52 research outputs found

    Evidence-based Approach to Establish Space Suit Carbon Dioxide Limits

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    A literature survey was conducted to assess if published data (evidence) could help inform a space suit carbon dioxide (CO2) limit. The search identified more than 120 documents about human interaction with elevated CO2. Until now, the guiding philosophy has been to drive space suit CO2 as low as reasonably achievable. NASAs EVA Office requested an evidencebased approach to support a new generation of exploration-class extravehicular activity (EVA) space suits. Specific literature data about CO2 are not available for EVA in microgravity because EVA is an operational activity and not a research platform. However, enough data from groundbased research are available to facilitate a consensus of expert opinion on space suit CO2 limits. The compilation of data in this report can answer many but not all concerns about the consequences of hypercapnic exercise in a space suit. Inspired partial pressure of CO2 (PICO2) and not dry-gas partial pressure of CO2 (PCO2) is the appropriate metric for hypercapnic dose to establish space suit CO2 limits. The reduction of inspired gas partial pressures by saturation of the inspired gases with water vapor at 37C is a significant factor under conditions of hypobaric space suit operation. Otherwise healthy EVA astronauts will exhibit wide variability in responses to acute hypercapnia while at rest and during exercise. What is clear from the literature is the absence of prospective (objective) accept or reject criteria for CO2 exposure in general, and no such criteria exist for operating a space suit. There is no absolute Gold Standard for an acceptable acute hypercapnic limit, just a gradual decrease in performance as CO2 increases. Acceptable CO2 exposure limits are occupation, situation (learned or novel tasks), and personspecific. Investigators who measured hypercapnic physiology rarely correlated those changes to neurocognitive symptoms, and those that measured hypercapnic neurocognition rarely correlated those changes with physiology. Some answers about changes in neurocognition and functional EVA performance during hypercapnic exercise in a space suit await new research

    Life Sciences Implications of Lunar Surface Operations

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    The purpose of this report is to document preliminary, predicted, life sciences implications of expected operational concepts for lunar surface extravehicular activity (EVA). Algorithms developed through simulation and testing in lunar analog environments were used to predict crew metabolic rates and ground reaction forces experienced during lunar EVA. Subsequently, the total metabolic energy consumption, the daily bone load stimulus, total oxygen needed, and other variables were calculated and provided to Human Research Program and Exploration Systems Mission Directorate stakeholders. To provide context to the modeling, the report includes an overview of some scenarios that have been considered. Concise descriptions of the analog testing and development of the algorithms are also provided. This document may be updated to remain current with evolving lunar or other planetary surface operations, assumptions and concepts, and to provide additional data and analyses collected during the ongoing analog research program

    Oro-Nasal Mask Versus Two-Way Non-Rebreathing Valves for Maximal Aerobic Capacity Testing in Astronauts

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    Astronauts complete maximal aerobic capacity (VO2pk) testing as part of their annual fitness assessment (AFA) as well as several times once assigned to an International Space Station mission. Historically, the 2-Way T-Shape Non-Rebreathing valve with a mouthpiece and nose clip (Mouthpiece) has been used in these tests. The testing procedure was updated to use the oro-nasal mask (Mask) for the AFA starting in June 2017. Astronauts who used the mask during their AFA requested it be certified to be used for all mission associated tests. Considering the criticality of the data and the schedule constraints of astronauts, it is imperative that the requested hardware change provide data with equivalent reliability and repeatability as provided by the mouthpiece. PURPOSE: To assess the reliability and validity of mask vs. mouthpiece by comparing submaximal and VO2pkdata within subjects (approximately 1 year apart). METHODS: Each of 17 active astronauts completed a VO (sub 2pk) test with the mouthpiece (first) and the mask (second) for their AFA. The VO (sub 2pk) test was conducted on a cycle ergometer with a metabolic cart. The nominal protocol started with a 3-minute warm-up at 50 Watts (W) and increased 25W every minute until volitional fatigue (Light: 45W start; 15W increase). The VO (sub 2pk)s were compared between tests and the expected day-to-day variation (plus or minus 5 percent) was used as the threshold for determining agreement between tests. Submaximal values were plotted and evaluated visually for deviations between mask and mouthpiece. RESULTS: VO (sub 2pk) values were more than 5 percent different, despite similar test times, between mouthpiece and mask in 6 of 17 comparisons, 3 of which were higher with the mask (9.0 plus or minus 5.9 percent) while 3 were lower (minus10.8 plus or minus 2.0 percent) with the mask. The submaximal data did not indicate a leak in either apparatus during these tests. An Astronaut Strength & Conditioning Rehabilitation specialist confirmed that the measured differences in VO (sub 2pk) of these 6 astronauts was consistent with observed changes in exercise habits during the year that separated the two tests. CONCLUSION: After being presented with the results of this data mining effort the mask was accepted for use in all tests, excepting that, if a leak is detected without resolve, the test will be repeated (if schedule allows) and remaining tests will be completed with the mouthpiece

