9 research outputs found

    Efektivitas Jogja Smart Service dalam Pelayanan Kependudukan ditengah Pandemi Covid-19

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    In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Yogyakarta City Population and Civil Registration Service implements social distancing or reduces face to face in population administration services. People only need to access the Jogja Smart Service application to take care of population administration. Jogja Smart Service is one of the implementations of e-government in the administration of Yogyakarta City government. The purpose of this research is to determine whether or not the Jogja Smart Service (JSS) application is effective in the population services of the people of Yogyakarta City amid the Covid-19 pandemic. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. Data collection techniques were carried out by means of interviews and literature studies. The data analysis used is descriptive analysis, namely describing and analyzing more deeply related to the findings of research using existing theoretical foundations. To determine whether or not Jogja Smart Service is effective in population services in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, this study uses five indicators, namely tangiable, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. The results of this study indicate that the Jogja Smart Service application has succeeded in serving the population administration of the people of Yogyakarta City in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic effectively and efficiently even though in its implementation there are still obstacles

    Kotak Kosong dalam Perspektif Hak Memilih dan Dipilih pada Pilkada Kabupaten Kebumen 2020

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    The 2020 Kebumen Regional Election Contest was followed by a single candidate for the incumbent pair Arif Sugiyanto and Ristawati Purwaningsih. To choose between an empty box or a defense candidate pair, is something new, especially for the people of Kebumen Regency, however the presence of this phenomenon is different, presenting a different political spirit, but on the other hand it should put political decisions into an election method that does not require an option in order to reduce participation. society in a democracy. This writing aims to understand the causal scope of the empty boxes in the 2020 Pilkada of Kebumen Regency, which present single nominees and empty boxes. This research method is carried out by qualitative research methods using descriptive analysis techniques because in this study aims to reveal reality, and present the conditions and circumstances that occur. Data collection techniques are obtained by secondary data in the form of journal articles, news, and other library studies related to this research. The results of this study indicate that in the implementation systematics there is no complete fulfillment of rights that the pilkada followed by single candidate pairs and empty boxes is evidence of the implementation of democracy in accordance with a human rights perspective


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    Almost all political scholars have proven that Facebook has an important role in seizing the public’s political engagement in political campaign agenda. However, the differences in voter segmentation and the internet capacity do not make all cases are all the same phenomenon. This study used a mixed research method to find out the Facebook's role in shaping the online political engagement from the Bantul community to the official accounts of candidates in Bantul Local Election 2020 for Bantul regency. The result of this research led to a conclusion that there was a digital divide that resulting in the democratic divide in the Bantul Regency. This democratic divide caused the lack of understanding of the local community towards the issue raised by the candidates. Furthermore, all the political candidates in the Bantul regency that competed in the local election 2020 had used symbolic issues for their political campaign agenda in this election such as religion-tolerance and other cultural-social issues.

    Peran Komite Independen Sadar Pemilu (KISP) sebagai LSM Kepemiluan dalam Melawan Praktik Politik Uang

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    Artikel ini mencoba menguji keberhasilan peran LSM kepemiluan Komite Independen Sadar Pemilu (KISP) dalam membentuk desa anti politik uang (desa APU) sebagai agenda perlawanan terhadap praktik politik uang di Desa Sardonoharjo, Kecamatan Ngaglik, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Artikel ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif yang menggunakan instrumen wawancara terhadap informan terkait dan menggunakan instrumen observasi participan pada objek penelitian sebagai data primer, sedangkan data sekunder diperoleh dari studi perpustakaan terkait fokus penelitian seperti buku, jurnal nasional/internasional, laporan, dokumen dan sumber tertulis lainya yang terkait dengan fokus penelitian. Artikel ini mengarahkan kepada 4 kesimpulan pokok: 1.) Peran KISP sebagai konseptor pembentukan Desa APU meliputi deklarasi Desa APU untuk melawan praktik politik uang, pembentukan tim, sosialisasi dan pendidikan tentang bahaya politik uang, hingga pada pembuatan modul Desa APU dan pembuatan stiker keluarga anti politik uang. 2.) Masih ada penolakan oleh masyarakat sekitar terkait gerakan perlawanan politik uang. 3.)  Peran KISP dalam pembentukan Desa APU untuk melawan praktik politik kurang efektif mengurangi terjadinya praktik politik uang, meskipun tidak ditemukan laporan mengenai praktik politik uang di Desa Sardonoharjo hal ini tidak mengindikasikan keberhasilan program Desa APU. 4.) Hal ini disebabkan karena politik uang sudah menjadi hal yang biasa dikalangan masyarakat sekitar desa tersebut dan sikap kurang tegas dari pihak perangkat desa, serta kurangnya partisipasi dari pihak Bawaslu Kabupaten Sleman pada tahapan sosialisasi


