691 research outputs found

    Gait speed, body composition, and dementia. The EPIDOS-Toulouse cohort

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    BACKGROUND: Slow gait speed (GS) predicts dementia, but this association might be mediated by body composition parameters like total fat mass (TFM) or total lean mass (TLM). The aim of the study was to evaluate whether GS, TLM, and TFM were associated factors with an increased risk for subsequent dementia in community-dwelling older women.METHODS: A case-control study was nested in the EPIDemiologie de l\u27OSteoporose cohort. GS (at usual pace more than 6 m), TLM, and TFM (assessed by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry) were measured at baseline. Cognitive performance was evaluated at baseline and at 7 years of follow-up. The presence of dementia was assured by two blinded memory experts based on best practice and validated criteria. Multivariate logistic regression models assessed the association of GS, TLM, and TFM with dementia risk. RESULTS: Of the initial 1,462 women, 75 years old and older, 647 (43.4%) were cognitively intact at baseline and had a full cognitive assessment at 7 years (145 of them developed dementia). Controlled for covariates (demographics, physical activity, self-reported disabilities, and comorbidities), GS was an independent associated factor for subsequent dementia as a continuous variable (odds ratio [OR] 2.28, 95% CI: 1.32-3.94) and as a categorized variable (OR 2.38, 95% CI: 1.28-4.43 highest vs lowest quartile). Neither interaction with GS nor a statistically significant association with dementia risk was found for TLM and TFM. CONCLUSIONS: GS was an independent associated factor for subsequent dementia not mediated by TLM or TFM

    Dietary Vitamin D Intake and Muscle Mass in Older Women. Results from a Cross-Sectional Analysis of the Epidos Study

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    Objectives: Vitamin D intake may prevent physical performance decline through prevention of muscle mass loss. Our objective was to determine whether low dietary intakes were associated with low muscle mass (MM). Design and participants: Cross-sectional analysis of 1989 community-dwelling women (mean age 80.5 +/- 3.8years) from the EPIDemiologie de l\u27OSteoporose (EPIDOS) study were assessed at baseline. Measurements: Low intakes of vitamin D (<70 mu g/week) were estimated from the weekly dietary vitamin D intakes (self-administered food frequency questionnaire). Low MM was defined according to the appendicular skeletal muscle mass index assessed using Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry, divided by square height of less than 5.45 kg/m(2). Usual gait speed defined physical performance. Age, sun exposure, co-morbidities, education level, living arrangements, recreational physical activity, dietary protein and calcium intakes, bone mineral density, handgrip strength, and body mass index were considered as potential confounders. Multivariate logistic regression analyses assessed the association between low vitamin D intakes and low MM. Results: Two-hundred and nine (10.5%) women with low MM were compared to 1,780 women with normal MM. In final model, obesity/overweight (Adjusted Odds Ratios, aOR=0.09; 95%CI [0.05-0.17]), malnutrition (aOR=3.90; 95%CI [2.74-5.54]) and low handgrip strength (aOR=2.33; 95%CI [1.44-3.77]; p<0.001) were statistically associated with a low MM status. Conclusion: No association with low MM has been reported regarding low dietary intakes of vitamin D

    Sarcopenia and cognitive impairment in elderly women: results from the EPIDOS cohort

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    BACKGROUND: common pathophysiological pathways are shared between age-related body composition changes and cognitive impairment. OBJECTIVE: evaluate whether current operative sarcopenia definitions are associated with cognition in community-dwelling older women. DESIGN: cross-sectional analyses. SUBJECTS: a total of 3,025 women aged 75 years and older. MEASUREMENTS: body composition (assessed by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry) and cognition (measured by short portable mental status questionnaire) were obtained in all participants. Multivariate logistic regression models assessed the association of six operative definitions of sarcopenia with cognitive impairment. Gait speed (GS, measured over a 6-meter track at usual pace) and handgrip strength (HG, measured by a hand-held dynamometer) were considered additional factors of interest. RESULTS: a total of 492 (16.3%) women were cognitively impaired. The prevalence of sarcopenia ranged from 3.3 to 18.8%. No sarcopenia definition was associated with cognitive impairment after controlling for potential confounders. To proof consistency, the analyses were performed using GS and HG, two well-established predictors of cognitive impairment. Low GS [odds ratio (OR) 2.42, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.72-3.40] and low HG (OR: 1.81, 95% CI: 1.33-2.46) were associated with cognitive impairment. CONCLUSION: no significant association was evidenced between different operative sarcopenia definitions and cognitive impairment. The study suggests that the association between physical performance and cognitive impairment in not mediated by sarcopenia

