21 research outputs found

    Public Health Expenditure and Economic Growth in Nigeria: Testing of Wagner's Hypothesis

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    The idea supporting the relationship between public expenditure and economic growth is that an increase in public spending is an inevitable consequence of economic growth. This propelled Wagner to hypothesize a connection between economic growth and public expenditure. However, arguments on the impact of public health expenditure on economic growth remain inconclusive. This study re-examined the connection between public health expenditure and economic growth in Nigeria within the context of Wagner’s theory of ever-increasing State activities. The study found evidence of a long-run relationship between public health expenditure and economic growth. The granger-causality test results, indicate neither uni-directional nor bi-directional relationship between public health expenditure and GDP. But health expenditure as a share of total government expenditure and population has a uni-directional causal relationship with real GDP. Thus, public expenditure pushes public health expenditure. It was concluded that though there is no causal relationship between public health expenditure and GDP, public health expenditure and GDP still have evidence of a long-run connection. Therefore, health insurance should be expanded to cover more people to mobilize more resources for the health sector. These may engender the required impact of health care expenditure on economic growth in Nigeri

    The Influence of Primary Air Pollutants on Human Health Related Risk

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    Air pollutant is one of the major health related risk today. The presence of air pollutants as atmospheric substances or energy in uncontrollable quantities and of unimaginable duration is liable to cause harm to life, damage to man-made materials and structures, or changes in the weather and climate.  This paper attempts to explain air pollution upon human health from the primary source point of view. It also looked at the historical background of air pollution, the source,  Nitrogen Oxide (NOx), Carbon monoxide (CO), Sulphur oxide (SOx), Particulate matter (PM10, PM2.5), Hydrocarbons (HCs) to the Health effects of primary air pollutants such as Cardiovascular disease (CVD), Cancer, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), Asthma, Indoor air pollution, Control of primary Air pollutants. Based on these, evaluations are made and Conclusions were drawn with some recommendations. Keywords: Pollution, Health, Air index, industry, Primary, Control, Countries

    Pregnancy Back Pain: Its Prevalence, Pattern, and The Practice of Ergonomic Behaviors Among Pregnant Women in Rural Sule Tankarkar Local Government Area of Jigawa State Nigeria

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    Background: Studies on Back pain in pregnancy have reported rates ranging from 25% and 90%, with most studies estimating that 50% of pregnant women will suffer from back pain during the course of their pregnancy. Low back is the most common region affected followed by posterior pelvic region and upper back region being the region least affected. In Nigeria, relative to the minimum wage, back pain consumes a significantly high amount of money in accessing health care thereby incurring both direct and indirect cost. Therefore, this study explored pregnancy back pain and the practice of ergonomic behaviors among pregnant women. Methodology: Three hundreds and eighty one pregnant women were recruited using Multi-stage sampling technique from eight Primary Health Care Centers of Sule Tankarkar local government. A questionnaire was used to obtain the required information. The data was analyzed using frequency and percentage to summarize the data and inferential statistic of chi square test to check association between categorical variables. Results: Majority of the participants are within the age range of 15-19 (34.9%), multiparous (70.3%) and in their third trimester (54.6%). The prevalence of back pain was 57.2% and it is mostly in the low back region (36%). Majority of the participants (44.9%) do not practice any ergonomic behavior. Conclusion: Low back pain is highly prevalent among pregnant women attending ante natal clinic in rural Jigawa State of Nigeria. Exercise during pregnancy, proper lifting techniques and ergonomics by experts could help pregnant women

    Sustainable Development and Performance, Financial Position and Market Value of Nigerian Quoted Companies

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    The study is against the background that sustainable development practices may involve financial outflows and hence, may be an unattractive investment to managers. This study evaluated the impact of corporate compliance with accounting standards that are deemed to enforce sustainable development practices and can, therefore, imply sustainable development practices by companies, on profitability, financial position and market value of companies. Forty-four companies that have existed since standardization began in Nigeria in 1984 were studied over five years, using Pearson product moment and spearman's rank correlation statistical techniques. The correlations compared compliance to financial reporting standards on the one hand with financial performance, financial position and market value on the other. Results showed that sustainable development practices of companies are rarely associated with profitability. The practices are, however, shown to associate a little with better asset worth and improved market values

    Correlation Between Climate Indicators and COVID-19 Pandemic in Nigeria, Ghana, and South Africa

