360 research outputs found

    Exploring Pathways to Reconciliation

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    Close to home: An Indigenist project of story gathering

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    This article describes an Indigenist re-search project where I gathered stories from my mother who went to the St. Johns Anglican Residential School. The re-search project was a personal, close to home project that took place from 2015 to 2017. This article articulates a personal, layered, wholistic and seasonally governed Indigenist methodology. It illustrates what makes a project Indigenist by way of its focus and process that is wholistic and guided by an Anishinaabe worldview calling attention to spirit, heart, mind and body. In this article, the term re-search versus research is applied to indicate an act of ‘looking again’ at how to re-search. My hyphenated re-search restores Indigeneity and Indigenous knowledge in how one comes to know (knowledge production).  This article demonstrates a reworking of how I engage in research through an act of re-searching through memory and story sharing.  The methodology presented herein illustrates a process of gathering stories, having conversations, making meaning of those stories, and reframing and representing them in multiple modes such as film, creative arts and text. My Indigeneity as well as my Anishinaabe teachings and knowledge are the foundation of how I searched and guided this wholistic process.  Pivotal to this project is the relationship of daughter and mother and the restoring of both knowledge and relationship through re-search.  This article articulates a methodology that is steeped in relational accountability, seasonally guided and restoring of Indigenous knowledge

    Radar Altimeter for Ultralight Aircraft

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    Práce řeší problematiku radarového měření vzdáleností s využitím pro výuku přistávání a vzlétání ultralehkých letadel.   K řešení problematiky jsou využity radary s frekvenční modulací kontinuální vlny, tedy FMCW radary. Řešení je založeno na metodě lineární frekvenční modulace (LFM) s trojúhelníkovým průběhem.   Při zkušebním měření v reálných podmínkách bylo zjištěno, že radary pracující v pásmu 24 GHz jsou účiné od 1 metru (v závislosti na hloubce modulace) do 150 metrů. Tento rozsah postačuje k využití pro nácvik vzletů a přistání, což je cílem této práce. Dále bylo zjištěno, že při vzletu a přistání se dopplerův jev projevuje minimálně.   Výsledný algoritmus pracuje na principu diferenciace dvou následných spekter a následné validace detekce významných vrcholů na právě zpracovávaném spektru.The main topic of this paper is a radar ranging for use in an aircraft altitude measurement. This should help beginner pilots in practicing landing and take off.   To achieve this aim, we chose to use continuous-wave radars with frequency modulation (FMCW). Our solution is based on linear frequency modulation method using triangular modulation pattern.   During the testing, it was found out, that radars with 24 GHz bandwidth have a range resolution from 1 meter (depending on modulation depth) to 13 metres. This range is sufficient for usage in training of takeoffs and landings, which is the real purpose of this paper. Another good finding is, that during takeoff and landing, there is minimal occurrence of doppler frequencies.   Final algorithm works on principle of two currently processed spectrums, which are substracted. Afterwards, found peaks are validated on current spectrum.

    Runway Inspection by RPAS

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    This article discusses the use of the RPAS for the inspection of the airport operating areas. The paper compares the current process of the inspection of the airport operating areas by the airport staff with the possibilities which are offered by the use of the modern technology RPAS. The following text also describes how to inspect airport operating areas by the RPAS, specific technical possibilities and the applicable technical solutions. Furthermore there are variants of piloting the RPAS, comparing usable equipment, equipment for video recording and the possibility of using thermal imaging camera in the article

    A “Coleção Cope” e os fósseis na Estrada de Ferro da Bahia - São Francisco

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    As coleções paleontológicas representam uma herança natural e cultural, que deve ser salvaguardada em acervos institucionais. Dentre elas, destaca-se a Coleção de Paleovertebrados do Departamento de Geologia e Paleontologia do Museu Nacional (DGP-MN), que sofreu uma considerável perda, em decorrência do incêndio sofrido por este museu em 2018. Uma forma de recuperar as informações históricas e científicas desta coleção está em seu registro iconográfico. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho inventaria e ilustra o acervo, que ficou conhecido no Departamento de Geologia e Paleontologia do Museu Nacional como “Coleção Cope”. Trata-se de uma centena de vertebrados fósseis que foram enviados, sob a forma de empréstimo, ao paleontólogo norte-americano Edward Drinker Cope (1840-1897), no final do século XIX, para identificação e descrição. Grande parte desta coleção foi obtida durante a construção da Estrada de Ferro da Bahia ao São Francisco, inaugurada em 1860. A implementação e consequente ampliação da rede ferroviária no Brasil, no final do século XIX, trouxe não só crescimento econômico, como possibilitou a formação de muitas coleções paleontológicas, uma vez que os cortes abertos nos terrenos para a construção das estradas de ferro revelaram o registro fossilífero, como é o caso da “Coleção Cope”. Se esta não mais existe fisicamente, ao menos a listagem e o registro iconográfico aqui apresentados poderão revalidá-la para a paleontologia brasileira