    Towards Probablistic Assessment of Hypobaric Decompression Sickness Treatment

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    INTRODUCTION: Pressure, oxygen (O2), and time are the pillars to effective treatment of decompression sickness (DCS). The NASA DCS Treatment Model links a decrease in computed bubble volume to the resolution of a symptom. The decrease in volume is realized in two stages: a) during the Boyle's Law compression and b) during subsequent dissolution of the gas phase by the O2 window. METHODS: The cumulative distribution of 154 symptoms that resolved during repressurization was described with a log-logistic density function of pressure difference (deltaP as psid) associated with symptom resolution and two other explanatory variables. The 154 symptoms originated from 119 cases of DCS during 969 exposures in 47 different altitude tests. RESULTS: The probability of symptom resolution [P(symptom resolution)] = 1 / (1+exp(- (ln(deltaP) - 1.682 + 1.089AMB - 0.00395SYMPTOM TIME) / 0.633)), where AMB is 1 when the subject ambulated as part of the altitude exposure or else 0 and SYMPTOM TIME is the elapsed time in min from start of the altitude exposure to recognition of a DCS symptom. The P(symptom resolution) was estimated from computed deltaP from the Tissue Bubble Dynamics Model based on the "effective" Boyle's Law change: P2 - P1 (deltaP, psid) = P1V1/V2 - P1, where V1 is the computed volume of a spherical bubble in a unit volume of tissue at low pressure P1 and V2 is computed volume after a change to a higher pressure P2. V2 continues to decrease through time at P2, at a faster rate if 100% ground level O2 was breathed. The computed deltaP is the effective treatment pressure at any point in time as if the entire deltaP was just from Boyle's Law compression. DISCUSSION: Given the low probability of DCS during extravehicular activity and the prompt treatment of a symptom with options through the model it is likely that the symptom and gas phase will resolve with minimum resources and minimal impact on astronaut health, safety, and productivity

    Evidence Report: Risk of Decompression Sickness (DCS)

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    The Risk of Decompression Sickness (DCS) is identified by the NASA Human Research Program (HRP) as a recognized risk to human health and performance in space, as defined in the HRP Program Requirements Document (PRD). This Evidence Report provides a summary of the evidence that has been used to identify and characterize this risk. Given that tissue inert gas partial pressure is often greater than ambient pressure during phases of a mission, primarily during extravehicular activity (EVA), there is a possibility that decompression sickness may occur

    Probabilistic Assessment of Hypobaric Decompression Sickness Treatment Success

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    The Hypobaric Decompression Sickness (DCS) Treatment Model links a decrease in computed bubble volume from increased pressure (DeltaP), increased oxygen (O2) partial pressure, and passage of time during treatment to the probability of symptom resolution [P(symptom resolution)]. The decrease in offending volume is realized in 2 stages: a) during compression via Boyle's Law and b) during subsequent dissolution of the gas phase via the O2 window. We established an empirical model for the P(symptom resolution) while accounting for multiple symptoms within subjects. The data consisted of 154 cases of hypobaric DCS symptoms along with ancillary information from tests on 56 men and 18 women. Our best estimated model is P(symptom resolution) = 1 / (1+exp(-(ln(Delta P) - 1.510 + 0.795AMB - 0.00308Ts) / 0.478)), where (DeltaP) is pressure difference (psid), AMB = 1 if ambulation took place during part of the altitude exposure, otherwise AMB = 0; and where Ts is the elapsed time in mins from start of the altitude exposure to recognition of a DCS symptom. To apply this model in future scenarios, values of DeltaP as inputs to the model would be calculated from the Tissue Bubble Dynamics Model based on the effective treatment pressure: (DeltaP) = P2 - P1 | = P1V1/V2 - P1, where V1 is the computed volume of a spherical bubble in a unit volume of tissue at low pressure P1 and V2 is computed volume after a change to a higher pressure P2. If 100% ground level O2 (GLO) was breathed in place of air, then V2 continues to decrease through time at P2 at a faster rate. This calculated value of (DeltaP then represents the effective treatment pressure at any point in time. Simulation of a "pain-only" symptom at 203 min into an ambulatory extravehicular activity (EVA) at 4.3 psia on Mars resulted in a P(symptom resolution) of 0.49 (0.36 to 0.62 95% confidence intervals) on immediate return to 8.2 psia in the Multi-Mission Space Exploration Vehicle. The P(symptom resolution) increased to near certainty (0.99) after 2 hrs of GLO at 8.2 psia or with less certainty on immediate pressurization to 14.7 psia [0.90 (0.83 - 0.95)]. Given the low probability of DCS during EVA and the prompt treatment of a symptom with guidance from the model, it is likely that the symptom and gas phase will resolve with minimum resources and minimal impact on astronaut health, safety, and productivity

    Effects of low-frequency whole-body vibration on motor-evoked potentials in healthy men.

