79 research outputs found


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    Purpose of the Article. It is known that countries wishing to affiliate with EU must meet certain criteria. We set demonstration of the expectations for Georgia to get close to these criteria as goal of our paper meaning that we aim fixing real indicators based on calculated forecasts.Methodology/methods. The study used methods of statistical survey, grouping and analysis: mean-value, time series and prediction. Leveling and prediction were done by simple methods based on average absolute increase and mean annual growth rate. Linear function was used as analytical method; autoregression and creeping mean ARIMA-type model were used as complex methods by adding a trend component identified with computer software Eviews-6.Scientific aim. Scientific aim of the paper was to thoroughly analyze criteria needed for EU- association, such as GDP per capita, unemployment and inflation rates, percentage value of country’s total foreign debt to GDP, indicators of state budgetary deficit, calculate predictive values of each indicator and identify expected trends of approaching EU countries.Results. Of the major indicators for EU-association, Georgia is likely to meet three: the share of foreign debt will not exceed 60% of GDP, inflation rate will be maintained as single-digit and joint budgetary deficit will not exceed 3% of GDP. As for other two requirements, GDP per capita of 10-12 thousand USD and maximum 10% rate of unemployment, Georgia is unlikely to meet them.Conclusions. Thus, of the requirements for Georgia to integrate with EU, the country will likely to reach three: rate of inflation will be maintained as single digit, joint budget deficit will not exceed 3% of GDP and foreign debt of the country will not exceed 60% of GDP. As for other criteria, their major indicators in Georgia still fall back EU countries.Purpose of the Article. It is known that countries wishing to affiliate with EU must meet certain criteria. We set demonstration of the expectations for Georgia to get close to these criteria as goal of our paper meaning that we aim fixing real indicators based on calculated forecasts.Methodology/methods. The study used methods of statistical survey, grouping and analysis: mean-value, time series and prediction. Leveling and prediction were done by simple methods based on average absolute increase and mean annual growth rate. Linear function was used as analytical method; autoregression and creeping mean ARIMA-type model were used as complex methods by adding a trend component identified with computer software Eviews-6.Scientific aim. Scientific aim of the paper was to thoroughly analyze criteria needed for EU- association, such as GDP per capita, unemployment and inflation rates, percentage value of country’s total foreign debt to GDP, indicators of state budgetary deficit, calculate predictive values of each indicator and identify expected trends of approaching EU countries.Results. Of the major indicators for EU-association, Georgia is likely to meet three: the share of foreign debt will not exceed 60% of GDP, inflation rate will be maintained as single-digit and joint budgetary deficit will not exceed 3% of GDP. As for other two requirements, GDP per capita of 10-12 thousand USD and maximum 10% rate of unemployment, Georgia is unlikely to meet them.Conclusions. Thus, of the requirements for Georgia to integrate with EU, the country will likely to reach three: rate of inflation will be maintained as single digit, joint budget deficit will not exceed 3% of GDP and foreign debt of the country will not exceed 60% of GDP. As for other criteria, their major indicators in Georgia still fall back EU countries

    Impact of Maritime Logistics on Statistical Characteristics of Foreign Trade Indicators of Georgia

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    Introduction. Most of the cargo in foreign trade is transported by the sea. That is why the development of foreign trade relations without proper sea logistics is impossible. During the period of the pandemic, this was the area that functioned most successfully.  In 2021, Georgia has increased the volume of exports, imports, re-exports, local exports by sea transport, while improving the structure of exports and imports. Aim and tasks. The aim of the paper was revealing the trends of foreign trade by sea transport in Georgia. In the research process, general methods, as well as specific statistical methods were used, such as: observation, aggregation and analysis: mean values, ratios, variation analysis, dynamic sequences, selective observations, etc. Results. Since 2016, sea transport has consistently held one of the leading positions in trade relations. In 2021 alone, maritime exports increased by 27% compared to the previous year. In period of 2016-2021, foreign trade in maritime transport increased by an average of 8.4% annually. In 2016-2021, Georgia mainly exports copper ores and concentrates, Ferroalloys, passenger cars and nitrogen, mineral or chemical fertilizers. Statistics in the dynamics over the years show that no change has taken place in the export commodity structure and in general, 73.7% of exports are local exports, which is an increase of 12.5 percentage points compared to 2019. The share of exports by sea in local exports was 57.3% in 2021, which is 2.8 percentage points higher than in 2019. During the whole study period, the volume of locally produced products exported by sea increased by an average of 18.1% per year. The average annual growth rate of re-exports by sea transport in Georgia in 2016-2019 was 140.9%, although in 2020 its volume decreased by 22.2% compared to the previous year, and in 2021 increased by 17% compared to 2020. Conclusions. In conclusion, it can be said that sea transport is used quite actively in foreign trade in Georgia, a large part of foreign trade flows in the country are based on maritime transport. The statistical characteristics of foreign trade in the country have improved.  The growth trend was maintained even during the period of severe pandemics and lockdowns, which once again emphasizes the advantages of conducting trade processes by sea and the need to use it for other purposes.&nbsp

