630 research outputs found

    Rough Set Discretize Classification of Intrusion Detection System

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    Many pattern classification tasks confront with the problem that may have a very high dimensional feature space like in Intrusion Detection System (IDS) data. Rough set is widely used in IDS to overcome the arising issue. In rough set, there are several stage processing including discretization part which is a vital task in data mining, particularly in the classification problem. Two results distinguish showing that the discretization stage is hugely important in both training and testing of IDS data. In proposed framework, analysis should been done to discretization, reduct and rules stage to determine the significant algorithm and core element in IDS data. The classification using standard voting, since it is a rule-based classification

    Enterprise Factors Contributing to The Success of Malaysian Biotechnology SMEs: A Grounded Theory Approach

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    While numerous empirical studies have been conducted in Western countries on biotechnology enterprises, little empirical research has been done in Malaysia especially in respect to the factors that contribute to the success of biotechnology small and medium enterprises (SMEs). In view of this, a study was undertaken recently in Malaysia to address this gap in the existing body of biotechnology knowledge. Using a grounded theory approach, this qualitative study managed to develop a conceptual framework that sheds useful information on the enterprise factors that significantly impact the success of Malaysian biotechnology SMEs. Specifically, this study found that organizational structure, innovation activities, linkages with academic research institutions, linkages with other private enterprises, personal linkages with academic researchers, access to financial capital, the procuring of government assistances, vertical integration, enterprise image, GMP compliance and halal certification, strongly influence enterprise success

    Applying standard competency assessment in vocational teaching practices

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    Teaching in vocational education is focused on knowledge and skills. Psychomotor is an aspect that emphasized in teaching competency in vocational education. Teaching based on psychomotor is a way to provide students with the hands on skills. Teachers are the main character in the teaching session. Therefore, this paper explained the differences among teachers in teaching based Standard Competency Assessment with their expertise in particular field. Research used survey design involved 301 teachers from Vocational Colleges specifically teaching practical task in Technology Courses. The focused elements are experienced and qualification of expertise based on recognition by Malaysia Skill Certification. Result showed that there are differences in the application of the teaching methods between experienced and inexperienced instructors teaching at the workshop from the teaching and evaluation aspects. The skills certificates ownership by the instructors shows differences in the aspects of teaching methods compared to the teaching implementation. In summary, teachers or instructors who teaching in vocational courses need the basic requirement especially skills recognition to fulfill competency assessment

    A career success model for academics at Malaysian research universities

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to develop a career success model for academics at the Malaysian research universities. Design/methodology/approach – Self-administered and online surveys were used for data collection among 325 academics from Malaysian research universities. Findings – Based on the analysis of structural equation modeling, the proposed model explained 48 percent of the variance of academics’ career success. Specifically, the result shows that there are positive significant effects between organizational support, extraversion personality, person-job fit and academics’ career success. A full mediation effect of proactive behavior was established on the relationship between organizational support and career success. Overall, the results confirmed that the proposed model succinctly explains career success among academics in Malaysian research universities. Research limitations/implications – The authors present a career success model for academics at Malaysian research universities. The study represents an important extension of previous research of which it tested the applicability of the career success theories and identified the key factors related to career success of academics based on the context of Malaysian research universities. Most current career success studies were conducted in the context of the Western culture or developed countries; therefore, the results based on the Malaysian sample provide strong evidence of cross-cultural comparability of the career success construct and model. Practical implications – The findings provide implications to both individuals and human resource development practitioners on career success among academics. Practical interventions are suggested to assist individuals and organizations toward achieving career success. This study sheds some light on the effective management of the academics. Originality/value – The authors propose a model of academics’ career success based on the context of Malaysian research universities

    النصائح في كتاب الأفية لابن مالك: دراسة دلالية

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    Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari bahasa sangat dibutuhkan sebagai sarana untuk menyampaikan suatu maksudtertentu kepada orang lain. Setelah mengalami perkembangan, penggunaan bahasa tidak terbatas hanya pada pengungkapan sederhana kemudian selesai. Akan tetapi sudah menggunakan variasi-variasi tertentu sehingga menjadi menarik dan tidak membosankan, misalkan analogi bahasa, majaz, kiasan dan bahkan ada yang menyuplik dari ungkapan-ungkapan tenar tanpa merubah rangkaian kata, Seperti yang sudah lazim berlaku yaitu menyuplik nadzam Alfiyah lbnu Malik digunakan sebagai sarana ungkap untuk memberi nasehat-nsehat keagamaan, sosial dan bahkan politik