    A “Coleção Cope” e os fósseis na Estrada de Ferro da Bahia - São Francisco

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    Since paleontological collections represent a natural and cultural heritage, it is crucial to safeguard them in institutional collections. Among them, the Paleovertebrates Collection of the Department of Geology and Paleontology of the National Museum (DGP-MN) stands out, which suffered a considerable loss due to the fire suffered by this museum in 2018. A way to recover this collection’s Historical and scientific information is in its iconographic record. In this context, the present work inventories and illustrates the collection, which became known in the Department of Geology and Paleontology of the National Museum as the “Cope Collection”. It is about a hundred fossil vertebrates that were sent, in the form of a loan, to the American palaeontologist Edward Drinker Cope (1840-1897) for identification and description at the end of the 19th century. Most of such material was collected during the Bahia -São Francisco Railroad building, whose inauguration was in 1860. The implementation and expansion of the railway network in Brazil at the end of the 19th century not only brought economic growth but also enabled the formation of many paleontological collections since the open cuts in the land for the construction of the railroads revealed the fossil record, as is the case of the “Cope Collection”. If it no longer physically exists, at least the listing and iconographic we have presented as a sample here can revalidate it for Brazilian palaeontology.As coleções paleontológicas representam uma herança natural e cultural, que deve ser salvaguardada em acervos institucionais. Dentre elas, destaca-se a Coleção de Paleovertebrados do Departamento de Geologia e Paleontologia do Museu Nacional (DGP-MN), que sofreu uma considerável perda, em decorrência do incêndio sofrido por este museu em 2018. Uma forma de recuperar as informações históricas e científicas desta coleção está em seu registro iconográfico. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho inventaria e ilustra o acervo, que ficou conhecido no Departamento de Geologia e Paleontologia do Museu Nacional como “Coleção Cope”. Trata-se de uma centena de vertebrados fósseis que foram enviados, sob a forma de empréstimo, ao paleontólogo norte-americano Edward Drinker Cope (1840-1897), no final do século XIX, para identificação e descrição. Grande parte desta coleção foi obtida durante a construção da Estrada de Ferro da Bahia ao São Francisco, inaugurada em 1860. A implementação e consequente ampliação da rede ferroviária no Brasil, no final do século XIX, trouxe não só crescimento econômico, como possibilitou a formação de muitas coleções paleontológicas, uma vez que os cortes abertos nos terrenos para a construção das estradas de ferro revelaram o registro fossilífero, como é o caso da “Coleção Cope”. Se esta não mais existe fisicamente, ao menos a listagem e o registro iconográfico aqui apresentados poderão revalidá-la para a paleontologia brasileira

    Towards testing post-editing performance:A future-proof diagnostic tool

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    In the present article, we provide an outline of a diagnostic tool for testing post-editing performance. The tool is hoped to facilitate the identification of suitable translators/translation students for post-editing projects by flagging knowledge, skills or attitudes relevant to post-editing that is/are found to be lacking in candidates' post-editing behaviour.En aquest article descrivim un instrument de diagnòstic per avaluar la pràctica de la post-edició. Tot i que hi ha exemples d'aquests instruments a l'abast, rara vegada es fan servir els estudis empírics com a base per a avaluar-lo. Esperem que la nostra eina pugui ajudar a seleccionar professionals de la traducció o alumnat de traducció adequats per a projectes de post-edició amb la detecció dels coneixements, les competències o les actituds importants per fer aquesta feina i que fins ara faltaven en el comportament dels aspirants a fer-la.En el presente artículo perfilamos una herramienta de diagnóstico para evaluar la práctica de la posedición. No es habitual que se utilicen estudios empíricos como base para su evaluación, a pesar de disponer de ejemplos de tales instrumentos. Esperamos que nuestra herramienta ayude a seleccionar profesionales de la traducción o alumnado de traducción adecuado para proyectos de posedición con la detección de conocimientos, competencias o actitudes importantes para este trabajo que no se encontraban hasta ahora en el comportamiento de los aspirantes a desempeñarlo

    Employment industry and occupational continuity in Germany: from the Nazi regime to the post-war economic miracle

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    Using retrospective survey data that covers 1939, 1950, 1960, and 1971, I compare individual-level changes in employment industry and occupational status in Germany from the beginning of World War II to the post-war reconstruction era dubbed the Economic Miracle (Wirtschaftswunder). This comparison reveals that, with only a few exceptions, labor allocation developments remained relatively stable even in the face of huge political and macroeconomic change

    Biosorbents in the Metallic Ions Determination

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    This chapter provides an overview and discusses analytical strategies for metallic ions determination using solid phase extraction. Solid phase extraction (SPE) is a much-used technique for extraction and/or concentration of complex samples, so that the analytes present in low concentration were detected mainly using chromatographic methods. However, in recent years, this technique has been widely used in the development of methodologies for metallic ions determination in the deferential samples. This technique shows simplicity and rapidity comparing with other conventional techniques, liquid–liquid extraction, cloud point extraction and others. Solid phase extraction procedures become even more interesting when commercial adsorbents are exchanged for others with higher adsorptive capacity, selectivity, flexibility, economy and low environmental impacts. For this purpose, some inorganic, organic and several natural adsorbents are used. New approaches to obtain adsorbent materials from natural sources such as fungi, bacteria, industrial residues and composting materials have received attention. These materials have been used in the development of analytical methods with varied proposals, such as preconcentration or speciation of metal ions

    Fifteen years of clinical liver transplantation

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    Liver transplantation in humans was first attempted more than 15 yr ago. The 1-yr survival has slowly improved until it has now reached about 50%. In our experience, 46 patients have lived for at least 1 yr, with the longest survival being 9 yr. The high acute mortality in early trials was due in many cases to technical and management errors and to the use of damaged organs. With elimination of such factors, survival increased. Further improvements will depend upon better immunosuppression. Orthotopic liver transplantation (liver replacement) is the preferred operation in most cases, but placement of an extra liver (auxiliary transplantation) may have a role under special circumstances. © 1979