    Religious Systems and the Secular-religious Cleavage: Turkey and Western Europe Compared

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    AbstractThe Christian Democratic movement of Western Europe is a good example of how a radical, illiberal, and undemocratic force can be integrated into the democratic political system. Up to now, it has been one of the few examples of religious movements’ moderation. The recent period in Turkey has shown that the Islamic movement can also be compatible with democratic politics. The paper aims to find reasons and incentives for the transformation of the Islamic movement in Turkey.Paper considers organizational structures of Christian and Islamic religions, as well as the secularization processes that were implemented in both the Turkish and Christian Western European cases, that made an impact on the transformation process of the religious movements. We can conclude that Western Europe and Turkey have witnessed different types of secularization processes (the former implemented polity separation, in the cases of the Catholic and Protestant Churches, while the latter focused on the polity dominance model). Structural differences in religious systems, which are completely different for Western Europe and for Turkey, played a decisive role in choosing an appropriate model. The former represents the church type, and the latter, organic religion. The only similarity we have witnessed between Turkey and Western Europe (here I mean Roman Catholic Western Europe) is the nature of the church-state cleavage. The nature of the church-state cleavage in Catholic Western Europe is more antagonistic than in protestant North-Western Europe. The former type of split was more similar to Turkey's.Conclusionsof this paper were basically drawn on the basis of the field research in Istanbul: observations of the Islamic parties of Turkey, organizations connected to Islamic movement, and in-depth interviews with their representatives and supporters