    A genetic algorithm approach for timetabling problem: the time group strategy

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    The university timetabling problems (TTP) deal with the scheduling of the teaching program. Over the last decade variant of Genetic Algorithm (GA) approaches have been used to solve various types of TTP with great success. Most of the approaches are problem dependent, applied only to the institutions where they were designed. In this paper we proposed time group strategy and Simple GA (TGGA) to solve highly constrained TTP. The proposed model promises to solve highly constrained timetabling with less effort. The model is tested and results are discussed

    Transforming learning through strategic management case studies : OUM's on-line alternative

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    Engaging learners has become a major topic of discussion amongst academicians as many employers in the corporate sector have voiced their complaints regarding the employability of local graduates. Our local graduates are said to lack critical thinking skills and analytical abilities. Taking this in mind, the Faculty of Business and Management of Open University Malaysia has embarked on an ambitious project to engage learners using case studies in Strategic Management. The use of cases as a tool to develop critical thinking and analytical abilities have long been used by renowned business schools such as Harvard Business School in the United States and Curtin Business School in Australia. OUM’s Faculty of Business and Management has gone a step further to transform learning for its students – the Strategic Management course is going to be offered fully on-line where the faculty’s academicians will engage in case discussions with learners from anywhere in the country at any point of time. The use of cases, supplemented by learning materials, Power Point slides and videos will foster a more engaging learning environment where learners will experience real-life scenarios, make decisions and formulate strategies in the shoes of CEOs. This paper will share the faculty’s plans and implemented projects for the transformation of BBPS4103 Strategic Management. (Abstract by authors

    Implementation of Generic Skills in the Curriculum

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    In many cultures and countries including Malaysia, the issue of incorporating generic skills into the curriculum taught to students in higher learning institutions has gained momentum in recent years. The raison d\u27être to inculcate generic skills among students is to enable the country to meet human resource requirements which will be more competitive in the advent of a borderless world. Growing concerns of the employability of graduates and the expansion in the size and diversity of student populations also form the basis to implement the generic skills program in universities. All undergraduate programs offered in public higher learning institutions in Malaysia are now required to incorporate generic skills in the curricula. This generic skill requirement is subject to reviews when programs are accredited and rated for quality assurance by the Ministry of Higher Education. In order to satisfy this requirement, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) as a new university has been proactive in redesigning the existing curriculum to be more competitive and marketable by integrating and implementing generic skills in the curriculum. This paper will discuss the approaches taken by UMT in integrating elements of generic skills in the teaching and learning activities. The experiences and challenges in the planning, implementing and assessing generic skills components are also elaborated. Finally, this paper ends with suggestions and recommendations with respect to further initiatives to enhance the employability of the graduates

    Perceived effectiveness of a community policing program in Malaysia: a comparison of socio-demographic factors

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    Rakan COP (Community Oriented Policing) invites the public to become friends of the police through interactive information sharing program. The purpose of this study is to understand the implementation and also the effectiveness of the Rakan COP program developed by Royal Malaysia Police with the aim of maintaining peace and reducing public fear of crime in the Malaysia. Two specific objectives were formed as follows (a) to identify the effectiveness level of the Rakan COP Program and (b) to determine the socio-demographic differences in the effectiveness of the Rakan COP. The questionnaire was adapted based on previous studies in program effectiveness. A total of 384 Rakan COP members in Kuala Lumpur were chosen by cluster sampling techniques based on the characteristics recommended by the Kuala Lumpur Police Contingent Head Quarters. The findings showed that the Rakan COP member provides an excellent assessment towards the effectiveness of the program. However, all socio-demographic factors shows there is no significant different among factors towards the effectiveness of Rakan COP program

    The impact of personality and leadership styles on leading change capability of Malaysian managers

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    This study was conducted to investigate the influence of the Big Five Dimensions of personality of the Malaysian Managers and the leadership styles these managers use on their leading change capabilities. Total sample of 105 managers was used in this study. The results of this study revealed that the Malaysian managers tend to enjoy personalities that are conscious and open to experience. These managers tend to use consultative leadership style. However, they use autocratic, democratic and some of them use laissez-fair, but the respondents of this study scored higher in consultative leadership style. The results of the study showed that Extroversion personality trait as well as involvement leadership style were positively related with Leading Change. Both Openness to Experience and Emotional Stability were significantly and positively correlated with Consultative Leadership Style that the managers use. Involvement Leadership Style was found to be significantly and positively correlated with Leading Change (R2=.38) In conclusion, this study showed a positively significant correlation between personality of managers, their leadership styles and their leading change capabilitie