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    The rise of populist movements in Indonesia's political culture and democracy is influenced by the pragmatic ideologies of Muslim figures and perspectives that represent the majority group in the country. The formation of the Ummat Party represents one of the manifestations of the populist movement. The objective of this research is to elucidate the evolution of anti-establishment populist movements that have manifested as the Ummat Party, which has been initiated by Islamic populist figures in Indonesia, specifically Amien Rais. This study was conducted using a qualitative research method. Data collection techniques were carried out through observation and literature review. The findings revealed that Amien Rais employed anti-establishment populist narratives to create a movement of resistance, resulting in the establishment of the Ummat Party in Indonesia. By utilizing this narrative, the Ummat Party aims to challenge the socio-political status quo within Indonesia's democratic culture, advocating for change. Moreover, the Ummat Party exhibits a political agenda in utilizing the anti-establishment movement as a strategy to attain power and as a form of opposition against the current government in Indonesia.Gerakan populisme dalam budaya politik dan demokrasi di Indonesia banyak dipengaruhi oleh pemikiran praktis tokoh dan pandangan Muslim yang menjadi kelompok mayoritas di Indonesia. Munculnya Partai Ummat adalah salah satu dari bentuk gerakan populisme tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan proses munculnya gerakan populisme anti-kemapanan yang bertransformasi menjadi Partai Ummat yang digagas oleh tokoh populis Islam di Indonesia, yakni Amien Rais. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi dan telaah pustaka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Amien Rais menggunakan narasi populis anti kemapanan guna membentuk gerakan perlawanan dengan mendirikan Partai Ummat di Indonesia. Melalui narasi ini pula, Partai Ummat berupaya untuk mengubah struktur sosial politik dalam budaya demokrasi di Indonesia. Lebih lanjut, terdapat kepentingan politik Partai Ummat untuk mengambil isu gerakan anti kemapanan ini sebagai sarana mencapai kekuasaan dan sebagai bentuk resistensi terhadap pemerintah Indonesia saat ini


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    The debate about the weakening of democracy in various countries in controlling the COVID-19 pandemic is currently rising. This article aims to describe how the Indonesian government has implemented various pandemic control policies based on the indicators of democracy from the Freedom House, which include transparency, freedom of opinion, human rights, and pluralism. This article uses a qualitative method with a descriptive analysis approach, while data collection uses a literature study focusing on various government efforts and responses from civil society regarding pandemic control. The research results reveal that the policy does not pay attention to the transparency of state budget allocations, including the appointment of goods supplier partners. Threats of doxing against those critical of pandemic control policies interfere with free speech. In the civil society realm, a pandemic’s fear raises the stigma that this virus is identical to the Chinese-ethnic group. This paper concludes that indications of weakening transparency, freedom of opinion, human rights in pandemic control policies, and community responses contrary to pluralism values potentially reduce the quality of democracy in Indonesia

    Gandeng-Gendong: Poverty Reduction Program Based on Community Empowerment in Yogyakarta City