    Surgical outcome in patients with complex deep infiltrating endometriosis

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    Background: Endometriosis (EN) is the most common gynaecological disease, presented by the presence of endometrial-like tissue outside the uterine cavity. It is still poorly understood and not so widely investigated, although endometriosis was first described in 19th century. Till nowadays the etiology and the pathophysiology of EN is unclear and so far, there is no clear statement about the treatment of EN. One of the reasons is complex anatomical dissemination of the lesions. Endometriosis is categorized in three different phenotypes: ovarian endometrioma, superficial peritoneal endometriosis and deep infiltrating endometriosis (DIE). DIE is the most severe form of this disease with an estimated prevalence in 8–12% of women with EN and in 1% of all women in reproductive age. Methodology: This study encloses seven-year data of the patients with DIE in their reproductive age, who underwent organ sparing surgery. These patients were divided in 3 different groups according to the anatomical manifestation of DIE. The first group of n=148 comprised patients with central (CPE) and lateral pelvic endometriosis (LPE) including n=41 cases of deep lateral pelvic endometriosis (dLPE) affecting sacral plexus. The second group enclosed n=34 patients with rectovaginal (RVE) and retrocervical endometriosis (RCE). N=54 patients were enrolled in the third group with complex DIE involving posterior compartment peritoneum (PCPE). The database was made based on clinical history, surgical technique, intra-operative findings, pre- and postoperative questionnaire and postoperative follow-up, enclosing EN-related symptoms, complications, fertility rate and recurrence rate. Final results were evaluated by visual analog scale (VAS), numerical rating scale (NRS) and statistical analysis Graph pad Prism 5. Results: In general, all three study groups demonstrated postoperatively improvement of EN-complaints, fertility rate and low rate of complications. The intensity of the symptoms was analysed by VAS score (pain scale system from 0-10). First group of patients with dLPE demonstrated median VAS score drop for EN-related symptoms from 5-8 to zero and only n=3 recurrences postoperatively. Second group with RVE and RCE endometriosis reported completely symptom free status in n=18 patients (53%), zero recurrence and n=12 postoperative pregnancies (from n=17 patients with primary or secondary infertility preoperatively). Third group, with complex DIE accompanied by posterior compartment peritoneum EN showed also complete absence of EN-related symptoms postoperatively in n=36(67%) patients. N=28 women seeking fertility had a high rate of postoperative fertility, reporting n=12(43%) successful pregnancies. Conclusion: Proper clinical diagnosis could limit disease development and prevent the delay in time of diagnosis. But for patients with already existing DIE, choosing an appropriate treatment strategy including surgical technique is crucial to avoid further EN progression and improve their quality of life.Einführung: Endometriose (EN) ist die am häufigsten auftretende gynäkologische Erkrankung, welche sich durch die Präsens von Endometrium-artigen Geweben außerhalb der Gebährmutterhöhle manifestiert. Die Erkrankung wird bis heute noch schwer erkannt und wenig erforscht, obwohl die erste Beschreibung der Endometriose bereits im neunzehnten Jahrhundert erfolgte. Die Etiologie und Pathophysiologie der EN sind bis heute unklar, und bisher ist die Behandlung der EN nicht klar definiert. Einer der Gründe dafür ist die komplexe Verteilung der Lesionen. Die EN wird in drei Phänotypen kategorisiert: die EN des Ovars, die oberflächlige EN des Beckenperitoneums und die tiefinfiltrierende EN(TIE). Letztere stellt die schwerste Form der EN mit einer geschätzten Prävalenz von 8 bis 12% der von EN betroffenen Frauen dar und 1% von allen Frauen im reproduktiven Alter. Methodik: Diese Studie umfasst 7 Jahren Daten von Frauen im reproduktiven Alter, die organerhaltende Eingriffe erhielten. Die Patientinnen wurden entsprechend der anatomischen Manifestationen der EN in drei Gruppen eingeteilt. Die erste Gruppe mit n=148 bestand aus Patientinnen mit zentraler(CPE) und lateraler Becken-EN(LPE), einschlißlich n=41 Fälle von tiefer lateraler EN(dLPE), welche auch den Plexus sacralis betrafen. Die zweite Gruppe umfasste n=34 Patientinnen mit rektovaginaler(RVE) und rektozervikaler EN(RCE). In die dritte Gruppe wurden n=54 Patientinnen mit TIE aufgenommen, welche auch das posterior Peritoneumkompartment(PCPE) beinhalten. Die Datenbank wurde basierend auf der Anamnese, der opertivenTechnik, den intraoperativen Befunde, den prä- und postoperativen Patientenfragebogen und dem postoperativen Follow-up angefertigt und enthält EN-bezogene Symptome, Komplikationen, Fertilitätsrate und Rezidivrate. Die Resultate wurden mittels der visuellen Analogskala(VAS), der Numerische Rating-Skala(NRS) und einer statischen Analyse mit GraphPad PRISM 5 präsentiert. Resultate: Im Allgemeinen wiesen alle drei Gruppen postperativ eine Verbesserung der EN-bezogenen Beschwerden, der Fertilitätsrate und eine niedrige Rate an Komplikationen auf. Die Intensität der Symptome wurde mit der VAS auf einer Schmerzskala von Null bis zehn dargestellt, dabei fiel dieser Wert in der ersten Gruppe mit dLPE postoperativ von fünf bis acht auf Null, außerdem lag die Rezidivrate hier bei n=3. In der zweiten Gruppe mit RVE und RCE waren n=18(53%) Patientinnen komplett symptomfrei, die Rezidivrate lag bei Null und es zeigten sich n=12 postoperative Schwangerschaften (von n=17 Patientinnen, welche preoperativ primär oder sekundär unfruchtbar waren). In der dritten Gruppe mit PCPE berichteten n=36 (67%) Patientinnen postoperativ keine EN-bezogenen Symptome. N=28 Frauen mit Kinderwunsch hatten eine hohe postoperative Fertilitätsrate mit n=12(43%) erfolgreichen Schwangerschaften. Fazit: Eine angemessene klinische Diagnostik hat das Potential, den Krankheitsverlauf zu begrenzen und Verzögerungen im Diagnoseverlauf zu verhindern. Allerdings ist bei Patientinnen mit bereits bestehender TIE die passende Behandlungswahl einschließlich chirurgischer Eingriffe entscheidend um weitere EN-Progression zu vermeiden sowie ihre Lebensqualität zu verbessern

