474 research outputs found

    A Profile of Anna Bon, 18th Century Venetian Composer

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    During the 1700\u27s, music was flourishing in Italy, and Italy was regarded as the country of true musicians. Italian musicians and composers were frequently imported by courts in other countries. One Venetian composer of the time, who was composing for royalty, was Anna Bon. There is very little known about her life beyond that which appears on the title pages of her published works. A modest amount of information on Bon appears in Eitner\u27s Quellenlexikon (1898). Abromeit examines this scarce amount of information and prepares an analysis and realization of two of Bon\u27s sonatas for flute and continuo, Opus 1, nos 1 & 5. This honors thesis was presented as a lecture recital

    A new web based eLearning platform for building simulation

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    Automatic detection of language and annotation model information in CoNLL corpora

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    We introduce AnnoHub, an on-going effort to automatically complement existing language resources with metadata about the languages they cover and the annotation schemes (tagsets) that they apply, to provide a web interface for their curation and evaluation by means of domain experts, and to publish them as a RDF dataset and as part of the (Linguistic) Linked Open Data (LLOD) cloud. In this paper, we focus on tabular formats with tab-separated values (TSV), a de-facto standard for annotated corpora as popularized as part of the CoNLL Shared Tasks. By extension, other formats for which a converter to CoNLL and/or TSV formats does exist, can be processed analoguously. We describe our implementation and its evaluation against a sample of 93 corpora from the Universal Dependencies, v.2.3

    Automatic Detection of Language and Annotation Model Information in CoNLL Corpora

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    We introduce AnnoHub, an on-going effort to automatically complement existing language resources with metadata about the languages they cover and the annotation schemes (tagsets) that they apply, to provide a web interface for their curation and evaluation by means of domain experts, and to publish them as a RDF dataset and as part of the (Linguistic) Linked Open Data (LLOD) cloud. In this paper, we focus on tabular formats with tab-separated values (TSV), a de-facto standard for annotated corpora as popularized as part of the CoNLL Shared Tasks. By extension, other formats for which a converter to CoNLL and/or TSV formats does exist, can be processed analoguously. We describe our implementation and its evaluation against a sample of 93 corpora from the Universal Dependencies, v.2.3

    Theory-guided Therapeutic Function of Music to facilitate emotion regulation development in preschool-aged children

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    Emotion regulation (ER) is an umbrella term to describe interactive, goal-dependent explicit, and implicit processes that are intended to help an individual manage and shift an emotional experience. The primary window for appropriate ER development occurs during the infant, toddler, and preschool years. Atypical ER development is considered a risk factor for mental health problems and has been implicated as a primary mechanism underlying childhood pathologies. Current treatments are predominantly verbal- and behavioral-based and lack the opportunity to practice in-the-moment management of emotionally charged situations. There is also an absence of caregiver–child interaction in these treatment strategies. Based on behavioral and neural support for music as a therapeutic mechanism, the incorporation of intentional music experiences, facilitated by a music therapist, may be one way to address these limitations. Musical Contour Regulation Facilitation (MCRF) is an interactive therapist-child music-based intervention for ER development practice in preschoolers. The MCRF intervention uses the deliberate contour and temporal structure of a music therapy session to mirror the changing flow of the caregiver–child interaction through the alternation of high arousal and low arousal music experiences. The purpose of this paper is to describe the Therapeutic Function of Music (TFM), a theory-based description of the structural characteristics for a music-based stimulus to musically facilitate developmentally appropriate high arousal and low arousal in-the-moment ER experiences. The TFM analysis is based on a review of the music theory, music neuroscience, and music development literature and provides a preliminary model of the structural characteristics of the music as a core component of the MCRF intervention

    The vicissitudes of the politics of "life" : Max Horkheimer and Herbert Marcuse's reception of phenomenology and vitalism in Weimar Germany

