift source rocks and their potentiality as reservoirs. The present study attempts to integrate surface field investigations of basaltic dykes in Wadi Nukhul and Wadi Matulla as surface analogs with petroleum system modeling of pre-rift source rocks containing subsurface basaltic intrusions in the Abu Rudeis-Sidri field. Therefore, the fracture networks were observed in Wadi Nukhul and Wadi Matulla, suggesting that both the basaltic dykes and host rocks have interconnected fractures, which is critical for a high-quality reservoir of the dykes and efficient oil expulsion. As a result, the analysis of burial history, temperature, maturity, generation, transformation ratio, and expelled oil quantity revealed a significantly high value for basaltic intrusions. Moreover, the Abu Rudeis-Sidri field had a good petroleum system with thermally mature source rocks by basaltic intrusions. Furthermore, the fractured basaltic intrusions presented a high-quality oil reservoir well-sealed by the thick Rudeis Formation. Oil production has doubled since the discovery of this reservoir. This study introduces a novel approach to understanding the distribution pattern of basaltic intrusions in subsurface and surface analogs, which can serve as a model for exploring new potential unconventional basaltic reservoirs in the Gulf of Suez rift basin

    Predictive Power of Interictal Epileptiform Discharges in Fitness-to-Drive Evaluation.

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    BACKGROUND This study aimed to evaluate and predict the effects of interictal epileptiform discharges (IEDs) on driving ability using simple reaction tests and a driving simulator. METHODS Patients with various epilepsies were evaluated with simultaneous EEGs during their response to visual stimuli in a single-flash test, a car-driving videogame, and a realistic driving simulator. Reaction times (RT) and missed reactions or crashes (miss/crash) during normal EEG and IEDs were measured. IEDs, as considered here, were a series of epileptiform potentials (>1 potential) and were classified as generalized typical, generalized atypical, or focal. RT and miss/crash in relation to IED type, duration, and test type were analyzed. RT-prolongation, miss/crash probability, and odds ratio of miss/crash due to IEDs were calculated. RESULTS Generalized typical IEDs prolonged RT by 164ms, compared to generalized atypical IEDs (77.0ms) and focal IEDs (48.0ms) (p2s had a 2.6% miss/crash probabilityIED. Cumulated miss/crash probability could be predicted from RT-prolongation: 90.3ms yielded a 20% miss/crash probability. All tests were non-superior to each other in detecting miss/crash probabilitiesIED (zero median for all three tests) or RT-prolongations (flash test: 56.4ms, car-driving videogame: 75.5ms, simulator 86.6ms). IEDs increased the odds ratio (OR) of miss/crash in the simulator by 4.9-fold compared to normal EEG. A table of expected RT-prolongations and miss/crash probabilities for IEDs of a given type and duration was created. CONCLUSION IED-associated miss/crash probability and RT-prolongation were comparably well detected by all tests. Long focal IED-bursts carry a low risk, while generalized typical IEDs are the primary cause of miss/crash. We propose a cumulative 20% miss/crash risk at a RT-prolongation of 90.3ms as a clinically relevant IED effect. The IED-associated odds ratio in the simulator approximates the effects of sleepiness or low blood-alcohol level while driving on real roads. A decision aid for fitness-to-drive evaluation was created by providing the expected RT-prolongations and misses/crashes when IEDs of a certain type and duration are detected in routine EEG

    Insight into the effects of H2SO4 and HNO3 acidification processes on the properties of coal as an enhanced adsorbent for ciprofloxacin residuals: Steric and energetic studies

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    A sub-bituminous natural coal sample (R.C) was treated with sulfuric acid (S.C) and nitric acid (N.C) as modified products and enhanced adsorbents for obtaining ciprofloxacin (CFX) antibiotic residuals from water. The characterization studied demonstrates enhancement in the surface area and the incorporation of new active oxygenated, sulfur-bearing, and nitrogen-bearing chemical groups into the structure of coal samples. This was reflected in the adsorption capacities that were enhanced from 164.08 mg/g (R.C) to 489.2 mg/g and 518.5 mg/g for N.C and S.C, respectively. The impact of the acid modification processes was evaluated based on the energetic and steric properties of their adsorption systems considering the parameters of the advanced monolayer equilibrium model with one energy site. The determined occupied active sites’ density of R.C (46.32–61.44 mg/g), N.C (168.7–364.9 mg/g), and S.C (159.2–249.9 mg/g) reflects an increase in the quantities of active centers after the acid treatment processes, especially with HNO3. The higher efficiencies of the active sites of S.C to adsorb more CFX molecules (n = 2.08–2.31) than N.C (n = 1.41–2.16) illustrate its higher adsorption capacity. The energetic investigation [adsorption (˂40 kJ/mol) and Gaussian (˂8 kJ/mol) energies] suggested adsorption of CFX by N.C and S.C mainly by physical processes such as van der Waals forces, hydrogen bonding, dipole bonding, and π–π interactions. Moreover, the determined thermodynamic functions including entropy, internal energy, and free enthalpy reflect the spontaneous and endothermic uptake of CFX on the surfaces of N.C and S.C