    A self-reported screening tool for detecting community-dwelling older persons with frailty syndrome in the absence of mobility disability : the FiND questionnaire

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    BACKGROUND: The "frailty syndrome" (a geriatric multidimensional condition characterized by decreased reserve and diminished resistance to stressors) represents a promising target of preventive interventions against disability in elders. Available screening tools for the identification of frailty in the absence of disability present major limitations. In particular, they have to be administered by a trained assessor, require special equipment, and/or do not discriminate between frail and disabled individuals. Aim of this study is to verify the agreement of a novel self-reported questionnaire (the "Frail Non-Disabled" [FiND] instrument) designed for detecting non-mobility disabled frail older persons with results from reference tools. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Data are from 45 community-dwelling individuals aged 6560 years. Participants were asked to complete the FiND questionnaire separately exploring the frailty and disability domains. Then, a blinded assessor objectively measured the frailty status (using the phenotype proposed by Fried and colleagues) and mobility disability (using the 400-meter walk test). Cohen's kappa coefficients were calculated to determine the agreement between the FiND questionnaire with the reference instruments. Mean age of participants (women 62.2%) was 72.5 (standard deviation 8.2) years. Seven (15.6%) participants presented mobility disability as being unable to complete the 400-meter walk test. According to the frailty phenotype criteria, 25 (55.6%) participants were pre-frail or frail, and 13 (28.9%) were robust. Overall, a substantial agreement of the instrument with the reference tools (kappa\u200a=\u200a0.748, quadratic weighted kappa\u200a=\u200a0.836, both p values<0.001) was reported with only 7 (15.6%) participants incorrectly categorized. The agreement between results of the FiND disability domain and the 400-meter walk test was excellent (kappa\u200a=\u200a0.920, p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The FiND questionnaire presents a very good capacity to correctly identify frail older persons without mobility disability living in the community. This screening tool may represent an opportunity for diffusing awareness about frailty and disability and supporting specific preventive campaigns

    Validation of the Mini Nutritional Assessment-Short Form in a population of frail elders without disability. Analysis of the Toulouse Frailty Platform population in 2013

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    **Objective** To assess the validity of the Mini Nutritional Assessment-Short Form (MNA-SF) in elderly patients from the Toulouse Frailty Platform. **Participants** Overall, 267 patients aged 65 and over, without severe cognitive impairment (i.e. Mini Mental Status Examination > 20 and CDR<1), no physical disability (i.e. Activities of Daily Living ≄ 5) and no active cancer history (over the past 12 months) were included in 2013. **Measurements** Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analyses were used to assess the predictive validity of the French version of the MNA-SF for good nutritional status (defined as a full MNA score≄24/30). Analyses were conducted in the overall sample and then in subgroups of frail and pre-frail subjects according to the frailty phenotype. Optimal cut-off points were determined to obtain the best sensitivity/specificity ratio and the highest number of correctly classified subjects. **Results** Among 267 patients, mean age=81.5±5.8; women=67.0%; 138 (51.7%) were frail, 98 (36.7%) were pre-frail and 31 (11.6%) were robust. Given their MNA-SF scores, 201 (75.3%) had a good nutritional status, 61 (22.8%) were at risk of malnutrition and 5 (1.9%) were malnourished. In the overall sample, but also in subgroups of pre-frail or frail elders, the areas under ROC curves were 0.954, 0.948 and 0.958 respectively. The 11 points cut-off provided the best correct classification ratio (91.4%); sensitivity=94.0%, specificity=83.3%. **Conclusion** The MNA-SF appeared to be a validated and effective tool for malnutrition screening in frail elders. Implementing this tool in clinical routine should contribute to improving the screening of malnourished frail individuals

    Is nutrition important to postpone frailty?

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    Purpose of review: The purpose of the present study is to provide an updated, systematic review of the recent literature on whether nutrition is important to postpone frailty. Recent findings: A systematic review of recent literature (past 12 months) identified nine studies (eight of which using a cross-sectional design) exploring the relationship between nutrition and frailty. A single randomized-controlled double-blind trial was published. However, being a pilot study, it was characterized by a relatively small sample size, short follow-up length (i.e., 6 months), and low statistical power. Notably, available evidence shows considerable variability in participants’ selection and assessment methods, rendering difficult direct comparisons. Size effects or magnitude of associations across the different studies cannot also be determined. Summary: There is a need for long-term, adequately powered, randomized controlled trials examining nutrition (alone or/and in combination with other appropriate interventions) as a means for postponing frailty in older persons