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    This research aims to analyze the effectiveness of implementing the Gandeng-Gendong Program as an effort by the Yogyakarta City Government to overcome poverty in Yogyakarta City, which has been increasing by 0.4% since 2019. The study uses Richard M. Steers\u27 theory of effectiveness and a qualitative approach with a case study method. Data was collected through in-depth interviews and secondary data, and the results were analyzed interactively, including data reduction, presentation, and conclusion. This research also utilized NVIVO 12 Plus to help analyze the finding data using the Crosstab feature. The results of the study that has been carried out show that the implementation of the Gandeng-Gendong Program in the Yogyakarta City has yet to be effective. This can be seen from the poverty data statistics according to BPS in the City of Yogyakarta, which continues to increase after the implementation of the Gandeng-Gendong Program by 2.17% in 2021 and 2.45% in 2022. Referring to the indicators in the theory of effectiveness, various problems were found behind the ineffectiveness of the Gandeng-Gendong Program. First, the socialization of the program provided to the program benefit groups was not optimal. Socialization is an important element in distributing program information to program beneficiary groups. Therefore, non-optimal socialization affects the program implementation process, which is not accompanied by the knowledge of the beneficiary groups regarding the Gandeng-gendong Program. Second, there is no clear Standard Operating Procedure and supervision of program implementation to monitor and evaluate the implementation of the Gandeng-Gendong Program

    Peran Bawaslu dalam Pengawasan Pilkada Kabupaten Tasikmalaya Tahun 2020

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    Artikel menjelaskan tentang peran Bawaslu dalam pemilihan umum kepala daerah di Kabupaten Tasikmalaya tahun 2020 dalam menyelesaikan dan melakukan pencegahan setiap sengketa dan kecurangan yang terjadi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif deskriptif melalui wawancara dan observasi terhadap objek penelitian yang dijadikan sebagai data primer. Sementara data sekunder diperoleh melalui jurnal internasional, nasional, laporan dan studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 3 peran utama antara lain, pertama peran Bawaslu didalam pengawasan pilkada Kabupaten Tasikmalaya 2020 sebagai lembaga yang memiliki wewenang dalam melakukan pencegahan terhadap pelanggaran-pelanggaran ketika berlangsungnya pilkada. Kedua, kejanggalan Bawaslu ketika menjalankan wewenangnya pada pemilhan umum kepala daerah Kabupaten Tasikmalaya tahun 2020. Ketiga, tugas dan wewenang dari bawaslu dan kewajibannya yaitu untuk menciptakan pemilihan umum yang berintegritas dan harus meningkatkan partisipatif masyarakat dalam pemilu agar dapat mensukseskan pelaksanaan pemilihan umum

    Larangan Pengunggahan Konten Terkait FPI: Tinjauan Perspektif Hak Asasi Manusia di Indonesia

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    The release of decisions with Home Ministers, Ministers of Law and Human Rights, Ministers of Communications and Informatics, Attorney General, The Police Chief of the Republic of Indonesia (Kapolri) and the Head of the National Body of Counter-Terrorism has been the basis for the dissolution and banning of all activities of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI). Following up on this, it issued a declaration of Maklumat Kapolri No. 1/Mak/I/2021 on compliance with the ban on activities, the use of symbols and attributes and the application of fpi activities. Articel 2d of the maklumat forbidding access, uploading, and disseminating content related to FPI via the Internet is considered to have limited human rights. The study aims to see if there are any infractions and irregularities within the human rights code of the FPI content in the declaration. As for the research method used was normative juridical with a legal and conceptual approach. The source of data used is legislation on human rights, books, articles, and other sources related to the study. It was found in the study that article 2d of the maklumat went beyond the human rights code based on the principles of siracusa and the testing of three sets (three part test). Not only that, article 2d of the maklumat also threatens the freedom of press from journalists and the media in charge of spreading information to the public. The advice of the author regarding this matter should be the chief of police to update the declaration according to the purpose and purpose of the declaration issued, or at least revoke article 2d of the maklumat that feels has restricted the special human rights of free expression. This is so that the entire legal action in this country is consistent with the principles of the state of law and human rights.Keywords: human rights, freedom of expression, freedom of per