51 research outputs found

    Analisis Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Debit Sungai Mamasa

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    The research was conducted in the watershed area of Mamasa. Data was taken for 11 months starting from December 2006 to October 2007.The research aimed to identify the influencing factors of the river discharge which were decreasing from time to time. Data was collected through the application of direct field observation and literature study. Data on precipitation were gained from 4 stations. The stations were located in Sumarorong, Mamasa, Minake, and Pana. Data regarding the river discharge were taken from the office of The Water Source Management in south Sulawesi Province. Meanwhile, data of land cover were gained from GIS mapping taken in 1999 and 2003 as well as from Spot 4 in 2007. Data were analyzed by regression linear model to identify the effect of independent variable to dependent variable.The results of the research show that the changes in river discharge fluctuation were influenced by precipitation and land cover factor. The dominant factor that influenced river discharge fluctuation were conifers and wide leaf type of vegetations. Data were analyzed by regression linear model to identify the effect of independent variable to dependent variable.The results of the research show that the changes in river discharge fluctuation were influenced by precipitation and land cover factor. The dominant factor that influenced river discharge fluctuation were conifers and wide leaf type of vegetations. Key words: watershed, influencing, fluctuation Key words: watershed, influencing, fluctuatio

    Analisis Performansi dan Disain Kelembagaan Pengelolaan Hutan di Wilayah Pegunungan Bawakaraeng Lompobattang Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan

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    The objective of the research was to analyze the actual conditions, economic interactions, ecology and social problems in the area, and to formulate institutional system of forest management in Karaeng Lompo. Data collection were conducted through surveying, interviews, focus discussions and literature study. The data were then analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively following the types of data and the objectives of research.The results of the research showed that the forested area in Karaeng Lompo tended to increase the forest degradation level in the area which needs serious attention. The total forest area was 259.174 ha where the area with less vegetation was 124.884 ha (48%), and degraded land was 146.468,63 Ha (39,34%). Number of households found in the area was 6.677 households. Forest area of Karaeng Lompo has ecological, economical and social cultural aspects relationship so then it was recommended to change the management form of the forest into integrated forest units (KPH) model. This model was considered to have an equal level with local technical management unit at Forestry Departement in the provincial level. The area of KPH Karaeng Lompo was managed for environmental protection purposes, water source management, non timber forest products, and limited timber production. Key words: bawakaraeng lompobattang mountain, forest degradation, union of forest management Key words: bawakaraeng lompobattang mountain, forest degradation, union of forest managemen

    Tingkat Ketergantungan Masyarakat terhadap Kawasan Hutan di Desa Borisallo Kecamatan Parangloe Kabupaten Gowa Sulawesi Selatan

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    This study aims to identify forms of community activities inside the forest area, to calculate the incomes derived from each activity, and to calculate the contribution of the activities towards the total incomes of the community, and to identify the level of interdependency to the forest area. Data collection were conducted purposively with 25 respondents involved. The results of the study show that the forms and the average value of community activities in Lantaboko sub-Village inside the forest area in term of palm sugar making was Rp. 1,960,920,- (31.36 %). From other activities such as honey bee production was Rp. 80,200,- (1,28 %), and from rattan was Rp. 38,000,- (0.61 %). Paddy cultivation has contributed Rp. 964,280,- (15.42 %), while livestock was Rp. 1,574,240,- (25.17 %). Firewoods collection has resulted Rp. 254,960,- (4,08 %) and for construction wood was Rp. 564,000,- (9.02 %). From other forest products was Rp. 185,360,- (2.96 %). The community interdependency level towards the forest area can be categorized as high. This was because 89.9 % of the total incomes gained from the outside of the forest. Keywords : level of interdependency, palm sugar, community Keywords : level of interdependency, palm sugar, communit


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    This article aims to examine the legal protection for consumers in the sale and purchase of qurban animals provided by Kutaraja Aqiqah as a business actor to its customers (consumers) according to Islamic law. The research method used is qualitative research, namely solving problems by collecting, compiling, analysing, and interpreting the data that has been obtained. The phenomenon that occurs about consumer protection in Kutaraja Aqiqah demands descriptive analysis and answers. This can be fulfilled by describing the conditions and situations, as well as answers related to the problems in the phenomenon. The results of this study conclude that first, the mechanism of buying and selling transactions in kutaraja aqiqah follows the teachings of Islamic law, several types of livestock buying and selling transactions in kutaraja aqiqah such as cash, salam contracts, down payments, and qurban arisan. Second, the form of protection provided by kutaraja aqiqah according to Islamic law is in accordance with sharia which is also beneficial for business actors in attracting the attention and interest of purchasing power of customer

    The Role of Customary Leaders as Ḥakam in Resolving Divorce: A Case Study in Kuta Alam Subdistrict, Banda Aceh City