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    The following article attempts to clarify the ambivalent relationship that Max Horkheimer and Herbert Marcuse developed with the vitalist and phenomenological tendencies that permeated philosophy and the social sciences during the Weimar Republic. More precisely, it traces how both thinkers, in spite of acknowledging the "truth moment" contained in the criticism that the philosophical exponents of both movements (Husserl, Bergson, Dilthey) developed of 19th century positivism, also recognized in its shallow popularization the advancement of a dangerous philosophical irrationalism, suspicious of science and Enlightenment values, that would soon become an accomplice to the rise of fascism.L'article següent s'ocupa d'aclarir la relació ambivalent que Max Horkheimer i Herbert Marcuse van desenvolupar amb les tendències vitalista i fenomenològica que van permear la filosofia i les ciències socials durant la república de Weimar. Més precisament, documenta com ambdós pensadors, alhora que van reconèixer el «moment de veritat» latent en la crítica al positivisme del segle XIX, expressat pels referents genuïnament filosòfics dels dos moviments (Husserl, Bersong, Dilthey), van detectar el desenvolupament popularitzant d'un perillós irracionalisme filosòfic, suspicaç davant la ciència i els valors il·lustrats, que aviat va esdevenir còmplice de l'auge del totalitarisme.El siguiente artículo se ocupa de esclarecer la relación ambivalente que Max Horkheimer y Herbert Marcuse desarrollaron con las tendencias vitalista y fenomenológica que permearon a la filosofía y las ciencias sociales durante la república de Weimar. Más precisamente, documenta cómo ambos pensadores, a la vez que reconocieron el «momento de verdad» latente en la crítica al positivismo del siglo XIX, expresado por los referentes genuinamente filosóficos de ambos movimientos (Husserl, Bersong, Dilthey), detectaron el desarrollo popularizante de un peligroso irracionalismo filosófico, suspicaz frente la ciencia y a los valores ilustrados, que se volvería pronto cómplice del auge del totalitarismo

    Annotation interoperability for the post-ISOCat era

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    With this paper, we provide an overview over ISOCat successor solutions and annotation standardization efforts since 2010, and we describe the low-cost harmonization of post-ISOCat vocabularies by means of modular, linked ontologies: The CLARIN Concept Registry, LexInfo, Universal Parts of Speech, Universal Dependencies and UniMorph are linked with the Ontologies of Linguistic Annotation and through it with ISOCat, the GOLD ontology, the Typological Database Systems ontology and a large number of annotation schemes

    Frankfurt School Critical Theory and the Persistence of Authoritarian Populism in the United States

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    The first part of the essay provides a brief overview of the Critical Theorists’ studies of authoritarianism and right-wing populism. The second part examines the emergence of the Tea Party and Donald Trump’s success in expanding and intensifying this right-wing populist movement by harnessing it to his own authoritarian leadership. Drawing on the conceptual resources outlined in the first section, I seek to demonstrate in the second section how the Critical Theorists’ analyses of right-wing populism and authoritarianism can still explain key aspects of the Tea Party and Trump. Throughout this essay Critical Theory and right-wing populism is situated within two levels of historical periodization: first, the modern bourgeois epoch as whole and, second, specific periods within that epoch. The aim of the latter periodization is to illuminate the specific historical and social conditions that have inhibited or favored the emergence of right-wing populist and authoritarian movements.A primeira parte deste artigo fornece um breve resumo dos estudos sobre o autoritarismo e o populismo de direita dos Teóricos Críticos. A segunda parte analisa a emergência do Tea Party e o sucesso de Donald Trump em expandir e intensificar este movimento populista de direita ao atrelá-lo à sua liderança autoritária. Com base nos recursos conceituais expostos na primeira seção, pretendo demonstrar na segunda seção como as análises do populismo de direita e do autoritarismo dos Teóricos Críticos ainda podem explicar aspectos chave do Tea Party e de Trump. Ao longo deste artigo, a Teoria Crítica e o populismo de direita são situados em dois níveis de periodização histórica: o primeiro é a época burguesa moderna como um todo e o segundo se refere a períodos específicos desta época. O objetivo desta última periodização é esclarecer as condições históricas e sociais específicas que inibiram ou favoreceram o surgimento do populismo de direita e dos movimentos autoritários.


