170 research outputs found


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    This study aims to determine the efforts of Islamic Financial Institutions in empowering SMEs, strategies and important roles carried out by LKS in order to empower SMEs through the provision of capital to be managed in business. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis method, a method that only describes various forms of paradigms about empowerment strategies for SMEs, the most important data sources in this study are related to the search for library data, relevant books, and scientific papers. others relevant to the object of study. The results of this study indicate that there has been much power and effort carried out by the Islamic Finance Agency in order to empower SMEs, this can be proven by the existence of several programs, products, and financing aimed directly at SMEs. The strategy used is; provide complete information as well as promotion to SMEs, provide financing for their business development, provide financing in accordance with the type of business that SMEs are involved in with the concept of sharia principles. The implication of this research is to continue to provide services professionally and provide the best so that they are truly able to provide community welfare, more selective in providing financing so as to minimize the losses that will occur, increase technological resources so that SMEs can easily access information


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    AbstractHadith narrated by Abu Dawud in his Sunan book, namely the hadith regarding the probhition of taking something apart from the predetermined wage, namely (a) it describes the obligation for a person who employs another person to give him a reward. It also explains the existence of the right of a person entrusted with a job or responsibility to get a pre-determined pay, (b) and it explains the prohibition for a person hired not to betray by taking things more than his right in sneaky way because the property will be distributed to each of  which is entitled, and (c) this hadith is more directed to the leaders and the government that they only take the right (wages) and they just do not do corruption and collusion because they are betrayal to the people they lead, given that must be distributed for the common good. Kata Kunci: Larangan; UpahKerja

    The Infrastructure Standards of Early Childhood Education Units in South Sulawesi Province

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    Early childhood (0-6 years) is a very important period that affects all stages of human development. This period is often referred to as the golden age because in this period children’s intelligence develops more rapidly than in the next period. Children need good quality educational services during early childhood so that their potential can develop optimally. It is therefore important to support early childhood education facilities and infrastructure. Each educational unit must have infrastructure such as land, classrooms, leadership rooms, teachers’ rooms, administration rooms, library rooms, sports venues, places of worship, places to play, and places to support the learning process. There are still many people who do not understand what infrastructure is needed by early childhood education units to support the needs of children, or how to manage it. This can be seen in the results of this exploratory study, which analyzed the standards of the infrastructure in the district and municipal early childhood education units in South Sulawesi province. Keywords: infrastructure standards, early childhood education progra

    Rapid Prototyping In Orthopeadics: Principles And Applications.

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    Rapid prototyping (RP) is primarily concerned with automated fabrication of tangible model or prototype from computerised data or any computer aided design (CAD) system for visualisation, testing and verification

    Model Pendidikan Karakter Terhadap Anak Usia Dini Dalam Perspektif Alquran

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    Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk untuk mengetahui bagaimana pandangan Alquran terhadap pendidikan karakter anak usia dini dan model pendidikan karakter yang sesuai dengan anak usia dini. Penelitian tesis ini menggunakan metode tafsir tahlili yakni metode tafsir dengan memaparkan segala aspek yang terkandung di dalam ayat-ayat yang ditafsirkan melalui asbabun nuzul ayat tersebut. Hasil penelitian ini membahas mengenai akar kata dari “thifl” yang dipaparkan dalam Ensiklopedia Alquran. Kemudian membahas akar-akar dari ayat utama melalui Tafsir Al-Azhar karya Buya Hamka, Tafsir Al Misbah yang dimulai dengan penjelasan kata-kata sulit, dan Tafsir Ibnu Katsir yang dimulai dari penjelasan. Hasil dan pembahasan dari tesis ini tergambar dalam QS. An-Nur ayat 31. Pada ayat ini anak-anak belum memahami konsep tentang sesuatu yang boleh terlihat dan mana yang tidak boleh terlihat. Disinilah diperlukan pengajaran kepada mereka yang belum mengerti untuk memberitahukan pentingnnya pengetahuan tentang aurat. Pendidikan karakter yang tertanam pada ayat ini ialah menjaga pandangan dan aurat sejak usia dini. Kemudian QS. An Nur ayat 59 yang mengedepankan adab terhadap kedua orang tua dengan meminta izin terlebih dahulu sebelum memasuki rumah, pendidikan karakter yang tergambar pada ayat tersebut ialah sopan santun

    Knowledge management and challenging roles of academic librarians.