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    Divorce in households can occur due to several factors, such as economic factors, ongoing arguments, and domestic violence. Therefore, an alternative solution in such a situation is necessary by involving the role of the village customary leaders as a ḥakam (peacemaker). The effectiveness of the role of the village customary leaders as a ḥakam must fulfill five aspects: purpose, strategy, policy, planning, and implementation. In this study, the aim was to examine the role of the village customary leaders as a ḥakam in resolving divorce in Kuta Alam Subdistrict, Banda Aceh City and the effectiveness of the role of the village customary leader as a ḥakam in resolving divorce in Kuta Alam Subdistrict, Banda Aceh City. The study used a qualitative research method, using a normative sociological approach, and collected the data by means of interviews and document study. The results showed that village customary leaders such as ḥakam play the role of mediators in marital disputes, in which they investigated and found the roots of the problems with the hope that the disputed could be reconciled and reunited in their households. Further, the role of the village customary leaders as a ḥakam has been considered effective as seen from several peace processes carried out. However, some cases of conflict have not been resolved because some parties demand settlement in court. The study suggests that village customary leaders as ḥakam need to pay attention to the aspect of legal force in handling divorce and that the village institution should prepare administrative staff in the deliberation proces

    Regional Development Planning Strategy as a Poverty Reduction Solution in Polewali Mandar Regency

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    The purpose of this research is to describe regional development planning strategies as a solution to reduce poverty in Polewali Mandar Regency. This research was conducted in Polewali Mandar district from July 2022 – January 2023 by conducting a literature review and Focus Discussion Group with the local government through the Research, Development and Planning Agency of Polewali Mandar Regency, Public Works and Regional Spatial Planning Office, Food Crop Agriculture Service. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that poverty alleviation is a priority for the Polewali Mandar district government, bearing in mind that the number of poor people increases every year influenced by topographical and geographical factors in areas that are difficult to reach, so a poverty alleviation strategy is needed as stipulated in Polewali Mandar Regent Regulation No. 25/2009 2020 – 2024 Concerning the Regional Poverty Reduction Strategy for Polewali Mandar Regency. Keywords: planning strategy, regional development, povert

    Implementation of Islamic Bank Mudharabah Financing in Makassar

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    This study aims to determine the implementation of mudharabah contracts in Islamic banks. The type of research used is qualitative. This research was conducted with in-depth interviews. The informants who will be the source of data in this research are people who are directly involved in mudharabah financing practices. Informants were determined by purposive sampling and snowball techniques. Informants were determined by certain criteria: (1) Islamic banking leaders in Makassar (2) Islamic banking account officers in Makassar (3) Customers who are or have received mudharabah financing. The total number of informants is 5 people. The results showed that there is a high risk of moral hazard so that this financing is transferred to the Mudharabah contract, so the conclusion of this study is that the implementation of the mudharabah contract is not fully implemented

    Social Justice Club - Miracle Makers

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    As members of the Social Justice Service Club our mission is to support the Social Justice LLC and to advance the mission the cause literacy throughout the Greater Miami Valley Region. To that end, we are also charged with fulfilling a voluntary service learning committment for our organization. This year in order to fulfill our obligation, we worked with the Miracle Makers After School Program at at the Ruskin Elementary School. As a service club co-hort, we were able to complete 150 hours of community service in the fall semester by mentoring the students, helping them with their homework, and engaging them in group and one-on-one recreational games. Our presentation will focus on our work and how it reinforces our committment to the Marianist ideals of lead, learn, and serve.https://ecommons.udayton.edu/stander_posters/1260/thumbnail.jp

    Pengembangan Aplikasi LBS Untuk Layanan Informasi Jalan Rawan Kecelakaan di Kota Yogyakarta

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    Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta sangat terkenal akan wisata budayanya yang memiliki nilai-nilai historis dan aspek kehidupan masyarakat yang ramah. Banyak pelajar dari dalam maupun luar negeri yang melanjutkan studinya di kota ini sehinnga menimbulkan kepemilikan kendaraan pribadi yang cukup tinggi dan berdampak kemacetan yang begitu tinggi . Nampaknya hal ini menjadi masalah yang serius manakala pembangunan infrastruktur di Yogyakarta tidak sepadan dengan peningkatan kendaraan. akibatnya kepemilikan kendaraan pribadi yang semakin padat sehingga memicu peningkatan angka kecelakaan yang tinggi, Tingkat kecelakaan lalu lintas dua tahun sebelumnya yaitu pada tahun 2014 mencapai 3.199 kasus sedangkan pada tahun 2015 meningkat sebanyak 3.922 kasus. Hal ini mendorong penulis untuk melakukan penelitian dan membangun aplikasi Jalan Rawan Kecelakaan di kota Yogyakarta. Pada penelitian ini digunakan teknologi Location Base Service (LBS) guna mempermudah pencarian jalur rawan kecelakaan baik yang berada disekitar pengguna maupun seluruh jalan rawan kecelakaan yang ada di Yogyakarta, Penelitian ini diuji menggunakan analisis Black Box Testing dan Post Study untuk mengetahui sejauh mana tingkat usability sistem terhadap permasalahan yang ada di masyarakat dan pihak kepolisian. Hasil dari aplikasi yang di bangun berupa informasi posisi titik-titik jalan rawan kecelakaan yang ada di DIY, deskripsi jalan rawan dengan tingkat level kecelakaan. Serta informasi lokasilokasi kantor polisi dan rumah sakit terdekat dari posisi keberadaan penggun
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