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    Diferentemente de interpretações recentes sobre a teoria marcuseana da tecnologia, elogiosas ou críticas, que identificam nela uma forte e contínua influência de Heidegger, pretendo mostrar, no presente artigo, que Marcuse toma de empréstimo elementos importantes da fenomenologia de Heidegger e, mais ainda, de Husserl, mas que essses elementos são apropriados dentro de uma abordagem teórica geral marxista. Dessa maneira, enfatizam-se os fatores sociais e históricos como os determinantes últimos da tecnologia e da racionalidade tecnológica. Com isso, o presente artigo procura esclarecer a relação entre o marxismo e a fenomenologia na obra tardia de Marcuse.PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Marcuse, Heidegger, teoria crítica, tecnologia, marxismo.LEFTIST HEIDEGGERIANISM OR PHENOMENOLOGICAL MARXISM? Reconsidering Herbert Marcuse’s Critical Theory of Technology John AbromeitUnlike recent interpretations of Marcuse’s theory of technology, be it in praise or criticism, which identify in it a strong and continuing influence of Heidegger, I intend to show in this article, that Marcuse borrows important elements of Heidegger’s phenomenology, and even more so, Husserl’s, but also that these elements are appropriate within a general Marxist theoretical approach. Thus, the social and historical factors are emphasized as ultimates determinants of technology and technological rationality. Therefore, this paper seeks to clarify the relationship between Marxism and phenomenology in Marcuse’s later work.KEYWORDS: Marcuse, Heidegger, critical theory, technology, Marxism. HEIDEGGERIANISME DE GAUCHE OU MARXISME PHÉNOMÉNOLOGIQUE? Reconsidérant la Théorie Critique de la Technologie de Herbert Marcuse John AbromeitContrairement aux interprétations récentes de la théorie marcusienne de la technologie, remplies d’éloges ou de critiques, qui identifient en elle une influence forte et continue de Heidegger, j’ai l’intention de montrer dans cet article que Marcuse emprunte des éléments importants à la phénoménologie de Heidegger et, plus encore, de Husserl, mais que ces éléments sont appropriés dans une approche théorique générale marxiste. Ainsi les facteurs sociaux et historiques sont mis en évidence en tant que déterminants de la technologie et de la rationalité technologique. De cette manière, cet article essaie d’expliquer la relation entre le marxisme et la phénoménologie dans l’œuvre tardive de Marcuse.MOTS-CLÉS: Marcuse, Heidegger, théorie critique, technologie, marxisme. Publicação Online do Caderno CRH: http://www.cadernocrh.ufba.br   Publicação Online do Caderno CRH no Scielo: http://www.scielo.br/ccr

    Construct optimal experience for the hospitalized newborn through neuro-based music therapy

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    Music-based intervention for hospitalized newborn infants has traditionally been based in a biomedical model, with physiological stability as the prime objective. More recent applications are grounded in other theories, including attachment, trauma and neurological models in which infant, parent and the dyadic interaction may be viewed as a dynamic system bound by the common context of the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). The immature state of the preterm infant’s auditory processing system requires a careful and individualized approach for the introduction of purposeful auditory experience intended to support development. The infant’s experience of an unpredictable auditory environment is further compromised by a potential lack of meaningful auditory stimulation. Parents often feel disconnected from their own capacities to nurture their infant with potentially life-long implications for the infant’s neurobehavioral and psychological well-being. This perspectives paper will outline some neurological considerations for auditory processing in the premature infant to frame a premise for music-based interventions. A hypothetical clinical case will illustrate the application of music by a music therapist with an infant and family in NICU
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