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    addresses: Sport and Exercise Science Research Centre, Faculty of Engineering, Science and The Built Environment, London South Bank University, 103 Borough Road, London SE1 0AA, UK. [email protected] is the author's post-print version of an article published in Experimental Physiology, 2009, Vol. 94, Issue 1, pp. 103 - 116 Copyright © 2009 Wiley-Blackwell /The Physiological Society. The definitive version is available at www3.interscience.wiley.comThe aim of this study was to determine whether low-frequency whole-body vibration (WBV) modulates the excitability of the corticospinal and intracortical pathways related to tibialis anterior (TA) muscle activity, thus contributing to the observed changes in neuromuscular function during and after WBV exercise. Motor-evoked potentials (MEPs) elicited in response to transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) of the leg area of the motor cortex were recorded in TA and soleus (SOL) muscles of seven healthy male subjects whilst performing 330 s continuous static squat exercise. Each subject completed two conditions: control (no WBV) and WBV (30 Hz, 1.5 mm vibration applied from 111 to 220 s). Five single suprathreshold and five paired TMS were delivered during each squat period lasting 110 s (pre-, during and post-WBV). Two interstimulus intervals (ISIs) between the conditioning and the testing stimuli were employed in order to study the effects of WBV on short-interval intracortical inhibition (SICI, ISI = 3 ms) and intracortical facilitation (ICF, ISI = 13 ms). During vibration relative to squat exercise alone, single-pulse TMS provoked significantly higher TA MEP amplitude (56 +/- 14%, P = 0.003) and total area (71 +/- 19%, P = 0.04), and paired TMS with ISI = 13 ms provoked smaller MEP amplitude (-21 +/- 4%, P = 0.01) but not in SOL. Paired-pulse TMS with ISI = 3 ms elicited significantly lower MEP amplitude (TA, -19 +/- 4%, P = 0.009; and SOL, -13 +/- 4%, P = 0.03) and total area (SOL, -17 +/- 6%, P = 0.02) during vibration relative to squat exercise alone in both muscles. Tibialis anterior MEP facilitation in response to single-pulse TMS suggests that WBV increased corticospinal pathway excitability. Increased TA and SOL SICI and decreased TA ICF in response to paired-pulse TMS during WBV indicate vibration-induced alteration of the intracortical processes as well

    A Low-Diversity Microbiota Inhabits Extreme Terrestrial Basaltic Terrains and Their Fumaroles : Implications for the Exploration of Mars

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    A major objective in the exploration of Mars is to test the hypothesis that the planet hosted life. Even in the absence of life, the mapping of habitable and uninhabitable environments is an essential task in developing a complete understanding of the geological and aqueous history of Mars and, as a consequence, understanding what factors caused Earth to take a different trajectory of biological potential. We carried out the aseptic collection of samples and comparison of the bacterial and archaeal communities associated with basaltic fumaroles and rocks of varying weathering states in Hawai'i to test four hypotheses concerning the diversity of life in these environments. Using high-throughput sequencing, we found that all these materials are inhabited by a low-diversity biota. Multivariate analyses of bacterial community data showed a clear separation between sites that have active fumaroles and other sites that comprised relict fumaroles, unaltered, and syn-emplacement basalts. Contrary to our hypothesis that high water flow environments, such as fumaroles with active mineral leaching, would be sites of high biological diversity, alpha diversity was lower in active fumaroles compared to relict or nonfumarolic sites, potentially due to high-temperature constraints on microbial diversity in fumarolic sites. A comparison of these data with communities inhabiting unaltered and weathered basaltic rocks in Idaho suggests that bacterial taxon composition of basaltic materials varies between sites, although the archaeal communities were similar in Hawai'i and Idaho. The taxa present in both sites suggest that most of them obtain organic carbon compounds from the atmosphere and from phototrophs and that some of them, including archaeal taxa, cycle fixed nitrogen. The low diversity shows that, on Earth, extreme basaltic terrains are environments on the edge of sustaining life with implications for the biological potential of similar environments on Mars and their exploration by robots and humans.Peer reviewe