219 research outputs found

    Isoskeletal Schiff base polynuclear coordination clusters: synthetic and theoretical aspects

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    This work addresses and enlightens synthetic aspects derived from our effort to systematically construct isoskeletal tetranuclear coordination clusters (CCs) of the general formula [TR2Ln2(LX)4(NO3)2(solv)2] possessing a specific defected dicubane topology, utilizing various substituted Schiff base organic ligands (H2LX) and NiII/CoII and Dy(OTf)3 salts. Our synthetic work is further supported by DFT studies

    Dinuclear Lanthanide (III) coordination polymers in a domino reaction

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    A systematic study was performed to further optimise the catalytic room-temperature synthesis of trans-4,5- diaminocyclopent-2-enones from 2-furaldehyde and primary or secondary amines under a non-inert atmosphere. For this purpose, a series of dinuclear lanthanide (III) coordination polymers were synthesised using a dianionic Schiff base and their catalytic activities were investigated


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    Conducting and communicating research is a responsible intellectual job. A researcher would go analysing immense literature and would search for valid evidence. Prior to narrating an authentic statement. Correspondingly while selecting a method for study it is vital to opt for an approach that is ethically suitable in a defined context. While applied on a set of a populace, generally denoted to as a sample and/or universe. Therefore, social research would be a more laborious task. Hence, the social context is ever-changing in terms of time and space. Diverse methods of social research are being invented yearly. To compete with consistently changing social phenomena and needs of evidence. Operational research, evaluation, and screen monitoring are the most prominent approaches of modern social research. Hence, these naïve approaches of social research would undergo learning and adaptation. Community development projects and retrospective studies thereof are also being synthesized, with existing methods of social research. An identical practice is an adaptation of the Randomized Controlled Trial hereinafter (RCT) approach to conduct impact evaluations of humanitarian and development projects. Hitherto, RCT was being widely used by health researchers as a clinical research approach. Hence, an adaptation of this clinical research approach for field studies, particularly for the evaluation of humanitarian projects. Those are being implemented to provide survival support to vulnerable communities. It would require this approach to undergo some ethical adaptations. This research paper is developed to commence a wider literary discourse on requisite ethical adaptations for RCT to use in the evaluation of humanitarian projects. This research paper brings the findings from desk and field. To discuss key questions; where and how we can use RCT, and what ethical adaptations are necessary not to be forgone? This discourse is established on the usefulness of RCT, ethics of social research, ethics of evaluation, and humanitarian principles. The overarching purpose of this research paper is to facilitate the adaptation of RCT in the field of impact evaluation. While considering the ethical principles of the development sector and evaluation. Article visualizations

    The need for and importance of problem based learning in teaching and learning in TVET

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    This paper discusses briefly the concept, overview, characteristics, the needs and effectiveness of problem-based learning (PBL) approach in teaching and learning in technical vocational education and training (TVET). Based on the literature review, the paper concludes that, problem-based learning is an essential tool for instructing learners in technical and vocational trades. Keywords: Problem-based learning, teaching and learning and technical vocational education and training

    Modulation of Innate Immune signaling by the small T antigen of Merkel cell polyomavirus – the causative agent of Merkel cell skin cancer

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    Merkel cell Polyomavirus (MCPyV) is implicated in the pathogenesis of Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC), a rare and highly aggressive neuroendocrine skin cancer, through expression of two oncoproteins, small T antigen (sT) and large T antigen (LT). MCPyV sT expression is essential for cell transformation, however, the mechanisms by which sT may contribute towards MCC are poorly understood. Studies from our group identified that sT is an antagonist of NF-B signalling (Griffiths et al., 2013). This thesis focuses on dissecting the molecular basis of inhibition. Co-immunoprecipitation and co-immunofluorescence studies demonstrate an interaction between sT and the critical adaptor protein NF-B essential modulator (IKKγ, NEMO) that is necessary for inhibiting NF-B activation. A comprehensive mapping exercise identified the regions in each protein necessary for mediating this interaction. Mechanistically, we reveal that NEMO does not interact with sT directly, rather it forms part of a larger protein complex. Using proteomic data, we establish interactions between sT and novel protein phosphatase proteins including PP4C. In comprehensive studies, we show that a complex of PP4C and the PP4 targeting sub-unit PP4R1 are necessary for bridging sT to NEMO in vitro. In cells, depletion of PP4R1 prevents formation of the sT-NEMO complex and point mutations in sT that prevent binding to these host proteins reduce the ability of sT to impair NF-B driven transcription. Finally, we demonstrate that interactions with PP4R1 and NEMO are not shared with sT proteins from other polyomaviruses tested, implicating potential unique functions for MCPyV sT amongst the Polyomaviridae. This study provides convincing evidence for the molecular mechanisms that MCPyV sT utilises to evade the innate immune system and may help to explain the chronic nature of this virus