    Gender Aspects of Youth Employment in Georgia

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    The Actuality of an Issue: Today unemployment in Georgia is one of the most severe socioeconomic problems and therefore is Current challenges for the country. That's why his scientific study is of great importance, especially on the basis statistical indexes of employment and unemployment. The goal of the study is to analyze the modern picture of unemployment   and employment in Georgia based on the calculation of the statistical data on the Background of Gender Stereotypes. Research methodology: In development of the article, generally accepted qualitative and quantitative data analysis methods of the economic science were employed, among them, statistical data processing, data grouping, inductive-deductive data analysis methods. The scientific study employs surveying, observation, as well as comparative, analytical, and graphical methods, which are used by the author to compare and analyse facts and assess solutions to specific issues. Results and implications: The paper considers the gender aspects of employment in Georgia. Besides, the trends of unemployment and their reasons are identified and the international instruments of protection of human rights regulating the equality between the men and the women in Georgia are considered. In addition, based on the statistical data, the analysis of employment and unemployment is given in a gender respect


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    The aim of the paper is analyzing the statistic indexes of penetrating the products manufactured in Georgia into European market In the article there were applied the qualitative and quantitative data analysis methods, among them statistic data processing, data grouping and data analysis methods. The scientific purpose of paper is to find ways of penetration in the European market of the Georgian products and to define the expected tendencies in this direction.According to the official statistics the share of exported products from Georgia into European countries is increasing, their commodity structure is enhancing, the indexes of keeping on the sanitary and phyto–sanitary norms are improving, the number of the prophylactic measures having been taken in regard to food safety is growing, but in Georgia the production of healthy products is still problematic. The part of agricultural products is of high–risk. Hence, so far, the part of Georgian products fails to meet the requirements of the market of European Union. Obviously, as a result of forming the deep and comprehensive free trade space between Georgia and European Union the bilateral trade will be more strengthened. And this will provide with the increase of Georgian export. That’s why the special emphasis should be focused on the improvement of the quality of Georgian production, as the food safety is one of the necessary conditions for the protection of the universally acknowledged human rights, health and life and accordingly it means protecting the risks caused by food consumption. That’s why it is necessary to adapt the complex approach to this issue which will comprise all the stages and aspects of production. Целью статьи является анализ статистических показателей проникновения продукции, произведенной в Грузии на европейский рынок. В статье были применены качественные и количественные методы анализа данных, в том числе методы статистической обработки данных, группировка данных и методов анализа данных. В работе рассмотренные пути проникновения на рынок грузинской продукции и определить ожидаемые тенденции в этом направлении.Метою статті є аналіз статистичних показників проникнення продукції, виробленої в Грузії на європейський ринок У статті були застосовані якісні і кількісні методи аналізу даних, в тому числі методи статистичної обробки даних, групування даних та методів аналізу даних. В роботі розглянуті шляхи проникнення на ринок грузинської продукції та визначені очікувані тенденції у цьому напрямку


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    The most important direction for tourism statistics is tourism and expenses that include tourism value assessment, which is necessary to assess its influence on the national economy, including the balance sheet, as well as the description of tourism industry sectors. It is therefore necessary to define the classification of the expenses, which is a necessary indicator of statistical study of tour expenses. The main purpose of the thesis is to identify the problems of introduction of the World Tourism Organization's recommendations for tourism expenditure in Georgia. Researchmethiology. The paper uses methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, statistical observation and grouping methods Findings. Tourist expenses include the expenses of goods and services purchased during a tourist trip, regardless of whether they are purchased or for others. This includes both the expenses incurred by tourists, as well as the expenses paid or paid by others. Travel costs exclude acquisitions that benefit benefits to the visitor. All individual goods and services that the National Accounts System considers to be a part of tourism expenditure may be the use of goods or services. In addition to the expenses incurred by the visitors and the goods, tourist expenses include: The expenses incurred by the employer on the traveling goods and services of the employee; Visitor's Cash Flow financed by third parties, expenses incurred by the visitor for individual services, secured and subsidized by government and NGOs in education, health, art and other fields; Small expenses incurred by employees employed by travelers and their families; Additional expenses incurred by the visitors, mainly covered by the manufacturers of the sport or cultural events.It is necessary to examine the type of expenses that the tourist can travel while traveling, but not the tourism expenses. For example, taxes and liabilities are covered by any type of expenses, including expenses incurred when traveling or traveling, to purchase financial and non-financial assets, purchase of goods for sale, all kinds of money in cash, such as charitable organizations or other individuals Because they do not comply with the purchase of goods and services