    Dietary magnesium is positively associated with skeletal muscle power and indices of muscle mass and may attenuate the association between circulating C-reactive protein and muscle mass in women

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    Age-related loss of skeletal muscle mass and strength are risk factors for sarcopenia, osteoporosis, falls, fractures, frailty and mortality. Dietary magnesium (Mg) could play a role in prevention of age-related loss of skeletal muscle mass, power and strength directly through physiological mechanisms or indirectly through an impact on chronic low-grade inflammation, itself a risk factor for loss of skeletal muscle mass and strength. In a cross-sectional study of 2570 women aged 18-79 years we examined associations between intakes of Mg, estimated using an FFQ, DXA-derived measures of muscle mass (fat free mass as a percentage of body weight (FFM%), fat free mass index (FFMI, kg/m(2) )), leg explosive power (LEP) and grip-strength (n = 949 only). We also examined associations between circulating hs-CRP (C-reactive protein) and muscle mass and LEP, and explored the potential attenuation of these relationships by Mg. We compared our findings with those of age and protein intake. Endpoints were calculated by quintile of Mg and adjusted for relevant confounders. Significant positive associations were found between a higher Mg and indices of skeletal muscle mass and LEP, and also with hs-CRP, after adjustment for covariates. Contrasting extreme quintiles of Mg intake showed differences of 2.6% for FFM% (P tren

    An overview of sarcopenia: facts and numbers on prevalence and clinical impact

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    Human muscle undergoes constant changes. After about age 50, muscle mass decreases at an annual rate of 1–2%. Muscle strength declines by 1.5% between ages 50 and 60 and by 3% thereafter. The reasons for these changes include denervation of motor units and a net conversion of fast type II muscle fibers into slow type I fibers with resulting loss in muscle power necessary for activities of daily living. In addition, lipids are deposited in the muscle, but these changes do not usually lead to a loss in body weight. Once muscle mass in elderly subjects falls below 2 standard deviations of the mean of a young control cohort and the gait speed falls below 0.8 m/s, a clinical diagnosis of sarcopenia can be reached. Assessment of muscle strength using tests such as the short physical performance battery test, the timed get-up-and-go test, or the stair climb power test may also be helpful in establishing the diagnosis. Sarcopenia is one of the four main reasons for loss of muscle mass. On average, it is estimated that 5–13% of elderly people aged 60–70 years are affected by sarcopenia. The numbers increase to 11–50% for those aged 80 or above. Sarcopenia may lead to frailty, but not all patients with sarcopenia are frail—sarcopenia is about twice as common as frailty. Several studies have shown that the risk of falls is significantly elevated in subjects with reduced muscle strength. Treatment of sarcopenia remains challenging, but promising results have been obtained using progressive resistance training, testosterone, estrogens, growth hormone, vitamin D, and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors. Interesting nutritional interventions include high-caloric nutritional supplements and essential amino acids that support muscle fiber synthesis

    Cognitive frailty: rational and definition from an (I.A.N.A./I.A.G.G.) international consensus group.

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    The frailty syndrome has recently attracted attention of the scientific community and public health organizations as precursor and contributor of age-related conditions (particularly disability) in older persons. in parallel, dementia and cognitive disorders also represent major healthcare and social priorities. although physical frailty and cognitive impairment have shown to be related in epidemiological studies, their pathophysiological mechanisms have been usually studied separately. an international Consensus Group on “Cognitive Frailty” was organized by the international academy on nutrition and aging (i.a.n.a) and the international association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (i.a.G.G) on april 16th, 2013 in toulouse (France). the present report describes the results of the Consensus Group and provides the first definition of a “Cognitive Frailty” condition in older adults. specific aim of this approach was to facilitate the design of future personalized preventive interventions in older persons. Finally, the Group discussed the use of multidomain interventions focused on the physical, nutritional, cognitive and psychological domains for improving the well-being and quality of life in the elderly. the consensus panel proposed the identification of the so-called “cognitive frailty” as an heterogeneous clinical manifestation characterized by the simultaneous presence of both physical frailty and cognitive impairment. in particular, the key factors defining such a condition include: 1) presence of physical frailty and cognitive impairment (Cdr=0.5); and 2) exclusion of concurrent ad dementia or other dementias. under different circumstances, cognitive frailty may represent a precursor of neurodegenerative processes. a potential for reversibility may also characterize this entity. a psychological component of the condition is evident and concurs at increasing the vulnerability of the individual to stressors