    Poetry As a Political Weapon

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    ان الحركة السياسية في العصر الاموي اتسمت بكونها عربية اعرابية عصبية قبلية اخضعت المجتمع الى سياستها بقوة السيف وتجمع القبائل العربية الموالية لها حولها،وهذا الامر حال من دون تلبية متطلبات الفئات الاخرى لذا سعت هذه الفئات الى تبني فكرة التمرد والخروج من دائرة التبعية وان كان ذلك الامر متذبذبا وغير خاضع لقانون ثابت من لدنهم وعليه فان دراستهم تقتضي الالمام بجانين الجانب الاول تمثل بـ الحركة السياسية في العصر الاموي بوصفها المحرك الاول لتمرد هذه الفئة ثم الحديث عن تعريف التمرد اصطلاحاً اما الجانب الثاني :كان جانباً تطبيقياً تمثل في اخذ نماذج من شعر اللصوص وتحليلها تحليلا فنياً مستندة بذلك الى بنية هؤلاء الشعراء النفسية والاجتماعية ودافعهم الاكبر نحو تحويل شعرهم الى تحد واضح للسلطة الحاكمة. ومن ابرز نتائج البحث :يمثل التمرد رفض الواقع بكل معطياته السياسية والاجتماعية والاقتصادية ومحاولة الخروج عن هذا الإطار بعد الإحساس بالضغط والقهر اللذين يشعر بهما المتمرد من دون غيره فهو إنسان ينماز بردود فعل تختلف عن ردود فعل الآخرين،وقد جاءت بنية هذه الفئة المتمردة بصور متعددة فتارة يستخدمون التهديد والوعيد وتارة أسلوب التهكم والسخرية, وتارة تمتزج البنية الفكرية مع الجانب البطولي لتخرج لنا صورة مركبة من صورة التمرد.  The political movement in the Umayyad era was characterized by being a tribal Arab Arabism tribal society subjected to the policy of the sword and the group of Arab tribes loyal to them around, and this is without meeting the requirements of other groups, so these groups to adopt the idea of ​​rebellion and get out of the circle of dependency, And their study requires the knowledge of the first side of the side represented by the political movement in the Umayyad era as the first engine of the rebellion of this category and then talk about the definition ofThe second aspect was an applied aspect of taking models of thieves' hair and analyzing them in a technical analysis based on the structure of these psycho-social poets and their greater motivation to transform their poetry into a clear challenge to the ruling authority. The most prominent results of the research: the rebellion represents the rejection of reality with all its political, social and economic factors and an attempt to get out of this framework after the sense of pressure and oppression felt by the rebel is not a person is a man with reactions that differ from the reactions of others, and came the structure of this rebel group in multiple pictures sometimes Using the threat and intimidation and sometimes the method of cynicism and ridicule, and sometimes mixes the intellectual structure with the heroic side to produce a composite picture of the image of the insurgency

    Molecular and Epidemiological Study of Cryptosporidium spp. in Mid-Euphrates Area

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    Abstract:Objectives: the aim of present study was to search for Cryptosporidium spp. in our children and tracking different epidemiological effects.Methodology: Random fecal specimens were collected from 467 of children whom attended to hospitals from four Iraqi governorates, modified Ziehl-Neelson staining for all samples, two advanced PCR techniques (Nested PCR and Real Time PCR) were used for all positive samples to detect species. Data was analyzed by use of Yat’s Chi-square test

    Exploring the coordination capabilities of a family of flexible benzotriazole-based ligands using Cobalt (II) sources

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    In this study we focus on the coordination chemistry of a family of three flexible benzotriazole-based ligands (L1-L3) using Cobalt(II) salts. Our efforts have resulted to the formation of ten novel compounds, formulated as [Co2(L1)2Cl4]·2MeCN (1·2MeCN), Co2(L1)2Br4 (2), [Co(L2)Cl2]·MeCN (3·MeCN), Co(L2)Cl2 (4), [Co2(L2)2Br4]·2MeCN (5·2MeCN), [Co(L2)2(NO3)2]·2MeCN (6·2MeCN), [Co2(L3)2Cl4]·2MeCN (7·2MeCN), Co2(L3)2Cl4 (8), Co2(L3)2Br4 (9), and Co(L3)2(NO3)2 (10). The structures have been well characterised through X-Ray crystallography, FT-IR, ESI-MS, PXRD, Elemental Analysis and TGA studies. The compounds show a large structural variety depending on synthetic parameters (ratio, temperature and metal salt) and the ligand selection (various conformations in each ligand). When tuned appropriately, these factors drastically affect dimensionality, metal geometry and the nuclearity of the final product, resulting in a range of 0D dimers (1, 3, 5, 8, 9), 1D (2, 7, 10) and 2D (4, 6) coordination polymers (CPs). A temperature-induced single-crystal to single-crystal transformation of compound 3 to 4 is additionally reported. The magnetic properties of representative compounds (4, 7, 9) are subject to large changes with only minor structural variations, suggesting that tetrahedral Co(II) nodes in CPs or MOFs could function as sensitive reporters of small changes in the local environment

    Disruption of the prostaglandin metabolome and characterization of the pharmaceutical exposome in fish exposed to wastewater treatment works effluent as revealed by nanoflow-nanospray mass spectrometry-based metabolomics

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    Fish can be exposed to a complex mixture of chemical contaminants, including pharmaceuticals, present in discharges of wastewater treatment works (WwTWs) effluents. There is little information on the effects of effluent exposure on fish metabolism, especially the small molecule signaling compounds which are the biological target of many pharmaceuticals. We applied a newly developed sensitive nanoflow-nanospray mass spectrometry nontargeted profiling technique to identify changes in the exposome and metabolome of roach (Rutilus rutilus) exposed to a final WwTWs effluent for 15 days. Effluent exposure resulted in widespread reduction (between 50% and 90%) in prostaglandin (PG) profiles in fish tissues and plasma with disruptions also in tryptophan/serotonin, bile acid and lipid metabolism. Metabolite disruptions were not explained by altered expression of genes associated with the PG or tryptophan metabolism. Of the 31 pharmaceutical metabolites that were detected in the effluent exposome of fish, 6 were nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs but with plasma concentrations too low to disrupt PG biosynthesis. PGs, bile acids, and tryptophan metabolites are important mediators regulating a diverse array of physiological systems in fish and the identity of wastewater contaminants disrupting their metabolism warrants further investigation on their exposure effects on fish health