    Increasing Trends of Tourist Flows from the European Countries to Georgia

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    Tourism is developing in Georgia and it is the fact that the exemption of visa limitations has had an important impact on the growth of tourist flows. It may be assumed that significantly increased flows of EU citizens to Georgia in recent years are an immediate result of the liberal visa policy. Research methodology: methods of statistical observation, grouping and analysis were used in the research process. The number of total visitors to the country and that from the European Union increases annually. As the data of 2018 suggest, the visits to Georgia for 72.9% of the international visitors were recurring, while 27.1% of the visitors were on their first visit in Georgia. Visits from the EU are most common in the III quarter of the year, i.e. in summer. EU visitors are mostly from Poland, Germany, UK, France, Lithuania and other countries. Most visitors are of the 26-35 age group. The most visited place is Tbilisi. The visits from the EU show a generally increasing trend, with the greatest increase fixed in 2018 as compared to the previous year; men dominate among the international visitors. The EU countries show a similar regularity; as to the age categories, 31-50 age group dominates among the international visitors and 26-65 age group dominates among the EU visitors; a leading country with the largest number of visits from the EU is Poland; the degree of satisfaction is high, with only 1.7% of the international inbound visitors being discontent


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    Purpose of the Article. The main purpose of the article is to make complex statistical analysis of tourist expenses of foreign visitors.Methodology/Methods. We used mixed technique of selection that implies rules of random and proportional selection. Computer software SPSS was used to compute statistical data for corresponding analysis.Scientific aim. Corresponding methodology of tourism statistics was implemented according to international standards.Results. Important information was collected and grouped from the major Georgian airports. Techniques of statistical observation were prepared. Representative population of foreign visitors and a rule of selection of respondents were determined. We have a trend of growth of tourist numbers and share of tourists from post-soviet countriesconstantly increases. Level of satisfaction with tourist facilities and quality of service has grown, but still we have a problem of disparity between quality of service and prices.Conclusions. The design of tourist expenses of foreign visitors is diverse; competitiveness of tourist products of Georgian tourist companies is higherОсновной целью статьи является комплексный  статистический анализ  туристических расходов иностранных посетителей. В работе выявлена репрезентативная популяция иностранных посетителей,  выявлены тенденции  увеличения объема туристических потоков, доли туристов из постсоветских стран,  проблемы связанные с  соответствием между качеством услуг и цен.Основною метою статті є комплексний  статистичний аналіз  туристичних витрат іноземних відвідувачів. У роботі виявлена репрезентативна популяція іноземних відвідувачів,  виявлені тенденції  збільшення об'єму туристичних потоків, долі туристів з пострадянських країн,  проблеми пов'язані з  відповідністю між якістю послуг і цін

    The Importance of Integrating Effective Teaching Methods in Business English Classroom

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    The paper highlights the importance of integrating effective methods in teaching English for Specific Purposes, in particular Business English.  According to the survey, which includes the contribution from 48 BE instructors worldwide, the article demonstrates the significance of lexical approach, task-based and project-based learning by evaluating the outcomes of integrating them in teaching practice and beyond. The results once again confirmed the hypothesis that task-based learning, lexical approach and project-based learning are the most effective teaching methods in BE classroom. The survey consisted of both open and close-ended questions and aimed at voicing the opinion of BE Course Instructors globally. The target audience was exposed to the above-mentioned teaching methods.  At the same time, the survey provides recommendations for novice BE Lecturers on how to ensure maximal approximation to the authentic environment via practicing most useful teaching methods and making the learning process more result-driven, engaging and enjoyable.&nbsp