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    With globalization the credibility of the workforce is determined by how best they can accommodate themselves in the growing challenges of k-economy. Knowledge Management (KM) has been in operation for quite some time. Its close affinity to library and information management is undeniable. Library has not relinquished its role and interest as information and knowledge providers. It is fitting then to recognise that a well planned strategy, involving the library and the management of the institution could provide significant influence to achieve the KM objectives. Librarians and information professionals (IPs) should be dedicated to fulfilling the varied information needs of the users, amidst the K-economy by providing accurate and relevant bibliographic and physical access and offer referral to the multidimensional range of information within the library premise and outside. KM is a challenge to the information professionals and for the fields of librarianship and information science and needs to be taken seriously to leverage the intellectual assets and to facilitate knowledge utilization and creation. Key words: K-economy; Knowledge management (KM); Globalization; Library management; Information managemen

    Relationship Between Leadership Styles and Affective Commitment among employees in National Anti-Drugs Agency (NADA)

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    The objective of this study is to investigate the relationship between different leadership styles, specifically Islamic, authentic and transformational leadership and affective commitment in National Anti-Drugs Agency (NADA). [ABSTRACT BY AUTHORS

    Recreational Opportunities For Public Use in Ayer Hitam Forest: Setting the Stage and Park Management Approach

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    This paper discusses the concept of forest park for public recreational use and educational resource to be provided by Ayer Hitam Forest Reserve in Puchong, Selangor. This reserve has served as a teaching and research site but must be ready to allow people to set foot in. The recreation opportunity to be provided must be able to accommodate recreational needs that prioritised rewarding experience and educational-based recreation opportunity within the natural setting. Any recreational access and utilisation must involve low impact use and its development has to be based on the ecological limitation of the forest reserve. For a benefiting use of the area for recreation and its stewardship, the forest requires the practise of park recreation management and an integrated institutional arrangement. These include provision of recreational opportunities to the public albeit protection of the resources. In conclusion it is recommended that Ayer Hitam Forest Reserve be classified and gazetted as an open forest reserve

    Acoustic Emission Evaluation of Fatigue Life Prediction for a Carbon Steel Specimen using a Statistical-Based Approach.

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    This study was carried out to investigate the relationship between the strain and acoustic emission (AE) signals to ascertain the applicability of AE in predicting the fatigue life of metallic specimens. This paper is an extension research of previous work that has been published before. Previous paper presents the ability of AE to predict the fatigue life using statistical parameters such as root mean square (r.m.s) and kurtosis. The same approach also has been carried out in this recent paper but this time, the common parameters that can be directly extracted from the AE data acquisition system were used. To achieve the objective, the strain and AE signals were measured using a strain gauge and a AE piezoelectric transducer on SAE 1045 steel specimens. These measurements were conducted during the cyclic test at constant loadings of 570 MPa, 610 MPa, and 650 MPa. For data collection, AE parameters, i. e., count rate, hits, and duration, were extracted from specific software and were then correlated to fatigue lives calculated using the strain data. Fatigue life values were calculated using strain-life models. The correlation between the experimental and predicted values of fatigue life was then established by the so-called coefficient of correlation which is within 97.2 % and 98.5 % for the Coffin-Manson model and between 92.7 % and 94.3 % for the Smith-Watson-Topper model, respectively. As for the Morrow model, the coefficient of correlation was tabulated at approximately between 71.9 % and 73.6 %. Good correlation values expressed that the AE technique is applicable for predicting the fatigue life of metallic specimens

    Teachers' self-efficacy in teaching family life education

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    Although the notion of self-efficacy has been applied to many domains, little is known regarding teacher efficacy in teaching family life. Self-efficacy in this study refers to teachers' beliefs that their efforts can improve students' moral characters and behaviors in relation to family life. In Malaysian secondary schools, aspects of family life are taught through five different subjects. Therefore, there is a need for studying teachers' self-efficacy in teaching family life, which is the main purpose of this research. In this research, the Teachers' Sense of Efficacy Scale, developed by Tschannen-Moran and Woolfolk Hoy (2001), was used to measure teachers' self-efficacy. Data was collected from 419 secondary school teachers who teach family life. Findings indicated that respondents had moderate self-efficacy for the overall teaching efficacy as well as three sub dimensions of efficacy. The implication of the study is discussed in the last part of the paper. Suggestions offered are hopefully to be considered to enhance and foster teacher efficacy in teaching family life