    Generation of LexA enhancer-trap lines in Drosophila by an international scholastic network

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    Conditional gene regulation in Drosophila through binary expression systems like the LexA-LexAop system provides a superb tool for investigating gene and tissue function. To increase the availability of defined LexA enhancer trap insertions, we present molecular, genetic, and tissue expression studies of 301 novel Stan-X LexA enhancer traps derived from mobilization of the index SX4 line. This includes insertions into distinct loci on the X, II, and III chromosomes that were not previously associated with enhancer traps or targeted LexA constructs, an insertion into ptc, and seventeen insertions into natural transposons. A subset of enhancer traps was expressed in CNS neurons known to produce and secrete insulin, an essential regulator of growth, development, and metabolism. Fly lines described here were generated and characterized through studies by students and teachers in an international network of genetics classes at public, independent high schools, and universities serving a diversity of students, including those underrepresented in science. Thus, a unique partnership between secondary schools and university-based programs has produced and characterized novel resources in Drosophila, establishing instructional paradigms devoted to unscripted experimental science

    Formulation of zeolite supported nano-metallic catalyst and applications in textile effluent treatment

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    Textile industry is one of the major industries worldwide and produces a huge amount of coloured effluents. The presence of coloured compounds (dyes) in water change its aesthetic value and cause serious health and environmental consequences. However, the present investigation was carried out to minimize and reduce the colour compounds discharged by the textile industries through a nano-scaled catalyst. This study is mainly focused on the explanation of nanoparticles aggregation by deposition on natural zeolite, and utilization of this natural zeolite as supported material to nano zerovalent iron (NZ-nZVI) in the form of liquid slurry with sodium percarbonate acting as an oxidant in a Fenton like system for the removal of synthetic CI acid orange 52 (AO52) azo dye, in textile effluent. The nano-scaled zerovalent irons were synthesized by borohydride method in ethanolic medium. UV–vis spectrophotometry, FTIR, EDX, SEM, and XRD (powdered) analysis were used for the investigations of surface morphology, composition, and properties of natural zeolite supported nZVI and study the dye removal mechanism. The XRD spectrum revealed that clinoptilolite is the major component of natural zeolite used, while EDX found that the iron content of NZ-nZVI was about 9.5 %. The introduction of natural zeolite as supporting material in the formation of iron nanoparticle resulted in the partial reduction of aggregation of zerovalent iron nanoparticles. The findings revealed that the 94.86 % removal of CI acid orange 52 dye was obtained after 180 min treatment at 15 mg/L initial dye concentration. The highest rapid dye removal of about 60 % was achieved within the first 10 min of treatment at the same dye concentration. Furthermore, the actual dyeing effluent including green, magenta, and the blended colour was successfully decolourized by natural zeolite-supported nZVI/SPC Fenton process. It is concluded that the acceleration of corrosion of NZ-nZVI, breaking of azo bond, and consumption of Fe2+ were the possible mechanisms behind the removal of AO52 dye. It is also recommended that NZ-nZVI/SPC Fenton process could be a viable option for effluent and groundwater remediation

    Active Disturbance Rejection Control of a Coupled-Tank System

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    In process industries, liquid is pumped and stored in interacting coupled tanks. The liquid level in these tanks must be accurately controlled. This study aims to investigate the performance of the active disturbance rejection control method in controlling a coupled-tank system. A mathematical model of the coupled-tank system is derived to facilitate a simulation study. Assuming that the water level in the second tank is the only measured state, an extended observer with time-varying parameters estimates the second state and the total disturbances of the system. The system is then regulated using a time-varying feedback controller. The results show the effectiveness of the method in improving the time domain measures and the disturbance rejection compared to other controllers