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    This study examines the relationship between climatic indicators (maximum temperature, minimum temperature, precipitation, and relative humidity) and the spread of COVID-19 using weekly data of confirmed cases and death rates from 3/25/2020 to 12/30/2020 for Nigeria, South Africa, and Ghana. Using an ex-post research design and descriptive method of analysis, the results of the study confirm evidence of correlation between climatic variables and the spread of the COVID-19 virus among the three selected countries. However, the policy recommendation that emanates from this study is that climate mitigation policies can be promoted as pandemic prevention policies, thus making a stronger case for their implementation to forestall future reoccurrence

    Benzodiazepines: Uses, dangers, and clinical considerations

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    Benzodiazepines (BZDs) are among one of the most widely prescribed drug classes in the United States. BZDs are a class of psychoactive drugs known for their depressant effect on the central nervous system (CNS). They quickly diffuse through the blood–brain barrier to affect the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA and exert sedative effects. Related to their rapid onset and immediate symptom relief, BZDs are used for those struggling with sleep, anxiety, spasticity due to CNS pathology, muscle relaxation, and epilepsy. One of the debilitating side effects of BZDs is their addictive potential. The dependence on BZDs generally leads to withdrawal symptoms, requiring careful tapering of the medication when prescribed. Regular use of BZDs has been shown to cause severe, harmful psychological and physical dependence, leading to withdrawal symptoms similar to that of alcohol withdrawal. Some of these withdrawal symptoms can be life threatening. The current treatment for withdrawal is through tapering with clonazepam. Many drugs have been tested as a treatment for withdrawal, with few proving efficacious in randomized control trials. Future research is warranted for further exploration into alternative methods of treating BZD withdrawal. This call to action proves especially relevant, as those seeking treatment for BZD dependence and withdrawal are on the rise in the United States

    A national perspective on exposure to essential surgical procedures among medical trainees in Nigeria: a cross-sectional survey and recommendations

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    Background In sub-Saharan Africa, recent graduates from medical school provide more direct surgical and procedural care to patients than their counterparts from the Global North. Nigeria has no nationally representative data on the procedures performed by trainees before graduation from medical school and their confidence in performing these procedures upon graduation has also not been evaluated. Methods We performed an internet-based, cross-sectional survey of recent medical school graduates from 15 accredited Federal, State, and private Nigerian medical schools spanning six geopolitical zones. Essential surgical procedures, bedside interventions and three Bellwether procedures were incorporated into the survey. Self-reported confidence immediately after graduation was calculated and compared using cumulative confidence scores with subgroup analysis of results by type and location of institution. Qualitative analysis of free text recommendations by participants was performed using the constant comparative method in grounded theory. Results Four hundred ninety-nine recent graduates from 6 geopolitical zones participated, representing 15 out of a total of 44 medical schools in Nigeria. Male to female ratio was 2:1, and most respondents (59%) graduated from Federal institutions. Students had greatest practical mean exposure to bedside procedures like intravenous access and passing urethral foley catheters and were most confident performing these. Less than 23% had performed over 10 of any of the assessed procedures. They had least exposures to chest tube insertion (0.24/person), caesarean Sect. (0.12/person), and laparotomy (0.09/person). Recent graduates from Federal institutions had less procedural exposure in urethral catheterization (p  Respondents that studied in the underserved North-East and North-West performed the highest median number of procedures prior to graduation. Cumulative confidence scores were low across all graduates (maximum 25/60), but highest in graduates from Northern Nigeria and private institutions. Graduates recommended prioritizing medical students over senior trainees, using simulation-based training and constructive individualized non-toxic feedback from faculty. Conclusion Nigerian medical students have poor exposure to procedures and low confidence in performing basic procedures after graduation. More attention should be placed on training for essential surgeries and procedures in medical schools

    Reducing the environmental impact of surgery on a global scale: systematic review and co-prioritization with healthcare workers in 132 countries

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    Abstract Background Healthcare cannot achieve net-zero carbon without addressing operating theatres. The aim of this study was to prioritize feasible interventions to reduce the environmental impact of operating theatres. Methods This study adopted a four-phase Delphi consensus co-prioritization methodology. In phase 1, a systematic review of published interventions and global consultation of perioperative healthcare professionals were used to longlist interventions. In phase 2, iterative thematic analysis consolidated comparable interventions into a shortlist. In phase 3, the shortlist was co-prioritized based on patient and clinician views on acceptability, feasibility, and safety. In phase 4, ranked lists of interventions were presented by their relevance to high-income countries and low–middle-income countries. Results In phase 1, 43 interventions were identified, which had low uptake in practice according to 3042 professionals globally. In phase 2, a shortlist of 15 intervention domains was generated. In phase 3, interventions were deemed acceptable for more than 90 per cent of patients except for reducing general anaesthesia (84 per cent) and re-sterilization of ‘single-use’ consumables (86 per cent). In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for high-income countries were: introducing recycling; reducing use of anaesthetic gases; and appropriate clinical waste processing. In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for low–middle-income countries were: introducing reusable surgical devices; reducing use of consumables; and reducing the use of general anaesthesia. Conclusion This is a step toward environmentally sustainable operating environments with actionable interventions applicable to both high– and low–middle–income countries


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    This study focused on teachers’ perception and understanding of school leadership in rural Nigeria. A qualitative research design was used. Two strategies were used; interaction (exclusion strategy) and interview (inclusion strategy). The interview instrument used was ‘open-ended’. The rural schools of Kogi State made up the study’s universe. For the purpose of the study, inclusive and exclusive criteria adopted. Based on the interview, data were gathered for qualitative analysis. The data were organized on the basis of responses. The data were systematically scrutinized and are organized based on similarity in the responses of participants. Findings revealed that his leaders are inspirational and are conscious of the goals of the individual teachers. Finding further showed that teachers have positive perception about their school leaders. The study concluded that leadership of schools in the rural areas of Kogi State is deduced satisfactory, and that majority of principals in the rural schools possess the common qualities of transformational leaders. The study recommended that stakeholders of education in Kogi State including the government should boost the principals’ leadership practices towards achieving effective teaching and quality learning in the rural schools, and that principals should adopt ‘transformational leadership practice’ in the rural schools of Kogi State.Fokus ove studije je na percepciji nastavnika i razumevanju rukovođenja školom u ruralnoj Nigeriji u okviru koje su korišćene dve strategije i to: interakcija (strategija isključenja) i intervju (strategija inkluzije). Studija je sprovedena u seoskim školama države Kogi za čije potrebe su postavljeni odgovarajući kriterijumi inkluzije i isključenja, dok je kao instrument korišćen intervju otvorenog tipa. Na osnovu sprovedenog intervjua prikupljeni su podaci za kvalitativnu analizu koji su sistematski pregledani i organizovani na osnovu sličnosti u odgovorima ispitanika. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na to da nastavnici pozitivno percipiraju školske rukovodioce i da ih posmatraju kao osobe koje na njih deluju inspirativno, kao i da su svesni ciljeva svakog pojedinog nastavnika. Na osnovu rezultata dobijenih u studiji može se zaključiti i da nastavnici smatraju da je rukovodstvo u školama u ruralnim oblastima države Kogi zadovoljavajuće i da većina direktora u seoskim školama poseduje zajedničke kvalitete transformacionih lidera. S obzirom na dobijene rezultate, preporuka je da zainteresovane strane, uključujući i vladu, trebaju da poboljšaju praksu koja se odnosi na rukovođenje direktora kroz poboljšanje efikasnosti nastave i kvaliteta učenja, a da direktori treba da usvoje „praksu transformacionog liderstva“ u ruralnim školama države Kogi

    Appraisal of the Role of Self-efficacy on Students’ Academic Achievement in Secondary School Chemistry

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    Self-efficacy as an independent variable has been identified as one of the most important factors that predict students’ continuous academic achievement. The role of self-efficacy on students’ academic achievement in chemistry has been examined among 150 students in two Oyo State schools of science. A questionnaire that contains 20 items on students’ academic self-efficacy was employed, while the academic achievement of the students was measured through an achievement test containing 20 chemistry questions. A descriptive survey research design was employed for the study. A Pearson correlation was utilized to determine the strength, as well as the positive or negative direction, of relationships between the variables. Linear regression was employed to determine the extent to which academic achievement is related to self-efficacy at the P < 0.05 statistical significance level. The analysis was carried out using R software version 3.6.2. The results of the analysis revealed a weak positive correlation between academic achievement and students’ self-efficacy. It was concluded that self-efficacy has a significant role in promoting academic achievement in chemistry. Therefore, students should develop themselves by cultivating the attitude of practicing everything they are being taught in chemistry every day. It is recommended that classroom activities be made very interesting and challenging for students’ efforts. Support and encouragement should be given to each student as he or she does his or her best to complete the assigned task